<br />t. Ptrymes[ti +af Pr~~t send Esrst~ r -, .. ti_xi€ L^^" rnv,.:.:. .- ._. _.. ... .. - t.r _~-sat -~ , .-.
<br />~~rdeist~nra ~. F._ed t•y t, ?:ui.. -:c><atmcr! ,,..^.ti -ate ._i+arpe. a~ c~:~.~ ,~ ;ra ~, ,.,t ,-:,i
<br />on any Fe-tur€ ~_ m;,>=xs s~:;arsd Eay th,s `fir~ga~
<br />2, Ftsait to T amd isrtexsrser. St,?;;•-tie ~., apptt~ab4 1e~.v c: tc a wr"'ar: wa.v^• :ty .ert~r. Eiorr:,we: shaft psi
<br />;- Lt:rsde:a oa tt~ day :..rx;tht. +triaetmeni cat onr.~`rpai ate' d .rttertsi are paat7ic uradrr the '~+ote. ant:? ,t~e 'mate t<_ pard m fuf?.
<br />a sum tberean "Fu.-tda"! equae ro atee-*wetfth of the veariy ±a>;es anc assesurte~etts whe_`ts may attain pnrxrin• aver th,s
<br />Mortgage, and gr~=and renttt ~xt [tee Propem. =f any. plus atx-twethh of yearly premttrm srutattrixnrs far hazard utxaararstx.
<br />plies or~tweehh ~~ yearly prartium rttstslletuntx far rteartgage ttrsunrrce, tfi arty. art ss reasorwbiy t~stiinated initratiy and from
<br />Arne is time try Lsmkr ou the hash of aasesxrrunta and bills and reason:tile c.utnatss rherwf
<br />The Funds slash be held in an rrtanrut;an the depoatts or accounts n/ which are irtaumi nr gttarantr~ to a Faxkrai or
<br />taste agencv t itwltding Leader tf Lender :s such an trtstrtuhrn t tender shall apply the Funds to pay sa:d taxes, aaaeurnteraa,
<br />inaraaattae prttniurrra and ground rents. Lender may na charge tnr sa nridmg aitd applysag the Patois :,naiyzsng acrd acuwnt.
<br />or verifying and mmglag .aid assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Patios an.3 appiiubk Saw
<br />pernritr I.ertder io make such a cttargc Borrower and Lender :nay agree to writing at the tune of executeon of thn
<br />Mortgage tltar interest on the Funds shah x pard to Bor~awcr. and tmkst stash agreement a rands or appliczbk fair
<br />requires such inttr~t to be paid, Lender shah rot be ret;titired to pay &xrower any interest or caro+ng' o.; tltc Ftards. Leader
<br />:.all give tp Bonower, withatt charge, an annual accounting of the Ftarrda ahowmg crtedita and debits to the Funds and the
<br />•xtrpoae for which eai;,h debit to the Funds was made. The Ftrrrds arc pbdged n additional security for the stems securr~
<br />by this Monpge.
<br />If the aaaount of the Firms held by Lander, together with t.`x future nwnthly installtnerM: o[ Fturda payable Ixitx to
<br />the dtte dates of tatip, asaeammu, imurana premiums and grand rents, stall exceed the amount rcgmred to pay said faze,
<br />asse®errta, insurance prmtitttna and grourtd rents a they fall due, such excess shall be, at Harrower's option, other
<br />prmptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. if the aroottnt of the Ftmds
<br />hdd by [.coder shall not be su>ficieat to pay taxes, attaessmm[s, etisuraarce pmniurtts and ground reran as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any amount rteceaary to nuke up the defkiency within 3D days from the dtau notice is mailed
<br />by Isader to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all shim secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall protttptly ~ cfrmd to Borrower arty Fonds
<br />hNd by Leasdtt. If u>t~ ptaragta~t i g hereof the Property is sold or the Property is ottt~:-.~.~ise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no late than ttamdfiaWy prior to the sale of the Property or its atgttisiuon by Leader, any Fonda h~i by
<br />Lender a[ the time of application to • credit ixgaittat the strata secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. AgtgirstMtrt of 1PgerraettrtR Unless apgliubk law provides orta.+..~, ail paymema roceived by Linder trader the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shalt be applied by (-ender first is pay[nent of amounts payable to Lender by iorrovrer
<br />under ptuagrap6 2 Mrcof, then to interest payable on the Irtxe, then to the pnttcipal of the Note, and tltea to intatnt and
<br />pnattipal oa any Fwrue rldvaeces.
<br />4. CYeBatG IJaag, Borrower shall pay all taxes: asseavrtenta and attar charges. ffrtes and impospian attribtaabk to
<br />the Property which ~Y attain a priority oust this Mortgage. and ieasahdd peymsras or ground rents, i# any, m the roamer
<br />prvrrided under pugnph 2 hereof or. if not paid ae sudt mantxr, by Bornwer making payramt, when dtse, directly to flit
<br />pryee thereof. Borroarcr tlraH prxrmytty furnish to Leader all atoticea of atnourtn due urrdra this paragraph. and is tins swat
<br />8ortotver ithall make paytaseat directty, Borrower shall promptly tarnish to Lend:.r raxipts cvidentdng soot p.ymeats.
<br />8orratrer shall promptly discharge any lien which tins prwnty ever this Mortgage: pravidt~, that B~rrovrar shalt trot be
<br />roquirod to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agrce in writing to the paytrxnt of the obligation securt~ by
<br />stsdt lira in a tnan~r acceptable to Letrder, or shall in good faitfi comest such lien hy. ar defend enforcement of such lino iq
<br />Itsgal ptocoedirtgs which operate to peevem fix enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />S. Hsord Inesraree, Bortowcr shall kexp the tmprovaaxnts now exesung ar nereatxr eruttd oa the Property itrsured
<br />agaimt loo by fire. hazards included within ih- term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may rsqutre
<br />aiad in such amaints and for such periods as lender may rt~wrc; provided, that Lcrxhr shat! not rtxlwre [hat ttx amoum of
<br />srtcit t:orersgs ~[rxod that amount of coverage regrured to pay ttx sutra secured by this Mangagt.
<br />T'he iwuraatce s~riet y~rovaiittg the irourarrce shah tae chosesa b7 Hcrrvver xabjer± to approval tzy Lemier, provsdad.
<br />tftu itch approval shall not be taureasonaMy withheld. AtI prcmtrams on tawnnx palicits shaft tx paid in the manner
<br />prortdsd rimier paragraph 2 hereof or, it not pard in aticl[ manner: b}' Borrower trtakrng payment, when drat- :firtctly to !ht
<br />insttraaae carrier.
<br />,41i inaxarart^c ix?iici~s ~rtd rerxwals ttrererf anal! hr ;^ fern. r_-~e~•,ht'. - r R~+-, _ r f,=t! : _ ,_-t _ _ _ '_^~rt8
<br />t3attse ip favor tN sad in farm aeasptabk to lxixder. Lender shah have the right tt+ hold the policies and rcrxwais thereof.
<br />sad les~trrxiwar shafs Euaxrnpil"y r"fairish is i.t-adtr ale rerKaai ouuLCS arui ail receipts of paad premiums in fix r'vent of rose.
<br />Btx~ostre shale girc prompt rwu ~ to the iasurarrce Krrter sad Lendtt. Lr may rrakz ar.,.,{ ai 'sass if not nta~ pramptir
<br />by 8orrawer.
<br />UMas Leader sad Borraaww txhtrwisc agrce in wridttg, insurance pructxds snail be applied to restoratie~ or repair of
<br />the Property damaged, provided such testontion or repair is xonomically feasible and the saurit}- of than Mortgage rs
<br />not tttnreby imparted. If such restoraton or tapair is rise economically feasible or tf the security of this Mortgage woald
<br />6e impaired, the insurancx proceeds shall be appiitd to the sums anoint by flits Mortgage. with the excess, if ant. paid
<br />to Borrower If [he Property is abandoned by Harmwu, or .' Harrower fads to rtapand to Lender within 30 day's from the
<br />date notice is mailed by Ltttder to Hormwtt that the ;nsurance earner offers re settle a claim for rnsurarxc benefits, Lender
<br />is atethorized to t:dkct 9trd apply the itrsuram~e proceeds at Letrskr s option either to restoration or repair nt the Propem
<br />or to the sttnrs sccrtrcd by this Mortptt<
<br />Udes [xnder and Borrower olherv.ise agree .n writing, any such apoliratian of prtxeedx to pruurpal shat) nut extend
<br />or poNpoae the due date of the moathN installments referred to in paragraphs i anti :hereof ur mange the amount of
<br />such installments. If undo paragraph Ig hersaf the Property is acywretf b~ Lender, ail right, trite and ;ntcrest of Hern?wcr
<br />is ate to any :usssranee policies atxi in acre? to fix prue:~vii tnertri resulting tram daiuage tc rite Pnsixertv poor is the sate
<br />or asowea5on shat! pass to Lcntirr ::~ the extent ~~f ilia sums scct.rect h; fh,s \ior[gage :nunedra~rly prior iv such salt of
<br />ti. lrattttwfsa mi MaYrMmrtee of P+'alastYt I,eaaalteNp CstdetWemat Mamted UW DeroisNanu. Borrower
<br />IthsB keep the itepetty is good repair and slit.:! trot caamit wane err permit itapairment or tinuioration of the Property
<br />a~ i~aiI :.~'.p:~ svitl[ flan pruvrar:;ris ::. a;jy irasc ;:....~ M[,:igage +s .>e. a.eas¢tiuui. tt the. Mortgage ea an a urea en a
<br />caattttmtmunl or a planned ucu development. Bairawet snail perform sli of P.orrower s oteiesattotes urtcier the de,_I.ar,.r,r_en
<br />x c~renants crtahng or governing the condominium err pianrted unit devekapattcnt, ttx by-laws a,ed regulation, of ttx
<br />eandontinitm of pl~eed trait developtent, and cortstituent dcx:tunents. If a condominium or planned amt ckvcloprrxnt
<br />ride' is e;<asvwd by Borrower and recorded together with this Mungage, the cove~ats and agreements of such rifler
<br />ttMH be iacoeporated inbtt and shall amend sttd twpplemer# [be t;pvenaats and agtixmeats of this Mortgage as rf the rider
<br />ureic a put hareot.
<br />7. Pnlrellsa of S,etttier'e of Borrower [tale to perform the covenaets and ttgrcemenis contairrtM in flits
<br />klwtgage, tx if say err proceeding es comimenced •srttich ctaterially affects Lender's interest in the P-npeny.
<br />~htding, but sat limited to, etafnent tianaer, inaalveacy, code etrforeeettant, or arrangements or pnacesdings ;nvol.;rg a
<br />ltaakrupt ter deixdent, then Lander at lender's optwn, upon taotisx to Harrower, may make such appeannccs. dtsnurse such
<br />atttns artd tales such action as u nurxssary to protect Lender's tntertrst, including. but not iimrtsd to, disbursement of
<br />reaaoaable attortmy's Etas sad entry upon Life Property to mats repairs. If tinder required mortgage insurance as a
<br />condilim of making tbs loan secured by this Mortgage, Bortower strait pay the premiurna regwreri trs maintain :u.h
<br />iasuratste is effect until such time as ttx ttquiremeot for such anatuance iermrnates in accordance t~ 3~,rruwer's an,:
<br />