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i20 j tf say fmt of the loan for which tbct amteuewert b ~eea ah-n fir osed to frnaoce fire purchase. cooasactios a <br />t'ep~ of property to be wed at an o~arrw~cuapied dwe}~aab (iseesia ~ "the dtre~iK"} and if borrower intands ao set « <br />rear: toe dx~tliiwj ~d Loa obtained the Gorerrtweo:'s co~ueat to do ae ta7 ne+ti,cr 6oeeower oar uyahte swltwieed to act <br />for borroww wt~j after receipt of s hoes fide offer, retspc to nebotjste for the wk or rcntz: of floe dweiiiets ae ir~1 et~- <br />wtx make uaaaeailsble w dray for draelling to anyone bacawe of race, teior, reii~on. sea or national oridst. aed 46} borrsrwcr <br />as lik~rl sad hereby dixlainm, aqd ..iU not a:oeaply .rttb or attetapt to enforee any reurictiee coeeasnts oft the <br />~~ rcLstiag co race, color. reli~na, .er or tntioaal oriels. <br />{2i j This ~astronteat :hail fie wbjctt to the present re6ulationa of the Fanners Flome :.duainiatration. aed to its Estate <br />fe~nktlpet DOt lnGOrlflRMt .dth Litt El[preas prevaitma iaertOf. <br />IZa) ex shall be teat by certified rank. tttricss oehnwiae regarvtd by hnr, ace, aaY~reacei, r»ieasaatd <br />wadi «rear other a a desig~tated is a notice ao ten, ie the case of the Goermpeue eo Farwien fioete ~'as <br />Liwc+a6t. Ncltosica 6858b, snd in the cox of Morrvtser at Litt address shown is the Faiweri i~otae Adatiniet*atiow Fiwisee <br />Office reooeds (eehich aoraaa~y wifl be the acme as the port office admen shows above}. <br />STl-7'E ~ DiEBRaLSKA ) <br />~~ ~ ) s: <ACKNOIPLEDGidENT <br />L <br />