- ,- ~•~';~, -,q~f TM1 I -, r,;.r:. `i ~~a~~a I~~P*", r,;; h ~. $;p ' r, i. ~ 7 W ,a 71.I' r,>, .~ .'-e '_ n "~.u i ... ,i~ ..
<br />of Halt {'*suets tiahrsr,ta -~..~t: .-1.~...~ 1~f y ...~. R .. r„-. .xra.. S ~~~,. ~,u .., :a,~
<br />pa~i. d2,a herery ¢ran: -,ar~s,n. rK-ii ar,.; ear. red .,, i it e-;i ~. i3~ ri.1 i, t'. '[= k-.. ~ - +.F VA ~-~ .. • {b-rig !. x --~.+yuat~.,,aa
<br />d Sire titste o/ tier ~,~rwrv. !:aE-.ryr .ts prtonpa? R'Si*•<~ en ~.A (:~*r of '.ti,:wari. ~.iaw J ~ k~,44 r~a~ - - \'~eii-ff, Riskt€'., :.s .~s~ers~-»
<br />and assns tonvx, t:~e foEiar;ag desarebed real estaw x,t;:a;nd .e ~,
<br />Hal ! (w~nnt5' Ne6raaica. 40-wtt'
<br />The West Haif of the Sautneast Quar*_er !'+-i/2 5E-l/4), Sectior, l7, Township ZO
<br />North, Range 10, and the Northeast Quarter tf r_he Northeast Quarter (Yc-1/4 NE-l/4}
<br />of Section 20, Township 10 North, Range 10, ail West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE-1/4 NW-1/4) of Section 15, Town-
<br />ship 10 Norte, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Hait County, Nebraska.
<br />The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S-1/2 NW-1/4) of Section 15 in Township 10
<br />North, R ,!!last of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />~'- ~s
<br />Includi Sian and water rights, irrigation wells, pumps. equipitetN and
<br />access ""~
<br />TogdrthQr with and subject to easements of record and existing roads and highwa~rs.
<br />Consisting in all of 240 acres, more or less.
<br />!q
<br />R it's ,aagethar with s71 the appurtenaneee thereunto 6etoogiag or in any wise perta,ains thereto. Mortgagor reliaQUiahea a8 righfa d 6oms
<br />mead asd aU other contingent ct.tereet in uid premises. The oooveyaaee of the premcsm above der-nbed together with sl! the rend,
<br />t proi4te tlaxeot ie Made w ee+wre the repaya,eat d a 4aaa tnadr by the ~i~wtgagee m ~ 34orlgager, to ettdoaead by a proa,u-.
<br />eery d e~ date Ausr,?t~ in the priaeipd sum d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - -..__ _ - -
<br />- D-le l~Indred Ninety Thousand and No/' :4 - _ ~qa„
<br />~~QQQ, QQ ). a:cooled by tIa Mortsagor wd psyaWe W tba order of the Mortgagee. witb interst at 6he rNp
<br />iSavda eat forYL, the prionkpat atui iaterast payable to aeerrdan^o ~:th tbE term. ~ xr,.i prerzc„K,tp wale e„d fi..lly tttatanag e•
<br />M~r>rR 1 Sg ~ 42S a±trt» due shall ~wr ;ntPrest slr~ t6s -Sss c?a*_~ at *~e rasF -~ S.~ r'~'---- ~ , ar: sit. s
<br />reaaoaahie attorney's fee Y mwy bs determined by the (court.
<br />Mortgagor booby axprerly aovtmaaa and agrees with Mortgagee. ae fonowe•
<br />I. 2fai~tgagar it festally seized of as ioddeeeibie skate in fee simple free from encumbranrea and ha good right and posy to
<br />aaeesy an ahtwiute tir3e, in tce aiapk, enduding all the righa d homestead, and will warrant and de{er,d the tltk to thr acme agaitxt
<br />all hds! ^laf~.
<br />4. Te pay all arm Hereby aeeured when due.
<br />3. To pay what due all taxes and aseeaerrxnta of every :ype or nature levied ur asaeaxvl against said property. w upon the Nort-
<br />gagee'e interest tbareia; rod abo to pay ary claim, Lien or encumbrance aQainat said properly which may tar or become prior and senior
<br />to the Sloe d thh mortgage.
<br />4. To keep all bnildi3ga on the mortgaged property insured agaimt lose and damage by fire, windstorm and other hazards. with such
<br />adnat ita,reaase eetapaap or corspeaiety and in Hoch amounu, as are satisfactory with the Mortgagee, and with the pry-'ePda of Sons
<br />payahht to the Mattgagse v is intstvst may appear- The {wlicie, of insurance, amt :berretta and other evidence of title, shat! 6e ddivend
<br />to and held by the hloetpRee without liatsiNty, and open foreclosure of Shia mortgage, or atyvisitior, of the reef cetera or any part thereof,
<br />in say other a>anner, ~a}I becoaa> t}x sheo!ute property of CA4 Mortgagce. The loos proeeeda ;ies+ expenses of ~ollrctioa ~ shall, ai
<br />ti,wipgaa's eptiaax 6a 6a said iadsbte,6aaaa, whatiw des er not. or to the tssiera4ioa of the imyn,veman4, or sU s W putt
<br />tirsntef ~ 4a raisesad 6g tdeetppa. Ia enact d teaadenae ![ettpgee suther`as and emposan lt~tgee to gifted iaaatans ttpn
<br />tla prwlgrs ~ 1~S timt+aeta ttEaa~aYid tot s paled eatatiog t4a tea d redeotption tram Etredawtre Dale„ and it nseaawn, thesaw to
<br />caaeai say ott-aH edattng inaarsaes pdieise.
<br />' i. IEORgagat (i} slli ant razsoLAe ar demoikA nor slier tb: daNgn of t4ruc~nl Maratter d any bolding aow or bereatter ercetad
<br />ttpott thr pteraieN ttalaA Yaetfttigee abet! lost txsmeat tbtte:to 6a rrititeg: (ti) s-II aaiotain the ptembw 'n goad eonditioe end repair;
<br />1~)+~ sot eomadt erwtdar nMe thaerti 9r} rib aat ant ar ramose mr eafter the wttisg er retaova- d say tteaa nr timber m tYe
<br />VJi+~ twetpt ttx d.wtt.t~r tileOt.t.) wlt-.at ltaryagae'e arAtten aoaatat: (•) will rlth alt Lwa, otd3naeces, ragdatleaa,
<br />`-:.,,~ ~eadltlaas and reKriet3ar atteetlag at,. preettisw, std rtlt not eathr or perdt any viah,tian tl,ere.rf-
<br />4 - %
<br />a L fir ietrat tdloetpp, :ails to pay vy claim. lia a eaeusobrama ar the lama or esasaamena above mestioasd, nr py the
<br />! ~ ~ ~aeuitteta d laaataaee, er laesp etrd prea»aa is tapair, or ahaa easnmit rK permit the eemmi~oa d aq saaq, or shall de/aalt m the
<br />~tottaaaea d aey d tt-e Seta, eo*resanL sad yeaaraeaa d the promiawry ate seeared by this mortgage, or of ah:a mort+are, or
<br />ft the Martpgor aha8 sbttadoa acid ptwpety, at d the bEnetRages ahaii be made a party is saty suit oa aea„ant at tb,e sxatet,os o/
<br />' life a or iseohdrrg the qtM b tttid seal eatats, the )rfeHpps stay t~7 said tdamsa, lieoa. amumbeaoos, taxes. arasamena, ar
<br />paes>r, si{h t+r~tL d ~ rt~slseaettder, ce atsche t+pairt4 er Dm'~+e # tae tith., a~ ffimr prveure a^eh ai>straea of lifts or
<br />oitea osit}eaas d tit4r r iL deems seeewury, or pay court eaate, atad all euasa so paid, with interest at c'.,,...,3nm•,xn raxc aliowal±ia
<br />by less, sba}t trseome s pest d the itplebtadaer harals; sacmrsd, sad s~o the whole d the ~ndeisladneaa s.rur.,u herehv shell i,er.,me
<br />and be immediately due a„d payable ai the ogtioa d the Merdgagoe w'theut aoWOe or demand, rk.ch stN nerety exarea:i~ wuvrtcl,
<br />sad tSn mortgage may bs tmeatoaed.
<br />