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79-.~~;+U~S~ <br />~, . _,-_.,~v~,~._. _ <br />aft,f?TC;:nt,r I. t~A?~ ~,r, _L..__._. 23 , 3d 1 _ <br />>c.~vowau.MENSV t~tesEtrxesFN~rs rtra: Allen L. ingerle and Edna M. ingerle. each in his sues <br />her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />----Mortgagor, whether one or mare, in wrisidaration of the sum of <br />Twenty_-Ones Thousand Twa Hundred and No/100----- ----------------------------- ~~~ <br />iwiud to aid mortgagor by Ttx F:quitabk Building and Luau Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2 ~ 2 shares of erode of <br />raid ASSOCIATION, Certificau No. L 23,341 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwing <br />described real estate, situated in Hal: County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FIVE (5), IN BLOCK SEVENTY (iO), <br />TOWN Or" 6RAN0 ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the unetnmet, 6ereditamtnts and appurtenances thereunto bebngirg, including attatited floor aoreriap, all vrmdow , <br />vrineow shades. blinds, storm windows. awningi, hating, air conditioning. and plumbitrg sere water erlttipnrnt sad atxxsaorks thsato,pttrops,atlves, <br />idrigerators, aced other fatttres and equiproeat now or herafta attadied to or used in connection with aid real esutc. <br />Arta wherw the aid mortpga hn speed ertd dos hereby agree that the mort~tgor shsp and wip pay atl taxes and nspwstean Mvisd er <br />asawed upon said pesaifea and tsprut thb mostgrtge sad the bad aerored thereby before the name shay become delksgeaet; to feraYe apposed <br />;ttwsrana utsppomn Use bWldiap oa aid premises sitttsted b the sum of 12 i , 200.00 t~ to raid ASSOCIAT,Gii tree to ddivu to aid <br />AZ90CIAT10N the pdicia fa said innuaoa; and ortt to commit a psnmt uty vraste at a about said pra+tYes; <br />In i9a! of detach N the performance Of say Of the terms and t70editien3 of this mortgage or the bond acurad hereby, Ute raartg~lt tthap, <br />on dettrttd, be mtitkd to immeenu poneaioo of the mortgaged promises end the ntortgsgor hereby assipu, vamfrs and sea ova q tie <br />erortppe all the recta, rsvatua and income to be derived from the mortgaged premise: durirtg such thug a Ur rortgage iodebtedriees slap tetttttti <br />unpaid; and the morggape shay have the power to appoint say agent a agenu it may dnirc for the purpose of npairitrg said pranirs aed sttetig <br />Ute same and rnpeetirtg the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said inmrrte all expenses of repsiriq asid pssatiaea sad nsasrry <br />wmssdssions and expenses incurred is rentiry and Qom{ thr tie and of copectiag rentals thercirom; the bsdanae reaaht6tS, d ar to bs <br />apyikd toward the discharge of sad rtnrtgage indebtedness; these rights of the moripip+e mry be exeri~sed at any time dutisK tb esirtatp o(atreb <br />uH, irrespective of say umpaary waiver of the assoc. <br />Ther thseaeu, however, are ups the Cadkion, Ttut if the seed M~pfOor stall repay aid ken wi a Mfon the maturity of aid tthesu by <br />pgrsueat: pay nsontitly to said ASSt)CIATTt>fr of tits sutra died m the f3und secured Mreby as interes[ sad priaapat oe said bas. ae a bafnw <br />tee TseatiaUt dry d wcfs aed e.arY momh, iMte rate loci Y fly peed: py ap taxes and asaesuasnu kvMd agairtu said prera+aea sad w tEds ltostpsRe <br />~ tfss lwtd sattuad thereby, lse'.Me iat~; fura:aL approved ituttsana the huthtiitgs theieaii b the -.stn of S ~ ~ ,~~. 00 <br />to tam A$SLCIATI~'f: rel+aY to saaf A~SUC1ATlON t~Zea danand sfl tttoney by tt paid fm sect: taxes, astessmentx srsd snaurmee trite <br />iha ~ixiariim ~ late ihe:r w: fii;m drAt of payiaest ail of which l~yrtaapir hdisby agrees to pay, pcrmmt m wane an sad prexmn; keep sad <br />1r~ ~ she apesmesu and rK e:Re peed lot $ L ~ a 2~ • ~ slue drty paza by zszs raid li~.r za said ASSOCiATit7b:. sad enatp#y <br />wisi ap the t4aueata of the Coaruytioe a±d pyd~w, of sale ASSOCIAnON, then these prwaiu Uull Mco®s nutl and wxl, tufarwv~ Ut€t <br />shay rseaia w fop forts Fwd may be fuar3ord at the aptwe d the aid ASSOCIATION afar fathiro for three moatln to make say of aid <br />psiyraeaat or be :brae months is arrears is ttsatieg aid monthly payraata, a to keep and oompy with tM agrsameou ani:.priditbro of sere iced; <br />aseadd Nastgyos sgrsea to hate a roaiver appointed tarttiwith in rater faecbeus prooaediep. <br />if tlssre b arty @iage a owoenhip of the roes! mate rrwsrtpged herout, by sak ar otherwise, then tM entire rereainiq ktdebtadaea hereby <br />sensed tiiap, at the option of Tito Equitable sad Lrrn Assotmtitsi ad Grattd faiand, Nebula, beiroms mrmediateiy due sad pyabis srltltoist <br />further ttntioe, aed rite atttouat resnioing due under said bald. and say other hood for any additional adwncsa etrde thersurtda, shag, hum the <br />date of exercise of asid option. bear in'.erpt K the taaxrmum kpl rau, sad this mortgage auy then be forodosed to atiafy the aetouat dtr oe aid <br />bond, sad asry usher bond fo; additbml sdv.acea, teeetiter wttk ap etas pate by aid The Equtubk lu0dia~{ aed Loan Aseoidatiaa of GsaeA tslsttd, <br />Webeasks far ituuraaoe, taxes and assaanenu, sad rattYq exteesion dlafgea, with brunet thereon, from daa of payment u tee erxtttarer <br />~ nu. <br />As povtdae in the 6ortd secwsd hereby. while the mortgage r-rrmins m effect the titatgapx may hereafter advances adduiisrtai auras !o the <br />maker of add a,nd, thetr arigas or sucoerors m Interco, whsch sums sltatl be within the security a( this irwrtgge the airy a the funds oripsrpp <br />secured thereby, the soul amount of pr:ncipsl tkM not ra exceed st any time the nrigirui amount of thu mortgage. <br />n.ted this 2n day ar February A. ~.. 1e~9 <br />r <br />- - rages-e <br />ssf-t'erne~usr.~,~ : o. thr 2n0 say of February l9 79 . ataa.a. <br />Allan 1. In9srla a- ~ Edna M. Iagar7e, rlr ~p++• • y publle w aed t« ate eo.aey. prsoeatly assts <br />aa~t is Nis and her am right sad as spt~se of each other. wen are penoeaaykaosreto <br />ttte to be t-r idaxttbd peewus S vvltpa time S a r'e afpaad w tee tteosa busrtmtast n aarysgotS aced ~y vwsdp~ <br />adteatriadged the seed iastrttaiatt to k their vduelWy set sea deed. <br />WITNf3~ ay race see Notarial seal the tfau afmsaaid. <br />rdy Coaroisioe ejtpim ! • _ <br />at-na n f' 6 "'-'^ et tMtnata ta`y ~ <br />~' - ~_, t! 19'?2 <br />--~t <br />