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,~,,., <br />i`n'1'-: '1- e J~ :7f't t q t+t li.a°P X411 ,' • €i;. +, ~a ri'ca ti „oi""-i 1i: eilltk <br />.L,.~^a€ #si~.~ -. ~,<:••,- ~.;,~ y~R'{ tlrr suXet~rtikr^3s 61• tarry t':. i~t~-. tit-~i ,.. ..-.. - - . - <br />Y~~€ t '.1.-car.*.r is ttwr r~rxr d ltd rr-~,f--rrr•- ;r, i.~~ urn ait~ =,r~ -tiF h~ Ra~# ?rx+rt a=.,€; *r, '~--.`~ ar;~t :. ~.. <br />.-. _ ; »~ a~-aa .;:.:. ; ._. ~: ~~sar.- z gyre r?--^tirsr ri ~.. , i~,-n cr •=:~_ yrie~sra?ti~r: :errs ~t'ry~ ~ttart;•axe;r steel cKa3tYEnt~stea ;'~t~rr,~ -tom , ... <br />irtir tY? 4uK{ prk*» .-^~~ x~;y: rot f'ftP!-=.'~4 err ai: {~T,~srrr.•••n..+retr,rver <br />~~''., ~ iT.•itMJitiRYr'L~:_'y~ty11 ri3r arxd b^ap;~le aS7_geisarat taieit rpt.rint te8ld, ~ ?~rra>=e,is`. Qatar .udcge~ iraki+r ~~rv~-- , <br />ice dtargei. atul atber.-taaim artd etta~5es against.~ rs'a~i,.dk property and al! taxes Ire-:ed ~z flit dttu. s~peurert iu=rebY atiG ~ #urrktsA the - _ <br />1Mlr,rt~atrre, :tpari--. atL.eeaf. ~ H'itlk. lfilr Ilitgi i]Al ~tii {tit~tTb'7~1r-r4'r%,itrLS ~fitrLt!~W-. Tbv :4fETrf$ag'tlY ag3llfS tf:Fi> 13Xere eb~f' ~~ ,aiLft~f tb . <br />s~#. rrvtntefY 1ris~•its•'rkt r: tuer,~ h-rer~nd,r=r e,r rsfsd+tr tiw ei=irtrr~e:v ;~f eirts~ serctfe€i fv.vhY an anu~rr:.wr~n•at+~d by ttn 3i~•t+~ <br />tr. be att~cteat tt`x, ~ ~ to pay, as they lsr~kakr duet atf tsrres, aseseeanteats. ars=T samiiar ctuea$ea t#pan itr~~_itYfiMa- <br />s.~ sabjeet tt:etrtek; :~t~nr:v ~-^~::~ ,.f tt:r in3u ~eie=:ry at rau•t; adtl:f3rxtaf piytrsents shalt F~ fcrtltsvith deyr~-ted br . <br />bt>srtgagr: .vitls ttsr 144 •.r: t~:.p, P vt.=>n :rsnarti br thr Alerts»ggv Any :t-is;:12 =irrrfrr eh:s para~ret•h haft :rr : ~rtorri a ctef#nilt its <br />-prf-, :~:nnl of iarcei. aa.easmenks, nr sursifar ehrrgea required hereunder. - <br />'Tfev ldrr€ga&.=. P}r-at tf'+:kt theta s#-.a1f 3ltK tre :ttlded to a~.ic-h nvtrrttthlY 3~Yr7f+2rtt of (.rsrx^,iRt4l a.+it ilatgf +.t, i{rlvir9d ,~Frr{p-, <br />under ar. arnmmt estirx:stse, by tfre tfortga;ez to be ~;;fitcienf tc enabte the .`t4or€sst6ee tai pay, ai it Ixeoertea dye, tAe rrttiiptriliar.. <br />- pratntinm ork any trwrrra~ {xrl3gy delivered to the 4d©rtagee. Any '~llr'ic-ne.. t3eeecau€e c+I the inwtAit:tency ct _sui~ adq~ititW~{ jfi4p- <br />rnrnte shall F,r fotthivifh drprkaitvd by Lhe :4#ortgsrar tvit#+ the &fartg8gec upon demanA by tlt~ Mart><agee Anv'elif$uttuadet ibis. <br />- gatcaltragh efts!! he dremcai a default in the payrrent of irkeuranre premituns. lithe puticy ur psiltkieri-deprssittiif--aarali~'tltt btt`~_ <br />owttets or alt risk. polir~es, =nd the deposits are ttncutlittignt Co ±tay the -ntiee pretntum., the P.iart~aaree may apsgty the deyatttto. <br />pap pnemrums on rake [equirval to be insured by thta mortgage. <br />f Pacrrsenfs trtade by the Mortgagor under the shoes - <br />paragraph taaY. at the op7t`4n atf the l4yerr`irl~e, tre irekd i*: it tad <br />aamtniaaled tvfih ntlter itreh hinds or its own funds kkt-tftP fi~7iter~ of atteh itatits..+rrwi ttie,t#f so ~ WddFtiw~i atfti hsrslrs <br />pfer~cad tii aenerity for the unpahl balanee of the trinrtRage itatehtsdness. <br />Ta pt'ttcure, deliver tH, and maintain for the benetlt rrf the Mortgatee during the life of this t€m6t~e -- <br />trletrrwtfs thereat. delivered ai Iesst fen days before the expiation of any ittch poiiciei, irtsurirrs adattut t~ afN! et~'i.- .: <br />"t irirsruda: . sad oakeias w Ste Mai'>fsarlae stay requere, is as mat egrH![ to tAs ~ 1~r.$tili <br />lvfart~e, and in otrerpaniri amrykfabie trs tht A6ortpgee, witA tear peyaWe r2auer in favor of and in ftsrta sae to-.`tiM ~' - - <br />- - - ga.e in tie es=rtt arty {.srti.-Y ;i aot ratkevred ets oc ltefare ir*n ~'i d its e>~i<-stion. t~e'kfsul i6iy patrcisra a~~'iatar eh~f8t ' " <br />-F,_. - ~, putp tt~ premitrrn theretvr, and sash autr_ itwtlt ttecemresmrrtediately due Arid haY#h1e ulf.4t iretc#est. ~E 4Ae -iate;set <br />>lartlt in atad taste anti! said sad shalt !te !secured by YAii tnartgapre. Failure on the purr! of Nte itltrtt)pjar io [umLhatleA t+slrelltah <br />-. ass are ltereiar raquirett ar faihire to pay any earns advanced harvunder shall. ai the sptuert d -the MortgaIIee, currsBattttc ~ ~- .. - <br />f <br />_ under !Le terms of this mort;are. Thz defiverv cd ~•<urh ~siis-ir~ .+hatl, sn the aunt of ria~fiott, r~,nititate an aisry{nlltettt~ot tai $r±• - <br />eorlrad pistrsiunr- <br />-_ Aiall aa~ tac:eived ip life Martgagsx by reasor, at loan or damage itisutwd itginst may be rlt8[wsd $~ ?~':~ " <br />~ apgfkruf t'Yw'a=.# tt~ payrncn4 ~ the debt hrtrtlfp securer. cr. st •he ,;c•i.,•• -s •!r SNer'trv~,~-r. aeel+ earns ref tiilte~* +'rt ins -- . <br />- Bart may br p.:id over t.= ttev Martgag:>: t:x f,e used ~s refakir such Iwifdint;_ _•. -aifd~new huihtin~ =n ttwtr gSarr• or fat atky <br />- other purgcar! or ohjert aatiafaa'trarv W the Mortgagor withaut affeetini the !:en tf:<• ;+.,nrtxrsttr far thr ftefi am+.unt ~urtd here <br />hp beforr resr^h paYtarnt rvrr toak pieta <br />To ;;r.xapFt> rr t;»r:. .*°..t.,rr ur erfwiid any txrsfdangr ~>r ,mpr~:~e~u,va L• n ur he reaftrr rxs the prerni:sra which ^;ay hr- <br />rnuia dairsai:rxt sz ~trty~sti'? r'. tiara said premier in gvexl raadaLion and rrpatr anct frrc from one mn~chenrc`s ttrn ar at her flea ut <br />e~.rm rd lea nr~ er{rre~iv r~rt+cz-a c3~ated to !fee lien trrrrof root to nrfier ,x vermtt are. «rnfavttut use- .rt or an3' nnrsaasc'e t© extbt ea <br />_ eery 't; tz~ ?~ 6w-r~s; ~~4+e ~ rg ir! ryrereis?s, rwr te, :3ss say ,atAer act +aAes~y t_he g;e-~•rrY he+~etsy ms'<eye9 r hee~t <br />IeaG •--° _ ° ;~ t-" us, .:;,.;a:s :.~. velar f:y ar ~ s _.. _. _sr:. ,~_tt: ._. ~, _,_ _ , _:; z__rrrxs:.__ .. _ ns~3: re~sr~[ <br />ffi 3~iak -_-_~ F ~..: tt•,e ~ tlreravf. <br />- - - __ _ _ _-~s--..~ = <br />= 7xa€ ~tv--i rim ~~. ,. `- dart it,e;ccs3 ~t~irn ., _ _ t~rF - -- -~-z. _ _ _ -__° <br />- r a.a. ~ -. _ ...o- <br />• _ - s-_ _ ~,..._~~ -~~~ .3 ~i~-shi i:,~nir. ,.t i3, nu....tine em,~z3..€ t3s~ 3! -, ___~ =`a~s; ~ ~asrs~r ~__ ~ <br />f+itir,3i. ~ aa)' ratatr piY'mcnt or i'r'iiet tfren"sfor, .tafi-stfttil ~ ett#3~ixY4 it its t~.tsatix. ~. rte. ter .n a Y ~fi--- <br />aieri niP~r aa; ~r r°r~'i~g. ~r t~ ~aa~ ate e&~ttrs;~is€ €r ae,t.?iti°asrz-=nt =_~ ,_~,~~Ta ¢~s R sassLF ~e .iscs ~. <br />__ - -'~ •~m~#"- cep 33ti-a'~ '~ ~g t~.~i =-~ ~- - _ -- - -v-_ - +~~: ~-:~ <br />t ~i- i~t atgtws~sns, rtelesse ~y aroaeYS ao cece'ired bs ii ar rttaly the srsrr• „u ear ia3et!ta~srr~ d fanrwb~ 7'1re Itletr#~ <br />t9rRir agriraa-_ta tllArPite aa~r firrttsstr anrrl~nArrrt) zed as}. w'utu#>t:ns:attan, arai?ts, ~ +~ ~ ~ a,#waa ik. ~a et,dils~ <br />A~ ~ nstpuse <br />'f~ai ka ,-af failure to taerlxxrtn any :;= tfrr .::.a=rns:,•.~ hr-rrrs. ih.~ Y~1ot#gaget rrea do ..r. ihr ?44~rrittcsr".fi txhatC r=°erytir <br />ao CYrk(a1Ult;'4t; thai ttkc A4 rrtyagex tray ai,r. ~ env set tt may drrm reaxweasrv t+, t,n,€>•ct for hrn ittrrnskf, tfukt the 44irxtstYtor .riffs <br />r>r ? A~~ anY ratrtiryi paid ar diitnrrwrd br the Mar#ga>irr f.=r env ~ t;,p afarnr ruartxxrer, and astir the:atrYa tassttier kvi#ft <br />tfrlrereit at dre r#tr ~ its said note shelf hecsassF w rrserr3r additirux~f indetrtzdtstes het'eby bec~rert sad t~F tts ha- <br />~ its sag efer f~rai ` '~-~tgagv s~3 t+e f?a~ =a3t .:t t}rrr r.~aL• ;:r pr c~-<-tir ~ Hate ai staid ~arnMaa tf +ud rr <br />-. prize= tires ii r-„s.;: a~i ix• „iafrgart=.r+ ~tfi.=4+ xf+r ?Su~~ag:.~' €c, :ate The intr.#it .., ties. ~:t.°ambna:..rz.:;r ciaira ut srt- <br />:•artCiria taarw~,-:= as att.iv. asr#Farsrras+ct. feet ~rttrsng hares cass€arrard ~ihait b„ ;:mtxtrueA ai rryuiraag the Mart&rt tri adVrtapr say <br />~r ~: piF.-'~ tS~cfurtMi~ x146 tq ¢~e irR~' ar't, hrretstt~~r, end chat f4t.^rlgeyErmm abaft not encur an^ pr rse~nat tiah:fity hr+-autie of anro <br />r ~ _ <br />-- .. r3. w .ash..-..3 .~•. ..'''~._ ,-• :.._ ,r-X - -.." ..'st :~ Ss.I'.:. ~ i'-:157!-t"t. ~. ` ."i,~ 'ar~,p{.. <br />i++ ilia ~ +~ {~ ~ ~ ~ x itli.sf- a!~111?M~A~~ ~. ~llis~yia 3fr-'~ A,+~IOk ~f <br />3irt 1 ]wsrt§r ~srr ,dad tMgr~ils .' tlliites. and ~ ~tM4~i/Re ~Fdil w.t~kd AE Na eyEiun...rftl>,srt truttkr, Itti <br />_- __ t ~._ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _~~ .ice. _y, :r r:.'~. , a....~~n. it~ ~;, <br />..._z .~r ,- _. <br />,~i.-ar. _ rr.. .~...,r <br />- thrxof, mil. aEj~y tfie• ediki-,.faete re-iFaaf apraiiisae -aR.i.~ic#kcn. f4s>x iirr "mss.--r.eeui~e+"f'tp!r-fSSte matt; `iilyd rri#4--`.. - <br />sirr.d ir++s+~ ketr3rhKeby aneEQ»rd tt. ftt'st Maefltikss-b fhrrtfMt aK~! der tt+rr-pwyswent rr!' o#l#adetretai!tess iswenitwt+ehy- <br />---_- --- lrSr ileeipspee sign= .wets tAe ftre-`t to aMrrias+trtY aa•srrt Oo NMMi is a-e0r daaiw fat fire '?~ d ==~aiid putgrr• - -.. <br />ilea: Lbmt:+yC tlra setae; t^?niRltaf fire rrrrfa rrtreaiawt and ittcwne. ltatl it !lay yt1' ersi o1 said flstA®upr atl etrpenaiur srsekuetaif,;:er teat= <br />- . > .•_ • ".ti ,___ ._s -_~ n_~.: _., rx;__.,~a.t~ ai ~...,., ~,«, ~'Ft.~ s..e...... _.w~,.,:~r :f aa~~ !fist' f.v u-,°ui~f rtrwstgat t}.~ <br />:?ie!•h+r'~ q$' ticks mN,c-egyte itd+ditr?,c`.nc-.;,:, Thin awignmant u `n ferR!iaati artd 6e~-anr null sad vfkid uptsa rrl==ear ,f th;i n., tta6t. <br />