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' €''~ .- . I'.- ~~f ~ F: €; d 4 l d &'~n l4ii'.E!;:~^. t, ~a~u=k.;ll i' X5,13 ,~ :,3 4}~T I rl,{;I$~k tL ti'~Crl:r, <br />^~ <br />£ha# # arrt.~r veal: Tray ttLr tiYSebL ere ket~.nk(rferw-~_.;- ~- <br />ihon> .rL.e ~.. ,.:ssse ~ts r~tr-s,:'~t,<:. rst we,ei 3`r ,;,~o rip !n €~• +d~r;..,, ,~ ba att*xd rith£ a~~ ixs~-4ui <e,th ,~•~° t.-, r~rzi :stuff <br />s"rtvrt f;=r ~acra* as+z'. t~a# khe3dktrea'-i:: Fr:~.. ,d .°'r~ar :.~/ ~rss liazx ur <~r~irr:l-raru-n- 3~ ihatt ae4~ztg~r :val( vrarra:±; ~r~t =fit, t <br />tit3e £;_ mitt Pry' ~ _~R clsinra ..f aif ti-m.ns: r:'rtaxtyra'vrr _ <br />Yn !<siLy y ++~ diaP'artd paptib3e 7i1f x<'xktcaf to+nx: sy~a~ lazes, sixi a=tsrsame ~a4tr clr..r t~war se: <br />:re chargrx, asd ritf#e'r taxa~s and t~sargaBt agaitxN sand. {~rvpelty.;atcdl atl t.s ars k!v4tvl on the dabt sreainYt txeaaby, ar~d io furninh tine - <br />~I++rtg~~. ug~.a rt°€t':,.F:•'. a~t.'-..-t:~• rr~ine., ur 3uTtiit~.e rats tirrrief~. "f'he hinresaa~or :uc rree. Lrat's'r sraahaTl hr { tca <br />eaa^h, nrcnLhiy a~rayrrrerst tes}aired hrreututzr rrr under~thv evirlencn ..f de'xt serttrrr~d hereby an arnuunt a,stimate<i hg the !Nvrtga~ <br />'.~ ryt~ .rat kr. ~:ia 'fi.R~"~'-&~ g;a a~ "h~.y G>=.mrre ,;,zz. a6` taR~s. a~+rreittB, and :, raw ~~r, ' <br />?_ 4v~y~i ta~rrtn;~si+a :t~,'~~„ - .mot-€~~ of •he in~,~:r: :x~" ai s;a^ix-atk3i#irrs? F~a;:s~na ~?:an s= :,~rths. i.'L :4ept>£4 'a# tAa - . <br />.,~_ _,,.gzg wig the h+iortgagar~ upon dr~,~nd 9r~ th.- !bfortr ¢„e®. Any default ererler then L~ragrauh shadi br dermed a :}efauti2 in <br />$s: '-rLr# of tares,- aasrav ~_rrsts, rr s.ctarlar ~har~zn reckr::rd ru:reun[ter_ - <br />4 _;... <br />The bir:e~Ngrs: aKreerc thtu ehere sirx#! aLgs bs-adeted-.r rpcEs aatiaq Gaycaeat-~(-pr'sa+sspgl a~uPteawt r~ubra~`° x <br />under an str.<wnt estimated by the Mortgagee to be s:efficieni to en8bte the Martgatyre Vs pay, ae i# is<;s that. tile inR9ttala+a!" ;, <br />premium sm any ittatrratsty: policy deltvrrad to the Mortgaprr. AnY drfit:iency bea:aux ,t£ the tnsuf~t'~ney of sotto. ateidi#:axea'i-pay- - <br />tonsils eha)l he forthwith dv fa~ited by the M"ortgagvsr w#th the Morkifager upon deetand by the hferrfgtiage~e. Airy dfSauit "L:tsdts this <br />patretgrapiL ahal! iae derme<4 0 ;iefauit ir. tlsr pay:rent of irn:asancr ptararituns. If the panty or ptrttcittr depriaitari arv sujclt t~ tints:.-- <br />trwrxera or ali rink axoiiciee, arxi the drptwits am :nnutficient to pay the rnLarn premium, the Mortgagee may apply tha dapadt' to - <br />lray premiums on oaks required to 6e insu rwt by this mortgage. <br />Feytaeats ms+dc bg the Murtgagw under tfre sbir:,w parag*a61ea map, a# tSLe"rµ~rle,:- ~.t i~oitia~ea, ire Raid'ti3! it ttlsd <br />etmemin~Ied with other tueh funds or its own funds for the pagmLati. of such items. and a--~;i =cfap, such ~payrantilir"He i>Etw -- - <br />niadgad aK aecterifq fur the baianic of the auartgaRe itdtbtedtteaa. <br />'Co paroctsre, deliver tn, sad mtuntair. far khe brne6t of ttw A4ottgrger dwinl( the life d this m#rtl;age st{~#eal,pd{iiian#mi <br />rPnewala thersaf, deilvrred st least ten days befrxr the expira4an of any each policies, iasu-ittg etlpsiast IIst tali! "tiitAat 7>tiit---, . <br />hazards. ti~sabtaea, and matiaesaeies r tile biome maY nQttfn, m sa sttaouat egad W tfis ~ Tip >~; <br />1Razrt;age, amt is co:npaases acoepia6kP to the Mnrigargre, with iris payabie CLUae .n favor of rind is fmra atcepAhi'eYn the Mi3t'f~fs- - - <br />~. Ta the eeent nay ptdicy is oat renewed an ar before ten days ..( ift. exp-niioa, the hfertaa~ee relay pratxtrr.' ittawaster-un- tit - - - - <br />hatpreversrata„ t»y tile pramium ttsrrefar, sad such nom shad betnrree irtsa.,edsatety due and payahie atith in#reat tK tt+e ntte set - <br />for#tt im rid torte ttatil pai;f and shelf be seeurrd by this mortga~te. Faih#re sn the poet oI the tRfostsagar to furaidt tiistdt rertinsala <br />as are Isgt~efaL rt.Fuir~ ur f5u(urc !a pay- any sums adtaaxd hcreuxtder shalt, at the optirux yf the Adostgagee. c,~nafi-late a ciel#tilt <br />rtader Eht Itarams ad Lhis traartgage 7'hr .leiivery ui such yaslieiex .3hatl, in tho event o/ default, eu~itutr an assigrteasat of the tta- <br />asttaad t»~. _ <br />Any gums rxrived by the MoYtgotdee h}- reason of late or damaae in.~~zrw-i aRairyz rr>~v- he r, *~sinrri 4y tAr ~srt~f~@ <br />and appiiLxi ttxvard tiLr ;tavment c,f the debt hrraby secured. off. nt the aptian of the Fiorx~,agec-. wch gums etihet witu[ty ar is <br />part may 6r said over :,-~ the '.4fart;:agor to be taed to repair such busidirigs or to burin ~ ne,." bezii*:(ir.YS xn their mace .3r fw. am <br />ether pe: r*,=x<~ ur uh;r_^t _.ateafa::t:tr;~ L;,, tt:^ !atr.rtgaaee w4tMusu3 sfferf:ng t';e, rien on the nr<~rtsagF fa: 'hr f;;l! a;r,;,::€:t .*e; urert ?~:r.- <br />Gy ';,efon wtdt payment ever t<.wk ?dace. <br />To pttrmt>'tly ren.+a r. ,e=stz.r<- yr rebudd -any busidinxs nr :mpr~vrments ncsvv ,u hrrra£te=e urr the prrmrsvs v~htch kr- <br />wmos a~••••,••~••t ar ttestras~axk, #~ -ice-z+P saii gsrmises in 5=>nd cneufiliaa am# ret}au and icre- trwn aaY nasasacac'x li^3a c: at~r ion er <br />t of ii?n aoi aspip-ssly suhiordina#Pd t., the lien Rerc~<xf, oat io su>Ser or permit apx~, un4wfut upe of .ar :~aY ~ rs egiat nn <br />lfitl amity [iOr t6 pRrrrlFt '++~te iar said ptawxtees. line Lu fd® arw n[tier ar't whervoV the pfi~fW r1V AereilY er+AVrvrg sna31 ier!e~rfe ~. <br />ldr«t~. n+~r L $~trtieh .,r impair its valtaa ty t,ay x. fw «ni+!~,n t.....-e- +._ .,..tpi_., ~.rtt:. ~? r~anrea».,~ ,.t lea r±si, .~:~ct <br />~~ <br />._,_ .~ ~--e _--_..~-,_ _._.: ~. a _..~. _._,_..... -~~-` ~ ' =£ # - ~: t <br />e.»~ >~,.ry ...T s..£...._~ ... m.,. Mo;.....-.-..... ,~........ ._.:....i., ..., .~_...... .. ®.,, __-.ter ..,,~ ~~-,E~.f. -..e..,..-.~....,~>:>e: <br />:~-'ena. ar aadrr the rraht of rentnent drain. ~~s in am other manner. the Mortaaree ~ai± he rntitlert a afi pnaneeee~ians. <br />-- ------.e- - _. - -._ -. <br />atvatdu. seed say at`7+err Pavrneat or r.~lisf ihrrefor. anefi l-tee t%a tititxt, at-iti -spti .n #r= rrcrrtrarstre aftfit ar it _Qre~tv~a in <br />..4„ _~ -.._. -- -- - .~ s. '-- ~ e~?m+sa ..: Tt a- -r-~ti - ~:. t, _ - _, ~_,;,. _- -- ?#t+r-~ <br />__.. ~a - ~_ ,yam a - ,tti -. _. -..... . „ - <br />-~'---_ ~ -'-'-•-r - - - - -- -- - ----- -r ~~ <br />=°tsasatrritt:_~ rsilkt of ~aetiea aad:psaattrde are. ittsra6y are~atd~ to the Mvsja~tr; w11a' t#aafi' sifst=dam <br />t ski ~ . rtbaaR isKy tawtaya ~ re<ettrarR by it ar auPfy Uts satt-e as any int#bt>~aeaLt se~rsresi ires+s~s;'Ttre itl9rt= <br />r-~ to ~ int#a's firrtiw[ assiEnmenLa of any t<rm;sensatirut: eve:ah, dtaxages, and rights ~ srtien and ~ As the <br />tt~ar - tnay ~- - _ <br />Tha! rn ease of (chute to Perform an> „t the ~ovrnants hereon. the Mortgaatre :easy ,io an the Murlgatrnr"~ behalf evervtht`ng <br />;ir ;.: :ti`3eriftid. #tsstt ttrc 41Urt~a,g€e. ra3s a:sc' iii. sx:~ a;:L ;i :;;a} ae2rt; ::sir:":-..~{} t ::. . .. :.:. ..... ...:. .- . ,.:.., ...~ ?.it-c tab-s awl <br />~,~~y ~° _,x.-~-tee ..... ,..-.r :.:. <br />rr°ptgr arty ifsntte5*t# E ~ ds~at~d v, the Mnri>: fQr La'y 1~ t3wE eblrva prtrpossx'- ttyut> Rg t~r{kr~.rt <br />iiasttiest thereon at tFte rate pttrvide„i in mid nis#e shard 6e-errme sv muFh arirfitio»a3 fn~debt~ n.-rely ser~rrd slid-.ruty--Srs ia- <br />.-1u<ted in env_ .'t<~^r~<~ f<erac~«..srenr thin :n<.r tt_<asa arai 4,e naid out of the rents or tarrxrrds asf ,ra3h of xaetk [^_rrmtsva if rest a.tharwtse <br />tiaid.; that it xP+ali nirt he eabAtgetaty u[tun the (v4orttcagr+~ to inquire !nun tPre ~ahdrty :~f any tten. ,-ncumtrarx~a+.. .,r vleem an ad- <br />aancitt(# arp~axya as aarx.~e auttartaod~ hu*. teutia3ng herein cxnir#neu ales.: be c:.mst•ued ns requtru_g tlLe hlart;tspea tsx Ad+rsa+Ptt nay <br />:mss site as.ri. c...~: n=€ ttr ar; a,s4 stiff ~; ; aa=f that ;in-s~ sbsati gut e,-rx~ r`-errxrLal i~snli£g h~3a.:r of a- <br />4t?. • ;.a ti. rsrav cla :3r >tTtul w ~~ .. ; <br />#t#. ibr event ut fl.r tlat+KM ~qy ~.tek ~t t1~,M~' it~Rtk ~! I~tt~eid b~ t~k 1~-~ur+ngd Ixpei~(. ft_ <br />1!A tile pvrf~rrturas4f lfie obltWtrow in ih4 bras oe' in tint nail tfaL'lsrad thorEYyr, tiYt liiete ahaii be ttt~tied to de#Jare tft~ _ <br />- _ ar e.,. ~ wr w » r .eneaad t.v et... rvurf taerwryF- s+a+f vattew2 rafixsd 5n fAe ~st7seuersv af- twv- rrurety foe the :.uLt+trtw.s-ae- <br />_., <br /><urev iu:reL~r, w anicr ~~ ausd tYLr i~ a~ tfsa ttirritl~i(l+:d tttieettrsee, isa#i to t't~" toed rctxi~t seatu, 'sww anS phis <br />- tiiete~: ~ leppZy t>tri-saia+e: Isss t~eitdernf opertiRir+n e-nd"-icfibh, apes tTte e~wetl~aef t7:~ri" ew~if~s~e~ trNt rentii-€- <br />igtRslu aiod 9st~`Mbsiri~fier+!'- ewgE(ia+kte Ihe;M~eriar#ir N*`payl~ifin~'yR ~ tirree67. <br />1 ~ ladnrt-aitai} hsiatr #ha-~it.Rret ~t tatyr a#e~tt:sr asras4 ~t easy denier tc+r tare tr*srtraua rf r i~ .rid {rteae- <br />rta~._rmstttg_ taa,tams, ~arrtto; mr..s~aw.~.#~tat~ra. Sao u.?say Psi auk s~aaevatc ~~aparas,ucsurad.en"mrz=. <br />~A ~d atesnnag?tt~ Nea saerit sad of Lt>~fae4nyf @hta thtai'e: 'i~i[r lf~ere rettraituitts_ if ahy, s;4ai1 he uleptietT toward the <br />of Nte rnO2t~iltrY~ ia$aistariasr, '('bas as~reexir,tst q fa termxtate a:vi trrvxree na£i and a'<ud upon r.-lease c+f tMa mnrSRtq(e. <br />