F'~~ 't<3 t, r't,l~ t s ~'t'~~ Ark i h~' "'.#! ¥?; ~ 3 . ~ Chu" - p ~ =s °,a,~, t5at'~~',~_
<br />'~hnt.#lta ~rt~e'4v73~'PaY t`" irid.4w-~.r•esr%.. wa h.T, ,:,ise~-'ei~3nd: -
<br />3'hat Eft . ":~~ ;r _is -; f.r ,...,.. ~ai.f nr`;xe:^>y - ?.-r• ssmg4e sort 'xax gr~= try` t ar rs =. xf „it ~~j
<br />is-.-'. _>
<br />~ra1~~ tFa: same 3rtt1 fief[ idw z`rrrt ~ (t.~.- s d .,e-~s of sny 'ten ar etretafihianr • a ;d rtes= ts~.ag*}r :F.al ~s ari#~amt-~:k$s:es9 -
<br />tss~se ;x, y~:zf pretrr-sit- ~~ aif ~ vv#i.-- ---
<br />T" pay ~axrtettla'~c° shin tttrr aitit~n~ie-~aR gett,rraat -~t~ xperzai-taxes, eta} aagwssn3ents n•a~rr ctarger, xeivr>• sere- rt' ..
<br />ae .°har° acid ~$~~ its.,-a,-rai cS:art, ~ agn.r„4 ~aii prvye rzy. ar:d a3 fix-.- ?r=a-'.~' ur: 4:.~- riehi Feu rrci ix~ret,v. seat tc fnrnisia tlyn
<br />?4fartgagee. upsx'ai4+~rtest, v"ti}ir'"Ltsr ~r}girtei nr-tfxataticaEe~ e€tc~i_p#a'~t#aei~~fbr- 1'fte~ A~#c~st.q[gLr a~r.±r~ tt4at there xiutf} firs'av' ta"`-~^ .- ,
<br />r~-t' - ;: psyasr.^.: tutr~'! '.° - -. °r ,~,r !~ `k R. .:t c:~bt °~.~-,irc:i :-..=re:,w a,. s"mr - n crf [rnai i :y trsc ~icrtpa~se
<br />•, hr n, ,+ ,-~ Lr= - ~s the, ~..°:*• dtEe, alt #~}x~ mss, -t., ..,,a t`ita.g,:r n the #r3+etn=
<br />rarx ;,~~ t~t~rpto: xrris dEt'teir r?rti hera„€cz -- s„- insas fFrienx`, of sua•h adriitiasna! naa~rnent~ mar aft he &xrthwitA ri'erras}4xrl by t#ir
<br />afar .-'-z"~st wtUe [tee .".f+tr?-..ge-r ul.>EZn de:n:r-.: tr !kre l1art~;agee Any :i.+>faczi! uz:,3er t'r.,-- na,-a€ra~.h chat} Ms d.=er.sp+~3a+}atast}t in
<br />~ayx?re^i csf' taxt~, texaen~• r...: .,- x:tt'rit>tr .kzxr%e-~ r~;;t•r,:.l ?:zreurafrr. - -
<br />': he Mortgagor s6riet+s that there attalJ ,y},v tea added tv each rnortthly paytt~nt of priractpel erisb itrtcrlat r~gti}rsd,.hbtc-
<br />urtrMr an attrrauni eatirttatrs} :ry t#w 'atortgagre tea tse stf~ieient te; rnakxkr the lfartgafee is pas, as it tsetantes dtre. t#se itnat»aLa
<br />preaahrm ara any inxitrance p..a--=,~~- :lc-l:vrred to tlse 1N<srtgyger Any ,3rficie nrr trc-r~_rar -,t tM insuf5+•xensy of suc#t arJdi3irfpe(. paY~
<br />ns±+trt~ s}te11 tr• €nelhsith tte;r,-:itd; by tt;e 14lRrtgeffivr xa;i_h !Fx Sfarig:sEa • epee. dctresn,} by the51i'tortgager Aaq defaaft tiAS~cs thie -
<br />parngrapA shall he drxmeal a rirlault in thr• payment ,.fi rrz: iss~n?`r pmniurrsa If ttx pnkira~ ,rr prtlitrsrs t#epvsiiM ate wrtr @r hunEr• =
<br />ca Hera ate all risk policir-a: ar;d the .irps.ri ua arr• inautCinenv io psy thn entr re pn•sniurrr. the !lfvrtgaitee may apply tF.r rletxreit to '~
<br />yay ;fra?miumr :x: -sake rkyarirav} to #.r inau rr:d try the. mvrtttaKr
<br />Payments atarlr by fire Murtgagrrr ureter the strove par$sraphs may, a! t}w >ixir ,.! the Mvrt;fr~ee, iaEr haW fair 8 fta¢
<br />rvmmitEZied xtith ocher su,h funds or its rnvn furais ter tttr~ payroeAi of aerh iht~, aa:f rnitl rw •pptial, xpCk ~lA-}rtur~y
<br />pirsdged tta secuztiy for the unpaid balance ref the mort4Htgr_ itidehtedtseu. `
<br />To pr'tX'are, drtlYf`r t~. ant[ maitztain Iar the trene6t d the MvtYaaQer during the ttfe of t~q >~ t3~ ieaagd _
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at Mast ten days 6~ore the expiration of any such pdst'ira, ieuwrirtt ttfaitEisE. ~vte asd-ottlte+t- -
<br />ha3amie. t'aettakics, and trorittittbem'iee >L>, the Mor't>eaE'~' may *eQvrr, in ate stns+mf event io Nee ~ a2c9atsdQ fy 7~it
<br />Maetgtgpe, end to c unpani~s acceptittde .o ttre Mnrtgagoe, with lr~z ~yahlr door, in Fa~:ar of atsd in k;rm aetxrirtaifFe to ate 11~urt~r
<br />1[re. Sn the evens iWy policy sa out rene*xvr! un ur before ten Jaya of +ts expiration, the Mortsasae may prxurr intrr[dtee tFa -the -
<br />i~ttOVQi~ltEtT. pN' the pE~ttttum tha€e#rir, seat such svm =hal3 tvw~,mr e~nmetliatrty due and payft!# +srtth ittfrrast ftt t#te rt#c~ ilei -
<br />fx'tlx itt sti5d ztott anti} paid ans3 sha41 ~ xwurz°d hY thi- mart~age Fadure on ihr part of the Mnrtgtssar W furnish xorh rc~t~asids
<br />as fare }tea~t>iitt required ar failure to pay any Sums advatuxed hr!reundrr shad, at the opti~tt ~ the ail.-xtgaEee, arEt~itYSw t c4~Eot~ -
<br />under the tears a~ #hia taortgage- The detivrvY of such paiscies xhslt, sr the event of betook, ctimtitute an aeaigntfsent ~ the NrM -
<br />ttaracd preasitQa.
<br />AoY xunx> receiued HY the Mortgagee by reason of Sms or damage ~n-, ,.,'. :rgaanst may i,:' rrtazneci by the R;„rtgagee
<br />and spptsrd toward the ?reyment of the debt hereky secured, ar. at the aptia,n ~.i the 4:oitga¢er, sort-. sums esther u'hptie~ :z> is .
<br />peer; ir!&y he pard :. -rr .,. ,~= a+.- n_„-r :n be used t. re;.air sorb hsildittga ,. .,~ }>uitd-rsfw !:_;il~xr:g=~ in their !.lacy axe Sot ant
<br />M#ser Putlx &e ire uhl:v-t vahsfa,.=iury~~r~; iir '~$::agagr~r, avath.~u? a(trti-tvtH !h+~ I:vn c.n the mcrt~e~r fur fhr Su1F amcu.n7t ser•u rc>i"1 here-
<br />h~ }r:_,r° :::.rh payrrx r.! ~_~, -= !;?ar=- .-.
<br />Tu Frean4tiY itpai:'. :_ --- ur rrhut!d §ny }xtilvt^.g- a.. ::nA:::x~ernenta tw.r ur trrrraiter •v: i!x` 4rremucx vhi.h ur$~ b€,
<br />coma= dattra[ed yr rfeetrryed: taYka3et; said nremisrs m gscd ;`andi tiun and rvpar: and free term any trsechasir`s Fern nr other f~tt ax °
<br />riarar of ?ten Hai rx#xress}>~ suo:-:-,srrwxaa! to irx* tern hrrrrx}. r. ,t sea r.u##er ;,,- trzmtit anv un}awtu} rase ,+f ar ana< rrussarta`e fe, a%Hrl an -
<br />a3±3 t%nxfsr€tr rue irx 4ar.smst waste .,v ±aiti ;atwmaaes- m.r ts. r_i., any nf_Ywr rK•t wherehv Lhe ;~r^t=ri.r :+_rrrt~sy ~,n.#..r~ :i~ft } _
<br />- >.:
<br />__ e
<br />'r__ tt-- ..,r-a~~os_•~s-t end a--• ;?~ ::~ !~ .•-3 _ _ .'
<br />._ - ~ tr -~ - __
<br />g+~~y=~ _
<br />Thai ah<_+uid the pren•,aara ur any part [beer+,f kt@ taken ur ,tamaKS•al hr reanun of anv putsktr rlnVfswa?RLLitt nr mrtatttan
<br />mx r ,u
<br />prrxredirttr ar in-;der t}se ~;;=,t v, P--raen4 :#...nata, ,.- -- aav other rxanner. 4he 31„rtt;s~ rhati ir~ ant[[[ed in art SarrRertaativaa. `
<br />~-';3~ c=s ==„ at= _ .-.~ >:e ..- =:=cs ~-a=:.,:_ ar+.~i s#aaiq Fa atrtr:i+asi- as mi su,s>=.n. - ~.~~. x_ a-~ +~i =ti_ *.s,. at ~: -
<br />rntn ttaaEe am arXttxs .+r prtx~rceafiryt, ur to make anY a^ornprvmtar or ertttrrncnt in canteerYeon wt4h sorb taking or r#aeeat~e. At# arch
<br />NaMat#ep, aii9ssrla, ttaatt+sAea, ri#tht M rtMion attd proceeds are hetvtry amagirect to fife islcrrtgapeH. wlto ray; trfty-ilatlttrting -
<br />thesas r#ravrrm aul its a:perta~ re}eaar tiny nwne7s m n.:rr~rNd by it yr a;.ptY the svne rsn say in+}eMeritteaa aeeurvYt harr#ry. Tha Maw
<br />6atar ty4r~a Lcr cgtert=sf4r °.__h furtlrrr rr+rsigatrrertts „f asny .xn-r;x~•.:;a4r•-n. atwards, €~rua~cv. aue# ng#ta ,-,a ar-trsr anr:i pruce,tc#s as Ehe
<br />may *e+ttsire. -.
<br />atuY er. c;~ -~ €®stu-a~ 2u pert.;rza a;:> .,: ~},~ _<,r.ur::a:zf~ t,,.>:._., _.._"=t»rt~a~-~ tn3y _: th;_ ~#~~rt,:aa-;~~ .xi;aat ~ea<rytts2a€ -
<br />so ~_ flat[ r°lxr ~f4rtgaRee rriay a~ --• c}er any art et may deem .rvc~w+arr 40 ;:rv4ert the :ten ihere~f: that ttxe Martga;vr wil!
<br />rer-stay- apart ~t=+t-n.; xr~t~• mcssseys pre:# or r!s~hur~i try flee 1MSc,rtgap,er• tc,r any of tP:n ahmr purpsrr~s- and wch mar*E.cs to~aati[ar whit _
<br />s:~tx:mat t}taie+nn :a tA;e rare tsrovtidrr! in said note xhaEt 4rec•rrrte Ras much aetdtiti<ana? in:iel>tednes€ hr-srhv arrurml tanr# may he xn
<br />_._, -.
<br />c#serfaf 3h aap• tlan-rrti• Carw.'t mum thts ns:rtRake ate ; k.e ?,a,rk .,,~! ,.C fir. errs[- . r pn,rxx'<-ei~s .d ale nt na„{ peen; ... of nut athrrwvr
<br />paa.d; iha4 :t s!ral'- :x+st r' ob}tgatvrt upon tkae Sxiurtgagee Ci• zns;err. in[. the valretrtr of any k,t•s` rttcurnh,°ntxae :,. .!stns Ih e*l~
<br />.__i rn„~.x ~ r.m. :,irtar;.:'°r-. i. su. m:t?:sref. €~r>-:~ ..nse~rti~s s:s ire sa.;.sr.:Fa az :iz-inA t3ar .r~_.,_- .a: ~ arry
<br />~ar:~'3'# tom' 7'b'ft> -~ €:3'tr-+`~Lr~ L€iT~-#=3 {4F itiY 84"i 13~fa°-Ur:k4@i'; :t4iA T'r#A{ T'aRLtt~ a+,Rit :a{ :rli la( ainN ~E £%aNia! tlah46tf _'~ E;kFBiEf+f,;- F1f 8R_t-
<br />Ia the rreeai t>l ilw'~ by! 1~_-i}ra tt Qf +uEX.- aa,_a/tt't~d 6Y ,~-' r+.!!~;~S1a,-+~ .Ri.
<br />c.i =.ass ra--etas. irciirg ..s }+a~ amt~a'ss~t azi ciiis mw-i_ ire an siid r~zr sc~i+asaa `uarr3szss, ins iss»:ir~ac i. aamiasa rirr_a~~ "~I~i.-. _ ":
<br />~ed.a<~°rars} }rmt% -t}ai' aaA. ratlrao_ ;F xra[israLLi-rcaitle, trsdihw ~l_ s-ftis#1 h..~ ~..esesur st its errStirL>.s. a'at3rwiR •••,sr•.~ ar{lyaa•-lrrF-idler[! -
<br />~_._,
<br />.-,~ ~. ~. _. -. 'L{i14+fJ iYWrt t11a~Et~t. 354ci 1thU ~.~~..®. -.....v -.. - __ .. ...._ .,. ...~- -..-a-~. ..~. .~ ,.~ -_"_
<br />w _Lr a .-u~.~ar t„ tx a~t~, } ut reztl to tt~ -p ,t aay aatcsE*it1 f~° tts~_ S era.
<br />~irn'e$y; ;n et};er upon ^etsf_4r1ar t -"`-___ ,,.._,~ Ytte mnrt'r~1~`prfi'R, aarE-Ie ~•-and ~`~ ire-afkE-mss it0.tl -per
<br />tM-grst.°+MA t~R~Edrir; s~is edMrta rr~° t4tlf Matt tlarttrss~e~eMtrd `this
<br />~ i
<br />ttt~'iMtt9jtsd~ auvGtiiMted'b +~ s as ~.<ifi4E~iurbt7 ittr i9r!=p1 Ot itN Safi tttc,Yi.
<br />i ne. 11~rrrSRaf;eG AIErW +~°l cite i~r S~ apyurtrt a6$ ~itZ.gT iAtart~ it airy tieatre Sfir tiie s`ttt~e set re~3?+crtra swstl prNitt-
<br />Hes; reatsttg t3>~= !XplgrsFi tom,. _x r+~, t rRn~x ttvRA)ti4 art53 i8tevttiar apd tt ERis M9 out of aatzf rrwarNrta~ a}} a%pens<~a ,ru°.trred ' Pc>tti-
<br />ink artd tattnagitrg -6hw--vtant® 8ni stf ce~ia`#,ittg t#ir- #ehlals °I#ueiietrofti.:-'[`f}~ Ir}alancr, ~etaitining.-tT ati;Y. stall 6w apttlued towrard thn
<br />is`arr:3rstry~: xxt ~ caret,T€pagt-_istili.tr4a=.a'rtc=~s_ This s~t8r•,IS-rnt i3 k: fa-t~s:n$tr u.~d hecunra~ nuiE arai vx>ld ut><:n rr?ewwar c;Y 4::ix rarsrfxa4te-
<br />