<br />~isai, uzaa..:i s ,,.i ~.~.>>..~-fi s~ .E-~:3'~, a,ilu __~~ ... ~-9.i-.1 Ss",: ..t.... :J..,. ~t5
<br />~a?'9.'~i S.. _ ~' e.:.7 r: crya. €`z'i ?r t~~"F°, x-- .~1]`~~'E Z`~, i'3aVe £'....v T..:.. ~:... ~ ,~. .. ::t r._v .. :"'SI'
<br />- ~f312 of - `•_ - ~~. jc.a~i a. u .sb..,vT•i~e~, real. e- ~3.t~'-.°°:
<br />i . Lets z.~T1x' ~:u..~i(k7'~~ ihir€;y-~~i:~e i ~ } ~~:~ v'?~ '.~ts:~`;u?`~~ "' ~~t~
<br />(1~t3 sel~~st:t Additicr: ,,, the City o° :;rand I;aand,~
<br />~:ehra.=:~~; .
<br />2. ,ats ~snp Huc7dr?,a fiWeriry-rixc {122j and Jne Handred T~renty-
<br />Ti~rec i;i<y; i Heia~c=nt ~dditian tc thy: City ::' s,ranci Zsiand,
<br />'debr rssaia ,
<br />3. L~`.s Two {~~ and rvur {~) in 31ock Twenty - T°aa (22) in
<br />~r#irersity Place, an additivn to the City cY Grand Is3.and,
<br />l~ebras~a.
<br />- ~. Lot ~".fteen {l5} and Seventeen (17} in Block Three (~}, 3n
<br />University Place, an Addition to the City ai' ;rand T52artd,,
<br />~" i~ebra.ske. .
<br />5. Lots Five t5) at-d Six {fi} in ~iusaan's 3uhdivlaion"-~, sxa k+~di-
<br />Lion to the Cit~- of E~rartcl Island, I1alI C~ :anti, iithxita-.
<br />` - S, The Melt .rev`@!r~,i i'eet C1~T7{~ • } Qf !t t~et Qf ~~3'C~3- ari" }.end
<br />s _ . i©tt$t~ed in the 3~c~rtst Gluar~er of the -xert~at ~~' ; ;
<br />s ~~i~R ofeStdineo(9~1~tea~taY Abe}6th ~rtrsh~#- J~.laves: (lr7
<br />aes6 g.m. y fdr~rlY descri.t~ed
<br />#ts psrt of 81eea+nk ~ustbdr Slx (fi } can t3~ Plstt of ~ow~h i2rarx3
<br />Island, amore particul&rl~y describaci fgllc~rs: ~otmaencing At
<br />~ , : a- ~oi~~G ~3gliLir f~j fa~L Saatl~ of tiie 3ante~t ~r~~trer +at' 2<at'
<br />Pita (53 is ~Iacit ~"ive (~), Sputh tend Islarni, a ~tn~;
<br />3 tlaestae East for x;dst~-ee of ~+avenfp {']p} feet, thet'~~ ~*,ti4 --
<br />t.or a distaaee ^i' Sixty-s1x {6b} fae*, ther_ce West .+'or .t ci3st~ce
<br />of Sevsnty (7Q3 Felt, tttenee North, ~ara13e1 with the ~a.st se#e
<br />oi' L::cust Street, a distaACe a'_° Silty-six (6fi} feet to ttse plgce
<br />of" beginning, and being 8 reetanSular tr&ct of grtswnd i~virt~, tt
<br />West Prantage of Sixty-slx {~} Feet an Locust Stye-et itt the City
<br />of {#ranc3 Z slant3, Dlabras#~a, and ~ depttn t3f Sevent~r t ZD } feet ~
<br />€ _ ex~eptin~ therePrc~ -th~G t_~ai*tion siaa~tn e€~nveved to the City a~ _
<br />_ Grand lslar=d, r e~~rciad in Balk 144, Page 345, of I}eeds its t
<br />C~fCicz of ~exister oT heeds, Hail cauniv, Nebraska,
<br />a4t _
<br />__ _ n- ~1a= - ~-Y--~-
<br />_ _ w r_.Y~,t •. •. •• +:. ,. i." avi y4-.. ., 4i a.c va i4~c:3 Si.'}4~4G 63-cti ZVLt i31Y
<br />mnkm~c+i! 4ntn f-satuxnsan thsa~es9»4~tecy •
<br />The terms a the sale are, among other ti^ings, that the Sellers shall,
<br />- PaF the real estate t€.xes due for the year 1977 and 3~'?$, and rising the
<br />378 taxes ss the basis ±`:~r computation, shall pay 32 days of 3974 taxes,
<br />and thou the Buyer s?•sall ~~;~ ill real estate taxe4 thereafter, az~cl the
<br />parties hereby notify 31aI2 ~,~unty, ;vebraska, that all."real estate tax
<br />st$tt@~ents ;far 1~7~ sY2(i '.}i€Pr~3t't~r' ~hei?i Zia E?~a{~~':~ f_. f? Prpa~ M_. ,`^..~?j.``.~:3,
<br />I#t3~ 363, ii~"~t^d Island, tdPbrasi~a, 6$~C1.
<br />T2.4 LLTF:e~?-^-C LIiTL`S?C (1~ s E. ,.. ...4 a ~.
<br />a ~i-vt-err. ~..2,~~I -. _Il-, lE'~- y1~i 4~f' .~!"w ~..- .-. f'i. i. j`r?i 'i;~';+lti C'')
<br />