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~~,,; :~ <br />- ~: _ <br />_,..,. ~~~ir!Q~rc `=r F.a, r.;~~y.~£'. ... "s'nr", +-'_O?35 rtP.d "°TP a.". T_''7:`. ...e:?~?~, :'"1~Mc3nt~ <br />ei;:C' W'~e, :`1£?Te7fl3_`: "'Y" ~.-..:Li£"~ a: ~?~ Allis i,; L;Ildt:YS, rt8 f~b.':GrS ~?~ a trac `: i3~ <br />-~-~.d f: 4i,:~~bv. €:, 2i ~.aTC CST. «. :::iii ~:1eS 82: i~tlr'si'i:~7" CiY C. ~ .Es C)E1thv~a6t (j`i.3artBr <br />tSE~SE~) 4' yec.t_ir~n Fourteen (14j, TUwnshiN eleven Lii) !forth, Range Ten <br />{iL) f~'cst ; € ~.?:G nth :'.t: Hail u'ounty, :ilebraska, and amore particularly <br />dESCribed as i:?ilows: <br />Beginning at a point an the south line of said Sovthea~t <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {SE~SE,_} , said pafcst tia <br />two h•.mdred ninety and four-tenths (29G.G) feet west e£ <br />the Southeast eoraer of said Southeast Quarter cs£ tyre ~h- <br />east Quarter. tS~SEk): thence runnias westerly alp tit <br />South tine of said Southeast Quarter'~of the S.xFt~ea~st Q+'t <br />(SF.~SE~) a distance of five hundred twenty-nime a~td ~4FIlr- <br />te>zths (SZ4.4) feet to a corner of Potash Subdi~riaiaa; thence <br />running northerly along the boundary of Potash Subdivis-ia~ <br />a distance of four hundred twenty-six and thirty-tt~o h~adredttte <br />{426.32) feet to a comer of Potash Subdivision; theme <br />running eaatQrly along the bot->'dary of Potash Subr~iviei~ a <br />distance 4: =z,•e hundred *_WenLy-ri-~- snd SiR'-tenths {529.0 <br />feet Cr, <~ ;joint that is two hundre r ~ nett' and fnur-tet'tths <br />(2®G. ..~wt =r=est of the east Izne - said Southeast '?t°~rter <br />;>:~ t'rte"southeast quarter {SE?~SEx); thence i•~,tnninc; Southerly <br />^arals.e} r4 tht east line csf said Southeast C;tuarter Qf the <br />5~~~*_'?ea:;t ~?t~arter {SE~SEL) a distan~2 t+f fay ctandred twenty- <br />fivF and forty-sev€n lr.~dredths fA25.47} feet to the ttoint of <br />~e~i^^tn~, and coata.inir~g S.1B acres, ^~rc or Tess, <br />=~~z .__ -~ ~r___~Fi rC F2 s~ ei .:iu€t_v i~_~•= __~_ a~•. :te sC'4u-CF s_°eu __~L: i. t:L <br />r ~Mr; „r A; r?c - ire t ims re !t„r rhi„ ; t n - •-l.;n !': r of <br />Gr8n4I Z3~Citi, ,zFi~ !;rretiy 5:1i?t^.i4 t4 L:he Cit. Cc"tuncl. v: Luc:'? C1tV ~4T <br />3!".Cep~~:iC t' .. - Z'ti. .-'_;._._ T". :&x' 3^~ 3CC12rc3 ~ :?,~? -3 .l CS . rs C. ... .. ,.. ~. ~' Y~rt?~)i7~£-`t~ <br />su~idx4._b~. ~..c,-~~ .,,.t..i-., =;i1~..,:~~is;an. ~ieti~r:a°~+,~ ~~;r~:.ieiti~ ;°t~ <br />iand c~ ce a~~ c.;z=- ~r. ~r;raic~larl~' deserbi-~~ ~ ~-~ =n'fi, st~~f={h, arid <br />pint= or such aut,-dzvx4ion tritern zutat~y approves oy the ~x.onai. Pa,a <br />feu~iQe~r+r~ ~r.rt r},~ t°;+-•, t`r...r~rit •-r, he. anlert~~lo~riaar# by ar.+ri± rias~r,a roxti.. <br />eontain a dedicstic~r~ ~+f streets t4 tZe rase of the public forever, and <br />-~ ' ~- <br />va. fficsacz~~i.aa ~u -€ec ~~ +-.. dick. uru.icic, ..~ ~=uias +.. sa ut~.i%ic~, ~.~ c..vic~~., ~~+v+i <br />t"1 ~' ,. ,. ~. ~~'C~~"-`F °?.. .- .3 ~- °..;, ^t:i z?~ said ~n?7!'=? 4135 ~'U~7d IS .S7.6n , `~":~ ,. ._ :~:{S.' i.d~rS <br />~_~~ ~ F <br />