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<br /> 'rOUETi#ER WITf#all tt►c impmvement�now ur hereoRer eroclod� �iN� ona Rlwllddw��bY��y
<br /> �---� fiaWfRw nuw ur heretPler a �u'1 af the propehy. All rcplacements qnd
<br /> - -- Ipq�rumant. All of the Farog�ing iu rcfcrrad a in�hiw Socu�iry In�crumem aa thc"Property.'
<br /> B41WiOV1rER C4VBNANT3 �twt&►rnower iG luwfully seisod��t the estele hcrcby�ro�veyul un1 Iwa the right co yrnnt and
<br /> -- convoy tha PmpenY ax1 tlun thc Pmpeny ir unem.�umbered,ex��ept fur encumbr�x�c uf record. B�rrower wurront�arMl will
<br /> dafis�al�cno�lly ihe �Itiv u�tt�e Property�Bainct all�cluims�uW deman�lA.subjctit to uny cncumbrunce�of record.
<br /> THIS SECURlTY INSTRU141ENT cumbines unifarm�roverwnt�for natio�u+l u� sud iwn-unifurm covcnant�wi�h limiled
<br /> — - -` . vaiutiana by juriwli��H►�i tu cunbtiluw•r uniii�rm securiry instrumrnl awering mal pmpeny•
<br /> , UNIFQRM COVENANTS.Burrower and i.ender��uvenont wid ugree us f����nWy. r
<br /> 1. lbymeal ot PHncipW and Intemti Prepw3meat a�d L� ���. &'ROwer,�hall promptiY pcY when due tho
<br /> -- p�in�ipel uf omi interat on the debt evidencYJ hy the Note and utiy prepAyment wxi IAte churg�w due undcr ths Note.
<br /> _� . 2. 6'undR for T�ond Inar�ce. Suhjecl to applicuble law ur to a written wAfver by l.ender. BoROwer sh�ll pay co
<br /> =— Lcndur un ttic dny monthly puyments ure Jue under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,u wm("Runds")far:(u)yearly taxes
<br /> _.��.� and ara�es.w�x�nty wh9ch may attain priariry over this Security Instniment a+•r lien un the Praperty:lb)Yearly leasehald payments
<br /> — -�—. -s?� or$round nenGs on tFio Pmperty,iF any:lc 1 year ly h u z a r d o r p ro p c n Y i n s u rn n ce premiums:ld)Yearly floai insuraixe premiums.
<br /> `���:"• iF�y;(e)yeurly mangaga inwrartice prcmiuma, if any: oixl Ifl uny�ums p�yable by Borrower to Lender, in ucrnrdance with
<br /> - _�^-�^—�--.:��� �ha prov�w,ons of pamgraph e. in lieu uf the puyn►ant uf mangoge insunui��e premiums. 7'hese items nre colled"Escrow Items."
<br /> _-__�:; ;. L,��d¢r rtwy, at Any Iime, rnU��ct atHi haW FundR in an +uixwnt ncx tu exceed the muuimum �maunt a lender far a Federally
<br /> __ �elnted monR��e M�n rrwy�quine Fur Bomowar's escrow a�rount under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> a : �r 1474 as surie�od�ftrom tirt►e 1a time. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 26QI e��.rey. 1'R�SPA"i,unless nnather luw that upplies to the Funds
<br /> ��_ -a�,z.��•. ' ' seta a I�wser anx�urn.If sa. I.ender muy, at uny time.collc��t+unl Iwid Funds in un amount not tu cxceed the Icsser amount. _
<br /> -��:° •, ; [xmder msiy estims►te the unwunt af Funda dua �ro the b a s ir o f curnen t d a t a a n d r e a s o n�l►�e e s t i m a t e s o f e a p e n d i t u r e s o f f u t u r e
<br /> `-'���'���.�"` I Fscrow Items or otherwir�a in ucc�rdunce wfth upplicable law.
<br /> .�',-^
<br /> -���< The Funds studl l►e held in un inr.ti�u�l�m who�: deposits ure in�ured by a fedcrai ngency. instrumentality, or ert�ty
<br /> --_ �,,,�;,�:""� . 'i (includins L.ender, if I.emier ir:such un in�tilulion)or in any Fcalerul Homa Loan Ba�k•Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> � Fserow Items. Lenaier may nut churge Burn�wer for l�olding und applying the Fund�, annually smulyzing the escc��w account,or
<br /> �.,;,,..r��-=� , veriFying thc 6scrnw Itums,unless Lendc�puys Borrower interest un the Funds and npplicuble law permits lxnder to make such
<br />-- ---- � o churge. Howevcr.l:ender muy rcquirc BoROwer to puy a onc-time clwrgc for an independent real estete tax reporting service
<br /> �" '�°•_:,r.�f� �• ueed by Lender im m�nection with �hia laun. unle� upplicuble luw pruvides athenvise. Unless un agreement is made or -
<br /> ��..., "� --,., ---
<br /> �,��'`�'� •;.t :, upplicable luw rcquims imerest�o be paid.I:under shall nrn bc reyui�l tu pay Borcower�ny interest or eam+ngs on the Funds. __.
<br /> —�`'-�£°.:.��...�; i� --:.
<br /> - - � Borrower su�d Lender muy ugree in wriling, howevcr,that interest yhull be paid on the FunJs. Lender stwJl•�ive to rrower, �„.
<br /> .mci debit� tn!he F�nxlc ond the Qur� for which each -_
<br /> —� ':�.�r::��!�_.";', without chargc.an annuai uccauming oi' �i�r 1=w�1i�. �howing crcdit� •
<br /> ==��` ' " �rf�"' d�bit ro tba Funds wn�mad�.The Fuml�arc pledged us addi�iunal+ecurity for ull sums sa:�red by this Security Instrument.
<br /> r:,'" ,�,'„''.;�'(;.•,s''..
<br /> �� • fl;,< , If th�Fur�ds held by I.ender cxceed the utnounts permitted to bc hcld by upplicublc law. [.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> —,;,��,' �� , `� �� for the excess Funds in ucconlance with the reyuirenxnts�if upplicuble luw. If the umount of tl�e Funds held by Lender at uny
<br />_---:;`-x;`=,_. .
<br /> •• � � ume iK not sufficfent to pny�he Exniw Items whcn due. L�:ixler may u�m�tify Bormwer in wr?ting, uixl,in such case Borrower
<br /> ='�''`'f'°'� � shull puy to Lxnder ihe amount necessury a►make up�he deticiency. &�rrawer shall muke up the deticiency in no mure than
<br /> """'9���� �,..,, ,„�y,, .. ' twelve monthlY puymentn,ut Lender's wla dii.cretion.
<br /> "��,' �� �,.� Upon paymen�in full uf uU sumh tiecurctl by �his Security In�trument, Lender xhall promptly refund to Borrower uny
<br />' '""�� "��_-•:�.�k,.�•r-.° Funds heW by I.ender. If,undcr puragranl�21. I..endcr+hall uryuirc or u�ll the Property,Lender.prior to the acyuisition or wle
<br />__��:�;.�, __
<br /> ,,,. of die Property.+hall apply uny FundF hcld by Lendcr at thc time o1'uc4uisition or wle us a credit ugainst�t�e sums secu y
<br /> .`�'�'�`: .': '�'. I thia Security Instrument.
<br />