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~~"~° <br />I~t.::,_~ill3 <br />fi x ~'p~"7 §C j MCI lu 3_, F ' f ',.1'~ fi't' ~ t,!'Ma~' i~w ~~•~ C'~; "•q6 <br />S~As~ 7 ~"3:+et?t .,~. ~ aJ <br />l1~L7RTGAvE <br />79....~~v~t <br />i RIS a~fCfRTvAGi, r.Fade aesd ~+~-ut€~ thi at' ? ~~; ref '. A.B., <br />? 9 t y_ beta ~n tFne t4ortg: t. ~P.1t7AMItt 6i. TBS°8R AIBf 'f EBXY L. ~s t~ t4ffi?. <br />_.._-, <br />s`vi:li~i.F A~ t11+~1 Iltt ~%R ItIGEPP ~,---------------------------- ----------- <br />,~f ~raad Island ,County of Nall .:state of - deb=salts .., hereir+after referred <br />to as the borrower, arm the Mort FIRST FEI7~`RAL $A~'ING$ AND IRAN A$$GCiATiE}Ik f3F <br />I,i.tiCIJtI.,"z, i2 ••*;;.. Street, Isncotn, :4etcraska 68~i, iFa ~xesaors sad asaiBrts, t+exriaaft€x ne:erred to <br />a %.c=ts~e'r. <br />Wiz T~t~he said Borrower for and is camidetaiirm a# the aunn of .-17II1TY ~~...-..---.-- <br />tlu------~-----------°------- <br />paid by said Leader, dues hereby mortga~, great and rnnvey to I~nder, its socoeetarrs and ariNns: ifse <br />foflowiag deoerilred propzrty tocated ~ the 4'-ottety a# .-.-__.--_....~1 .............__., $tate afi Ptebearitt: <br />I.c;t Irijra (4), Tmpeziai Yill~: f{i~th Subd3viafoa is t~ G1ty t>f 6saad I#t1,a~sd, -.>ia~l '* <br />lfebtste~cs . <br />'~osrrtes wrists aR the irnpr+av+ea~ta sow or Itereatber er+eeta~tl os the pearly. ~_ ~ arner~l.- <br />~, r ~. at1 shed g~ abd per, .suer. sari <br />#~!' ~ f bow ar- ~ a '!~ tfee fY, all of +r'~. ~~- <br />-es~0e aNf ode thereto, eirsll be dee~sed to be abef r~~ceedA a pwrt of the p!astaseiy`ae~ #iia <br />Wit; sad all of the faregcing, together with said pr.,perty (or the leasehold estate ib the eYeat die <br />is on a lerae!ta~ ld) are harass ref~r~ed to as tfre "Property" <br />Borrower ctjvenagtc that Barrowcrt is iawfidly seised of the eatale trKrelry v~vc+yed sad tit the ~t <br />le B~ Brut cad tauvey the Pmtur#y, that the Preper6y s4 sari that Br~ea+eer gill <br />vrarrabt and deiend generally the title to the Property against a!I claims :nd demands, atdtject sir arty <br />- _ - - #ist+ad ~ a ~ of t~ t~ ~ abp per= <br />g:#i~ itst~st ~~ ~, ar ti} attnri~y ~ Sri cif ti'i~ fri~i s$~~ a' t~~ <br />~sd , <br />..-----CSL~ ~SLSi7dia, aiu `u`i~ I~ IIte EZcti`iZtfi;d a:a'f dtiui~recl a-c"1E ~:ccwirg ~'•'a;•""' a_ <br />'ilfew~ a~_ :o pea to the ice, tu' order, the ~ <sf . ~:, <br />---- - .......~iie_.-._.._' <br />ps}raliic at# f~ in a aetp: e~ea#ad emd cteliaered, 61v herewith, the ff paymrmt at primal. <br />i! rwl soo!xr paw, oA the . _ First day of . .. eF b~a~.. ~ _ .. 19. _ . <br />Uxurortsr Caveatsrrrs. Barrotver and I.cndez c~ rensat and agree as follows: <br />Z~ as p.~cipal m3 Imtiersat. Bore+c~aer shall promptly pay why due t8ep~flps~~ ,tI t~f ar~ff ist- <br />terebt rm the isdebtednesa evidettcmd by the ivote, prepayrneat arts Late charms ~ to the Nti~e. <br />and tFer psi of acrd intr_reat on any 'Future Advances secure+f by this Mortgage. <br />~. Funds 7osas and Subject to I.ertder'g apticxt under paragraphs # sari 5 her~nvf, fior- <br />roaer shall pay to Lender on the don manthty installments of pinctipal and interest are payable antler the <br />I4irte, until the ~eute is paid in fall, a ~,ur. (Herein "Funds") ~~tualta one-twelfth of the ~•r$rly taY+ai and <br />a.r=-n~te ~-^.ich msy attain tri6t oven ttcis Ms~rtgage; attd Brc~unc5 reatsi ~ Elm p:npe~ty, if arty p <br />~~ j ..~,, ..~. ~-.~ ._, s~-e zr~~ii~ ~s~ _::. _ rte. Lt a~.~l s~ i '•~;r-~, <br />ttcfd;ng a:.'. a;rr:3,n~ t;a g'itac~a ~ ~ffs~ ~ ~ - tar3 Frills. 'i'ce? ` s <br />_ to ftie Borrower; wit3tasrt cheese, a+f aarigsl ~ t~ el3e~wfr~ az~ts arm deb~i #i tie <br />and tf-e ptrtpoee far which ~acb d#bit td tls P sas tm~iie, "1~v ~ ors pfd as ~l <br />accurity fur trine eeetar+d b tbie 'I'6e ~eetowee thee! ~ lhwda:aa~-hs-beL~-.b}c ter <br />',+ndree sw~ it~tlefee ~ a~~li~ ~ ~ erelt igeuu <br />!'inns its ern a tare Sider skrRg slat Fie Rabic fair ie er moods +~ s~~. <br />yy~y(.~. ~ii~th~t[.~.y ~y-o#y~~e ~ei~heFd ir~i~l~a, to~e~ar ~s bifao~~~#y of P <br />Ali~R1Q PiI~J Ttl WO VR 4 S! Vl ~~}:~. T~~ •~. <br />' ~. sent re~gairee# to z cold , Ipil~tenta, iru~aruriree~- 1R rents as thcv fats :Este, <br />s~ ~xsew e~1FE bs, at~'s ~t3yerJ to Siwedwer or credited to Bormwcr on <br />moaf,~ i+Go~ttE ~f Fug ii ssaa~ ~~{REI~~s.isy shall sot tae suti*_czent to ~~• <br />t sad wo tiwy riot, ivee shall pay to lender <br />~y amt aat~e~nr make -~ ~ try ~ triDtlc+e frt>o+ I~ntter tQ I3enower <br />nrf-teetia8 ~, +~ ~_ F , by set ~ id metier ttt~alla>P~rrts of 1r ands requir^8d. <br />l~n pout=.~nt in fall of ti~i sums scented by thix Mert~ga$e, Lender shall ap{~t}• Fimcis hc~itt ps ~ ct'eciii <br />againe+t at} same ;i:t:~. <br /> <br />~~~ <br />#r 5 <br /> <br />