."1 .. �. . .�ri ` -; .'f� � . .. � 'S�A`�i!"T .�...)t.�'`s`JZ�'� .' w�.l�----_ � - -
<br /> _,`�• •,, i��._ , ..tl� _.� _' _.., - .. .. ----�. —.
<br /> f_.....o.��:�' __ ��������
<br /> , �' ..
<br />��t. ' BCrrb��'0 C`crOtl eCC�L�t3�r�r iA0 f�C:aAi i�!�ti�S:2t�m&�t Rro¢eQut83 ACt Q} 137A 0s am�ded from tFmq b Sf�t. 12 U.S.G �_:
<br />-';�� 2501!t 6a�.l'F�'�`!.u�fesa Qnoth�►aw tRat�pp�5 to tns Furda ee3s a�ssr�r�t. R so.Lcn�may.at e,ny tbr;a.ao4ot�r!
<br /> "�. ho�#Funff�tn�amoun!a�t t�rz�tt�a L�s2r cmount Lsn�=r rs�y c3t�sL.ia t?�a nrt:eunt o4 funds H:xa on tha b�sb ot cuncnt�.-� �- �'
<br />;:��� &ftf�fe1303Ll0�Q3i�1l4QS Oa!X$8�lQ�SJC'v3 019tJiSltB Ef,�t0Y1 I�Ct 0111afWI38�1 QCC9fQdtlCff YI$Il El�DIICBEE3 mW. `,
<br /> e,.n:
<br />'�'��� Th� Fundz ah±.� D� hz'� tn en hs48uti�n whasa �Ipa+l� crd In2�rad bY e feda�ai agsr�ay►. tnstrurnEnmGly. ar encay (tnchuthrp L�;-.
<br /> L9st� B 6�7ndfN Ni E�tsh en f�s'�t',�n)St h bnp F�:..�31 FlOtr�IA-9n E!.l�k, LendN Ghs9 o,�Afy the Funds to pay 4rte E6CrOw Item9. �;_._
<br />: ;l;• L�:{�ray not chu�BOrror�r fer h��d'rq end e*pP�lrtg th9 Fund�,ennua9yr anary�,hp the escro�r Qeeount,or versyi�tha Eserow
<br /> ii�rts�unte�s Landu paYs Borroaer In4gn3!on the FurQ�and ap�iiCahb i�w pKm�s l�sder to make such o churq�. Harr�r�r.Lendar
<br /> _ m�y�Ya Barro�.:r to R�Y e ort43�*.a CRa�g�tar an hQ!�endent raal8a�te ts�c rePos3in9 aaMee used�y I.ender k►cor.necttan w8h
<br /> ''u, Nie l0asl,unUss aDPGcab9D ICN provt�fas othsvetse. Unbss an agrsen�ertt t3 made or 4q�+�'ica0�law re�utras tr+tarest to�e Ratd.L�nd�
<br /> i�.
<br /> s1saB not Qa re4u4�sd tc P1Y Barrow�d any tntarast or aem�nga an the Funds.Borrau+eT erd l�nd�may agree In w�'ng,haweuer.that
<br /> �n�esi atis9 6� C� trc+ Y�a F�*n�. t� sh9!!�re tfl Barrawer. w@hout cheJge. en ennual ecco�nt3na a4 tto Wnds. s ow p '..�
<br /> c�ldE9 sn�demR3 to tt�s FuntYs and th�pur�as�tar whieh eaoh debII tc tD�e FunCs rras made. Tha Funds ara p�ed�s add�.'cnal
<br /> s
<br /> SDC�y!ar aI sums s�utvd b�/thfs Sscur�Y UtstrumenL �_=_'
<br /> fi tA�Fund�hstd by Lnr.dar�cwd ths arncuais pesm�t_ad ta b�h:.�Cy cApsEb�lou.Lendar srta�axaum ta Be.�rov�er Por tL9 E•_
<br /> aa;�s Fun6s i�ac�6�danaa�the re4�b o!ttpps�t� tt+r. It tns arstoun!o!tRa FuaQs Reid by l.endar a2 enY brs is noi -__
<br />':,�.;. S�sfRCien!to pty iha E6Crow 12em.s when�9,Lender may so aot�;y 13mmvrar t�tvriitnp�an0.tn suwh case Botsoa��r sh�p3y to L�ndEr �:_
<br /> ?'�' tha deff�tenall. BortaK�er Shaii mot:v.up tho doticlanay h no maro than NreFre manihb PaY��+� ��_
<br /> s • t!N�tnaunt e�at,�tseul+to mihe aP �.�..
<br /> i'`�,
<br /> Land�s soi�dEseratJon. -
<br /> � uD�OtY�t�tt�0 ot aD sums secared by this SecuRM Ic�tmm�I.tmd�rhall pramptty Ksfund to Bonorrer any Funds te:�by �.
<br /> , Lendw. li.under Pusq�aPA 21.LenOer shaD acquire et c3D thn Prtsperty,lertder.Priar to ths ecquist�n er eaio,af�tha Prop�aty.Shetl �`
<br /> �ppfy anY Funds h��by l.ettaitr Et tR�tLna a!8�qu�itm er 8ab tts 4 cTad��st Ne 6ums SeCUted bY utlB Sr3CVdly.irtsttum�itt. . +'-�
<br /> � 3e�Ej3�.�I0t0 0����YYl�'� Uqhas QBAf1�Y!I�v/�tOVtd(�otllEtv�'�O.8D p�ym2ntS�Gd�Y I.GnQe�tuiQOr P�9�Pfig °-
<br />;•;.��:; t and��Qs�DDi�fir� tn a�6roF8Ymsni ofi�dua un�r t3�v Not�:secand.to amcunt�{sgyN�ln ursdrir pma�r�slr� third —
<br /> � �,,,- to G�6�t du�tr�M.t¢ff�-1�1 duc+:sn d I�t II anY f a l o c h a n H a e d u e u n d e r t l w r J�t e.
<br /> �`, !�.���a's L,f($Li� B�r�a�var d�ali RaY ¢Il tar¢e. aur�smnents, charaes, fhes and tmpo�itians muAsuU�f�to tha Peam�ty ���
<br /> . wNtcti � � PriorB2i over tnts� tnstri.menw rmd 6eat,nttalt! ¢aynenb or�ound rt�t�. if ai►y. �a:�awer shaD pay ttiese �
<br /> � .�` , ob�patbns b tha rtwnnar pcav�ded in P�4�9fi 2 ar Y not patd i�t�ai s�ar�n�,r.Bortocrsr cAeD pay Iii�m on tt+ns d�ec8y to tho p�^son �_,•,
<br /> ° ." vw�d psYmenL Bartawer shaD promP1N f4mish to Lenr�ar at!naS�e3 af amounta to 6e pa?�ms�er this O�eQ18Ah. If Borrovrer matces � -_
<br /> �,. IhGrA P�Y��g d�Q�•�ortatvei BhaY promptlY Ntni9h W Lender teCelPt3 evf6enCinp the 08ym6n19. _-
<br />_ ' . . Borraw�r shaD Drorts01A►disclur�enY Ben whteh hes D��f►over thts Saau�71 tnstsument unless Ba�rawer:(a)aprees tn wr8h�to _
<br /> ::.. ttw DR�ms�t of tAe obBpttbn uecured Dy tha Oen h a mann�r accaPtatsf�to Lend�;(0)contest�In goad taN1�Etr�Czn by.or dafonds -
<br /> G�tit2C G�iQtCement o4 ttle C3i1 tr1�iq,�tl luai�ed'nys tvhiCfi ftt th0 I.cx'r��s OphiOtr ope�t9 t0 pt�'a�t tlta etltOre�it(t�2 47:A Cst1:Ot(0) pi�'•
<br /> secuc�s tivm tho ho�dar of tha Gen an a�aerrsn!s�at�t�ctary to Uacdt�subordlnatfn�tha 6�sn�+Eh�s Secuf�3ir�uinenL It L.�drr `
<br /> _- , detRmin�that any�7a4 ct tRe Propsr[y Is cubJc�f 1Q.a lfen w:�an mm�r atmtn Prio�Y auer this�avr3Y lns�i[m�.t�sider asll Qiva . ...
<br /> ��:�� Barowar a nattce t£�riitYB�eha Gen. OormYror aifaD��+a�n arr tatce or�a ml r,rpr0 of tha act+z�rs set irat��af�w w�hh t0 d�ys .
<br />�+�! of tAe gluin0 of noUce. � c,
<br /> rr
<br />`�':,�.:; 5.Hi2�d Or Pfopl�Iyt h'J�bt7te@. eorrower snaN ke�ag t�o tm�rovemsnts naw ac�,tinD a hare�fm� a�c� ara t1ti9 _
<br /> pmp�Ry haurad tpiinst iosa by fre.t►�r6s UtcS�d�t�lhEn ths t�tm'�dend�d cc�vert�9'es�d tury eY.`�er t�aatds.t�cvdirs�tloo�dl w --
<br /> Qoodl�p� for wh(ah I.�nd�t t�qu1� hswtnce. ThFS hsarance 6AsD Ce mibnitinYd b the stnotmttr ind far 14ta.p�tod9 tfntt LoatGr _
<br /> r�SYp,�4t�h=u�c�r�fe,r prnvlSrp tt�e bsurance shall be chosan by Bocrowar suDjxt ta LertcQa's apytati9l whtah sF.to not bo �r�
<br /> u�rMSmaDb wkhheld. !i 8amwer htb.to rt�nhTain cav�.rn�a desc+� ebova,Lcnder maY,sl tcr+3afa aPi+o�►,aDt�ln covera8e to . _
<br /> . prot�Ct I.in00fe rlphts in th�Prop�2y,'In cnxsorOanCe wZh patoprapt�i. , �-_
<br /> A!1 hstirer�ca POgOi�s and�enevt�s:sh'p9 bo occaD�bb t0 Lerttd2r`.�rf BhIIA 6teAt4a e 6�sr,C�stl�m►�ali�Jpe C1�ctsY�. l+Mtd�r st�heA
<br />= ttis rtpt�t ea.fiatd ths PoBcles ana rones�mb. p l�ender ca�i�ss.Borrowet stwA iao�"a7►�►to t�reiar a9 rot�lOts o+paSd P�ms
<br /> . ��ni�sot�.. '�n t�0�w►t of(oss. Borrawcr��naa�5ra proc�+t aottco to ttrs ibraurs�ste carrt�^r on0 t�onttm,: Le�r may mzica
<br /> . � .orooe o+ta���s.a�asWiiesprd�slqtF/by��ptrow�r. • . . 'i":
<br /> . , unt�e¢6 tuemf�astC1 H�mw�r oti�m+�In wRnC.Insuranca P�s sMY a ripDSed to�staaHon or i�ppir ot 4iw Frroaerty ;:.,.�
<br /> Q�tnwpod.�`�tJ�r�ta+ation a npttr�S�ec�noml�aQY tarabi�ond L�ndaro aecurd7►ts not fessened. t!tM r�t4tation a�DV►•�S not
<br /> • eCOnomieaiY iYatRft�o►.I�nd�t's S�CUI�i Y wouid ba I�ssYned.tha insu�rsCS ProeeeQ9 sht�bB�PAlied tC ths 6w�t0 6�eurb by thii �
<br /> S�curty (nstnrmen� es�?h� or not then d�w,w!��ny e�xe�s O+�d to Bortowrr. If Borrow�r aba�Qona th�Prap�Ry. or Qo�s not .
<br /> �swu vrYfih 30 d�-�Ja�a as26�o iro•m L,cr�Qer that ft�s inrurana curi�r h�s o:hr�d ta s� o ci�fm� than L�dQr rr�Y coBec!tha . '. _
<br /> tnsuranC9 P��� �•�dRr rnq :u�v.1ha P�g to � a qsto�s ths Property or tD��l sur�s socure0 bY tN3 Bk�C�u3Y
<br />- ' tOibtQeNr�6 w1Ntlwr K7�t�cGt QY�en @u�. 1tM��day O�ad wL�be�'srHtt�s thtf noifee t�pMen. � '. �.
<br /> Unt�t4nd4r a�*�E�nt,cw�r oitwwl�a+�rea tn v►���+aY ap�tcat;o�ot proceeds tu pr�ratPql�Gh�:l��rt�iind or Atls$rvno tAe . -
<br /> du�d�ot�a md��1►�+6�s.'/���►ad to N�n'ti�ls�phs 1 and 2 ar ch4n�tRe amowi ot ittw.�+tyrtra�s�, .�fr,mOr pan�h 21 � . _
<br /> th�Proy�CY fi acpukt�C!'p9 t,a�Qor.Baroxz�Is riC*t t��anY Insurance Polkles end proc�ds�u�trom Q�cn�i�Al tn ths Prap�rtY P�
<br /> th0
<br /> ' W ths �c�ri�@ton sha9 Wsa to �r to the ex�nt o1 the sume aocured by tnb Sscur�y:�s��Wnw:! hmedktM► prtor to ttsa ,, �
<br />,�:"; ; �Oecup�Y. Pr�:rr�firon. Il*.�irr�onsneo �nd Proteetton At ttee �e�t: Borrowar'a..�a�a .
<br /> . ,. �PP1tC�3�a�1; tre�'1�D18a. s�r.2���r sna�cs�ra�0�e�•s�a�sn.�na use cns Proyorsi as eorrowetm prn����xs(6rnc.wlhrn ceay , _
<br /> dtys atlrr t`s saa.4tor�v?r�1�S�cuf�,►Insburce�m�3 s�i9 CanLlnus to occugl 9�m Pro�Omfi,/�s Boaowals{ulrasi�+,t:�rasHI�kr Qt _ -
<br /> �s.i a��� a"ir �*.e Ea;� ot c�lasneY. unie�s lnnQer ottNrwisa prNS tr+ �, �vhl�h can�nt s�� at�t b� untaQG3nabF,/ • �
<br /> w�,7,u�td,ov u�b�s�nuy,f�p cY��t�e3 ad�t whSCi�am bayond Bmroti:da corstrct gorrov�or sh:�1 nm dESVay.dvnaqo•a hrpair
<br /> ths�n�etti.�O+i t4�Prop�eSy ro G1�Ora9l.er carmZ wasts an ths Prop�h. sorm�ar abau b'ir i.�Qttauft tf ury rortsRtue aolion or �:;
<br /> .. proa�dfr$,wtsAtP�r�U0.1 a�'isha?�ts 0���a¢6�Lendsrs 9aad taYh judpRynt couTd oesuk tn torh3ure ot lhvPropaRy ar otPccmrb ::�
<br /> rt�q�l inqtr t,'� Ocr�crs�a:d Ey thL� 5aeurtt�,/ irrburr�ent or Lend�+'s sscuYR11 h�L Barrawer mtiy nuia suc?� a Q�au�And l•:
<br /> . . �ins��s ao�ravid�d M�aq�t� 18.try caustp th�4ctiori or p�ocoadhp to be dfsmt�sad erA�A�n,fng th�f.In tsn6ar's flaad fnCh f'::
<br /> ' dMrrmk:r.;ip�. pr-.c�Cf.�fo��ro c4 th� Borm�:�a tnt�rest tn th�Pro�rty or othar mIItott�l impatmnmt ot ty`�v G� creatnd'by tf�i� r,.
<br /> - S�cufdy 6��.�:t cr Londefs sacvrr y interest Barower thai slsn t�tr� Qc�t�ult Il Ootto�vor��u�ti8 iho iaan epAlicaUa�proCesg. �.
<br /> � p�vo n�r9�y {� cr in�ccunfe tn9amsaUOn or s�tart�ents to I.endar tar iNbd io pravl9e Lcmtiar with a�y �►antcrtal �famrs�:an)tn _
<br /> .. . ewu�eHcrc w�fs�;s tean evidenc�d Dy.ths Note.IrteLdi��but not 6r.�ad!o.n►pmsr�tstian�eonecmMp 8arurref�aee►�ney of tA� -
<br /> Psa�l mt a P�ne�gal mse�x►ca. ff ihb Ss�urEY Ustrument is on� ieaa6hnt6.Barra�sha0 camAH wih v1 the D��bns of ths _
<br /> � ta��as le 6C�wer��tas fes t3�W the Propwry.the baseflotd�nd the tee t�ta she�not marpe unfass the Lr�d�r�grses to tho �-
<br /> tner�er tn�vr�tQ. wrm soae wao '
<br /> .�.__ F102iLM0(41�3) Vapi.�010 _
<br /> ' .� OiaCADDfJ �
<br />. . . .. . . . .� . __
<br /> .`. .. .� ` .' . - -. ti � ,(� '.t ,. .. . ,fi . � . ; ,- _ ;'N 'i
<br /> . _ .._ _ . . . . _ . . ... . _ . . . . .. . ..t. . 1. .. ,.i� . �
<br />