"II t'li
<br />-]' ~~;'~IfFIfi']fy,e..i.i~;IM;:7~,i' #'.,:#•I'~~"3zi~:tk d:tl'1?k~ e : i.iri- i"*` ,4.i"iip-J ~Rf'"tEs:l:3;w:.
<br />'`~ ~ ~~' -
<br />~' - -~_ ?~-. -nor ~-;-?r F-?r: t?':r- nn~--~°~_~ 2s ~~€f -. ¢te±2d~;. -
<br />,. na. oar .-e. #.:.xacu~ ~ t r~-rimer of ?~ - .r.`perfy ir: fee xim~le and ~ergie~ lipt}ti arch 'a,.-1u? autacsrit~: tr, se## attc! -.
<br />iv. -- -:., =_arrxr arrtt t?,at the aatxrgs t__.6 attrt c:tytr ,~ anq ii,-r. or errrwebrrttce; sn~? that Tc+f..+rtltatto% wi,t v.~arrst±t axsd deferul th,e -
<br />~ -. .., sax; rr-~-~ -, ~t~ ~ ti:_a~ ,~i:~ - ...t«tr~,sneva: -
<br />'I`n pay' it~steky vreten pine anti }Sayable alt ~tteral taaCb, t~tet'tA{ tax!':5 specai sases~<mentx, v+atr: ~hatges, sewer aerv-
<br />t+e ^i?arves. attd mrhrar tatttra a=<A .-1:. a.K agY,-.:t .~i.i prz-arty. z;n*! a!! 3asc. !P{toff on the- t ~rtur«i #w:etp~. and to futrRi&G ihr
<br />RtortgaBee. upon rratuaet. with ttx~ cmgtna! ,ar Avplir_ate rereipt~ t~tetiet~rt.- sY9iw~iatertgagor attrrw,s that 1hen~ stsall !Se ~atl'd+rd to
<br />ee.":e zrw t#r!s ~arrrr-r: reuuezr~ :wrr.a,:._3,=r :.; ;taz3„-: its ..>,€#~r„<t..xf >#eF;t seceirt~ !>frrbt ar, ranawsst e+t;sra~3 Icy the I~fartgr~ee
<br />t•; Ek• u55at far eoatiie.,te`se Ialttrt,e t:? lure, as they ta~rsme , all tattoo, rm_.._..,....,~.a. and sitnilsr ~rat$es 4Tv$ flea srtrsrt- -
<br />iaeaa vbje:tt theieto; arty Srfteirnrp• Iwcavse rr!' the in;wR"triettcy of such additiattsl paE-titents atta-1 he farthaalth dap~ited fiy Ilia -
<br />f>rturigag.+r wi11+. tF,r ?Aorigagar ufn,n r#emanti o> th.:• '•_tortgag•-F. Any default ,rndxr thin pn ragraph rslssH be :Meterd a defatdt in
<br />}~ayrnent isr tomes, asrsrtrta, r,r sitni:ar ~?:;r rtes e°ettvitc~d hrrsvnder. _ .
<br />"['#~ Mrtrtgagvr agrees that there ahxii also ire added *.o each monthly {sayAiant ttf prtn4ipatsat~.3iter<aat:.teghtttite. -
<br />v~rr an amawnt evtimat.••i ?•~.- the Ivir,rtgagre 4~ he sraASctent !r. t-noble the Mortgagee t~ pay. as it beeottte~ due, the inattrttr+ee
<br />prgtttivm tat any insu ranr_= pu.icy delivered taz life Martgttl;er. Any c:eEieterrCy because td the ir>SU$ciency cd 6SMh ~dditiottat-1~7'-
<br />ettettta'eha#} br fetYhwith depcssited by t?+e Mortgagor with the atorti=fin+e vpa_t demand by the A4ortgtlgee. Atsy de(1iNtt vttAtt t3tia
<br />}aat7tgraph shell !te deemed a defsuft in the payment of insurance premiums. tf the poYtey'or pofieiea`drb§d'titsaNt~t'~-Jr>N~;>
<br />ewnete or at# rink poliriarx, and the deposits are instt9'i~ent u, pay the entire premium, the Mort;agee ittay apply ttte dwFpdt. !o. _ .
<br />pay pteati;tms un risks tYquirr:i to be inwtrtwj tsy Ihia mortgage. _
<br />Paymettta made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs ataY.-at.tlte optiap n!t;hekd, hg- b,~,.$t.;~tid
<br />centntitt;ted with otfter attch futds ur ifs own funds for Iltr payment of iiteti iternti, and ittitif e~ >~~jyp~-~q{
<br />pled><ed as aecttrfiy for the unpaid balartt-e t>F the trto~tgagw indwbledtt~a. <.,_ . ,
<br />Ts ptotytte, deliver W, and mairstrin tar the hetteltt v[ tht Morttptgee durirs(( flee Iife of tiia taatypt/tt eriBiuad:tldit;iQS,gpi!
<br />tenetrala ttsertttl, delivetred at least ten days h~ore the ettniratias o[ ?nY sy~ ~: i~+_Rts{: ;.
<br />ltaasti, tatet~tiea, and t'auttitt~encles w the MoetBasea tp6y ragttire, in as amattrst eqw{ fp ffit udslt/slwrty • ~ ~
<br />~, ttnd irs twmpattiea atxeptable 3v the Mrrrterttee, with tttat+payabte Cfiause in favor of pct a furta.+otepp~t~,:
<br />pe. In the ewpt any policy is rot renewed cut ur Faslore ten dt~rt d its ttxpiretiaa. the htorirsgae ~ p_ ~ ~-.a1q .
<br />} itt>~rorveteseob, pay the premitrm therefor, attd such sore shell )rewnte imtnediatety tine and pftynttie with %ni 3 ~ ~t rytri net
<br />" ~ forth ;u said twtc ti--~3! poi: and ;ha]? be rricuc>~ by this tttertgage. Failure oat the pars at the l4Swiattftor ~ funtisk asolt
<br />ar ate herein te4u+rexl ur failure HS pity anY auaw advanced hereunder shah, at the option o/ the Mort[igrer, t+tattpitOt$• a .
<br />itotder the tanats M this tm4rtg~e The t7divery d such paFicies alto!], is the event e! ttafavlt, cataetituh an~aiaa-e at the im-
<br />- tiartied pry. t ,ti _
<br />' Any some received by the #Mortgagee by rrawsn ~ low or dytnge insured against tpaY 6e rwtairteci by late A~tar¢~e - ~ -
<br />- amt ap~a~l t,:warri :,-. ,.. rnenf. ::t the debt hereby ta±c.~rt>ti, ur. at the option rA 't,r Mrrttfagee, asttb ttttigi etttaet w-hsttty sr tit
<br />IreK away he stoic! :;«: the 3furtrmgnr U, tk vsect trs rePsrr .urh buildir~s o_ t„ "u,!:i .~snv 6nikfia~: ir. !lei: #rlaEt• asr #:r itt~ `
<br />octet pvrl:rar nr r>t~}act aatcafactarr. to ih. Mortgagee with.,vt aflect.ing the hen nn the mortgage (nr the fv!! amewut _sarUred heee-
<br />x by before each Payment ever trxsk ware
<br />'t ~. prt-v rear, r~rs -- ?•~~.td ally' ~ ia:Err~`t~€=t}s ;i :.r e,z t~.~.~, ;~ t:w ;~~'>w. .~«a~ +r~. k~- _
<br />~e da~uacsl >g d~trrsre.3~ x: k =aiA tsrrwxi+>w in sand txrrtditina awxt tannic aa«t r,.~ tr.,.- >_ a t:~,.. „ ~__ ~._ ..
<br />riaffi rA nett not ezprraaty svhrardu_atited to the tl€rs Aerate, trot to sr~er sr ~rnrit ucy urs3artfatl uao sf ar any tssiaatrita: to salad eft
<br />- l~ Ni3r ta't pottart wwaze m said pistrtYter., nor to d., any other arc when:tsy thw pnalwrty heratay conveyed lfitttf betxtse
<br />..._.._- '. .~_ -.....a t.. .:.,n:,>:.i. r it ::: .•.:.,. :w ...: ,.. ,,...,-e - - -.-_
<br />- w ~ eua:°:aaaa' p-r;~a~ a:m ..= a uaw :irers:+.rf ~ ~-~ ~ _ ~ _ _ -
<br />~ - _ .~ -
<br />~~. aa.,..s~ .tee .4 _ _ ~r `_ ._ _ _
<br />prdir~. or loader the zilth+ eS ~*mirinnt min, s=r in aayLetltea maeut.r~ thrW rt-4t, r1~«Y >:kalt !t. a~szf~ is ~~. ..~~~
<br />i ~ awaad+. old any vi7aer Payment or rweief inerefw. a:td 4t! t~tiirttfd. at arcs opttan, tr: rnntrnerrce, i# irifrl
<br />~. tlMti@ $y N~Pti 7f prn4:7Eedtal~, car t0 ode apBa>•r ~' t4-~tti-' ,
<br />y aarspra~aw ur settlement in conrtarctien with suit takutg w damge. !ttl twcit
<br />~YHktM:~wN'tLt;td5a~trrs. riihx of aotiett and Dsauesde ere tre+rohY assisrted _o thw Mnrt?tageai+r~rt ataY .tr~4~eiygR
<br />~ Ne :at}NW. reiaaae any tltinw.eya so reoaiwd by lit ter af'OEY the acme va amY iratebt:.tneae second
<br />t -kt etsecFtta ~~ IttK atwignatwn~i c,f aey t'Frtnttentwt«sn, twttr*~. ttattt '.~! t1~4rt•.
<br />aEeD.. and rtBhta of acYaota ittd pr4Ce:Aittt lY flat
<br />hbrtgttgaa ~ retwiw.
<br />'Tlntt to cola of tartunr to perform any of ttsr :ti..e-„ants k;•re.rt. thw li4ortBat','~ rrWy do rm the IAiit~ty~r'a l+ettdf eaetf
<br />tto covarttnttEedj tSat the Mortgat{ec m.;„x ale ~ any act tt mar Aunt rre'~ssary t+, prvtErt the lien ttawretrt; asst the M~.r atAtl
<br />- d~F tijigaa drrgnatrsd twty rttortwys f`artt arc Ai.tttrtw ~,t t.w Mae 4trvtgagtY far any of Mte at+ttwc pus>,caea, serf utcA aaattvs togetl-ar +ri:h
<br />- intea•eA tts~as at fire rate pxxitieti in saint enaiu sit txromw 3 :nateii aehii^tt.ansi i~IrhtrAtt'aaeea hc'tetay sa,rursd anr# mar rte t»-
<br />r:{tadssi an any daeree (ot'weMarag 4hts mortgage oral br t,a.d arot nt t»« rwnta ~r yxry-r.v'ls of note M ttatA pertmtaaw xf n.# otlsaraeten
<br />F;eid t¢.t it sha:} ,, ~ tti,. ~Mtgat.~rr :tlx>tt the- 41,;-t:sgrr t:: :r;rtte ,atr_, Ehe .ah3ity ,,t an, loc..- s~~,taaletatnr~ yr .:la_eat to sd-
<br />- testa tts atarvw ant_ hxtt a+rticra[ stn eeetigrad ~tttat oat _ -
<br />ttse ~e -tt+ ttrgveaLrF. ally -
<br />.l . ~+.a„`~i- ti~/~t1F $ ~ ~~rrut. tai :~ tom. ~:at~sst. a~ .,.. a~-A.~.tw a~-~~ 1
<br />~, x
<br />r, ~.. - ia. ttr ~wewnR rJ flaw A.wtauk tw~ Aae+#w~n. ri:r +.wa~± ~ _~ -- V -~.~lt..m.r ~_ -. .a a_ .s _ _ _ _
<br />~.~ iv . ~ 1T ~;
<br />iw :iv nwrirwa..anro ,~ flea rrwi..t...n i.. tw.. .~...~„. .- !~-tt~ ~~er! wr,"e!'7. !~ !.! --.,.,~,gpe, aa.- :-t-irla , •~3~= vets tf.c '
<br />- ^±e~:
<br />..-:_ - - ;~ ~C,tC'+G it4et' at4q 1~IU'.ttllM WftMtlt 7a9tliX-. tad the 1Hlart,~It>Aa itlStih be eA6flsd at tftt ll..eoul. aotr+r, tgf3ter Y~ ftaaA
<br />ae yy'a i+0etwrir lolls nppoiitrlFfd,3gr (#~ ta7iata tlgtlttMi. ~#riti wldl~Yl b Mte ~tlr~tuM~i iitk~#i~p~Ey '{6ie tTia itir,d.hta.'~tiiMt~i.
<br />_ ~ifTad trtt6y. ~ M{tr WsCn at~d M~ie Yaaiaaweft 4r t!w' rewt~a3 1+tan+iaes. and 4, eaJiaet a4taer tqr tents, t+.ruw. a,x! pn~ta _
<br />~htrat~' uhd~ Ale wNM: ttl4Mii a! a~Yerti~lik'~lpT?:L111ri1lbr. ~'~!t} ".fyliNMrirs-awr~rfk ;I~s°y~ ,t~r~t
<br />ii.irt tittd 1?~~ "" . " ` -ia it~r "#$t#~i ~w''MitiMr't` rte. ~iir art p~itx .~ wlr i~titrw~ti 4nttt~anft~t. - R
<br />'late ,-... .. +i.3~tsv s t$+e . ~ r 6~ a:.pent nn - -..., . , e ....» . ,
<br />.~... tD°~' Y a/ent of ,ante i4 afar 3eiitr &ar r3fa purples ~ repetrrpR sold ptnrat-
<br />~i R_~r= }ifR- ~t t'+r tft~te'f Fett~ettK, wk 1t Ht~? ~r wtt 4f tfafod ardYLie s~ etpeneeararttr'nt- ip tmtt-
<br />itrg attd aartaa~3tig`~e aa;lirn end td ~lrg ills ~tw lhw+eft'wn, "f~.+ iieiiurce irmeinirtg. -st~any. xhall 6e apt.t-e;t e:;warA tl,w
<br />d~gr at fire tl>t ; The ~?si ie fn t~tat+whrtntd troll! ago! void nltyae taf this mettgaace.
<br />