s` ~~
<br />4~Ir
<br />'tea
<br />~~,
<br />~ -
<br />its'; 7.~j'~~tah'iHS~}t",#t "~i;FCtlk'}~;"?, c.sP' iP '-A,''ll'~} a~1V'NJ eft-i~-r'=~ - ,~ -
<br />"ttxst t}:k ~--xt~¢~r -~;i3 'tie tr4~~=-<;n ~a~~~ene€~t€ae ¢de~
<br />~?t `i~va tJw- I,foiw if 3`#sE #.>~- - _ 1`ls ,~'=1FTr•l =aas isa~~ti ana #awful a`.;•.'htu7iF".~ 9aN a .. _
<br />^ansey fist sarA_e tl+~+S 4n+R`E7irrrrrq~ie € a"t'±titr~~F attj~- eet' ;~ tnfii f T7$n!*r ,.-fit w~r.~t es+tI dNerr9-#~. .
<br />titre to mre! i'reo'•...s agriast the t"ts+~ c~' s!i Fe+s~as~ -:never- - - - -.. --.-,--
<br />Tri {npq-iprraarliatriy ~ehes: rise K-~M± .~, ~Iillf~ is:es. e4ee.s1 aerrarrr~nta..ratar thar~ea, N~tq se r°'
<br />#~ tfrttr~rfAil. bier Fa:wa rtrt 'Mrs'?rd. xill~d~d, °iet~~?>.~iwl zr: ¢!er A~.r aet4~rw} h~rrby. 9rtid #a tdfhi4iiy aka~e
<br />t5lortiiagee,'? ~A!~,:,-~e4b ~ifR.ait cr`atiie r+oti~es iiaatr~ae.. '['~ Marra +ir star these abiti ie'tttild to
<br />eacis sr~sathtY 9st-aerrit N_ii~iire~ user .~ urrtar rAe ~~rlri3,iee d 3ebt~retared }se.ehy aa-atsxruat ratiirtteyd hY tic ltfar~se
<br />to tse wi8geat to enable f!r Atnrts~iie iv ar '~uY E ds+e, ail taases, aerernenenta, ~ siiaihtr etisraea u~aa flu tsrera-
<br />ireu airbjoet tlxrreM, _rpy_ [rStarwer .~ the ir~t~lcierssy vi ~tt_a!~ sFta~i'l tre 10ct1trnth ~tsd bg.
<br />Mort6++Tfl' .!7~ ttw ,~' ~ieaaat~ eY the Muriaatrr_G Aas-Aittat4t taeiier ttit Siaiaitratrh aS~,lo~..a>uJiI~IIr4
<br />parr»ed ~ 1~n, '~.~ur>~~++Ef nr ~itiiitir ;-}iarg-a requinvl haintre~er. "
<br />3'1r >idesfrtreor arpteas that Zbetre shall aieu 6e adiirsd to etdr monthtY PsYaigC of prraciptd-ar.t 1pY1 ANt~
<br />wader an rrurwnE estie°.atrxi by thr MortaaQe~-to bn sx>ticieat !ts enafrls tha 111rrtaetDte M ~cY.-mss ~. heoaMks, +li~- ij~t
<br />4 .sn ary iawrasice ~y drtiveeeA to the taRortp,®ae. Arty dr$cimcy hpeatrlr-d°tha ' d~tttse~t-i~li~IM~%`~.1~/ki
<br />t>~ xha~ he forthwith depwited tsy the Margo; reifh ttr Nortayee upoa itema+id by thr M+~tp~e. Aaa dtdarit M1ds[ ttlis
<br />t~L~, arrN be 9aerrtad a deffrrlt is the payment ot, ursirra~ee prttnis~me. EI the pgiiCir at '
<br />anreer ar ~ frier "pioiitii~is- resd Nie ileyo®b are i,teitteSeat to !'ke esatin p~dtaQ, ,the"~ ` .
<br />~~ ~'~~~_
<br />~Y praiiuras M [idle crawl rwd to bt irgYeed by ttrir arm- . ' - . - - -- _ -
<br />~ ry~~npd~ .ri 6Y the Maet~yor cadet tii~ above swr+;~ra~ saw. at ~r apE;oa of ter lurat~ee, er liAa'y it rtirt
<br />ewe + d3~t~wrdt f~ii. or ftk `6t.. tt~3i `for tle`~i1~#l...r bt .aiiR;iesi:=w iwt~" .3~sa...cb, ,,,A.wiri.. bey
<br />rtritwed ~ eratuity tar the napaitl 6alraee d the nn~iaLe irdebrsderr.
<br />Ta praeaae, dstiver m, aad ssnainfaia [ar the beweit d the 111ert~ae alrri>ss tie We d this trorfpR ~-1
<br />...evuL tlrwd Jauvarrd at twat taw drw ttafaro the e~ieatisa d a~ t~ [ i;aiarei+at ~ ~ asr~,til~at ~1
<br />ba~raadu. rarard6iw. acrd uoatiairrcMe as eba liorlWr mmaT rarortea. is as ataoari aapd eo t0a irtrbredoi aat7tlr~ ~ liio
<br />#~foed 6t aaaepNriras aoeeptas6ie to fire Maeppthae, with hrw Oayai~ +drne ~ faYer d acct itt /rt~rtanttr~ritAiit= ~ ~-~/r
<br />Rer- kit- ~ evegt aay ~ r art seaeaed a ar i+lw+e #ew dqa d Ff• ~ the Nwt/tttaa » @uttair- liair~iwsr iia
<br />~. tt4 fire yta~aa tharaler. rtrd plth a~ ahatl isaea.e urrrisdialeay drs art tlrgrlpyls tai isaiititrt tt tii- sit
<br />tarieth ut raid grata .....:, ydd and aitdt tr reoaet by fir rrrat/grt. Fai4tta M the }ert d thr ltoeytrtor in fwtriei-=+~e~artiewM~
<br />ar ate haeaia reatitrA ae Lihtre w ptiy +sY srrae airarsd I,et~t.ter rbar. d ebe atlirr d drs ~ aitilflil#t
<br />Aries" tlrr fast d t1iiE 'fir delivery d wsh paticiar rtrU. iw the wrtwt d de4edt, carritilare ar iNwtaalii4t-at ~ >~e-
<br />aatsri ttewiurrr. ,
<br />Ayr .tact raceraed ty tAe lttortttaNa by eaa.ra d tags Ur ~ incur ~ araittst may be rotainrd bg~ tke A~ftiattatfa
<br />art ap/firt tagged the Payreeest d the deft Isret6tr srecsred, or. st the u¢hon ..d t!x Mortaaaee. wet+ pans eitlbr wtediY as itlc
<br />~ t±! trsid ~= s<: tint lily to he uesd M repair wait ar to guild'rxw txildia~ is tlxir ptaer or for uUr
<br />other ourQnee w ub)~K eatafsrrtaxy b ihr Murtaaeee withoat afrretiwa the ties oa the raoriia{e for t}x tuff amouwt e~erurrd t~f+..
<br />67 t+daeo tact, payraert ever tcxW plaee-
<br />T< r~=`:. qtr ur sstter~# a~ er emtvcsseates9. a~~ .~ lrrra.'ter sr. ttss psatri#a~s reSieA t~ bs~
<br />m Aettr'er~i- to tE ~.i £ _~.,..~.., .ee ~+~-.i_- .t.~±4.w +~.it .~~+si. ~.t tr... r.~ ...r ~r,~'. +~
<br />aAi+a rt sisw gat armed ~ thr flea . ~ to wr[er ur persit gay itatnud3ti are ui .ts arts autMties:d.-.tcid,r+e -
<br />alii !~Y aw io perait wr>ar~ aei ..id pwaaiew. roc w .ia ray other rtt whereby thr property lserebY a+m+tr}ed rllli
<br />~sr . ~- '-±~ :~.-Y, - - ~r . aa:se ^y ass, ~. --- - -:~~ __ arm ~_, ~:~ :; a».. a;± ;~esic:rr~ :aac rrttl t/i;
<br />is fire saev~si mexwcr ~ tee use thereof. ~ ~ a i.=_ is-~ - _ - -.
<br />--- --- - - - -- -- --. - - -- . r . - -_- -- -___ .a .,, --v P`-19t'~--~.,~v..--~: fly -~.. -_,^-
<br />aeiaeaaadia~c er u>~s thr ridiit ut smiamt domria, of ie gay uther autrirser Uie '.ts3rtraarrASiisN t~ .Yttir4ed to ~
<br />asrrtsCr, and ary Debar paytaent nr relief ttiereior. sad rbrit be mtritied, a: itr afrtwn. tr aramnsaoa. appaa- ut gad peowE+gr tw rte
<br />v+et itttate arY rctiert or prooradir~, ur to mane argr - or rrtnt ier e~ireNas r~b atl4dt tatrl~ oa etwa/e t1t1L~t
<br />caaya~tirr, swarth. dtn*raes. ^+she d setauo ~ ptvaertle aitiiWwitietiittr ~I<ai''~ir 1~6etipUrr.'ie>is isri~t;'~'
<br />tineetrarr tit t4 er<Pra..ew reteare ar+q morrys w. eeceived t1y ri r,r reply the easae un raY irxielflzdwrera .ecured hereby Ths Mart
<br />iia+rr ee tereesrtr wt$i fueprer ardif+t+r~~ d awy :.itrspewsattaw, a~eia, dawwoaw sfii ngipa .>F sietiaa arri pig ar ttx
<br />hfortttyw *rof rnauec
<br />.'pia aaprrr Pi:lttih!4. ~ arf4t d thr astoatat- Aeteia, ttx ttarrtdape niay m m ttta l4art/asaa p tirhaM r..,~afY
<br />~1}11t
<br />M art+0l11drtQ.4t; ttfal the t~fbrt$i~e! racy atre dd raY art it maY deem nReeriisy to P~'t the Irea theeeQf: ths! ti+e ~ 1qY
<br />repaey utsari demrad ray rfrvaeYe Laid er disbur±+cl bx the Mtrrt~etee for raY of the at+eit~ putpveen, grid xarls strsr:rrx taettlirr rrttis
<br />iaeeraat thgreow? rt rte rase provtdari in eaici note xha[t iWru.pe ra. miµh edanioasi iririetftesirees. hefehy secured r+id nary he is
<br />ttrtdeti its toy deerrw foretlosintt thin rm,nt:rlt* rriA t>~+ Paid cwt of the rrrstx or P of gale of srid tsremiwes it not otherw~e
<br />{iiE[d: that :t afi.°:' nc=t tar a}stfgatorp uPr%n ttsr ?#irrt~ater tr iautatrr isrtr; the satidity of any tie n. rriccmt»ririCVS. or tiaita is ad-
<br />reitn[xx3g rqueK!rx a~ atrcwe ruthurizeA, iwt swebisiy herein e.xstaurrd shalt 6r <-rxrerurd as nrgieiririrr ttie Mortttsdee ts, aAvarstr ar+y
<br />Ss}r ctay ~ lbtt-Fc?ae scot t~ ~ r°7 act F.rnFr~s err-. aetti [hrt Mr~# irt~t cri~t crw'1r nnY t~tawssl hrkruae of
<br />~~
<br />;~_
<br />;. ~,. fly. _.~ .~!-~.~r.~..b ~+'_.~~ t ~~?€ t, ~ 4" ~'E i€-:drR~ ~ti,'~
<br />y _ ~a~i.~ d !~ cb,'s.~!ioa s tre z ec it:s ss~eu€s~ mss. Ma.-ssasr~ s3:d3 he a~~3 m ~,ef:.,+ ~,e
<br />thbaatratxeed AerebY drse an~~attab>+c,xthaat >~itiar~urwd„~a. - - --=
<br />t.l-hr atektttrd at e"ts9p-irw. ~r#?iasrt . r.'rihat,lt~~L
<br />'~
<br />-,,, aii+- ~NrtApaiMa~~ii:oOrsic+i`it: ~-.at~est'as ~'titr it iartr•`ilrwee ~ the PurPrate of rrpairialt raid prrier-
<br />ir;,,: rvyttir; Ihr tagar: cattecdrit the eeah. atveaauee acrd ltitraM»e, araF it~rty #3rY wtt rt i~eid iwcwn- sH eittxruKa tnrnrrrt in awtt-
<br />iyt..aad rrsan~~ fix came gaff ©f cotieekia; the rentsdx thrre[tvxa.. The 6atarte« rtssnaiaias. sf :ny, shall hr s;*~•i:r-~.1 tuwrru itse
<br />-~ d ~~~ ~ ~ tR- wwziirr~acPd,h4twtere~tsir~ Md cold argon rriearr-ol ttiir t-ta..,iare.
<br />