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. „~; £ • , <br />- ,. ~,.. <br />€ii«-i=igrhaer suf F;:.Y.rrr:~s31 tr~~ lint ir.';. ~. _~ rtsil ,r:~~r~:~ :, ;aux. ,,~nh -..,. 1•~i ~ ,_u i~._z~u.~ __. ~°:~ir. <br />- t ._ a .<-;,irrJ ; i'~. .3s; :.ixl ,~a ,.,i}.nal a art. ari.ri•t <br />r ~ , 4~ . ,..,ce. >_...., .. ~~., if. ctZa <br />~'. F' ? _ T;~ arrest r v, Y• - _t @pt::i..3~'~E i.:. ~ e~. - <br />' ._c€t wa,sci Cr. l.e=,t#er. Barreswer amt pay <br />.v l er.~r rm rise r - -,.urtr _ _'r,~ _ ~._~± _. r xy 'a.' ~ ~vder cte Kole; ,.nt,: rte 'd:,tt i~ j:aid ~ fz:>, <br />a .r:37 a .`t';eretn ~ ,.~~-: ~. , t~. r _ +. _eteh .nom ~s.#J•• taE'.~ s ~ a~s....~.. ,., .!'l`:k:ri F+:ay i j,-r.a";:'{ry Gtr ?i:e <br />=srtg~e. a~°. r K :iEr;.a c....!~. ;~~„- ` ~r,, An;a :-twels`th r<# yt;xrly Esrcmivm iouallmtnts far isarard in5ttta[rCt, <br />p3re,s Ore-zwrif:. .-V"~-rn:~!Y ~r=,r.uc::ns~s!in3mta for ::?c*ttg~c +rzsurat[cc. ;f ar:,r. aIt as reasartgbty rst.ratareci in3tia[t} and fra~ez <br />t+,m tta titrte 1~; .arsdtr on the 'nears ui asae€ssszr:ettts ~-w,! t+iltt atxi reasoa[sbi. extim:tea thereof. <br />7tx }mounds shad Esc fetid in a~ inst#t;tssan the deposits or accaurrta r` which arc itts[rted or guarantoet! by a Pedant ~ <br />start ager:y tittclrrsfing Ltrder if f.en~~: , sta-h an .[t%t;rirri=ryn; Lcade: stair apply the FttadE Eo pxy said taxes, as:easttwentt, <br />insu*°ses,-. ~remiurns acrd ground ronu ? emder tn:y :mot chsr~ for so Fading affil applying [he Fumis, anat}zittg said atxount, <br />or vtz:fyirzg anti compiling stied as~esrsunts srtd hills, urtleas Lender pays Bo~as`tr intertsz on the Ftsa[is ;.sd a~licable ?;w <br />I+ernits Lettdtr tr_, enakt noel: a ctargt &urwwu and lxtsdG may ogres in wtuirzg at the time d exceutiao of rhea <br />Mortgage that interest on the toads sha:~ be paid to I3orr.~[ver, and ttaless such agreetnent is rrrade or appiicabk Iasr <br />r~uirct szsn iatcres+ io ce pond, i tnsitr stall not be rtalttit'0. to pay BOrrrnver any interest Or earai~*gs sMi the F.ttsek. I.ead6r <br />shat! givt to Borrower. without charge..n annual aecaxtfiag of life Fur[ds showing credits affil d~its to the Fsmds affil the <br />= tx;rpeue for wh~h each ,ether to the Funds was made. ilte Futtt4 are pledged as additional security for [be ar:ta aeat[+ad <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the aaaount .,: the Farads held by venter, togethtr with the frMare tttbathty inudiarerta of Funds payable prior to <br />the 6ua data of taxes, assasrr[eots, inaUraace premiums and groin reaQe. shall excoed the attsamt required to pay wed taaat, <br />afis, imatraace premiums and gtauad rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, s< 8cxrawe['x option, etthar <br />promptly repaid to Borrower ~ credited to Btrrower on nsantMy iaatafhaend d Ftmds. if the amoratt of the Fords <br />hNd by i.eader ttf~au not be sttfHciant to pay taus. aaraatnmts, iaauratta premtums sad ground reels » dtey call due, <br />Bartotrer atoll paq ~ Leztskr nay ama[sat eecesaary to make tip the deficiency within 30 days frost the bate etttioe is recline <br />try I.tadar ~ Hosmwer reQtttstiuti PaYmem thtaed. <br />IJpr+a payttacat in faB d all tattier mcttred by this -tortjsge, Leader ahsB pct tetrad to Btxaartm tray ~. <br />bNd hY i.aadv. If tttsder peropaph 18 hereof the Property is soil a the property it ttthenvae motpeired M f.ertdes. I.Mde <br />apply, ao hrttr these ittsmediaeeiy prior tot the stile d the Property or in airon by Laadv, eaY FutMR held ti <br />lattdar al the time of appiiatioa as a credit ttgaintl ibe attaa aecmtad by thu lfoetprc, <br />~ ~ I<q>•ttaYr. Ua[es apptieabie law provides nthuwise, dl payetoate t+aoaved T-y I.utdar trtdar lie <br />Nss:e sad i sad Z ltd t;~# Ire appfdad hY `s.ea3ar i~ a payiaasi of sieaotaaat ptr=abie ~ I.aa~er its lieeltsrtaC <br />tredar persgraph 3 htued, titan to intaea paysi':rle oa the Note, tAea to the prfis~al of the Itfale, sad that to iosnsat tied <br />pritstapsl oa nay Puttarc /ldvastxa. <br />d. t7ralpte( tiaett. Wntnsrer shat! pay all taxes, oat sad other • the and ~a~iaes rte ~ <br />ilait Pe+agatty wSieh tatsy attain a priority over tics Matptpe, aril ieatehold pay>watt or grtread tet~, i[ any. id the etaaeeer <br />ple~igsd tafiAit'~ 2 hta!aaf a, u trot paid is torch ttaaeaer, by Bartosaer teakiisE payereet, arAes ttee~ ditet~y to the <br />ptges thereof. ttlail promgxly ftuaiait to ltsdx a8 ttnt;ors d t dsn tsoda this partg9tt~, sad ie lltlt atatet <br />l+etsptwr nlldll atdte peywet tlieecHy, ifotaor+a' shag prompNy ituait6 to I.endas' reaipb srttk~rf toaoit ! <br />1leemw~ '~ F~PdY ~ w3' ~+ which hat priority over' this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower rltaR act bs <br />regwred w discharge any wen !iw so bog as Barsorrer tdtaii agroe in wrbing to zhe payreant of the obligation sKared by <br />arch ~ in a marterar ttcapta['de to lewder, or .[hail ig good faith contest >ixdt lien by, or defend rceaseut of such lies ia, <br />lagd pmceediags which operate to prevent the eefartxtttteat of the lien err forfeiture d the Property or nay part tharmf. <br />5. ]dasard hrtneeeee. Borrower sbtA keep ehe ietptovetttents [tow exiaiag a hereafter eteceed ea rite Property ipttaed <br />s;ttiaet loss by the, hararth itxlta~tl within the tam "exaadsd covttagt. , nail wch artier harrrds as Lanier tafy ragstirc <br />sad ~ stx-h arrto[rnts nail ter s:ach periods as Lender may require; provided. tfiat leader shaft twt regain that the amotmt of <br />t+~ cevtr4~e *ic,~>a,A [~_: d ~*a~ req:ffiad ut pay the s[~ sae:artt# by ~. <br />2be itrlartsatx curler ~ fire i d.aa tr. ~ ! y w~...«w.r rtb~t to a•a' by sue; ~, <br />that stub ttltt~ t~ be tmnasmaM7t rr3dShetiL :ill prstaiamt art iotaritsee poiieia shag be pad a tlsa ttaaaoar <br />pr6sidOti t~rparagtsph 1 hcreor or, if not goad ist otter raaarta, by Borrower making payment, when true, directly b the <br />~___ __~____ , _ , _ - acctata~e tQ ~.stpjer a3a ~ti t!es_It_+>#a ;< traarctar~ <br />~'~'^'~ !>~++~~ au~ rs~+~ais fhtrtd s3ul ise En farm naet.._~e <br />a tavrx €d aatl ~ fortrt xNabie to t.tader. Ltatkr sluN have the right to h:dd the poli~-mu sad renewah therestr, <br />~~ _ <br />®e ~rr>~ _. _., __~ _- _revx~~a ty '-..~`~• C eft r: t:L':~.~',. w...w .:.,. m :ouspta m plea ~r`cesi[rana. i~ i`€~e sve~i of 'n'°~ <br />t Il ~\<+F g_rnmflt t~n3ce z~ tip tastirSa€@ c-atritF sad I..E-9def.~ I.~Cr ~. #nakfi pmt Sf 1oa tf n'udr ~'y <br />~} ~Q~. <br />L' eat itader and Borrvwe^r at3rt:rwise sgree is wttitiag, hrsuratrtx praceeda stall be applied Eo reat:uatioo or r~rair a[ <br />ass Property tramaged, provided such rettoratfon or repair is ecorwmically ftsstible and the steczxity d thn Mortrltye u <br />not tMt+aby itgpiixd. If such restoration or repot[ is net ecotrumicaity feaaibk or if the security of this Mortgage would <br />rte , the imtrranee protteds abaft be applied to the stags natured by this Murigage, with the exccas, if any. peed <br />to Borrower. if iha Property a sbandooed by Borrower, or it Barrows faits to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />daft attHee n marled Icy bender to Borrower that flu ;nsuranct carrier anus to scttlt a claim tot inwtaacr bentfiu, LeaCGr <br />s atrdtortsed w ari;aa oast apps} the inturatxx proceeds at Leader's option either rA iestoratwn err repair of the tropaty <br />or to the rotas steciued try rhea Mort*t[pe. <br />flaiefa I,a:dH affil 8txstswer [rtherwisc egret in writing, any s[+ch :ppticaticai of pnxs~a to tmuppal shall na extend <br />or poetpotw the due don of [he mottzhly instalhneats referred to in paragraphs I and ~ t[ereot ur .haage tht amamt aE <br />taich iattalitamts It under paragraph ! R hereof the Property is as:t)uved by lender, all nit, utle and interest of Borrower <br />i3 3txl to out ,s,xs=:asie pixf~i~, err, ~,a~3 t tnx ptt~e..ts tlters$t resutt:trg from damage to t{se Pr=;perxy error tb, the s;al._° <br />or ~ s.+sall pass za Lender tc. tht eitztnz e:f tfie luau secured by this Murtgagr +mnsatiatei~ ixicr to such sa;e ur <br />~ ~ IwItM411t1t[a d LtleArtUlri t7radardafssta l~tlwi UeB ~set~ieef. lutawar <br />e[taN ~ 1tN F'Eiep le gdod eppelr tied tdtsll ant aeaw.wit +'~ =:...:...~::.:y.::.:~.: w aatrriuaatous atf the IIRaM_ rtY <br />i _ ~ t~f nay lance tf shu I[dta[gage u art a It this hQOrt~e h oa a t:au a3 a <br />eatum car a fawned twit,' ~,~ .Ma ~w w' w Y...^ r"~w : ~ a~-~ an~r ne 'w'kaiiisisin <br />stt t~s trr gtrtatraiag the etm6ataaium or uianteed trait rkvdopmetrt, the by-faxes tegubuions d the <br />or pig trau ~, sea dcecumentt. If a ttr p4aa+ed ~rc dki <br />tidbr is estlwlad icy .#etwtretr card tts~xded ro~tller wig thkt ~ the t±aatnueb sad ag4tawaMs of wilt aline <br />t~le~' hi- mfcftit~!eKiq+tti ~ load lliw6 attaald and tktppiem~t dte covrarete ford aEwrlstiars of chit itdotgya a if Me rider' <br />wMe a putt hta,ewtt: <br />_ 7 lrttt et Y.eads. . fierce. " BOarower faBa iti perform the cavertutu nail agrmarrnts crxttaieted in this <br />' er # atgt- ac6ee ~ ~ ~ coed ari+iah ~ afFet# i.esder's izaer~ n the P-upeny, <br />ir,tg;, but itet l1'ttsifad tti, emitteru dornaa. itraalvra.-y, Mode eafart~tnt, ex arraagtsnems cw procetdings ;rvolvi:tg a <br />Hsaktttpt tx' dteedsat, tituat L.eada w I.muder's optiwt, trpoa aatiae to Btrrrawu, stay rrwke slob appearaac~es, diatwrse wch <br />sitcsa amt trees av~lr a[ as is Y to protect I.ettder`s istteresi, iacladiag, but not iirrtited ter, dislwraemdtt of <br />rsssaaa auaraay's fen trod catty tipoa fbe Property to matte rspeirs, If f r~ireti msrtgage iasuraact err a <br />caH!+fifias of taaF~ the loan aecared by this ~'; Borts±+awr tdxt± pay premi•~sts ~.rc' °: .:.sfntao+, ,.;c" <br />is~rttace in rtiT+set tmid axh tote a the n~taa~etu ftx ouch itttoraact termitrates in acanrdantx w,:n Rnr,r.w~r< ,...: <br />