<br />,€'"+tgritn=mot +7~9 €~~ ~egf~t fre~.hC„ ~.., .wr~!a~ ~'~st51': t+rn'~xsa;~t.#v a'~ ~€i r.,;ag t' hxk~:,et!~.~a in ~r~; _ ~t z H9 -;..~ t,ae:
<br />r s~~=;~ :-y:<~~x,? "~ c~ ~-ate. €~i ~';y .'~ ~-E~ -~str~es ~ frrvv:f sr= tine Moir. arm rtw ~xn<:, t a,f-.a ;tai~w
<br />- « Y fair Taauee aed ~. a-~ cJ at~elicte caw os tc a > waiver isy I~de; , f3;°.rrowex s#ta31 ;sa;
<br />ro f.r or: t?~ ,, ,- roaathfy ::a1&~tis:.cnts v p~s~:s ~~d ir~rrest ere papat~ uEder i$e ?~tcrte, +~ rte ?tl#€4c is paid ro fem.
<br />t enr; {~rrrir: "~~;`} egos: iG ooe-ivxifif3 of ittc yrat}y ta~l3 aed r~ +rSSiclf ~y attain priorM}' over ifpt
<br />f,9ort~~, and ~d rent errs i~ pe-ty, if any, plots oru-tweFhh of pearly r:erei+am imtanw ft~ harard imtuaors.
<br />Pfvs ~ eft p.~rty prrsnitsrit stsxafx for ~ inwtarree, if ~, ail ~ eaaeefshfp esca+tated ieitia&y and ttt*at
<br />lime to bare by iwestdct oa the tads of aswssre?ettts aed t aed reasoe.ttls oe€ thaeaf.
<br />'S'ite Fends shat! bo'rrki in an insiitutdon thr depcteics ar aocamea of rirhiCh ax inwtad or guoraeotaed hp t Fedsd er
<br />state adraxry iirrfia.~ing I-eaRder if Lender is such ors iax*_iiuiios}. [.ceder stsaf# nppfy the F~ to pry said tow, ass.
<br />issurirace Xaanitun$ ash groueuf trots. Ltndcr ntaf not cftarge far ro tsoldinj a..d aPS'hint rice Feeds, aaafyriat »tid >xwrrst,
<br />or ~crfy araf ctuitRili~ ,rid rew~tr avki ts€3ts, ttnksv Leeider Rsys Borrower ietar+ast oe dsc Ptrods aed appYc~le
<br />permits f.,er u; make ~ a charge. ff.~xrcwver area Lender may attee ~ erritiag at ifee tune cf esswlicn d tit
<br />4~a_t ialtellt:t; nn the Fads st,a31 ?+e t to Borr*+wcr, atuf ur>~ each egrets h ar~de ar ~ la%
<br />+'w tetersst to he paid. Ler+der shall not he reouited m pap Borrower rrty irteerest cx a:se~pt ae ire Feeder Lender
<br />cirri give to Harrower, without charge, ae atutttrl accmuttio` d the Fronde shorting Credits aed debits tq for Ftrede sad rite
<br />pttrpenc for rrAich erect ekbe ro the frtrsc6 was nrsde. ibe fuadt are paedBed as asiditiarut sway fen dee axur stewed
<br />by rise Aiaetga/c
<br />~ thr arnoaet of ire Ftwdt luld hf' Lender. taBrtlsar with tbs fixate trosdhly ismts d S!haada paprbk prior t®
<br />=.e doe drier d uaa, aaeaattteah, imttAance psemiants and gmteard trots, ,hail eaceed t9e amatmt required to pry recd rtrta.
<br />roseexsroh. iasuraecc prsrrhem sad grotatd retxa n etsey fall deer srteb ,tees, ~ lee, st Harrowed, apreee, aifwerr
<br />t~Y ~d to Borrower of credited to Horrowet oa ®oeti.ly itWaiitsmxt d 1?tmtr. T{ 1ilY aesoeat of dts F1rs4i-
<br />rtrf br Treader sraB Cwt be saicimt 4i pay ttraa:, asaesseaew, iawsraetae ptetttwws aed gtoead teats as ~t idl
<br />Barsaww atoll pay to reader aey areewx eeaewary to.~ tip err ded~aisssy witrie 30 darya [aoaie tieadroe srdes3s r111i1S
<br />by LeMtc m faena+rtr ns>iraet~ ptgwed thereaE.
<br />p!m payneee ie tail d eH ausrrc ataattad by thin lfa~t~yye, Lattdar araH > ,,Need m itatroeer teq,1!kllife.
<br />iris by iatadar. u urdae pact 18 hereof Her Y it add a tie lrtapatty is e~lrsawlasacgaitad~ l~rrirt..istliiyr
<br />tlnp spp~, tea cwt trra LaaMelir6ely peitx to tra ark at the Pt+t~atT at iec #ogrilieiee b!r lurdr, ant ~e iris ~ ~
<br />Lattice ea qts tiw of spdiietifea s a eaeiit sgriaat trt.rwtese~eniosd-hit trio ~. - 'I
<br />3. .Aa tf 1!lr~erirk: Lileles >t~ pt+a+~ldas airw+~iw, ~ patrreenta rib flx [amisr tirtlfl"~41t .;
<br />iVOee seeder f utd 2 beaeoE a6dl ba apphod by lsmder ~t ie pigment at ar~amn payable to laanibr ~'
<br />ostler pet:l~r ~ raaaat arse to payable as tra-Nor dire w tYs fib of err Nair, sad-Mae is heMt!rst ' a
<br />ptibp~i{ ae Clay SLttwta dahtsirdrr. _
<br />~ ~ I#11At. Baesawes shall pea) aB texas, esssilaeww aed atlre ,rages. flras aed ieepetiYasa ~i 1l3
<br />the arrielt ~ ,dais a prircity awe Croce igatiyep. aY hsreraii i ar paetted tsulf~ fi ail, it tyre itrMleliee '.
<br />pteied~ttasler paearrBi 2 isuead rx. ~ not paid ~ wrb e-. bit fiae+'e~eerr rrit wrVs !ir-. +ti~rM~ ~~F
<br />dett~ ~Itmtess araH pwetpdy fisisids 1r sic aetioaa elf asttouw der ~pradellpir, tlstti fat trrs
<br />~~ retie p .-ilwwfrssrr~psospHY fttteeieie if I~rir nrst~it ~ ~er4 etrtiM.
<br />Bwxopeet atstlf pcatwdp aep pins wriole rtr priority over trir liotyp/e; ptetridsd. thrt lat:ornr ~ eat tlr
<br />regriegd ss iiecb*rfr sep weie Yen so laltp; as-Baesaetar aYaY spot is wstitirB b tra ps}veeet of der eiidteias saruwd y%
<br />orb risen at a tt+seinsr sooepvthle to under. a shah in geod &it6 eoeteer stxfi Hse h'p, a dsiasd aatatoasax d seer 11see ;we.
<br />lspi pao wiicb apvaze to Pravest rite d the li~at a fixfieitt¢e of ire leaprrt7r or mp ptttt thtxed.
<br />'d. 1letsi laraorce. Bomow~ shri! iaep tlee impraveaaews now exietaep or hottea[tar araoxsd ao tit >9 itssaead
<br />lass by lUe. iecdtxied within tAe tern "ettunded'>". sad such .xhv hazatdc as Larder ®ry requime
<br />trld 4r nteil ataoetets tend tits srclt Rsriods as l,t®dse trtap rst~s; Rravidsd. irat lasdat eAr4 RW require treat dee asooant d
<br />aide astiwayr atteeed areouee of eovsra®e w p~ ehe saris ,seated isy ~ ham.
<br />~s iestttaeea terser prEivttssj the tastssaos hs oJioaae by Baerosver ststyeet ~ etpproval by Latedar: pr~rti.
<br />sail s~+rvaY Joel sot is tasrasoatlMg nrtdeiiEld. AH t ee irwtsaeas pttBtfiaee ~ iia parcel ~ die saw
<br />--- - - - -}
<br />ras a aa+r +'~iuc-~ww w~wii a~ as :n c.,.a:.cas.c ....:ac.~v.c...: ~•~''• -° •--- +~.s.
<br />ds~e i• facer ~ ued is [ee®_ a~_ta~ie m_ t.wsdar_ t_te_du ah.l! Ysv~ tAe riaUt to Iwid ebe ealiein iu_d reerr~k Irerrel.
<br />earl ~ononer afsth proeepti~ tcereish m testier all reatewat notice and ail rearipts of pr`d pasetiwns. in the awwx of leas.
<br />ats€ ~ rfm ~t~z carries axu i.eedsr. 3~rder sup rile prtto: d 5osrc tf ~ ssaade pt ;
<br />tJsrrss L.seder std Becrowa;r atratvrae acres in wrigag, itutxiusoe proceeds sluff be appiird to ratorroiar of teprir d
<br />ire S;re~apaeey damaged, prmridsd sorb eestot>~oo or repair a acottonricsNy feaaiblc std ~e arxtxiq d tlsie i4trtpga a
<br />sot tixsd-p i>~aited. if ~ rasrePaeiatt ar Caput is nix ao~ictdip fcatrbk or if the sacwity of this waoid
<br />hs >s~pairr@, die ieetrra®es procesdr s1uY ee applied ro ehe weer eaetrrad t±p arcs Morlp~e. wits eha cocoas. ~ mp, paid
<br />sit Borrower. :t ere ~Y a ahnndoeed b. Parrawer, or it Borrower fuss to rppoted to treader wierin 30 dept from eha
<br />arse aatioe is rtraied oT I.eeder m Borrower seat rise issm•~ce canner attars ao atxtte a clsin: for isaeaanes t>~6, [easier
<br />is atabtr+apd sts colltCt sad sppip Nr~ rtuaran,: a ysroerrds at L.ettder's oprioe sithdr b rosiaration or rtepav of tra ptopalty
<br />or b the wens saetered by rids idvrtpga.
<br />j,iA~ Leader and $i7raYsiEr ariici'rrik age io szaCi6'g, aei~ si3v"''~i i~fic3tiaa ~ Rr~a.1s Yo pn~c'ipif atat twfetiw -
<br />ar postpoee the due dots of the marrthlp iestallmatur referred to to paragraples I end ?hereof or riuaige tht anrwnt of
<br />stxh i~taifmruts. t! nrsaer pour;raph 1 g hrrccaf +tir t'roprK} is rryrnred !rY LRtsder. sit ripAt. tttfc tad iatnsest zN ft!urn.rer
<br />u std td arty imtutmac pdi~ sad is and ei d~ fxh tleerw# restsltiar four, ciaa+atie to the t'tupetep priru W the safe
<br />or °4 chi. a>~CF to f.en~er #u the cxte€tt o: rise seems sec~tral by thn MSttpagr isnntediata~v prier tcs s sale or
<br />~ lti4~ira~rre ttlti 1~l~liRAlrraa eft Itir*re~l LaeeerrrMl EMMtrirt~s Wsutad trrlt 9aerwea~is. Bessaear '
<br />~_ ~ ~t'!s~~is ~ d attp if ~ ~ is ~ a ' !t tlsis itart~g fa oa a xs» 3s` a
<br />or a piidred Wit. #trre:+st t~ S di of B6rro+ws s a5iaet oed~ the dsa
<br />aY' a6MSetIMSd{ ate.xtt~_a~ #~r~t trs eoedratuitee ~ proceed wit dssebpwest, rice a!•~+s teW tuna d trs
<br />~drt~esra ~c ptaitrrd arit~tl~ay~r, ~~ ~ It s sdsdrrrieurrs ar pMwsd unit- dewEalau.tf
<br />~iiY- h ~.~ abreee~lnP seat irraadsel iedslrrr wYt- ib6r 7WlrliiM[/e, ens aed ' of ,tsar class
<br />die iASAapaftagad=iYid-eed-~Sli athstsd wd-MSStrsttfta aced e/aasesrtaa d trilt~L as if ~e z+dsr -
<br />'X. iiestaiefLtet- et fsarNe"a Matt411p~, H Bntxasnrr fieda ~ psrfens- era atM agaeaaeeo caatt~ed ie Chia
<br />wla~ atgiae sec pasiudigg b cammeeted wri¢r altaats t.eededs itttexex kt ~ Prapsrty<
<br />3~ btx not hwa[!d toe ! de~msea, : fear end, tfr afrrretyemsaas rtr Rtoceedrn~ tnvtahereg s
<br />bt~ttapf +tn-o~ dtta ist_.+,n•!?t a apira aea>!CS to l~srtoertr. asalte sash appsaranots, disburse such
<br />saws and .acts ~ sa~iim at is aeenfaEp to prate,, L.mdet's inretest, iac~edittf. !rK rot Y ea. disburseniGat at
<br />seaao~sle 'r fsea asd esstry t~ao the ~Y to wataice repairs. It I.eadea• regswed insurance as a
<br />cif tnsltiad fist itsao ssCUSed hY the, lds, fiartoarsr shill Rap ri+e peeeat+xts requeed to asautta~r. s,trlt
<br />~ its ash ~ the Itx i ~ws i$ a~~tt~re.°e with >iforwwu s and
<br />