<br />3 ngta'; ~ x~3f? I~1~1~74 fire i~?LA '1,':yt,rtG1K'i5?J~ 4tu~N'ITi ftt; ~ ~ i~` ~'~ t { -..
<br />~t`4+at- - }iegtise ~,r~nr~.~.,,~--:.~ A~.~tnif~.-~~ - - -
<br />"f'Stat `-,. - cut-~.a~r+r is tar .~..~r ~.* r~s ;.rv~+erv ir! fir eimy:s s.s~ i~ j+~$ #-rt. ram :as.~: u: autt-.rrstY to sec ~` -
<br />cnfsrry~ >hr sarrs~{~.-'. it+at the +rttrrte is trr~ rini rit.tr uI >wti Lrn or rrramteants: dttd 3hai tSlott;at:ct wilt wsfragt stet dei~tivi ~ -
<br />titfe tt= Gr4rEZ sgatntrt the chit![ of arl! f~ms whargM~wr+et.
<br />To ~'-~fY 'r' *•e:±#t+#' t~tt ,~' ~"a~§It'df SMr'3+st tdttu~c -{usM, g}t~i/1 MGraaRlents, wataer Chir~ees, srC'KW !!fc'-
<br />icz= .-laF~g3- and uttaer ta>ae and rhar6es zgsrnSt Sal'} }M#ItCTtY, aaA alt=tuns' levi.wt to ~ slettt see°ar+e+d hrsreby, atsd- w lvayaieh. tlx
<br />hfertgag~, upon. r ge+esY, with tfcr or~gins± or $apiicate ~ tltceeCas._The Mrrrtgligc+r aasea. that tArrn shaik.-~tt--aMkled 'b'...-
<br />r~ nxxathky pay ~°. fct;.zsred l~r~.,- ~ ~ :n ~:det the !>vbtestee ~f ~t +trr+sm3 b€•reby ~ nrnouRt c,~rttuwtcKf t» itre A~sr#j
<br />fx. sotfx:etxt ~r ='s~`." to ,,a.. as tt~y 6c~c,ane dt~, a# lase, assntS #~ vrritar a~r(ta+a u~ ate F~efet' -
<br />iseS ere#ieet-tl~rrrt'•ti'y: arty t#cfft°teRrL ~berau~ r+t the inslifTxi,•nr, of sryctt adriitionet paY}tx'nt~ shit be lntlhvith ~yfediE~d Yty* the .
<br />Mortgagor wcth fire Mortgsgrr utx,a d.-.-snan~i by the i7vr+R~ger. Rny default. un.Mr ibis paragr$ph yiiwll tee .~-rrs~i a ~efoutt is
<br />t?s3r~~ +sf lases, ar+errte. nr aerwitar etsarges re:}u:rs ri iurrcwr~cr-
<br />Thr Mertttagar egrets that there st:atl also be adrted to etteh motNttly pt~{s>+satf.ef ~~.~g -`
<br />under an am.wnt eatimatrd by the Mr>rtgsgee to be a.:t[icient 'o enable the Mortgagee to posy, as rt ~'aonurs ~tne. the Htnatwrc+"
<br />peeatwm on anY inaurarxw policy delivered to the ~,9ortpcgee. ARY de~'~n'e''v ~~~ d the irvulBeieacy,d sr~t-~ Pa7~
<br />m.- ~,:n-slttft9 !~ fisrttrivitfi deposited hY thv 'vfortgtt;or with the Mortgagee. utxt:~ demand by tine '.Nivrt~yee, Aay _ 4' t1+ir -
<br />pn,-agtapb sfmil Fr derrrrrd a drfauit in tle.> pay~"nt of itrsirr~ce paeatiumei. ~If tht p6tiey'or pniildts ~'
<br />eartrers rx elf ri$ poll+-~.~.. and the deprxits are rnecttt'7eient to ray the entire premium, the Mortgagee maY appfy. Qta deposit fa
<br />pap preraiama oe rw~s re4wred io be irrsrtred ty the. mortgage. - _
<br />Payatearts [sack by file Mortgagor order the above pant~t~hk t~ ~e.~4-?~ ~+b!i'.~~~ ~. ~
<br />rvitM eA.ber ttttelr tondo or itr ovrn /oath for the paytat.ee of sock itenss, and uitta'I so aC. tacit Q ~ -~etde'Sy
<br />phxdgsd a ntvrity for the unpaid balance d the tortgage iadeMedrtsr.
<br />Ta ,ptacaee, deliver tv, sad maintain fur the benelft d the Mortgage doelty the life at tiFigtmeef~t s~itil ,
<br />rsaza~.y ! r~'ver!+d st I«e_~t tan Jaw lae[vre Lhe expiration d say sracti Pdlsteq trfptitlrt`,~ ~tid-atlael~~
<br />h~rt+eds, wsua-trR and t>aAtiri¢s as tLa Mmrtrypre maY require, it: ~ a:samtA.~si to tAte itr~iitdti-rs esawa~~~ _
<br />sad ~ ampsniee sonttMbk to the Marfpgee, with loss WYt~ dsrasc ie fj~ra: +d aad cat farfMaeeepiiiisso tM 1MrA!«M
<br />9se. la the ~i say pdicy is eat retbtv~ed an ar batoes• tee days of edt sgtiratemt, Lhe ltts t~ psatpAr 4tttb tat'iila
<br />pal ~ grenium therefor, arai such s+ae shaA bawroe icy doe sad ttry`ahir wit# ~ ~ tdite t#Tr1~t^ .
<br />fetch is said sots antic peed arrd strrtii sp seeure<i #y this mortgttge. Failare ~ ciao pars d the ttatviritw>tit tea
<br />as are Aere&t tstpurtd er failure is pay any sonar advaaoed brreanrter sbtitl. a+t t!w aptitae d the llgoeegsttae. eionstiisRt t r1s7~}lti! -
<br />nrtdez tfar-latms d the trrertgige. 'T1re deliaarp at such pd~iK shah, ie Ure event rtf dstauft, earwtittrte an ~ d thit` Jriti-
<br />- ._=~
<br />My rums nrcerved by the Mortgagee by reason of fuss ur dueatta irtsutvd against may be retained by Utr Mwipgaa
<br />aatd alop[iad toward the payment <d the debt hereby seru€ed. <af. at the optutn ei tba MvrtRagee, erc6 artnac either rrlrtYlY or in
<br />Sort easy tq• paid over i« the 4furtgagor to he used fa fayair such bttilditags of to build ~ nett huihfings in their pfare ur ftn saty
<br />a0laer parprtae or objets sat+sfactury tc. the Murttcatter -rtethout aRecting ttte lien un the morlgafe #or /he fuA amount sreurerf here
<br />pyr before such peytrrent ever tonic plstr.
<br />'_' vf:y +. r~t.:re -~oz'd sziY tnnl~ags e• irngs••.-----nom .._,~ -.r l~r~tL?r qtr the prem~-~+~hi€h ~~ ftl=
<br />~ r „ .ta.t«,.,~ . ~,.«. .~ r+re~r..~ in gmd mndetion std reyta:r acrd fes!R frem any mee.#taaic's lice m rrtlrer Yita'At
<br />>'l~ d Ieen nal ~+twly sabuselLraterd lsa Ube Len Itereal: nut W s.u~er or pernvt any unfawfot trsr of or retry- mrtsutct M twist err
<br />tald:~/r9Dei'ty rxrr to pr,fatia wash oa said 4RQ-~rti nor to da anY atHer set whzreby the- Pmppert3 ~~~` ~~+~- - '- `-
<br />E:tw +r- ~.- .,. ~iai~~' r 3-~' i~ :~?~ "Y trw ~....to:.ie..,n i., .. - .~ . ,~:rh' ;R..~:;i'~ ~~;~ ---
<br />~.tt~awrt~ei tarfmiarB arrrt cite >~e teer^soi. a ; f -___~= _-
<br />""~~~~
<br />r a...._+._.. ~. a~..,,,e,r t,... .., .,r . r,..t+t:r : n:cwwmeat er mnda~atiaw
<br />_-~~~ ~ rrt ~ >:rnsrr+?at .'.~~+r+, .u m say ether mgR~r. Lhe Atorigege~ sl>tli tr entifl+ed t:+ all ac~srtaratietr,
<br />tTta~.t. ~ vthss P'aYms~ ~r re4gq tireeeivr- and r~tis~3~ $e ~: at- ~ Sl3Efar#, it',-Da: -ip~A,iEi'~ ~€`~~
<br />trttiti ally sense yr Pr's- yr to :belle soy caotpraasiae or wttlcenent is cYxstuelian tooth :alit talieg Nr iteeotR• l4N taE1M
<br />~„ tynsstttr, rigAt of aetiasb atY#'-psoerads sae !er'tbff arirleed a ttte Itiar/t~rw vris rtst7K sfltsr-yt
<br />tlori~itkra til iRe aipilrt/w, Mttew ahf raoeet+s r ssasiead eY it trr apdY ciao eases on arY ~ ittsssfad Aecals7~"C~+ttd?.
<br />gt>!I~ t>~ rte aRrtttals saAe fwNter stt d ate rnmryensat+oa, arr~ds. darnagas: asd rights d at~an utd ptcoeucstlF tttdke
<br />~ sssY
<br />' That i :earn sd faihtte to ptzrtvrm aey d ttte mvtrtatsts M+tesn, cite btoAgaRr AftY do ua rite talaridryrrtr s br~hrtK-+vrvty
<br />so asyrestgtd: that ~ e may ~ ds any set it tnay tisRtr: necerary M protect the lien therta#: that t1t ~ stiff
<br />rr tt~oa daaasud attl~ taottrYS prt?d trr dahz:rxrf fir fhe itt frmarry of Nte above psaaposris. led 4eh tvaeeya wlietiiti trf9r
<br />infaitsd tiieeeonat-the tt.tr }rtervided in vid rr+Hr ,.i+ati t~-~+ma so m.uh arfri:i:or:.! i.t.~fn~- traraty r.~trt~ Ord staghe :ar
<br />rlucfvd in arty Jeerer fnrerkaaryt tl+u, mortgatte rnd Ix t>rid ,.Lr „F i},r renu ur procrw~ls +,{ rlv of srrd fn,emtsea 1f eot o..tertrtisr
<br />paid: tJtri ii ::tali Rut ~ .;6l~aa'.rrc upou t'r_r Mortgagee to :rtgraern inM+ the vs!tAity d any 4ietr, eerirmcsbrarr+±e~s_ w claim Jtt att-
<br />. +raaehtg its m tcFttrv~ ~, tart aothimg lterrte ~ aAsdi br sutrrtatwd aw wgtistltg- the ~ to std~ia: arty
<br />!~~"~ '~~i#s~~~~ `~`f-ws!!afTl ~ slMSti esi.i~r„~Y ~uhrlMt~i®7!^
<br />>r'.i _ ~.a. at.,.,.w.. <.. ?k: n..+w~a e/ „y:. i~r~psgrnt, is trr}wea~-~ I~- auMrawl lesalur..af Y
<br />- ,.
<br />in. t+r' y..•.,tF"~ .~' at:,~sti~ ~ •_- ~~•••,!~~ •••'r~-ar.-ri.Eo .aarcvei-ilierrirv. tilt ~irifiiii.r ir~ctll Ife i.i:rd w dx3arr tHa
<br />detii ~n9 ki+rt+~ dye ~ ...~7~ ~it4at ids tJld qa- tw wr st i~ ~+t+et. ~_ ~€
<br />rtt Ity's iw*ti/[ kob. a~!"tft@_tl'M dild'S dOrr4f; ~~ ~'..OdibA~X~tI ~'Artllrttdf~wlR~
<br />~+~ri rR -rstFiV~tr ftt~aiita aM '~„"'"' s-r ' 4r~frls aarf'i4tyrit ii- reytMc3r~irr p~ .
<br />
<br />~~, ,
<br />irsatss'aart _ - --
<br />,. .-
<br />.The Mtartgst~ie sl»H.}atwE the yrrwwr to ttppoia; awl agent or arrnittt'tt >pt7 deinie-fbr tlyd i++ir'D~ of tttpiitiag tatti~t~rt-
<br />iWel: rFttisB ~ rttgpo: ebe r*~sd,~tYpltaAi.ttSl~ 131~+'~JP~4' ~ d t>ddfdlar*talt~atperrese~ettr'~d?n t~ttt-
<br />1tK eau! ~ }iztt satrx ernel d et>t?I~ciigl tkr' tti+ttil{a die ~ iM~s6at eadi it sitter, slwrYt tae appCied lvvrafd khe
<br />dlitdrstpe d fire tMts4t[a ?'~ ~~1°eh~ is [o iennaaatk asd Yiet~t std(:~tid loud ~n reieast at Ntu tnorCxrtgr
<br />