<br />'SY" .~=.a_P} .-.:Z,. e4a. ~.. --..9. .. v ~j.~Er1„asnl~t; v I:i= .. n.t. .€!: ,t3N t: ~ . ssr ~3i_-~.~..up ..7 ~_ :1"ie~ .., ~' ~. n..
<br />i~r,~o ~~,^is;t g~sx t~x~ra:~ ~c1 is a 9saun=_y~a.~, '. Isme~r~:nf
<br />~t ~ ,rMn ~~ x~~su~ k~ i ~a ~zs~,~~r~ 3a ;art Pa~rsrxP~i. ~etkr ,,rosr:# tau r rmi, ~~ i ice,:.-.~rva ~*.e rr~aa-0k,`;
<br />-~i~s~.f:r-s ;.~x~~;auzr use '~.' ~e~ t~~ . 14fityrCg~ 1L:~ntCSS $ts~~r~vu~r erg' ixrs~; a~r+u~e to rst'fre~a~ ~esn~ of fiZa~._rts~;.. -.ut=h
<br />y - .,ts +tr ~s sx ;~atl*si~ ~.~, ,. t,~,.., I,..~, :~, Bs»r..+~rY_.. r~~y{~ ten'- !t,.*ce5. ar*~? €.k~! ~xar is~tr r*art t!tt
<br />~i d~ au the r 8~t frt~ time to on prineipa3 trader ~ !+iotc nniast ~ce~:t u~
<br />~ ~ at srtch ere ~ be s~z€ry to teppttsa~^ ?aw, in which event snsh aatot~i Sts:~ hest interest at rite tt.~itsat race
<br />f,,ti ~ sm~= a~ Few. ~ ta:; ;is ti`w-s pa[trgtsph ' $ ragssiir S.a~s to istcttr a~ ~p,rtre m faire
<br />any acting hereu:r
<br />~. ianteetlaa. t<aeocir >rry toekt or cause to tae ms~e reasonthie erstrics upon artd irtspect~ts of tbs P'trperty, providsd
<br />that Letsder s~ gig Borower notice prior to any strctt inspection specif9ing tc~trnah{e cause titereftx retaled to Lestdd's
<br />irter,est in the Property.
<br />4. t:.anitrmaAsa. "Site prac~} aE any areard or claim for dsmagcs, direct ar cot>seyuetrtiat. in eon:sectiest with any
<br />catt~oation or crther taking d the Property, or part tttet~eoi. or Eor conveyance i' Hat aE co~detn>tasioas, are hnteby sstipted
<br />anct shall be paid •. S_er>det.
<br />In the went c€ a total taking at tis€ Property. €he gr.~xxeds shalt be apt.iied to rite sears serared by the hlorgaee.
<br />whh the eactza. if any, paid to Borrower in the event afi a parriai tdtin>s of the Property, ttttlers Borrower sssd Castle
<br />otherwise agree in writing, tht:te shat! be applied to tbx wms stxyrrad by this MottgaQe stash ptopt,rliat of the prooeeit
<br />~ is egnat ro that propastio:t whir's the antawnt of the sums sz:wad hY dfis',+lartgape imetaediatety pr>t:r to the dnr d
<br />6tttiag boas to rite Lair enae#a verse of the Property itrarsetliariy prior m the dare of taitmg, aitit the baianaa .tore pseaaads
<br />paid to ltorrosrar,
<br />1f the Prapsety :s abandoned by Harrower, ar if. aflar notice by Leader w Horrowwe. ctrl the txaiteratt: amass its ttsalte
<br />an award ar tattle a ciirtt for dama;es, Borrower fsits to rapttud to Lender w~6in 30 digs aMr tale 8m snefa aotke i
<br />mailed, t.ander 6 ssadtorirad ~+ txBeet and apply the proeeo8s, at Laaiat"s option, dtAsr tv restogiaa tx ~i ~[ M
<br />Property tx to the stress secared by this MortgaBa.
<br />!!glee Ltmdar sad Harrower otltenris4 air'x ir. w am such appitcation of ptrooeeit m l shall net atsMiti
<br />or i Ata ilte der tK the tteeeAidy ieseisHAeata >titertad m t~ paertBraptr 1 aai 2 httmtat ar dMatBr 1is antdustt d
<br />each iaaet~ielertes.
<br />M. lfseleaess Nat >AtinM. 6aiaaisn d Ate time for ptgsastemt cv tttnit~iett d anos11tt1ier e1 AK toles IIIOMl~i
<br />by ~ ! by Leader to troy tutameeeor in ist.rat d rkitf+Qwa not apart. llrtttitst~ t. tt~ #MiitxG:#
<br />dr ~ d the- atiljinal 8artttwter aed serttseslr's atcoeteara is httttyatt. Zander rite! net he n4niepri es attwtatlrtrfia
<br />. {ts+rssti~ii aoei ttottteeser-ar taAre m atttand tiattr far t~ q stitnwies awueri~ artrttliNMiAe ts! /sir art:-
<br />atteaesd ~ ~~ w tatasat tit tttt~i iarerwi ttttetfit b the Ilitrtowar and >Ihrt9watA soot~tr i7r
<br />~~r yaeilr !felt s gRlRten ~r f~r,r~e~a ~f ~ M ast.atry ti~i ar /aeitl< Ergetrti: ai
<br />odlteArt atarii)d= , ttpgi~Ie inn. tdrH tees bs >< ~aio~ of ar prettitds tits atote~ee at ~ tttttdt a. ;
<br />~S~iil~ttt~ts~os ar dr pttylttaa4 of tnntt ac ate Ana a awls. b! zanier fire sae hr a at
<br />t~jil to itttetit~r,t8st~ of the +ntiekrtaaamaa ~ tltta ~afisritk.
<br />- #i~ ~iitiliiY .~ritisa. I-n ,asedtss provvidet in this #gortpBa ass tY a.i euat~li.e is atry atfrnr ate
<br />ttealedyttnitr dtilriitlet~ttss ar al~rled b h'vty er : rsd ohs sttersiled !_ ~~b` at- «tlttlhf ~~':
<br />~ ~~1~11~~i +its~- Jlnnaif Est tttt~ t~ L11iA~>s4t ~e eoeeptatis ttad
<br />oo~si its~l~ +~s filtxevrier'ttMli ttt~ ~ tint wwpretirs eroarslears sad artifjna of amilrlteitiisit`r~e. .
<br />attbjtel ~S tlre~iCbvitipsie'ud peaph i7 lteitziof. 1i& dt+esttaeb sad adteass of Borrovttr sh~8 rte i~ ttttt at~r,
<br />'Eia sa~t4ottn and .headiep d the para~tr of this ltfaet~e are for aoatrenient:e only and sea not b be aeei m
<br />It-0s'-drM1f tics peovkioaa hweaf:
<br />HL 1Bttlet. Basapt for say Harlot taquked trdet ~ h>w to 6a given in mother tnoteer, (~ taty neatee to
<br />Borrower provide! f~ is this htotsiage >tsaN 6e Qe'rat by Wailieg arch notice by txrtiAed mall addeaesed b Hewtwrer el
<br />lye #rnperty Adtfress or at etch other s m Hatn,awer tray dam by netiuc to Lender es provided Nadu; aed
<br />At) any notice to Lends ahefi be given by aertilled atet~, mate ratsipt rat;oaxad. to t_et>tter'6,+ adthess etaeed btttele a to
<br />a~ tsEb~ as L~sda trey tfe ~ >a ttt Hertew~ ee t> ice. !~ i ~ ~ Nt
<br />e t fxr dst~tl taRave tta+sa ! sts lert+ewar or L,t,>der wltm !tv'm h, the attaeev iri~taeei'hatnLs.
<br />;#. > ~ fiatnwthts 1*~ leeataiiMwp. This form of asort>ose txttaiWes ~ ttegiat3a!
<br />oat-dwd slag-aeifmm >a~a~ wlth Reid wiostt by jinn W ottntitafe a tartntet swn+riry faeBtsrant
<br />t plops!!! , "€ txrxi~e si~a ix t~ by ire iw eE tSx 3 iss irltlr#t rrx Pzz~aty ~ laeaie~ ~ ate
<br />sffi tttts~ ar etas ttE t~ ar the 3~iatc tests vr~t spglica#aSa iw, sttidt . titer !eels` a
<br />der ~ the matt ~ the IVtNa !seer be gives e~ct svltitoat the ~ pvet~tee, attid m thi
<br />sm r.,t -.--,~~ tm m~:..~ ~ tae ^itxe are .~ is x s.e.
<br />a+e~- Barta+t+tt Atli be htrai~-ed tt cenfartmed c aE ~e i ~d of Phis ~ ~ the ~a
<br />a(atteeutloa a ts(itt csewrdatfoa herxf.
<br />!t- 'lsetrdatr ei lira Assuto*Meo it >d1 air any part ttt the Ftnperly a ae iaeaaa thattin i add a wtort~sed
<br />w Httrrowar wlthaut Leader`s prior wrheert oettseab aaettrding tat the ctntiors of a lion or aacum6raisaa aslbtdiueee m
<br />this Merepye, t>» the exsattioa ~ s p>srs:base t>sooey aeeeuity intatst for hot>sehoid applieacee, K) a tracer by devil,
<br />daasett ar by operation ~ kw upon the deatlt of a joint tenant or ifi the grant of say leasehold iataeest M thsee years ar iss
<br />na, optXaininE an option to pttt+«heee, i_esder auy. Y Leader's option. declm a{I tits attns eecutad b~ this 14oAige to bs
<br />itsxstsdt#ziy des tntd gsyabk- L:ettiw i i+ave waived Bach option to arcakraa iE, ptiar to the sale or trea~ar, I.aedtu
<br />sad Ara paraoa to whom fire ~tY is to !r said ar era~arad rserclt apeeaesnt is verities that tits txadlt d sutdr pavaoat
<br />i stl~ac#ory kt Lander and that the txy>~ oo fir seats sectaad by ttds Ssiortsase tthaii be a txsch ells art Y.aader
<br />slta8 tatqusat. H !.alder hes wdved the aptian to acxelarete provided in his pat>tttraph i7, and iE Horr+oarttr's asscosesor in
<br />interest has etmcuted a wrhtan aputeptioa apaeasent at:axpted in wsitins by !.ender, Lender drag robsse RoraDtve: ftpu di
<br />obHSUiosa trader this l~ettsase and the Nose.
<br />if 1_e~er ese~cises Bach n is aece#€.tste, l_eaJer SF.a31 ttsa~ Bo:tvwer notice of attire in acaae with
<br />parasrsph 14 htrtrf. ta3tia shaft provide s petit of oat Sae rhea 3Cr days ftsom the des the ncMire h matted wsh~
<br />~~Itss .p~sMei~e~~ #i~rt'iaiie~te-asrrsrttiraswe!!~aatltaiiiet~aia~tl!eE~.
<br />~~r ~, n~~ tl4i~s rr ti~~ea ~rltia~r. l~wtis arts a,~ hf l+ ~~ ~rrtttiE
<br />- . - ~-~ = ~~-~~ =.t=t fetes ~ ire r? €t~:
<br />3.e.r.~i..e iie~ l€,e,a. gt~~ti~atsoer'i- i~' tigrwof, +~a ).wsrlas iweefr ai ao atsaaaai ar
<br />a~trsatrine at iu t~itr ~+ # the atwararitt a pay ~m inns ttat+ rttr aaettoei b tilt H
<br />~,>tifl #tltilue Mi 1i±irts as sartlisi tat l ~ ~ t~ ~ itisa_sM
<br />~k lard ale't~SwZtIM ~-~if~t~1- iIl ~A1t1~_ t aild MMaeist~. ~ ~t hasnClr
<br />i art ttitriW art ate it~t-sir i4 t~adB~i !r'tirtttttlrl, !atlirr;~iF~i!Mliite'aastitr tfitp i1t#~te aY ~ tb aetttr tteeneei b
<br />Mir llirs#s eP~ tree tt~i 1 s~titd ttitthsr dsser•i-self zaesp iarae6sstt h! ~sMeW gtwersiYS. !anise
<br />t±itlllfts'aaihittils ant alts!! ieaesi~a~~itosriaiket ~ irt#isiitl, in1 stet itti~ to cores of dectsrtllt~ty
<br />estwemsts~atssaat!lir+ , nnr- ,
<br />lea ~ al-R~ -t4_ ~s:aaeadt~aoinn ~' Ass !crass >ta~ed by alit Itiartsasa,
<br />Horrtxa' s~ have the tfflit t+t latwe rely pepoeat#iajs og ;.trig bn anlettx dtis Mottsye diacaatitt>ted at say lima
<br />