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# - =gyp <br />,.s ~ _ 'd. <br />" ;:5. <br />Sg }~ K~`liv"Y- ?gat ,~s e;f tn~ Zsrd day of January, I9~9, the undersigned P. C. hiF.l.SEN <br />F~TERI'IiIScS IaC' hetei~ referred to as "'Nelsen" lxllTT!dEY STORES, INC.. herein <br />rrfer~ed tc>~a~ "h'"Fit~ey„ and G#L~ND ISf.Ati^ AS~CIATES, ?NC., and GRAND TSL/4ND <br />~.S,AT;~_~. __ ., t.-teu Far:n~•rship. herein referred tv a1 .'Associates" which terms <br />shall tanderst.^rut to :Haan both or either of them, jointly and severalty for <br />their ~2tua1 henefi' ;le. agree as follows: _ <br />1~RFA5, Nelsen, lltsitney and Associates have entered into a Purchase ~t <br />with Peeve} tfe'avare l.isnited dated ikcecber 6, 1978 far the purpose 9$ slilllw~ <br />a certain parcel of real property together with certain ieprovo:ents Iaeated <br />thereon, and described as foiiot44s: <br />First of a Lract of land coeprising a gars of Lots Ons (i), sloe {2~, <br />Three (3), Seven (7) and Yen (IO) slid that pert of the xacata~t <br />alley adjacent thereto, ail in L;aa~etercial IAdustriai Paxir Suhdivisi.~a <br />of Dart of $lock One (i), Nelsen Subdivision, City ~°' Grand island, <br />Hall Co2azty, Ncbras~a and ^ore partiwlar2y descri~e+i as fellows: <br />BegiTe++ing at the northwest corner of said Lot ~e (i); thence <br />- ...--~in~ =^„*'~ ,.'^ng the zest line of said L-ats cme and Sevin (i ~ ') <br />a distance of Seven~Fhttidred Nineteen and Eighty-Three t~ndredths <br />;'19.83) feet t~s a point that is Thirty-seven and Six Tenths X37.61 <br />fc<:* north of Lhe southwest corner n' said I.ot Seven {71; thence <br />,,.,.,,, ,. ..... , ralle2 to the south line of said Let Seven (7), <br />a dict~nc_'e of Five Huadred rr"our (5O~_O) feet tD a gQint four 1.4.11) <br />~~~_ , ~~~r ; " ,~.~ rest line of said I~t Seven (?l ; tltance rtiflg <br />n~,=ih, naraliel to the rt~~t litre of solid Lets ~:e and SCYOts (1 Ft 1`) <br />-_ --~tan•-n _f Tt+*en fh~*tda'at? gcsrt}-Four and or.:, Tenth (54.1) *".act; <br />-- . , . -. °-° ° -.. ~g4t 23rallel t~ tlt~ s~rit~[t i it;~ of s~isi ~i. _~~~n <br />.~ _ _ <br />?-~ ~~ ySy~: -.'++`P ,]r 14 Zr}r IAl), {~tr Z_CL_ l.(4C~4{_C t41444t14-X IS~c4 4,lYat ¢.-.ova <br />~~ .~ .._ _~-4^-~.,.- h ~1~, t~ ~~. n.. ~.iftrai it }~"4~:~ ~.c~iv.. <br />Three4fs!. thence running g©etthwesterly along the north line of said <br />Lets Three, Two and One (3, 2 ~, 1) a distance of Fvur fh:ndred Forty' <br />Five and `ii~zrty rnnc Hundredths (4A5.31) feat to the Faint of <br />`?egin-rin~ <ui:i ~CJf2tSlnir.~,'.UESS acres mc3,~A er lass. <br />A.t~fij, i1'#It"?it':i~, ;ii+iSCtY, 'h~ritli~~ zL'Sd ;aSS6ii?iC5 :?,:{:~~:Ca .,, r_:`3j~r2~`1i v of .,_~!2 <br />Isurchc,s~-, air. ~~±~f•*, ri;;~r all Ieasa :,nd sublt-ase aFraee:ents.rrith regard to the <br />z;i~,.c ,~,.,E. ~.... >._ „na,~, t!:a rllwrs voul=.i n~ t?ncE°ll~<l a; cat the date of <br />C Cab 1',{ 'i~~rt :,'')t~V' pit` .;1)P:` ~,LiZE €'i and ht' G;` ;1Cr ~UFt`;P i- c'!':'iT. <br /> <br />2. 'T'hat upon closing the sale of the above-described paret2 <br />_E3.'ir3 uu„.. ... ..~ ___.. ..-...._... Rrra sw~~i r.S .,i rcni -~ ,~asaa <br />3i.a i e <br />t..~. Ri2LC4', 2433 t!'~^e l10ffi „3v ~vn_s :~a.."'~'~-.w°.+:. ..!"..$%:=y: ..-~..... , <br />tit,itney an# ,associates ar ar~v of thou, which relate ir. any <br />manner to tht: m=ove=described parcel shall b~: and herEh~, <br />err ci~nceilerl and shalt be of no furt`2er `_vrce or e€feet. <br />