<br />
<br />
<br />fti? Ta :~ t?te ?oar evcdesxect CF r n-• ,rate so#r?g ifiz pmpnsla a4tJltra*ed by th± Gorets~Trt-
<br />r7i 'r- per. rtAea are a#? taus, i:~, tuts, +:nabsanctn, asd asseasaents larfntly attaebittg to T.t assessad
<br />sdsiast the property, including a#i chargrs asd assacsa+ettts in conaactiaa rritL tearer, rata rjhta, and rsttr stoeit
<br />psrtaiatsg rc or =,~:==~ti~?y tteelsaary m rlt! use _~ zhe zeal prt,+My descr#`xd alcove, and a#? casts and asslas+aetsts tewaA
<br />agar this tnzsttgw~ :., ... x= r~~te of qty iM#l~+xdng'ss Rfrghv secured cr sgsiaat soy ieyz~ hddlr hereof or of :k! atua or ~
<br />,tnid indebtg',nesa andc:`t~P Iaxs cf ltehtaska, and ? ustpt?y ttrlivtr to tit! tovemnr..t tithottt destattd tece~ta reideaciat
<br />each pttyts+rsts.
<br />:il! ra Keep t?te oTaprt*~- insured ax requ:rcd b and urtdez insurance pg+ic#cx appzc,ved by the t;t:vs:nment sad, at its
<br />Tt~Yeat. t0 de5ra wc#t priltt~tts to Che ~ f. ~. -.
<br />fq; To srt ~tss r6 ~aaa"ta~k Nrd Olafc! rlgn[s tlgaitEd by tAe tlOVerataabt. OpaRtt ttt! progatty tC a pod
<br />sad hasbaad ` manors; comply with such corm c«tstrvation pwetieea sad term sad host! maaapraat pbss aa~e F
<br />.Cisreraateat tf11e' ftt fiats may ptvyer~e: and as to abaadoa t5e property, « eaase « permit waste. kaarmat ar #mywir- {
<br />stset at the sncm y covsred hereby, «. rrthoot the mitten caeuef afi the CaoHetasrent, cat restore, « tease ary tithes, r
<br />gavel, «i, ass, coal. « tuhlr minerals -zcept as may be nece+sssty for aeEiaasy damaatic pmgoaes. ~ •-"
<br />f;~ To ¢ostply riM sii lsys, ardirtances. sad re;alatioss aHecttsd tMe property.
<br />Ott} Ta pey « reimbmas the Govesameat t« a:tasaara +euoaMll ascMateft er iacs/estd se Hte of Nto i#es
<br />sat. peisrity tweast trod to tke tdgeca+ed d « the ~pli.ate wits Nte ptaahlsas bata.f esii d Hoe retr aitd att¢y
<br />_ ~Y Nth (vrYettter heroes « after deiaak). ise~ bat rot UttNled M copra d d title to ari aatl+l~ d
<br />t6r grog«tf, casts of rersrdiuE tht; sad dlxr isstt+~tasb. rttaraaps~ 4a. tralses' Erss. cosec twrls, drd et
<br />11 starttak{, selfi~; rod c~ey~st vie pto~erty.
<br />t123 Neitltsr Mte ptwprttty a« sry gamier thereat « itreweat tbeteia abdi M isated. aas~tted, t±~i . ararErts
<br />beted. re~eet~lly ar atilterisa, aritbeat the wrNtea eorsast sit Nre Germaarnt. 'Eie Gothett~ sba~ Mrs ttr~ nia sad
<br />' erellattire ~lN. taattppe hmetatdet, iACladiai ttbat tt/t limftai ttr ~e ~a is ~ caerates, lsKia! t+li~ahra.stia~lrs~ g'
<br />~ liars, acid ntfuitatita, sad ao iaswed holder Mve-ray rift, tiffs a tMtse~st itt ar tsryYo lies et anlt Lsrstl~ Mws[=
<br />ft3i M slt,rwamsabk t#sres the Ctovmemeet asd its apls amy iaspaet tbo t!s"aPmY to aaesrtria wlet~ fl,! taits?slsaAs
<br />and yrosteata 6erttia « ea sty wppleeteatary + see belet ! a
<br />(f4) 'Che (ottertwseat may etttaati sad rkfer tMr ntattttity of sad tletex sod rearttottize the debt evitiattrd by tha twre t
<br />or sAy iaddtrdeett°~ the Goaerttstest tectrtod hasebY. rekae from IstltltitY to the Government my party w irk thetem. ~ •
<br />[ttittls ptxtlow of ~ peapaCtY from sad sabarttitate the Part hereof, and waire mHr heretmdat, r+ithout aEt'lctiett
<br />the tier or prhxity at the lkhAity w the Gararttmert of (bsrovrer or any outer party f~ r payment of the note « ia• r:-..
<br />debttthress securetf hereby ex~~pt as rptuFted by the Gnvesnnxnt is rniting. t'
<br />f 15}Hat say hate tt shall appear to the Goverment that Boerower may be ebk to ofKatn a i wa from s ptwductiaa cre2g t
<br />nasocistioa, r Fedeeaf tattd bade, x other eeipoasibie cooperatire « pttivate credtt samrce, at reatxtnabk rates sad corms - -
<br />f« loans f« similar ourpoala and periods of tiara. i3ortrrer rln: stoma t4 Government's regaeat, apply fa sad kept such
<br />low .a sttfticte+s aaicrtat to pay t-e sore sad any mMitadeers seemed hereby std to psy for say stock aaceaaah' to be
<br />p+rah+t'~ in a cooperasrve teadtaft agetrY is ceesectiae riti welt kra.
<br />;!#cs' ill + detwk eadar say prim coma! caress, m ttadat teY Personal paJgeety as etlMx, _
<br />t ar iasetm! by the Gs+resweat std o aswtssd M fsteuua. sad da[wk trades say ssrtt
<br />- attras ascat~y itatrrNara< mall txastitete defasN hnertader. -
<br />-' #71 strrvtt n iK'K FAL~'1' acctsr in the psE«maace of ~eclwr~ of oar vbt#~tion to chit instrument or xctnld by this - - -
<br />- it, ste_!b sort use ~i F:- P'ty' ;,octet! :r lSOrrtmt~ t~ et %+f .'~__ =a:t- = ..~.._._r_. `~" ~ .:
<br />r-=t - t_- __ ~~ - - r ~ ~nairs .+f ctedi€eTa_ the G F e#c - - t "¢ ----`-~-"- _
<br />u .r.. - ~ _' - - -
<br />(a~ daaLr! clue awtire atnoiiat uapaal ua3a dte trots and ~ ~ o c~~:t:-.~-nys~-r€~7. ~t+t,te
<br />twtd paraau. (b} for sits atcoasrr stf ~ar:uesr t;.±<t : as:: py reyv ~`~ ~_ ~' ,.it}ffe1.t, wit)teut ocher
<br />*tr.>aet~tutt ef, a a~ t-rt the ~o~rtg, i£; a ativr' LY tt sad luaductinn ut".}tts iu -
<br />eviderra awi vvithoat notice aE hrutt~ of rand appl%•anon, h:re a receivrr apprunsed for tote prvperrq, wick tl~ uses! ~wr:~'
<br />d>te~!«s k ate cares, (d} farestrura tb's indrwaaat as provided herein « by kw, awd ta} wfom any and s!I ttt4er ri~tts
<br />sad r~dies provided karcio « by present or future 4aw.
<br />l18; The Qprsoueds of f«er#asuze Pate shah be applied in the following order to tht payment of: (a) costa and esptases
<br />- iasi~t to ettfeaeiag ar som~1yittg with the provis#ans hsceof, (b; any prix #itua reyuvsd by law or a <sunpeLane court to
<br />be ro paid, (c} the deht evidencsd by the note and sl? indsbtcdaeu w the Govrroatent soured hereby, (df ittfer:ar liens
<br />~f record t:a.7airsd by law « a c~tnpcteni ct+ttrr to be w paid. {e) at tke Garerneteat's option, any orhlr xedlbtedness
<br />of R«rower ow~ to « iasu.ed by the C,orernmcat, a (~ say balance to Boerawer. At toredosure « other sale
<br />d all or any part of the property. the Gorsrnraent sod its agents may bid artd ppurchose as a svangeT and may pay the f..Trvern-
<br />...ewt•s ,hare of the otttchax price by crediting such amount on any debts of Borrawe• pwit~ to of insttrcd br the
<br />t:osrrnmrnt, in the order prescribed a#wve.
<br />t?rI} Burrower agraea t#tat the t,overnntcnt wt!? nut ix bound by any present ur future State taw, (a) pzitwdtng ftx
<br />valtAtiQTi. aa~3. 'ttc7tt c3tr<av r.f ezc-;ttav:x i! t s~' ri?~riy, tb3 t~ulttbilitt~ ntalnretean:d ?f an a4ti~n For a ~` tC3lnCY
<br />tudttr =>r lirrdttttg the att~ttn[ tt-,crenf ur .?,s tztt~ witlt#yt whip#t sash action must ~ brottght, (c} #t4rssGriburg soy utlter
<br />t .~~: ~ sd n3tatspeiurtrr! ~ lutlt3wrYit,iAy iececlosuta salt. ~ (e} linuti tke
<br />~ Nte ~ traY~t tbs il~ahett rata d d~/I , t~l~ d -
<br />s-USttdst ~ tltr tfY ~ s ra+r ttaavawer. Raetav+er esttresaly wairas de b~ eP sear rod dMe isses.
<br />- ikaroex:r ltara¢Y t"~==';tri~ta`-• ~•~- ~f .~,~~ ~..:8<~. ,.~....,_.c .:~ u'--'-~--_~_~•__. - - -''~"t• ".n'ret•
<br />~... -.1
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