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- felt:; ~' t~1 ~ - <br />.~.. j mac' .. -~ _z ._ .a ;.z,~, . ~ ~~~ .hs ~-ciroos, r~taly: d ac^ <br />- - g. - - _ .a z _ -I~a* ~wc? .v_._._:t-z3_.-_~'e ~:r: ~~a.'^;~ _3.r _- <br />- ~- " iA _ _ ~?3 s~~s _ y:rte-.>_r, :~4i _3:.u~-...tti ~ ;.s.... ...C' ~at;i;re~i3 ?~+ <br />:,~ _ rK .~d ., pk, ::r: ° uray ,+ .„_c_~cr c~T-~,,_x -=a ~~~ yt~ids. ~<' <br />r.~ ~2 r ~.r_* _ :~~ _ _~ I°:~d~ ~~,-v?s,an .:~ ~~ d4i'ts ~ t3rie ~u, and :ra <br />'~r ~hit;is ea„n ~:,_c. . '.:,ts zsstrtlr.: weir u~y u~ pTs'ti ~ arld.ti~ra' ~:u~ty {o. t ~ ULatt~ .ur <br />a_~~isi~*i~~ <br />Ift„~ s~t~u >;':;: _ _. i ~.:e:-- ~gt.~.~r °~attt tit: ~urue r~nthls~ instaltzri~rita ~f ~";ulds ~ahie grist to <br />rr>< dim :~€es t~f €s:~~ as •; ~ :' .,1sti r ~ •_ i;; rariurtls attct pr-~ttxx3d Tents, sttali exeead the azrxwitt r€.rrir~d to pay safer taxes,. <br />_ ~ _,-1~;: ~ rl-:ary dL:e, ~cit twxt:e~ ~hal€ tom, a€ rr~v{cr'< ~~n, ~i#h~t' <br />r~k~t~ttr.iy. ?'ng~~ €~ ~orrrs~uer r.. _r.~i ~s t_ $ctt~~~r rrg maatlily iat~iatb~nl~ of Furicis. i€ ire ameunt of tI~ I"* <br />heat bar i:e~,der shall L,ot ~-, t,ufl ur to fsay tarns, assessments, in;uxattce pretnisstns and g€tattnd rants ax tt,»y Call, dint <br />=„~kr stall ~ ay f iu~tr ~tty ,,: ; •r,,trsi ,,• c~~r to sr~k~ trg ttt~ ~c~cierc~ ~itkai~ Ott=da~~ __a=zn rim ~ ~ptt is t <br />i5F ~,.c~a?er trr3~rx~wer ~c~rn~ ,a'.;as~i31 lheretiY. - <br />t3n fsapmezat in futE ox art atatas a.~ti~d ~,Y this ~for€ga~e, hex ~titft prcnptly ceCtr =to fe3d~zcr ~y ru~~s` <br />Id c~ ~~n ii tctisier r~r&ps3 lfs" l~rix3f fife i'rstty is s#rid tr L1tiE r is~~rt 1s,a:he,°~ti~:aeyatit tsy L.-rc~r. ~-d,tr <br />', apply.-nn ]crier Than in3nuttr.l;° pxis~r to tha sate ~f tltt ~ra~Ft. nr`*ts ac'laititicm Isv ~-en+3ar'. ,aLty $unr~ `.e}d b;~- . <br />t~~°[_at aF fr~,e o1 + nit- ala~xi ~, u ~rred3i ~a1nSt ttae_sWn scs:uted br thrs Morte ge <br />,- G <br />~. i ,. _. _.. ~ mss. v~~ ~i~ t~~=< ~r~ ~.~c_ ce`~rr..-~ Y~j..._nt, ._,..;~ r.} r -..~s f„~.:1>t <br />- - a.,;; __ -~. -' maw ~- -: ~~s:. ..~f st.~ '.; :-~~cb!e: t ,.~.. i.~ A.,.r.,ars <br />.rtztc" ~7i=7 ,t _pI.:. h_nn.. the ~ ;t3terest~a~a~3la ran the '~:o+e. tnen ~: it:c psincioak of t'te ~ict~, and .F,cn t.f i+z3esesr std <br />princtipat r. xn4'^: Ravanc <br />_ r~ -t.-st _, .__„ ,.i. ~,,,i nthNr charnr~~, fi~r< au,i ic;t ot+-s[t:nes actribu[eb`e io - <br />' .-. ._ <br />crse -?r xrrs ~ tir`o -nav ac >_u3 a drro€L true,. txda Gzgss>:a, a~ srascholcl ,~ •g'rn ^ o ~ru,, .3it~. ; zn;, is the ::~aiv~-r <br />ttr~~r.r.;:i t,t;,~.., #-~.-~,>v~. ; 2 `~.<~f ~r i` n.,2 yid ,. ~~~h b; !+cr,~+ver r:+aki g g~. tnrnt, when. due, directly to tie <br />~. ,f,aw,t t, r.~..~ t, nit ..~ f.,-,:~h r~ (gyn.-L.r all nix~c~!c tN ai4c>T~Rts rlrie uncdPT 4hi5. i13xaLl3Ah. attd in 1i~E 8v8~t <br />13orioWer shah c~akepagmert drr~,lz„ Snrr:xvsr sh.Jk prvmpefy fattish to i,et•.lcr recafglES e,'idt.~n~ing such Ira-~antz_ <br />;dorro+vet sha}i ammotiv ufscharea awry lien whioh aas prioriey e.4r This t~:nit~ c; r,=:;vi^_ed, tE,a, ~<,rrc~w'er =flail ~;t be <br />rcgttirr,-i t~ ><~~car:ov e..y slica ~::~ a, Mug. rs I3~r;awot shall sfyrx ;n ~::it.n6 to ~_e paym_nt et the etxttgat;c~n ve3?trd b~' <br />~:.i~ rn s .,„~.r ;,- a.4tt ~n a~.j Faith rRnse« vt;ch Tien M', ar defend entorcetssent of such lier^in, <br />~x~-F Fr^c :, I,~~ gib..!- ..r_r_~ __ ~.P„e t :ie ~~ o _~-t'~en1 of the lien c~ r3ritss~e ui t1~ ~:Gp~rty r:c any part ~ser~et. <br />5. il~rd I~sur~ea. Itnt*ov:" shall kea:p itre improvements [:ow Gxisiiay orhereafte~ erectaa! +~ tEre Propc+fy iA~sed <br />3x R i 1CS5 I1Y Pit. 7a,., U.s :. -{.li ,4'i X1.11 ii1~G tCl3!! 'EGA It'11LLG 4lsvr=." aisc~i ia.~~£-cau~~i ~"ncF'se.~aa~az °~:1 n~r V..Yg0~1•tE <br />,In 3 sn sta.^_h amounu and 1. r5~. h ~'ze1:mss a~ Lender roay requtre;_p~ tfi~;znde~e 531at€ li4t-fC'.ji7iie-tzia ti-~ t4'i1 e3€ --- - <br />x.~et u,w L-i:.;,'t .~ ~ ~ $:.&'~'~- -~:i,*= `• by ieF~ _-._- _. <br />'*'.~,~ -_ .. - r ,z,. ~'_alt ~~i~s,~ ~ a ..... sst4si~t ie rt~rat Lcn~r. ast•,+icied. <br />,h_. sick ro.-1 sl t. ~:~t : _ 1z ;tea; a,~l T~oitl-.::.~ ;~:1 ~3°~4tt2rn5 on itasstPa#eC: tddit; sha?I Ife i<rt-r,i ih~ ~+acaes <br />aravsded. u,ne~er n?rae•aah - 11aid 'n s:-CIL nrltnuer;.ts5*-iaorrtiti'~L` L~rpK':i~ -- `~~i+1.=.:~:~€ ~-.~, ~-- -,' '_. `>_' <br />r±eseot ot. !f not ~ ~ .•'_ <br />.,. - - _ <br />_:: ._._.,. ~.....:.~..,_.::_::.r:aat cr. _ - ~, °~~~rg~3~ is i _~ j-iru+ - -- ~ - <br />i.tbaisC tit ,a~ve i_z u~ ~••~ -.ctn n~R. -.- mot. vim.,. ~ '-F sre...;- i .-'. e„'.?= _e - _ _ - .... ..._ -~.~ <br />- {' ,.~-. <br />.f l~. <br />ilst..•s« ~~~+;er ani 'arena ,.:~~- gr;~ m ~txt-n~ f»tst'nnce t'ro d-. sr ! k~, ppt ec~ to rt•ror~tzcln nr r pair tr, <br />- th, pn:pe3ty damaa2ed. ilreiidta such ;asiir3n err aaic is ~on~r-t aA5 `.tast.,L altd ttse satrrir of this F.Qc~tg€zgC t^ <br />not thtrwby ir~lnsind. if s:trh restu~atiGti ox repair is not ewanortticab!} feasible or if the'seciuit; of this Mortga3u wc:uld <br />t*e itnytarru; fEtG insilra:ttfi nrfu_;eewg spat! be afipi~a to the ar3fis cured Uf this :vltfc`,~a~e, vriitt the e~sess, of an}~ psi+i <br />si! R.,rnrver !(=,;tc 3~roaar:g is ahar3dt}'bV &srra~cr,. ar if-~trowzi tails ro rtspandta wader within 3U daps %:om rite _ <br />C r, :: s~:e i; m iteri :'}' tAk'.~?r eo BorrOXet that tI~C 1ri6tt[ak~v cariiez tlf?rs iG settle a claiitr for irtsur:tact F+rl.tfi:s Iender <br />l5 ~Ut3UriZr.Q [G C8i1SCt 1nCi BD~:v tree 1f~1it.C Pr''~'~ !_,r`rFfii%at 5_Qpittru'c ii,<r iG icoiv`8 -++.. v. rt:y..;r C. t1`3 Pr.-._.~~rtv <br />_ -- fit` €iF t stSnL ~ _'.;' dc{ 7y I!ln> /.. Tti4~> - -- - - - -. -, <br />:7e1eti, 1 e i*r aas3 tt:,.rrewe. otitenW;7e aSt'c~ m wriiirl~, any such appli~tipn of pev:~•e by principal shat{ not esten3 <br />of f?rs,°.getrr i; ~ s.rz 3r:e of t'3c asssttth#y i,~tist'sttmeuts referieti ic3 zis paragraphs I sail 2 hcrenf of change tlrc atnaurrt v} <br />tx~.R 'rsit?:+rru'nt+ 1C 13nder pazsgrapls I$ Fvt tht Pra}aerty is acquit+ari l3}" I.BSCR€r. aF1 ri~At, kite ~n~ inte;rest of Bosruwcr <br />~;; ~ _, r. ,..... ,.: . 3 tlF- h- _-,~ .?3.. _ * -tc: !~+?stse r.',-ntr~ ti~t}i _ti~ 3t L~ Istr,•x~rt~ n: far to the sa;~ <br />- ,, t,~1r.s:..a„ .n=.~ ~., :., ~€a3er :~~ :~ ~- .;;:jai u. -i;:_ _~:~-,~-:i~t 1'<..~is ~4~~-ram ir~~a4~:y ,.,~ .f, _ w ..,kn, <br />-... °EG,1115it2. R. .. <br />ti. Fcesetvellca 3ud EJlma~n`.aneR of 3'rr~SES:y; Sxzsc6oisiitc; Curnltas3S~isti:v: Planstee9 Uek Devrlolrmenrs. F3c,trewtr <br />*._l! k~a Eft: PecY:terE3' ir_ Q%x3 ~'e'?~ir and h rear xrrati waste or pt.ait i-ngi.~me:tt or rk+icriorktion ut tom; Ftal~ry <br />and s ,ai c.,rstplr' :, ht; ift,: pra3~utnns o3: soy :else +r this r«ierr~eaa Is rm s i.-ase~caty. i+ itu •iuts~og < , ,:n ,E; :. <br />_ Lt„ _ 09, oft Fi `hn arena ,Tnctc-r th^ .tCCiat btic,u <br />nr :• r. e~3,s ..~eatrrg cr-grn emt.xy.r}x iuredr_e21in3~n1 ar vr:latred' un» devaloe/n1t:u1„re h.: hyllaws and regufa;inns oc t}it <br />..L't~ ..~ L.:~ GS y,... ...CL :`.3t ri ie,:v.r_ .,~., „ _~ .. ...~ , .,:1C ~.^.1«.i::t:: .^.F .^.P ;fi•'t t. 1.~.RT?ezt <br />sit u~3bv'>~ecv% i•>tia'~,' •~g ~, a~uc t„`r.<artg~g, in:, anJFkdC a = s~.w f~3s a S~;t:~ider <br />a , F- , , '-;..;,,tad ,n#ta and she.Il amrrid aid s~n#wrcent rite cctvetrarts and:.sgrctyneftts of this :t<Fr~rt~t~E as sf ihz rider <br />~, , r: t~~:.+r. e4 ~.cede>:'s S~ctaitg. 3i -t3czi7ovi~r-Pails ro ~rfonn Tae s:over.:,u€e cruel f.~.r~~sar~ -artsa;-:=c ::.~~_ <br />_ ~Sr~rt.+la~e; ns ~.t arJ _.e5ns± of p?~mrea}r3~'i~ ct,mrnenc~_,= s~hsih m..;arislltt aifecis 2:f.rcia:'° intra~est ux Eh~ F'ragerty, <br />_ir,_ °x ht ! t~~c fn em^ tr .;t nm1la o nty; c~«1e ~fuc ntcm; b 3rs-tz:??*::~uca ~r Yruaz.cilr~ !>i nl ~~ a <br />- - l3.:nktupl c13 L _.,:s~r.t. t!tr'.ti'T.:d',1'kiei :. i_~ih~c t ~~. •I~ t.~asa ~~~,,.w.: t7.~ ~r~c-t~C-T,; "'~k~ t;-.3ist sr-~~~~E "3 _.~ ..~'C~_=..> >t~~:l': -. <br />»ci. t ~_., -tsti.^t '_. •i ,_~PtY, ~µ"- t.~ '[I 'n'!.; "'t f i;Rr)ef ~ SiYtECP.3I. I'~CfU4lIl~. 61{I ILZ'[ 3E3.Li"L.] i'.?, Yk`aVili-c;ItGfli ui <br />- -. o...., ~.,i ,.r.,, ..,.. s „at,~ nSir7 aHtcv i r,: ~,~ ,,2 i'rc~f ~ri~ to frl."Ih'2. rCF6liS. Ff LiRtiZi'.rP.y''.itr2.L Z:flfik'~.° '13$[!:#.3' .c^ ?.5 a <br />--- -_- -_ - --_ ~:iii=er .h~11.~;~:_t~°:c ns~~=±.L m~ ~:3.~_ ~.. ua_ 92nirtL3:n set_h _ <br />,.~ _ ,~..1,.i.,e~. s• tt. ._, ~~.. .~. ,cs~~r~. t,-~'. :;t5 ... ~ttc+.. ..sfi-u2th-64'~'`s 3tid - -- <br />