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<br />fi:-3iS 3W`:3E~Nx ~.E. ~a~ t3tis- ~.~;~i; 'may at- ~,a~:3Y~_..._.___.___. i~ ~~. I~s~ are? w,~.; <br />~- P Vii' ~~~~' o ~ ~.~c.~ ~-~1"~~ti 3 <br />~~~ " ~ Cotaaty, h~rkeica4 as rarsa'ta~aas-r ~ , aasd Grand Ielsad Twat a-mlaaay a€ t~ra¢nd i~, a p'xn <br />organ-ized ra~3 ea:st~:c Mier .3~ Iasrs oI Ne~arr~yks sits its priacipa2 ofd aced piar~ of husi~ss at Graced islaaed, i`a`~reaka. as auxt~agee: <br />~€:-~~~.-~.~T€r: T~~..,us,.n_~-~°~;'r.-, ~Ww~._'==m?.i~a<i~sc:a;~ <br />free `~ils~uaaad~ihree ~ttusdrad Sevenip=ei~[~t and ~ia;i~ll?t~ts**~allarais 3x37B.f~#I ~. <br />the rer~ipt of wiaich is ireteiry ackm>wladgesl, do _~~ by these greaeats mortSa@e sad uarrani:rnto amid anortgagea; its excaesQrs and assigaa, <br />Iorever, ail the following deacrilsed real estate, aitrtated in t-he County of H.al2 <br />aced State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br />I.c'rC° Sin {~3 anaf 8~~?ea ~?): Black Seveatp-Wise (?9}: in <br />idkteeier grid Ba~sriett's '£Etird Addititstt to Che Citp of Grand <br />Ial,tutd, Hall Cauntp, Nebraska. <br />'€'~_ ~ ~~ °~..'.' ~, ~. r~n.::~g, ~:n,+~. sad p'~`~~ ~Z~~t and :fs°tur~.: ~:ud 9.x-~, a~.ra:n€;a, ~' ~ ~'.-f sad <br />doers, and wind shades orbUads, ase3 an or in cannectian with said property. whether the same are r%aw krcated on said property ar harapltes <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAslE AIVD TC) H41.i1 THE SAME. together wiih all and aingeslar the tenements, he<sditarsterts and appurtsnancxa tbarextato ba• <br />~. ar iZ a$y s~rigir..itt~. -~. waer¢et t~ t=om ttx t~ s_ Sand ~ttd-.gar ______ herby acv ~ - ~l€I <br />°-- - :.. <br />- first ~ he =~ . nt- a~vary bsrco€. tae law'aa[ n~-- ar c~ pt€8saaep a'~-a ccanv~,ypai end a -. <br />~~_-.~.._,.__._ s@ir,~I o€ a ~d saxl : Mats of inheriianev thsmla, €rse and clan of all sncumbran~, mmd that ~ }~_.__will <br />-~„r_~a asr~,a :~ ~:e:~, t~-~~ ~±,~.*=..r a~.~.*.~ tx a s,~s d..~~,.a_ as s~~ ~s,..~~~, <br />l>i€`ii~ai)ir€7lri:aa'ASi;s. attsthis inatnu~nt is ateati~d arm daiivaied to asters the aagc~nt of fire sum of <br />'s u=acs w, tic' '~"_ ~e if~ri~~y ~~:~r~`cp ~~r'~.t a~+u i~i$€'ic"~~1i a 3"ra,arv t. <br />~~~ Elise, tai-ma=t ~€is s- cr~sa awl a~van~ as ss dry sad ab~ to seal mnzt r cl~ :,was a~i teas <br />°- - _ _ _ <br />of t6a ~ sof~c of cyan date irerswith and satiated hereby. esecutad by saki arortgagor . _ W said mortgagee, paypbie ear c~zPraaseS <br />fie said tw4e, sad to secure the peace of cep the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of seal notx are hereby inca.-saratal <br />basin bg t8ia raft~ce. <br />It ~ flee intantian aad agreeaneet of the parties berets that flue mortgage shall also aeeunn say tntnra advar~ made to said mortgagor <br />by said ,and any a~ aq ' in addition w the aaaouat above stated whici, said raartgagors, or arty of there, awe to <br />said mortgrges, however evid,~cad, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in fall fotee end effect between <br />tJro paw hesstd steal their hems, peraoasl reprsseneatlvea, e~:ccessoes aced assigns, unfit all amaunta secured heteutidar. including €rature <br />advmcwt, -are pek3 in full with dnterefft. <br />Tlm mort~gatrr~ hereby seaiga~~.a=to said mortgavee all teats and income ariaix~ et any pad ail times from said promerty and <br />betceby autboiise rnartgagm ar its ageait, et its option. upon default. to take rlaazge of said property sad collect sU roars and income <br />t~a+aftnm ami apply tkm same to the ppymeat of interest. prlrrcipai, insurance prasnhmss, rates. assessments, or improveats <br />xy to k ash p.~aerty iri ts~rtabie condition, ar us o rlsazgsa ctr pay:nsnia pmvitlttii feet l~rr or fir tbg rote h-y a<~sirsd. Tvis <br />ter.= ==si~~S shall time is f~ ustii tl~ unpaid bakurcaof said saw ip fui~ paid. The taking of papsa~sion hereunder slssli is as siarum <br />peeveat or > mid i¢ Eias ud sad atsm by ~e o; ~, <br />The failutaxd t~gae to sasat aqy of ltd rights hersundpr at any tifne shall nr~ ire eonetruad as 8 waiver of i`ta right'ta aaaat the <br />Q~,,,a 9. o~ ~r~t?+na;-.Ht *~ta 1n!alst rr~n anti eaf+~ ~ ^s '...n..tir.w ~h ~ ct,. ~x~ end Rravi~~ o£ a~ ~ ~ ;.~.,.%e_ <br />f r M Ed ,,,nrr~~tu` .bu ~~~ ~ b+s ~~i t~ ~i*-*°00 5~ amo~at+b3S it lad~'> a~ ~_#n.~er t~ ~~?*nts e!ul ~r:;~*uir+ieaa <br />of arid. nonce :~ eesotsd, ircltidii#g #ut4re advattcss. and any axteuaiona or ranaNpls thorsaf io axorda~e Wkh the terms and provisions <br />t.hmrcaof, a.-at if sand mortga~_~_..-akall cor~pTy ivlfih afI the -and of thle_ffiartgage,,shaa .these Ott-pll bi?-yo_ids--_ -. <br />otherwise to ramraa to tail fstea grad offset, sad acid ma ahtdl.btostittbd to peaeasskiri oF'sill of sahl pmpatty. acid maj'at its option; <br />d~:*M :ke x~ cf said antra and a:I indsiat.~insaa reproaantad theret~p~ isamer~tte payable, ~t+d may Shia _ -_ <br />or F~.k-c sxLy ctser.!caa? aka to gxctct-t its r.:ght, Appraiseasrat ::..:::.d:- - - - -- <br />Ttti-c tanetgsgs shat: ba bmdiag upon aced shell enure to the ExneSt-aft,~lreit9~Biewiazs, 6dmiaiBtratora, suCtM~asars a~ p8eigrte s~'t}ee <br />IN b~IT*fESfl WHEitEC, ~ sold Mort~yor-- La._i!! _-haraunto sat. ~L ;~__.._~haa$,,.,~"'t~'deaz~,endcy~t liter islmve <br />Aitar~j ~ute,~yti-TSip'--- - ~ -. <br />