~ 'S1i .-: ~35e
<br />~~ a t`="
<br />R-~,.__....~....,...~..-_...-~~-_ ____-,._-,~_.._.... ~.. ~,..~..... - - - - - - ___._.._.~..
<br />_. Tr'iS <~Git 1..~.;ii._.~'I', .'sa'c ar_d e;at. red ,,.tv t%_
<br />~ "
<br />r5y> arzd aetw,:er. z:-lea, o2s 'iant~n, ~~'vvn Pewers>ra,
<br />- d;y ~iCr$r42:'; ~, i=C~`-! L_'-=?, sit. i.,a2'3it~ :~-~ r 2.i: t
<br />._.. _....__... _._-,.._.__._.-___.. _. _, ,rt _.___._. -.~___
<br />
<br />party :fj ttEe j 'sf parf, ate' 1•;}`e-1~ Was=art .~.araa y ay ~:S aSC. v~`.~-„ . _ .
<br />]~ ~+
<br />i -
<br />J'~arty of ttra second part, t;~fTt~rG~rTH, T}rat the said paart,* of ttz*_> ; rat part hat rifts da_;• teaser; ;terra the part}<
<br />of teats stray,=~ part ti±2 jvtlrrc:sxg Iles€rt~=_°r1 f„op~rt,~, sitssat~~d ira tTa..> C r;.s=:t~ .j .,w_~. c:.d a~"tata r f
<br />~;B GraS$a t0 aG'Ft:
<br />ijU aCY2S iTl the $ait t2'ixeSt ~U„'.r'"•'•- ;,.`.,
<br />Six (5), ~awnship 1'er_ {10} I'TortFS, ? ~r:ge 'a~ae:t~=c. ~i2i,
<br />West of the 5th P,td,
<br />~~,,,._,_....__--___-tpmxrtcr-txf-rrttimY---------- --•{~-~=af:rw~+iA~------- -X','tz~,5' e____,.__._._.-,~f-~______...,~t j}s;;_
<br />- i togetksr a`iti: the -tr:r~rtdiuga ar.d inrp;ca~er>tcrsts ttiarrara aazd tircrreta apjseetainixg
<br />fia»: the 1st day of March , rq7} t~ tke 1st day of T~.srrh , ig t~2
<br />s arzd the said second party, ire corrsideratian of the teasfng of the abave preruises, Izercby ea~enants and agrees auith
<br />'the' said party af.tire ~rs# part to pay the said party of the frr•st part as rent for the same as fotlo~s, ta-~,'it:
<br />';a~S.Ofl per acre, per year, payable an or before the let. day of I}ecember of each year,
<br />.;beginning with the Ist day of I)ocea2ber, 2979; Pravided, should the bid price of tern
<br />ibe less-than $1.75-per bushel an h4ay 15th of the year in vBien the payment is due, the
<br />abave lease payment shall be $9Q.QQ par sere; and Provided further, should the bid
<br />;price of earn be mare than $2.25 per bushel on blay 25th of the year in xhieh the payment
<br />#s due, the above Lease payment shall be $lQO.QQ per acre. 2'he price of corn an ter 1$tt
<br />~ofl ~aeh year shall bf>_ the price bi3 on earn an that date by Cargill Ineorparated, Wai2d
<br />E Rivera Tde22raska.
<br />{ In the went 1st Parties should decide to seL2 the above premises,-said sa3e shall
<br />be subsect to the above lease, and it is fisther agreed tha±. 2>;d parties sha:.? be
<br />- ,~•efar3ed first rsgportunity to purchase said prem.%ses.
<br />First Pai`ties agree to keep the irrigation well{s} on the pre221ises in working
<br />`eo::dition and to pay the costs of any reFair to said well{s}, gearhead{~} and Puzap(s}.
<br />::~'~ IT I.s FJ.'RTHEJ;:' E''t'R~.S~I.Y ~GR~'E: bet:u4'en the parties tzerte that the said party cf ttte Est ,part
<br />_ skouid they dean it necessary nzay, at tdra east and cxpexse of the party of the second part, esnptoy met. afsd
<br />eqn>p+xent ttr go upon said Jrrernises and tnltiva3e the crops and hat-nest them or to do anything that is +tettssary to pen-
<br />+ra©te their growfh or save ttaern at any tiros $efore they are in tLe g?•axaries, the zut#nte expense of tFrs sa+ric to be rr
<br />tort ftpnn said second-party's stu~rs of ..slid craps.
<br />X113 IT fS EtIRTHER EXFRESSL}` ~GREE17 by the party nJ the second part that that' aunt carejfstt}• pea-
<br />. t.r# aft btdin§s, fexices and intprnverxests of ez~ry kind ttta# ara na.:~ on said prerrlises or that entry ba erected
<br />tirerean diJring the conti+tuancc of this tease: that they :rift prornptty at the expiration of the tern herein granted yKetd
<br />tf~~assesrtotr of si;id $-en>.is.s, ~itita~t ra;ic~, into fire party ref the ~:rst part, in as goad repair as thg~ roztr are qr
<br />_. uu~ ~e .. -,.y .,. v...n:g ,,..»......_»,..» of ,........ .». n: y ...,ar » :,z toss dry ~ ra a.:~-aptad: sea
<br />. ~. ..., ,o, ., ....
<br />- t ..f.a_ztixra~.1.,_..e.~...~~ L,...t ..~..1 -~-:a_ _•_ __' •-•__~ __..2.~~...tL~.. .r t ___~__,~____~~~_~~__~r...t
<br />'d!'3ft3r~$J~@#rtfq~~f'BB"'#ItG ter i'--<!j?ltt~f-E~!!-JCV/clS-Qlf~'~1t~dNt^•~4~t-thC"~!!'it({41ttC~JtlTtitF~"tT>*~
<br />} 'C!•CV~F~rSlY3wY![lid•'lsrt+t?~Yi>!-~iB-Jit~.S''~`tai{tt~i~:fd~t99i~-B~Sri~-ti~J~-t+tt!-j~htt#a`~e'#dri!-F~1•~r-~'tP1Y-SC~ttS;
<br />~>ltee,"-"---'^^rtft-krrp-t33t~f?:urp••-acrd"it~~d-j7rariscS'tn'~:ts:~•rCYerrr;'t"tTti*titrnQ!-trls3~'drttst~*a'sad"'of' {
<br />e ~(tT~~ett'Y frf•Cd
<br />t t#~~II IT l.~ FIIRTtIGR ,t3G'REJL7 by ttte party of the second part thct they gt~i11 nrrt sttb-tet nor in any
<br />:, uranner retease any part of the dascr-ibed prcntises s.itira~t lilr^ raltsrrt of party of tit,^ fret purl.
<br />` :t~,l} IT tS I~tJJt7`ttl~ft ~/>lfP1;P, That the party cf the pest p'rrt ,>>rc! theft a,4`r'rtts array go fc/pan said prca:isF.f
<br />at art titN6 tR tyre ft! the ,ia23te ar t3 r7ttiff ;774 rr; ~4'-rr#ifit, tJterra to GrK t h t
<br />y p p i a rto.a fur ft#turr^ trope and to soz;e srnatt ;
<br />grain in [ortt and strsat~le grattnd in rite fait bcfnrc fire espiratiasr of iris reset.
<br />~ The covenants hertirt shaft extend to and br bir:ding t#pan the heir,- eacattors and adnrtrrisirtriars of the parties
<br />!a ttris tease.
<br />t_Ctk I"f F;$ k`t,RTt{k.R f:R?'Ri:tt~LF ACRk:t: it ihnt the rarund par#y shnlr Xerox, .-.,~ r..ri.. rr-:-:-cn n{ _ -.rn.z ,. •d coedit ivna tf tlrta Itass en
<br />- part 2,t' g2risg t0 th0 first 2eartY on demand a e#rattti mart •a t. r t
<br />a do upon n12 x any part of ttxt mops drawing ar yaihernd Oa said i
<br />-y:au2tta dyrlnq aafd farm. Aml if said asroml party shall na,~lart tr rtfuso to pe,r en..h rhneel rn rtrz,;., ut+an demanA, ar if t
<br />rha21 ul~.-RflY 22sea >:ira sir' attEmPt to gtra to, As-Permit any Ptrxan or g~ dens tq ni~la-t s Ua:a r:F<•u sau3 e.•~ti; of any part tttr:rae#, ar Y4o2ale -M2' j
<br />[ v~n1#3#"oY3 aTF-#ha cvnlYfiCS -(RB tI*x- }tla5d- I$ C3teP¢6Y tc. .i bt- ni-th yt- # the F--.S po Y f*~ ? era t # t`nfvrt6 d-~trldittl#a -i0i
<br />^n ,. -mot-ran,. et a><a2t no-; he s. s_=.arY to- make a dr~:t..n,. so- th- race ..,. ~. ass@ ti;e ..eta ..rat FAY neap at sues. ,
<br />-c.. ~.,2-p~rt#a~is -s-..d # c;~;+; iDar~or, dui tCx .a. ...s., t. to-.~d, ;:;t t.; r.ra iSw#aA sad
<br />ru.. i.. ~' naid cYQ') ter tkw-irrneiit of nail. first part: end ahal! ',~}paed tut s.:ch scr~r~ ax Ie,7.o c_. F;~;t 2..riy may scli sate, trop and tSe nn-
<br />..~,.- 3 •~~ toz task eE yrirato daft peoY at: - - apt2on FY4titrt said traps W Ct further tu2itvattd Or gaihsrtd aced
<br />sari rr. suo4 rw ktt as -~ map tae fit. sad iaeithaz eeest tut ;iroettda tleetout shalt 9e applied: First, to tRs paYmant q! tx¢inaaa fn~
<br />parr dhy t:ti:axitl Party-i>r_ths~-yramiII 'nxui~litr~tLs ;iota agent-bg .. in eenaettias_tht'rax~ltti• ~tOnd:-3n: FRrmstrt-$f _~at i~d-aaY-~I
<br />-~ oth .r lay. fat charges dna- tryst pnrtY, rd; rho rm~n. Ydat, tf an7. ahait ha FOi to rho desert!; party in fu2i -tetinfartitn for aarvitoa In plautind
<br />:.nd xanding turd crops, ~anr seada-.3eu•..".°a by himE t,r sag tthss soma dud hart'hrroanater. It 2b farther aSrtad Uu+t the eareifaata ewtl atresatarits
<br />need co tAa ransana'e2da at Wb tgatrnm0at, i{ sap, ate hereby 3nnorptzatad 2 0.ud roads a PArt a! thta ltaaa
<br />• Sie7ned this day of ~ ? 'J' '~
<br />.- ~
<br />cigr,r • ..a Di~rsrre~ aft tTis preserct a/ ~, 5,. ~~ y.,.._(SE~4L)
<br />c"'s~~~~'' ~.f o tit +~'Za _ ~ nr~' ''•L _
<br />' ~ . l-..
<br />~ z xc.~rs st2aru ~-. ---_- ~ f
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