<br />;j _ _. ._ _._ ___
<br />rt ~~ t;r. ~ ~ :. ~_
<br />a .,
<br />. ., s
<br />_____~ ---_-,-_-_ _ d __._ , . ~ _ _____ ~_. _~____--
<br />-' ~t'`tl ff `l~ t,~.. ~.. ,L_, l ~ 2. ~£ ,- r:=_, tot t :a. it..~ - _-3--r-^','-""7,-T ~' ~~
<br />,r'?r ar«wz v..,~<€,~n ~iti3~s i3. ~cCi.~.;., a~:i r.,~r ~. f+Fc~~,';.r;_~'.-t, Husbav_ a^~d ~;i"_/~ s
<br />{
<br />- s porgy a! t1!c Izr.>t pt;:t, .:z t~'==C;~, ~ss.~~' ~~i'1, ~;;r =~l~i° s,°'~_•°f~. ,m ,
<br />1 E
<br />-- ~z.rt}^ of tl;<' secorsd part, ?t'ITtv'ESSETH, ?'!tat tlae sa#d t=ardy of the Jrsrs' p4:rt has ttris dri,u teased urio flee posit' .
<br />of the sctar.d ;-art dlze follasring tlcscrzbt-d prat=trt„ situated fire tf!e o;xrty of 3s:il aYd State ~,f
<br />rtebra^;.a to 4u~id:
<br />fir'' ~._ .._ ~ 4,it~ _, w.= ~.~ _:v.~._ o ~ tiz~ i:cx°t,nvu.st
<br />- - - duarterV { ~ LidE%~} of aectioa Tiiiri;y-o:ac {31}>
<br />Township Eiever {'i2} 2loxHh, Range Twelve {12j, West ~~ 5ti1 '~, tai.
<br />Z'qtr.r__------Hucrt+;s-of-scctdw~____-------+=..u-7.a:urszlc:.fa--------F.~asage__-------at-:.z,e-------.+~...t~~_ 1
<br />together ^,tzt/! tlt2 -btfildistgt.-~uuL i-rs!,>Sro~~c!z!rrsts ti!srran artd t'.srelc; apperta;rinr
<br />frem the 1st day of tdarch , rg 79 tt, the 1st da}^ of tdarch , r9 L~2 ~
<br />and the sold s€toxd party, in caas:deratior, of t14e teasiyrg of tl4e abo~•€ prcnzises, herrbt• caz•.:riants and agrees auiils
<br />tTte Bald party of the frst parF to pay th¢ said party of !!te (first part as rent for the same as follows, to-uit: j
<br />895,04 per acre per year, payable cn or before the 31st day ox Ja_nt;dr.ry of ca:.h year, P
<br />begiruiing January ?,1, 1979; Provided, should the bid price of corn be less than $1.75
<br />per bashel an May 25th ai the yesr in which the payment is due, the above tease pay- ~
<br />met~t shall be reduced to $90,00 per acre far that respective year and a refund oP $5,00
<br />per acre shall be paid by 1st Partie:~ to 2nd Parties on December 1st of that yea'z`,
<br />3halzld the bad price of corn be ire than $2.25 per bushel on Nray 15th of the year in
<br />~rhieh the payment is due, the aiive lease payment shall be increased to $100.00 per
<br />ears for that respective year and a nretnitml of $5.00 per acre shall be paid by end
<br />Parties tc>, fiat Pxrrh i Qs nrt 1Sar+Pr~Anr 'S a+ n_f t1:nt TS>o Fri nfl Eda•.r - l.~~F]. -
<br />-- ---- -- --- - -- ---- _~ ~ ., year. .,..._ a a~'.e .,~ .~.,~..rn vca .-+..v - - -
<br />of each year sha11 be the price bid~on that date by Cargill Incorporated,„Wood River, ~~
<br />First Parties agree to =eep+ the irrigation well{s}> gearhead{s} aa~rd ptm}p{s} on the-pro'
<br />as3ses in *sarking condition, and to pay any costs of repair.
<br />i RND IT IS t~JRTHER EXPR1i.5'SLY ~4GREE- Between the parties 1!crcto that the said part} of the fast part
<br />sltauld t33t:y deern it n€ttssary nray, at-the cost and expense of the party of tTzc second part, etnplcy ntex aad
<br />j rgtkiputent to go-upon said prertt%tes aad eultivtttc the Crops and ltaruest tkcsn or to da anythixg that is necessary to Qro-
<br /># tttote dhelr araieth ar save them nt arty Bute before they ar¢ ;n ttte granaries, the ,~%ha!¢ exp¢zss¢ of the satetg to 6r a
<br />!r€n tsjron said secaxd part}'s share of said crops.
<br />rt?it1? t?` IS FL•~R2'tIER EXPRESSLY s?GREEIJ by the party of the secaxd part that they zc#tt rarsfxlly pra-
<br />t tF€t ~,?j ~ticr;~~ f4:.tss t~':d ir:.p-=•~t »ts rff -€uir,~+ Rissd tdta,+ are noru ox said prs;ns.°s U tl.at ~aay ~z ~€tt€d
<br />1 tharettx drsring the continuaxte of this (ease; that they sa}di prmxptly at the expiration of the terra herein granted yield
<br />+ up pas€~sa?ax of se-ad pr?fx~>es, ~?thnrst ftet;ce, unto #ke par:y of the first pa+•t, sx as good rep?:r as tk_y now art ar
<br />- ttttry ba ct any Ems during tlu tontintcance of this lease, ortdixary wear artd lass by fire extcpt€d. Said ~cand ;ard;•
<br />7_~GISc~.t~aYm..s~t. R r€¢s t~.~>ra"3~s#s€.~aa a:;~i It~-;s ~:.:. .,rg,.. f, __-_..._......_..~..___ "~.
<br />Y, ~ s rg 3~'~„xr.. a'.a'rt"s-~'__-~--_ ,a«~
<br />::~-~ ~_~~.-_~.~~..~_, ~,.•.~..,".-n.~" ' .ter ~~..~a~- i~.~ ~..,"iP t,~a2. .L~ ... ia:...a._-.:t I~..y,.
<br />i.r~~„~•r~r+n.~-__---_-~..-....s..~.~..~. ~.«.ss.e~-rAS-rrmrFrt.es~rw.rrt<a-
<br />~iCi4t=G6~sLCft.
<br />A,iI? IT IS EUR7'tlEtc ~GREE- by tare party of the setond bast tleat they sc*ilt ::at s:rb-led nor in arrx•
<br />utatttter retefue any part of -the described premises without the tonsext of part~~ of the ftrst part.
<br />€ !ri!'fJ 77' dS FCTRTFI~R ~GRtIE- that the party of the first part and their agents n!rry go rrpan snid pretaisrs
<br />at soy ti:n¢ to inspetd the-saute or to }nafie inapra;.crncnts ilacrean rod do plow for fzsittre crops a}4d to s:,:ct stttall
<br />{ grain xn torn at:d atutrbte grotfnd ire the fat! before the expiration of thislcase. '
<br />The Covenants heraii: shall extend to and ba binding neon the heir:, executors and administro.tars of iltc parties-
<br />to-this tease.
<br />I .fin t~ nt I'i~R.•Ci'Ik;$ lriP]t i.~s C.~ AQRa:1iD 4t1at ttiO aeCORd pltrty Chill r.CCn CC thn }u`IfOrntJnrc of the t~`f'n~.e :tnd Ctrndtt#Ona Of lh#a acasa O
<br />i
<br />.-- - part by giv:ng.4o lha }first 7Mtty on demand a ehattot mortgage epou nlt or any part of the crops growing or 6athezed on-4aht
<br />i S,emiaea dtt;tr.g acid tetra. dnd it aaEd aacond party ahpll negtect ar rvtnep to giro surh c~4nttcl mortgags Cryan damnnd, or Sf - it
<br />half at any kiwa gfva -ar. attempt to girt to, pr prr¢it anY pprsa pr. per,tana 4n obtain n Sicn upon cold cropz ar an Y' part thereat; at viaSstO arty
<br />of eT C6 dit infie ot~ ti W eoptraa0. then th n loaae ahnil thernby- terminate at the option of tha ttrst psrty-, and fn order to pptorFe..a }or}citnta }Di.
<br />- - - l ~ ;ice ... -x "`-•- -_. to °-~2 s dc,--m... - ea t'..¢- sa,:.a da°s` [#: rat sS.aia :`.ec;,, ,a ;iu~ ~n-t;.s.:a.~ t4rss t~rtr-me€ at vrxa
<br />r rn~ 4 sF at. ,f avid urmma.a anti aiS drops tetaeeeg aad the snit at wad a•~srtg xhali in chat r ¢nt he held nod r~aatdn d [n ha ptnnta%t n~d-
<br />i#ti.+.id aa~. rsip }os thn-oriel}t-ef d f#ra!- yartr -9nd-chat{ t,r p•1'rl -f_r-surh a~rsl•~e as- tvt.- _ -rust perey ~.ny .,-SS _.ud trap a«~. t`a kr4-
<br />t ~;apired t+u~.r, fat cash ai-private'anla may at - option, proeuze nail trope to bn }urthee aul4tvated aT =nthared aad ~
<br />i
<br />cold aa<t .ngskat zt - _may ana }[t trod i - nikha u1ent the graaaada thereof ]Colt De ayptrad F nt, to _4h payment o} eapohaea ia- -
<br />- <errati by. t~ awd party 3n tSte t+romiaea tncyadts4g the t me :ye t b - - -- fig patneatian tbasaw[ih $reand, in paytnenE pt senk -nd nag
<br />- .ether Sa+. ful .~argza daa'.ntat porky;-'Thtstt the-retnalpdar, If • el n3S 1 yni.t to the aeyoilA pack? S& tt:ll ~ttnt*ttion toz eeWieea fn pl~Gtttrg~
<br />~ snsi ( d4n~ nafd .oaa, 7tiiT Sande t>~ta~ad -1aim, OY an7 th onrta due hen•undeA IC ra Turtfter rgraed that ttl6 aaFplnf4ta and agraeinania
<br />ac;e1 t a rexe's ra soda-4t 3ltb-iutt6tumeat. i}-. >tits, err harab7 lncuryore ~{s o nud msda a-pazt at aSria Saa4a• -
<br />..1 tom.,. 1. _
<br />/~ra.8f+3'iJttJ _ Ile')' ..r ~.C~:.2r -•,,.~' 7 «=4~.~1t _ w ' -.
<br />Si el~rrd d-t :&€ prES¢rre of U~ ~- ~ .- ~n .............(SEr1L}
<br />n . -..., ~ ..._....
<br />j ~ / ,7~ Ruth ~IcCl~'kin ~ j
<br />J'
<br />...... w~.~,.- •- -
<br />