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iFa fu rG.'., ¢_:t~t ~' t` i ride ,.,Fit _.,t_s ' ,,..., tr=t_ /~7 , -- -~F -. ¢ .t. ~ _ ,~ Tom- ~~-.._-._ <br />'-°'-3.«.:~.~3 nine ~e#:t=£2r: 'R~ R Fi. _ .rrtr' 3~r?? _: i`h _ /!'~.~~1"~.s~g ..__,.v..._..~tf~~v.%~_ ..___~ <br />i p~°-.}^ of tt:e ~n`r„t pGrt,. ~rr~f -` .Fs-..T.':C.., .'.tcJ3.....!":. ..^, Tt °, _ vY .,...,. ~. ~..`. ; Y. <br />r party of ltrt~ sec;rsrd part, tY1TP.'t:SSET11, Tkat t1u^ said port} of tTre f,-st Ffzrt has this dat~ leased ttr:to ilre part) -- <br />of t.Tre seta;rd yeti ttze~ iatkz.c:ng drscria.~d t.roport"~, s¢iaratrd ins ke^ ~'aaert}• of I+_"all ¢::d State rsf <br />ldes<z`asi~a to ~,t; <br />E <br />3 <br />Five ac__,~ i:: the Southeast ~,~a^.. , ; __-., ~_ <br />Section Si:: (o}> To.mship Tar!{1QJ T,:,rth, ?ianr-,_ _ <br />Twelve { l~ } , Rest of t?:° ~th ..... <br />i <br />r~=f-.~.--______.-..geter~ter~rrf-~-+.tsa»___°-______rlo#-~'~eear3l'r¢-_-_-_-__-~~-°--__°sf-ITz~e-----.._.~z; ;~~; <br />tagetTrar+.tnth tTre Znei?d~}s arcd i;r,~roz~I°nzerts iherc;sn ara~t- t,rcreta appertaining <br />~raut the 1st day of iRarch rg 79t~, the lsz day of :March- , ry82 s <br />`acrd the said scto:rd part}~, ire ror.,riderntiorr of the teasing of ti#e ai'az~c prcntises, hcreFiy cuvennrrts and agrees zuitlr <br />the said party of the first part to pay ITze said party of tine first par? as rent for the Sarre ar follouls, to-zcrit: '; <br />ia95=t3U per acre, per year, payable on ar before the 1st day of December of each year, <br />;beginning faith the 1st day of December, 1979; ?rovided, should the bid price of earn- ; <br />~ba less than $1.75 per bushel on yiay 15th of the year in ~rhieh the payment is due, the ii <br />#above lease payment shall be $90.tltl per acre; s¢d Provided further, should the bid <br />price of Dorn be mare than $2.25 per bushel on ~iay 15th of the year in which the patent i <br />his due, the above lease payment shall be $lOQ.OQ per acre. The price of corn on R+Isy 15th <br />fof each year sha11 be the price bid on corn an that date by Car~?11 Incorporated, Wood i <br />;Bier, i~ebras;sa. <br />First Parties spree to !weep the irrivation wells} on the premises in uarkin~ <br />condition and to pay the costs of any repair to said wells}, gearhead(s~ and Pttmp(s). <br />_ - - <br />~. <br />~.. -- Y <br />? AND iT IS FURTITER EXPRESSLY AGREED bctuct^rr tfze parties hereto ttmt the mitt party of ilia fast part <br />slrorrld th°Y tlearra i# necessary` +#iay, at t#te rost and cxperrse of ttzr part, of the strand t'urrt, ersplay rucrx arrrl g <br />F squiprrrer~ to ga uprm saint prersrises acrd cultivate the maps and Irar~est them or to do anythi»~ that is necessary to Qra- y <br />~ mate-their gro-r~th or save them at arty tune before they art to the granaries, fhe zt+itote expcrrse of the shaxe tG be a <br />{lien neon siiid setand par#,p'x share of said craps. <br />' r#~1D I7'IS F[11?TIIER EXPRESSIY AGREED by the ,++arty of the setand part tTrat they gain carefully era- t <br />-trct ail IHri{diraga, fcnres and impsavements of every kind cleat ara nazis on said premises ar that rrray be erected <br />tkereon during tlae eontiriuarrte of this tease,-that theyztatl prarnptly at tTte expiration of the term herein gramted yield <br />up posssssion of said prertrises, without nirtice, untie the part}• of the }first part, in as good repair as they noz~ are or <br />.rosy be-at ar4 tisrie dtrrirrg tTre rarrtiauarcrrs of tTris lease, ordinary tc~rar and tats by frre rxrepted. -~ii:~~i#•;~,~~ <br />--- ; -_ - - '~:~~~psrr:tai~-xti .~f.+i~r€}~inra5~rrtTrsa€rf=_~n__,~_aaa_~a~_~,..: <br />D ITT CIS FURTfIER AGRFF.D by thr party o f .the sttoxd part that they wilt tint strb-kt nor in any <br />ruanner retease Iiny part of the described pre#i#ises zc7t/ra:rt the cmucrrt of party of the first part. <br />AryrD IZ' IS FURTHER AGREED tha# the early of the first part and their agents uray go upon sold premises <br />at-any firnc to itrspett 1hQ Senn#c ar to snabe inrpravernents trrcrtcn and to ptoctl far firttirr. craps arrd to sazr srr~lt <br />graixi i>a tarn and. stttbbta ground in tt+e -fall before the expiration of this toast. ` <br />TT+e caaenants hereon shalt extend to and be binding :teen the heirs erecutars and adn:iaistrators of the parties <br />to chi; dense. <br />,ij.+'Tb--I:F I$ i'i;RY`i=i'~ $±iT$t:~LY AG'^R£;A:rJ -tha6 ihn seeapd pence ahatl arcane :ha paT€erm,nre vt the t.t-ors and eenlitiarir of iL#s ta:so an i <br />part hF F?vipg 'to tits brat party op dcolaud a ehattal murt;afe up.~u alt a,- am mart or t:+++ rrapa pr:,~w-in; ar gatkrred Os utd ' <br />_ ! <br />prsmties ilttripg said tarn!. Acid #t said aeeand. party ahal# ntAtace or rrhaa w glee each chattel martgagft neon demsnd. or t! ~ <br />Stier! st cisTp-time give ar sitatppi'to give te, ar permit pop person ar parsana to obta- a tfru •pnn acid trope or spy part teeraaf,. er abrata apl <br />or the tntid#trana of -tiHS captrart, t#iaa this ]eons strati lherr3p terlniugte at the ap[ at the first party, and ip ender tr, t.ptorce a torfa#isra fat ? <br />or pprrm~eG n( »t- ; ihrtrt pet to Rr~4?I!ar!t, to rprta #. dgmxrd as the =]n?d tar t ry. _! xhail tq!at+le daa. tc8 the as#d tiYat warty A~}--st §pf4 <br />Tr<pFa pofaaasr f Bald p Irate :and act-crape ttlereaa-apd. the 611it 2A- -8 p#rt aunt! lp Ch A! rY .rtt hft hrr8 6tt8 MlFider~ to t1aVe pbeted and-- <br />' ~,rrfi r, t,;S s:. t.l , t'.r .. L...,3it c*. sr+rd, S.+ t-p rt; -_ani aLu.. .r-i.+{K •ara -, a.r. ice :+a rail-I chat party t,. xl ecti aai+i -RTC p.:3 tea ~r- <br />,xU;a-~ to;m ! u:h st Fetns~~IZ mar at apttoa. p-racua eaid <twpa toba furtLer euitivatnd ar QaRd+zadApd <br />boiil #u au<:+ ~r~ari;ct z: msy sat-r#q sad in siihar avtnt-iho prpr=ands ihrreor -sGdii Ga applied: gsrsfi to tfis Nyltt~i # azpa><sas la-. <br />oth d#s pt Il Bch 1 T'N`tr the peen rn b tncludieg ilia tlmn fpanE ap - - - ip eonpretiaa tgerevlth• 6ecopd, rn paynlani trf seat assd fa7 -~ <br />u due # rat part.. Third; the rmpaipdeq if app, sbntr Lr iel to tpc second pant; fin toil astis(aeiton for services is pretesting. <br />' and c a .onr, < id ape, d g axdi tern sYed t'-~ o~-sn~ethas ~ ~-~e rvss~- = t .c turthv iced=ti(~ t§e ~YSnuafa s~'~- <br />' noeed nn ihn maerss ,rdp a[ thin in.tron+ont, 1E en1, grs tista7~ iircargera_ ts1 irtts- mass a:parf of-eh fe Snow~.p. - <br />SignBd tuns A',y-of Ig F ~_ <br />F rd i •e ed in the preset - aiMi,.- - -- - ~o g - ~- -._.~S~~AL~ <br />I ` <br />... ........~_,.~_....- ....rte .. .. ...~ . _ ,(f~~~~S,EAL1 <br />l ~ ~ _. . - ~'fu.t -. ...a ~XL _ <br />V.~ rr.~ tr <br />. ........°--° .._.~.4 E Lj <br />~ ~ , ~ '~.. r s.~ir'x1,.. <br />... .. ~ ,._»_ .....:. ~tv <br />.... 1 <br />}; <br />i <br />ii <br />~' <br />igg. <br />r'k <br />t~ <br />t. <br />t - <br />#.- #• <br />~.. #_.- <br />_ ~~. <br />ti <br />y: <br />}jj1 <br />it <br />}}tI <br />S} <br />t; <br />is <br />