<br />or the r~y:rl ~,r -- a-~, S;at~ u€~"= _.___;re' ~~~after relied ~?e psx~y r,? the r__ r~t,~ ;;,
<br />ecderatioa o~;~'.i - =~ tiR 'ice !emu- °- ----- ---_~_~f3ZI~.IiS,
<br />~ head paid, do hereby grant, bargaia, sell and eanrey unto the Howe Federal Savin~€ a Loan 9ssaciatfan of Grand 3s?and,
<br />~~.~_
<br />Grar~l Island, 19ebra:., and its susors sad assigns, the foliov€ing real es~ate, situated in
<br />County, State : f ''dEDR,S;~~ to~it
<br />.4? `i~~E iii, niJUii_ ~~'t,u SUBDiViS!v~-:~ HA=~ :,vv'~aTY a~co,RP.~i-;FF..
<br />Together with all tfie appurtenances thereunto belonging, and ali covenants in all the title deeds running with said real estate,
<br />and all the rents, issues and grofits arising therefroa after default in performance of any covenant ~ condition herein caa-
<br />tained; abd warrants the title thereto perfect and Blear except for this mortgage.
<br />13uring the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br />tier To pay nit taxe8 and ai~ai risesszaenis lotion as~~s 3si' pr°m,~c3. ,,.clua„i„°g ~n ~:..,....,nd ~..r....nc_ t.wi~,e
<br />urn this mortgage, or the debt seemed by tltis mortgage. u
<br />Second. To keeg all buildings thereaa insured against loss by fire, lightning and tornado in some company, to be ap
<br />proved by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of $ i n ~ v rao-I e va ! +,:° goy.
<br />rite benefit of the said Association, and i#s successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association, and shall not
<br />commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br />order. -
<br />Third. To pay nr canse to be Paid to the Home Federal Savngs ds Loan Association of Grand Island, its snccessors or
<br />rORiY THREE THO!'SAiiD ?`.'10 F1Ui~lDRED AiJO NOIi00---------------------DOI.I.AItS,
<br />assigns, the ~m of $
<br />~~3,24Q.OiD DUE JAtdUARY !7, iF$0
<br />~ss~t ~~. ^-;e ~Jgb ~~ ~a y;:*',.i,~ - - -- - - r.ci `~-`' rile ~~ cis `_~•_-3_t ssasrcgagc_~ut~ :u° Said mG~aiF~ _
<br />~. a dot%~tb tl_~ p~~n~. ~ ~ts~=~mst'~=~ mid bn,~d drams interest at yea ire n€~s`c ~+*_t p~T aaat!m.
<br />If mid taxes sail assessments are not pall when due, ar H the buildings an said premises are not insured as above pro-
<br />vided, or if say of said interest is eat geld when due, then said whole debt shaA become due immediately, at the option of the
<br />said Assaciatias, aacl shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
<br />The martgagar_5 hereby ensign-- to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times from said
<br />property and hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br />colleik all teats sad income therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance preminms, taxes,
<br />assessments; repairs or ireProvements necessary to keep said Property ~ tenantable eoaditian, or to other charges ar pay-
<br />arents provided for herein or is the Hate hereby secured. Thin rent assignment sbaIl continue in €orce aatil the anpald bal-
<br />ance of said noes is fully paid. The taking of pasioa hereunder shall in no meaner prevent or retard sold mortgagee in
<br />the callectian of said suae4 by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />~hetmer said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of the i'irst pert to comply
<br />with say condition herein, the said Homo Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors and assigns,
<br />shah hake the right to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, and to iatlude
<br />3ioreia all tease, assessments, lusurance premiums sad cos#s, paid by it or them: or said Association, its sucee~aors or
<br />, may iareciose Daly as to the snm past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement ar impairment
<br />a3 the lien thereof.
<br />Aad the said first party and the makers of said note, especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br />every one of them, i~lading barb -teat saw owaea and ti-tat zer~i ac~uiFed, is p~~ a-;d bound f:~.- tiv pa3~;nt ~
<br />After the canamencement of sag suit in #oreclas~ue the plaintiff therein shall be eatifled to the immediate possession of
<br />said p>teinises -sad tt~ Epgolntment of a receiver thexeSor, aotwif~essaatv,a they may be rite homestead of the occupant sad
<br />staniliag the-parties liable- feet #Ile dew ~v ~ solvent, and the y hereby consents to the apgoiatmeat of a
<br />_ 33eeerver aeon the pxoduation of this indenture, without other evidence
<br />e foreg~ag its, .all and singutar, be#ng frilly pewarmed, this emtseyanee altaIl be void, other
<br />to be a~ remain fe fitIl force and e#teet:
<br />Signed trris ! 7th a„y og_ Janu~rv ~. B., 19 79
<br />In. prc~ence of
<br />~P.?~1tAY REAL'Y OF GP.AND I_SLAiJD. (NC
<br />i r_, ~;` -
<br />Har~ d r'e~rt, Tres i u2nt
<br />
<br />