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:.3'is. ~sCrT'°b';Fl'L*~ fit)°, ~~iv!'...W.t'°-,, . ~ _. --I,:-_ . ~, 3~ :r .... _.t..:U` ,.3_.1.~ . ~~. .+ .~. .,,.": - - <br />_ri3rc:.3 ~ T}.,I .s.,.t~~34 ~. ^r,:~.,i 5,- I _..-_c, -,.-. ~ l.r ..t.,• .,. ~L'r:C+;'_. 3 r3:s. ~ _ c:' T..Y~3`r, - <br />n "~ ;ifPl3't. C r! r r }~ 1 PF^` OS tt'.e L`r`nYi ai a 3" n ~ ~a-ra :' { rs .o .- , ~v S ,ail nest uf:, <br />rE{luPTCd ~.a C3nsr3 i rv,,'~-E~,~,S- Is~;,a - - 3'-'.Or ;:. sc.: ~., r t - , }.3~r ~_ r a~. 1 -...'; +; rCi;r411ty - <br />- n;:r rZ~?-fin aF ..> ._ - ~ra~PU^rt n?r t....- ?si ~.• _~,r, tt?' ?EF..7a7t a: .ist73.3 .7 -,L~_._ _ Zf:£ Qrig,_..a_ SSC£ra;°,£r -.°ona <br />P.arfn~;,er'4 sucr~-cars in interest. ` <br />II. ~arbeararzt:e hg LenrTer Ixs`nt c 'Yiaiver. .~nti° farbeararce by Lender in e;.;errising any right ar rt:rrredy <br />hereunder, or of}rer:~~ise atforr:ed b•; ::p;~iicab[e laxc-. ~}!ail !;Gt ire a waiver of or prec;ude the exercise ai any right <br />ar remedy hereund°r. Tl:e prae,?ren;ent ai insuraarc ar *iie payment of rase. ar ether liens ar enArg~- br Lender <br />shall not Lea :=;aiver of Lender's ^ghL to aece?eraze ti3e matur;ty of tt;e indebtedr=ess seeur2d h~• this ~'Iartgage. <br />I2, B~medies Cuatulative. ~ #l remedies pravid?d is thi.= 3lartgage are diet=.ret and cumulative to any atlrer <br /><rght a're~?C~'y sar':der xhic }I<v.rt ga ~s. t,r •:Tf arrien i?' ia'T' a7• r.f13y it {•, :ant; ...~~ ;; rfercised cane=_trrenily, inder;and- <br />ently ar sucet:ssavely. <br />-13; StsceeasoYa sad lissigns ~ursd: Ia~t rind. Several Lialsiiity: Captianm. The cavenants and agreerre n'„s <br />herein contained shall hind, and the rights hereutidee sl:atl inure to, ttic respective ~uecessars anti assigns of Lender <br />;,~ aszd Harr°ower, subject io t#:e l rr.vr=ion- of paragraph I" ilereaf..`,li covenants and of $orro;ser shall <br />.~,„ l.r--;Dint and several. Tt;c atpt.ons an+? t d;ngs rf [he paragra#rhs of tlri~ ~Iartgage are for --^.anvenrence only and <br />ere oat to be used to interpret. or define rile pmvisians hereof. <br />l4. idatice. And- natiee to Barraxyer provitieci for in t}.is Mortgage shah he given by rnaiiing such natiee by <br />"' certified !Trail addressed to Lanawer at file Yropertti- address stated beioxv, except far any notice required under <br />""# paragraph 18 1!ereof to be given to Barroxver in the manner #ireserihed hr aplaficable lau-. Ann notice provided <br />feria this Mortgage shall iie daemetl to bare #>een given to Borrower xrhen in the .nariner designated herein. <br />tT l5. Uniform MortgagR: Governing Law: Severabili#y. T#iie form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />fi'+ for aatiana! use and non-unifarnl covenants x•itir ,'invited :°ariatians by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform se~u- <br />rity instrtinient covering real i>raperty. This Mortgage shall be gaverneci by the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is }ocated. In the event that any prevision or clause cf this Mortgage ar the Note eovflicts with <br />appiteablt; law, such conflict shall nat. affect other provisions of this Mortgage cr the ,,Tote which can Le given <br />effect without the conflicfirg provision, and to this end 'the provisions of the Slartgage and the Nate are declared <br />to b2 severable. <br />i6. Borrtawer's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisire€t a canfoimed copy of this Mortgage at the time of execu- <br />tron or after recardstion^: hereat. <br />l7. Tzaxlsfer of the Praperfq: Assazmption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />ar transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {a) the creation of a lien or encuw- <br />brani:e subordinate to this _liartgage, #t>) the z?reatian a+.' a purchase money security interest for houseia©ld apgli- <br />ances, ic) a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation of laxx- upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of <br />any leasehold interest of three years trr less not containiv~ an option to lnrrchase, Lender may. at Lender's option, <br />declare all the sums secured Ly this Mortgage to Le immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale ar transfer, Lender and the person to whom the. Property is to be sold or <br />transferred reach »greement in ?vriting "that the credit of such #rerson is s-atisfactary° is Lender and that the interest <br />zra>iable an the secured by this Mortgage shall Le at such rate as Lender shell request. If Lender has waived <br />the option to aece}crate provided iii this paragraph I i and if Borrower`s successor in interest has executed a writ- <br />ten assumgtion agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shalt release Borrower from all obligations under <br />finis it~ortgage and the Nate. <br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shaEi !nail Borrower natiee of acceleration in accordance <br />?s°ittt paragraph I4 hereof. weir natiee shaft provide a pcriad of not less than 30 dais. from the dat^ the natit:e is <br />= p...,. <br />mailed wittiti wriciz $arraK-er nzay pay the surz~~ cif t # ro = dut~. If 43arrc.}-nr fa:is u , y s = t -.i.n= *'n" to t??*? <br />c~eeiri}tit_ul c,f such period, Lender tna,'without fen-ther natiee ar dcnaand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per- <br />:i~.~ ~, paragraph !$ hereof. <br />e!!Q',.sT -~~II't?R~I {. r~S':Cw ~~'7,3, r~(tri`iltvtii' -2i iiii i.~E'Iida~.r i•nt'LttEr t-UL i'~:;:it .',. it.,..',r °~ =i:72;;`s--.. `_ <br />- j~; ACi<~if.`~ii€irt:-rf~atrs. -Exc.i-t.-a~ ii UC ,4:r a ~ I; 7.~,~ ^, u::a. ;~wrrv.[uPr's n. ..__. ,~r._i= <br />t`' f f ~g ! <br />covenant ar agreement ~!( Barrawer m #slr> :L[vrrg-}g~.. into zl ~. ~fi 2a ~ } ta, ~? ~ _. ~k ..__, -?_ _~~? <br />by this Mortgage, Lpndz:r prior to acceleration ~hatr nlati fiotr~~ tU ~9]~,dh~l'~ravided iti pa!agr:zph 14 hereof <br />specifying:. tIl -the breac3r: r;2) the zzction requu•ed to cue¢ {uMlr Sac1i ~3! r. ri2te, not Ies. than thnty days <br />from the date the notice is nraited to Bar!•cwer, by n•hicl! such line€h ruiisC':m~~;rt~and t'I? t!!at fat}arc to cure <br />such breach on or before the. date sfieeifred in the notice may result in aeeeleratiav of tl!c sums secured Ly this <br />~Iartgage and sale of-the Property. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified in t-he notic+', Lendnr <br />at I~nder's option array declare a}i of the sums secured by this l~~ortgage io be immediately dur and payable <br />without further demand-and may fereclose this \Iortt;a~ by juclicia! proceeding. L-ender shall be entitled to called <br />in such proceeding all expenses of fareelosurc, including, but net limited to, casts of doeun:entary evidence, <br />aystraa?~ anal title raparts. <br />2S. Borrower`s Right to Aeiastate, \otwithstanding Lender's acce}eratian of the sums stcured by this <br />b4artgage, Borrower strap have the right to have env proccedints begun by Lender to enforce thrs Mortgage die- <br />- eoritinuetl st any titn€ prior to entry of a judgment enforcing thi:~ Mortgage if: i.a? Borrower nays Lender all <br />suaie which tvould`be thou dqe under this llai•Lgage; the I~TOte anti antes securing Future Advances; if any, had rio <br />at:eeleration occurred; fli) Borrower cures all hreaclres of any other covenants or agreements of Borrnwer con- <br />taitzeil in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays zzll reasonable expenses inrnrretl by Lender in enforcing the covenants <br />and agt~maats of Borrower contained lit this ~Iartg:ige anti- iii enfnfittg i.enuer', reiireliies as pra~;f~i~; lTi l~ }-- <br />gtttP~s aiz izef„ inel~3irag, but eat 't ;;ted'o, reastsnziEale' ~tlarne~ : f~; and- td? I3erraws~r 1_akrs wuu-li ai•tion us ' <br />Leader may_reasonabty.reguire tc assure chat the lien of this \lortgage, Ltnder's interest in the Property and <br />l~orrters obTi~tionto~iay the sunia s,•euran try-chic Mortgage-shall eovtiuzze unintptttretl. L?pen-such payment <br />anti ctrr3 bw 13orrcrwer, ttiia R1ort„age and thn obligations-secured hereby shad remain in full fotCL soft effect as if <br />Aft 3C"^"P entt,in1YflG£113'Y~d.. , <br />2ff- ~gnr;neztt ai'-~.~: rl~oirstaeni of ?.eceiver: Leader in _Picus..:4a addzt Dual ss:curty here- <br />- under, Rnrrox#•er hareby_ssasg~s to I.eitder ttie rent,. of flit Propertx•. #ireivided fhu~ Barrcis4:er shall, prier to acceler- <br />ro:on u.^.dsrps~~^rsph !Sh?*eo! or a6andonn?erit of the Yni#ierty, have thC~ighi to aolleot mid retain sate rents <br />s-the; ~ r:_. due and payakl' -- _ i?i,ori x,ev,~ratan under ;,atsF:vr;; .° h2reaf cr ::bundcnrt, nt tsf `!re i~rape:•ty, Lendz;r, in laerson, by agent <br />or by iudiciaite atstwinted receiver shell be enfiuei to i~ntet' uf'!o~3, take po~sessiti:r of and ananag,?Lhe Property <br />~.,rt ~r_., .•~ii~.,.. 'rStc• r~x ,~t rlv~ Pmi,erty inrltidine thane nt}nt ,jtie.:1it xGt!tti -etttlacted by Lendex or the rzreiver <br />_~haR t>P arnii:r~i }zrat,t~a ig>3vnlsnt of the costa. of mar!aeen,ent c,` tl c Yru~cty z~nd eallect.'tan of rents including, but <br />...... t:_..,.,.~ ... _~;ua.~~ r_°_ } i, ;,n~S i4:,nn~hle rittarnev`s fees. and then to the sari. <br />- - - i~arY ,,., vie is a=v~ . sees s~ _ -.-iSr ~m ...,. ~..--.r :r ~. ~ <br />secured by this Mortgage: Lender and thz: receiver shall he fiats#e to account only for the...: rents actually received. <br />