Irr, Fsmsrxraw9xir Nr:t Belsast£d, y_:~ .:>f . ._ ,...- . >, ; . -.. - ,..3 .._ _., . c. °:~r ~ _,t ._.on ;~ _..~ -u:r_=
<br />..._ar }.: *its~_ ~ig1S~ a .. -:~ ~.^.}~ _~_..„r, - -, ,.-..rf~~xa.;, . _.~~ - 3t,er `~ Vie.
<br />.. .
<br />in.un~ _.... i 3._ -;acs t`_ a`£,: c n <. „c. v.=. -.... ?~;,. , .. -__ ,acre _.._~_ .,.,. f,_ .<.er E.all rant ',;
<br />.,.,.,,.z,.,P.~
<br />_.. _ w ~.,r_~,......~.e i.P ~{.s. ~<_.~N ..~~..,,,.. ~ ....'._ ..-..- _,.,4-.. ,,. ,E'.....' . ... «'.?.,. P.-.. + .. ~..r r~rs,:~-,fin t. .v r.t e:'F ;v~;f,.
<br />~!narTiSz~on as .,.~ __.._ -,,.. _, _ ..__ . - - ; - _,! :~~ _.~ _ ,_r~ ~= rse o:i;;:r:al Borrower and
<br />pOrrawer's SllGt;es5aru in trtieTf°vi.
<br />ll. Forbe~cntce by l:endea *~at c :4'rrver. ~#rsy icr~~arance bar I~nser in ev:erei. ing arty right ar remedy
<br />hereunder, or rsthenvise arorded }n• applicahic lave =trail Hat items ~-siYer of or preclude the evereise of a*~y right
<br />nr reamedv :Hereunder. The procurenzenr of irsuran; e ar the ;,arn.Fnt cf tuxes or outer liens ar charges by Leader
<br />sTiall nrt•ha a T;;giver of Lender's i=i;ltt to geeeleP;;se ttre n,a*u tg sf tl!e indebtedness scented by `.his fortguge.
<br />i°~,. ]!{brrte~is~ t~..trmtrlati~H. :s.:e reiHZeet~~ praviil2i in Ini= :~"•,7:?~S~P $;.? ~3s rinn+. °... s,_. _i`-t:°= `-.u :: : aLiscf
<br />" right. ar rertredy under this :tortgage or afcarclt,l i:v 'saw ar rrtuirr. and Wray be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />`~• rntl,' ar wren e`~rvel_v.
<br />'' I.S. Sriceesssorr, asd Assigm ;3ct:ad: Joint and Several liability: Captions. The covenants and agree~ients
<br />herein contained shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the resgec#ive successors and assigns of Lender
<br />;and $arrower, subject to the pravisior~ of paragt•apl! 1 E hereof. gill co. enant.<, anti zgr~eneents of Borrower shall
<br />~,~ `ue ioint and several. The captions and 1!eadings of the paragraphs of this _;lartgage are for canvenienee only and
<br />{S•L a_e Hat to be used io int.erpret cr defrne the provisions hereof.
<br />!''- l4. Notice. .ny aat.iee to Borrower pravideci for ii. this yIarigage :hall be given by mailing such notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at tl!e Propertc :address stated helon•, except for any notice required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrower in the ntaitner prescribed t;c applicable law. Anv notice provided
<br />for in this liortgage shall be deemed to have been given ±a Borroi;•er mien gives in the manner designated herein.
<br />i5. Uniform Mortgage: Governing favi: Severability. This fornz of ntattgage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national use and Han-uniform covenants with limited variations by iurisdiction to constitute a uniform seen-
<br />rity instrument covering teat property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction ir. which
<br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this ;tiiortgagt; or the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this _lortgage ur the Note which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the .Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br />to Ise severable.
<br />3P,. Poao~rer's Cane. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed cony of this bfori~aee at the time of execu-
<br />tion Drafter recordation iterenf. ~ ~ V V
<br />I3. Trans#er of the Property: Assumption. If all or say };art of the Property ar ar. interest therein is said
<br />ar transferred IHy Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {a) the creation of a Iien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this 1~Iartgage; (bl the creation of a purchase money security interest for household s}spli-
<br />anees, {c} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or {dl the grant of
<br />any IQas¢hald interest of three years ar less Hat cantainiiig an option io purchase, Lender may; aC Lender's action,
<br />declare all the sums secured by this Rrfortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shaII have waived such
<br />aptiaa t{s accelerate if; prior to the sale or transfer, Lender Bud the person to wham the Pragerty is to be sold or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is saiisfaetory to Lender and thstt the interest
<br />payable on-the Burns secured by this 1~iartgage shall tae aL such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br />- the-aptian o accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br />- tea assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obIigatione under
<br />this Mortg~e anti the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accwrdence
<br />with-paragraph I4 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of Hat Less than 3Q days from the date the notice is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay lire sums declsr+>d due. If Borrower fails io pay such sums prior to the
<br />axiiiratian a# such period, Lender may. without further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke arty rerrtedies per-
<br />nutted by paragraph izs hereof.
<br />Nom-iitwrgo€raa i:av~rrx:~~. Bcrra~ver and i~ndzt~ further covenant and ag•rE=e as foiicztvs:
<br />$8. Acc~leretio~ R~ecties. Except as pravidetl in }:aragra_pl! 17 I:er?of, span Torrox•e_r`s i}reach of any
<br />covenant ar agreement of Borrower in this 3iartgrtge, including the covenants to pay when duo arty Burns seeurecl
<br />by this Mortgage, Lender }Hrior to acceleration sl!atl mail notice to Borratrer as },racidcd in paragr~tgit id hereof
<br />specifying: (I) the breach; {2} fire action required w cure surd: irreaeh; t3!-a date, not lei than thirty days
<br />cram the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, by r.•hich snclt lireacli itrpst be cured; snot (41 that failure to Dore
<br />such breach on ar before the date specified itt the notice Wray resort in acceleration of the sutras secured by this
<br />;tilartgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is Hat eared on or before. t-ire date specifed in the notice, Lender
<br />at Lender's option may decl.sre alI of the surrts secured by this tfartgage to }re immediately due and payable
<br />without further demand and may foreclose this ~iort.gage by judicial proceeding. Lender shalt he entitled to calleet
<br />in such proceeding all expenses of fomclosure, including, but riot limited to, oasis of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />1i9. Bsrruweea Right to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lender's neceleration of the sums secured by this
<br />-tgags, Batrawer eltsll hat-e the right to bare any procezct'tngs begun by 7.ender to enforce this 3iortgage di~-
<br />contirtueri at anj tithe prier tit-entry of a judgment enft}~•cing this 'ttartt,sge if: tai Borrower pays Lender all
<br />sums which gvartltl lie fhen due under this Mortgage, rite Naie and notes- securing Future Advances; if-gay, had nit
<br />aceeleratitw siecuned; {b? Borrower cures atI breaettcs of any other covenants ar agrretnents of Borrower eon-
<br /> __ ~t n'trtsoe~ {- t Rar~n-: -e• psus all .~:~nahl€ r~}?exr=_ = inr!trrsa! ht• Ind€r i}t ernfflming rite- Pctva••ants
<br />$;s~:s~t~af Bnrra~cr contined in-this ~,crtgge µnd iu enforcing I,er?tier's retnetfies as I:rovirleli in Para-
<br />- graplr`i8lier2bf, innliicliitg, but ttLn. limited tq, rea~analile attorney"s fee€; and tdl Borrower takes such action as
<br />Let; may retsstmaJsiy regttir~ to assure. that tt~€ Bert of this 3lartgage; Lender's-interest in the Property gird
<br />J3ar€~$r~rbL~xtatxr is pa}-the su€ e~rod bt th ~~r.~€gage sltaH ec~ntinue-ttrrimpaired. L3pan such payrnt
<br />a~ c•ti•e by Boriawe'r; thi» Is±IQrt~age and the obiigatio»s_~ecared hereby shalt remain in furl force and effect as if
<br />no acceleration l:ad accurr'eri~ - - -
<br />~. A+:~irrLt a1 ;..tints: a`~y}~DY,eimeatt o1$sce#var, tehder iii $oibn. As additidnal security here-
<br />- u~cer, 8arioWer hereby asaiggs~a Leader the rents of tli~ Property. prori+deti eliat 33ori•airer shalt,-prior to aceeler-
<br />~tpn undex ~saragrspit I8 hc!~t+f or a,battdatiatreAt of rite Fropvrty, laai•€+:tlte right to eallect-and retain such rents
<br />as~rey_atrie due arui pag9~3e, -
<br />_:-U}~n lerstictrt under cac4gra',=1i .i8ltrmzff-nr rtittcttttitrttnent. t!f the Yro}}ett~, S,:citcter, pct }~ersrrn, by agent.
<br />- w'IIY 5'+~ii+r~7 o~ijniiia.e,., . ,: ci-:~„cu+ ..,+i•.E"l.. v aseEr 'u`PiuFi• iiiwe I'o6tccs;,~i,. e'Ste.and-iitail8r;c s raFR,uj'
<br />- ~YiQ,76$ #1r4'T, ?.fIC a-ents ar Lr7f:cYI.Operty~ iieCl(SCln€ LnaSl' ~} trite. Al`[ rents fioLl~.tcd-Ily Lender aY the reCe}Yf!r
<br />- - hr ~ .s..-=i;) F'~,, ».•:...= •s: i:l..........:: ~- :.._..:t.~,. r..e~ a-=r:.rre r=+~sPpe.~u~- ..s ~ti s.Giieitic;n-v.-T~c:ao~, iniii2drn~„ eittt.
<br />Hat limited iss,.reeeiver's fees, l~ren»±rn, an roteivee'~ #wnti~ ancf rea?anable attorney'; fens. and fiHen to ttte smmr
<br />secaresl by this ;wlnrtgage. Lender anti the receiver sltiall he liable tit account ott}v for tLase rents actually received-
<br />