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t::rl~IiM1r~~.L <br />~. <br />~:,~~~~.a~,f ~"i ,` ~31~~`IQt'^~t~L ~`~~~ ~r~t'~t.A~tC.E~ <br />ITS.'-~ S~kY:I~~~ ~~ ~`~ <br />-v-~„ s i~~i viii RiJEP----<r.C)G. .7 _T' s`'7'7_-'--j --- <br />- - - :yya ~ nor.. <br /> <br />`l'Id1S $:it~~'1`£:ACE, made and ~ecuted this ......... u~_.. - -.._ day of - - -;'vz'~r-y..-.. ,.. A.D., <br />lS....-.~~, ?aetween the ~4iarteagor, ...;#arbare-2iox.tonsen,_a-_szngle--p.~xson.._anc...1,~Q..utid~Islsz,...... <br />__~=R~~~,.s~sa~sc:~~..~pint~_'. ~~~ severally a.~3 each i• their--cw~~_ ri~'~t. - - ........ ..... <br />°- <br />af ...'=~a==a_ L°?aI?d..-._...., County of ...._. fiall"-.-.--------..-----> State of ._ *Nebraska _-. --, hereinafter referred <br />to as the Borrower, and the ufartgagee. FIFIST FII)Elt~l<$AViNGS AND LOAN AtSSCrCiATi~l`: ~1F <br />LINCOLN, 1'235 ";e" Street, Lincoln^., l~ebraska 6PSt)1, its succes~Gors and a_csigns, hereinafter ~;ferre*3 tea <br />as Lender. <br />~'t~r~xss€Et;: That the aid Bo; rower for and in eansideratiaf. of the sum of - T~:'>;h"ZY TWA T1iC1<5A*IU <br />...e1NA__Nt?1'144-____°-_-__-------.--.-°-------•------,------Dollars{USg 22,Q;Jf3.f30...._. _ .} <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage; grant and convey to Lender, its successor; and assigns: the <br />following described property located in the County of __.......I_is1.J ........................... State of tiebrska: <br />Second <br />Lot Thirty-three (33}, in Sass,r$ubdivision, located in Section l4, Township <br />ii North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />~x>,-rxex with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the pr:,pcrty, and all eaL~me°ts, <br />rig'erta, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and <br />water stack, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace- <br />ments and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this <br />r4lortgage; and All of the foregoing, together with said property {or the leasehold estate in the event this <br />bfortgage is on a leasehold} are herein referred to as the "Property". <br />Borrower r_ovenants that Borrawea~ is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warraat and defend generally 'the title to the Property against ail claims and demands, subjent to any <br />easements and restrictions listed in a schedule ai exceptions to coverage ui any tit-ie insurance palicy in- <br />suring Lender's interest ifl the Property, ar {2) atttrrney's opinion of title from abstract of titlo certified <br />by handed ahstractzr. <br />Pxc~vzp~p Asw~xs, =,nd these trresents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, agree- <br />t~ and rzbLgations of flu Harrower, tit-wit. <br />~~ n <br />- - - .~vt~..u-i.r:..~ ................ ... - ---... -----:~:. - - - ...:,.n~iitt~~-.-~3-....-~~...~-..~.... - ~ <br />.... --- ---- . .... - - - --r <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal, <br />if-not sooner paid; an the ..--•.--.-..~-a:~...._... day of ...-.-.------. ~brlp.~Y-.._.._.._, ~..~flP9 <br />1,iI3FE'+?RM. ~ovaxAN'rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1, Payment of Principal mtd interest. Barn,Aer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in- <br />terest on the indebtedness eti~idenced by the Note, prepa~~xnent and late charges as provided in the Note, <br />and the paitcinal of and interest an any Future Advances scoured by this Aortgage. <br />2.. Fwada-far Rakes and insurance. Subject tea Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor- <br />rower shall pay to Lender an the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the <br />Nate, until-the Note is paid in fail, a sum {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />a$.~esstraents which Wray attain priority-over tlis ll3artgage, and ground rents a.n the Property, if .any -plus <br />rrtie-twatftli of yeart±t pt'otnittztl in~t.a~lments for haxardsnsu~vnee, plus one-twelfth of yearly pretnium m- <br />atallrrtents for tnortgsge inavrzme:e, if en~+; all as reasanaliiv estimated itutiaity and front time to time _by <br />I<ender on the basis of assesamenfs and bats and reasonable estimates therea#, Lender shall apply the Funds <br />to_pav saidtases, assi~sments, insurance premiums and ground renis. Lender" shall-make rte char forsa <br />unldutg acrd ~ppiying tha_ ~~€t€ia or v~r~yrrs~ and compiling said asse~~entk-and ills. =The len :l <br />~~- tc> ~ he Rekr~2~'a~, wrttt+~tit o~ia r+, :~~ t~;31 arrnuuting of the ~'~ndt~-shawirig credits end c~Ys -ta ih~ <br />Furtls amd the purpr~se far whi€h each. debit tr> the Funds was made. Tlss-.Funds are pledged as additional <br />~rI£v for I he sums st~ured L y ~•latthsge. The,lrrower agr that the -Fainds may be held -ley the <br />ode. and canxrriiiiglad v~~th other funds and tine I~arider'srtwn futidaand the Lender may pay such it~ns <br />from ins ~~;-n funds and the Lender ehail mot be liable "for interest ar dzvidends on such Funds, <br />If the auauunt cf the Funds. held key T.,^ad2r, together ivs =the futu~ monthly itist~IL*ne;nts of Funds <br />peyati:e prior to thc~ clue ceates of lases, asr_~ssments, insurance premtuiria and; ground ren#s, snail exceed <br />the emaunt required to Gay said tazea, assessments, insurance preznit and ground rezats•as they fall-due, <br />' ~aueh e!cc~ shall he, at :,arm~v~r's r ption, either promptly repaid to Borrower err credited to Borrower on <br />tnanthi/ installments o£ i;`unds. if -the amount of the Funds held by Lander shall-not be sufficient to pay <br />t.~xes, ~4;es;m:~tt~; inauraar_:e ur miums anc3 gron7d rents as they fall due, Hortawer snail -pay to bender <br />t., ~4e th.,,i~ ,;tl.,i^ ~~.a. .9., ..itwr._=nyti~ fr3Yn i~vnt~nr to f~oa'rawer <br />,...t ~..T~ ~ L- < yr ~; ll -~' J ~•7 y..°i~atait..., ~ e.€ F ~ rnn:virnel <br />rax.nvV}~,p rTnf,r Nnr:~ T~vrtrl rvrrn,~.,ri,. a~ v - ~ - <br />i'jx n pa~*mani in. full, of all-sums set,~reil byshis Tt!tart~$ge, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />agaiii:~t sll su:x:s line: <br />