i`. i;crra;3ea°,natiRa. iff i=.~ ~;:?.^~ [:.~, ~.;riser".. cr au~ part ls~re;,< ~:,.ai .x- tsi;e;., by=' ..,,Pie ;, ev?ras°.>= a =...: ~,~y`~~
<br />_. .~-.~5~'..=,.?:~ t-'~ L'.: F.-...' Y.1fG FCL.:tyr ere _ .~..=S Cam,. ,..> ~ ~: ~}iY'!L ~U ~ ~• ~rlt•`C~ v ; ...e.~ v. . > vz -~'-w _ "Y-+
<br />Y -tss',aizen, $&1 G' 'k~,srgages si;a?I amply suai~ c=.,mpg^S'ati:; E. at iw apt};r^> e. ~_er ?a ~ ~ ffccian of the i €'tebtaus;evv~sQe'~red
<br />' --i;4rsu~,' a7iC to Yn.r,,=_zT 2--._u. r°~4-^.=? `•..hE ~='J"=.f'~,°r~u cn da:''_-~! P°~,
<br />k. 1•Crfarfna3?C@ if"j' :vlartgagel'. S`faFC~,i~k'c FStayy bt:t "n2 l±a Y2 fro £TDff~$faOn, i~ sa any aCt "r?hiCll ti;@ R']C3rty'S'~ar
<br />N~ _;~ ~d ~t fails ?~~ ~~, ~d ~lar~;ogee • ate'--€~ d~f an apt <± d~~ -e~~; sc r=acct Th? ii?n h~ra~.f. ~nr
<br />ads to repap, ffrfan demand, avy sums sa eanended by the Mortgagee rar tl.e ai}c re purposes, ana ang~ sums sa eA~nded
<br />by the ?nartgags:.= .frail he sdded tai the indebl2~'..uevs secured hereby and became suuject to the lie ; 1•iereaf. trlartgagre
<br />shall not incur m.~y personal liauilitp bemuse of an3°thing it snap da ar omit to do lierauiider.
<br />9, Uetautt: Amen} of Fssat,:. `l'ime €:; of the estience hereof, and open Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />aragzeenfent crfthis ~issrtg>tge, 3nctuding eavenants to pap wuen due toe suf;,s secured by tiffs &lartgage, toe Mortgagee shelf
<br />of?titled,- at ts'sale agtfon anti without notice,ta declare all s=.tras setnired 1}y tole Mortgage ter tee immetely due and
<br />payable and may commenne foreciosufre of tuts lt4ortgage by judicial proceedings; aifd, provided turtuer, that upon such
<br />default the-kfartgagee, or a receiver appointed b;~ a court, may at its option and vrithafut regard to the adequacy of the
<br />sec=amity; enter open-and take=. gasses ion of the 1'ccrparty and ^.oilect the rents, issues and profits theref;am and spply tuern
<br />'rst tai'-the cast of aallection anal aperatian of the Prapertg and then neon -the ina~t}tedness secured ley foie biartgggea;
<br />gild ranks, issues anal prc~ffts being ass3gr~ed to the Mortgagee as further security 'for the payment a;f the- indebtedaess
<br />~cu€~d-berets;=.
<br />i4, 1`iarfsfer of t'rolerty. if aif or any part of the t`roper;y is sold ar tfansferred vvithcut the express written con-
<br />sent aif toe li#flrtgagee, Mortgagee may at its sale option, declare ail sums secured by this A3ortgage to be irnmedia#ety due
<br />aad peykbte:
<br />lll: Future Advances. -Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make addi~anal and future advances to
<br />Mortgagee. Such: adraaces; with interest thereon, shall be secured lip iris li>lortgage when evidenced by pramissaxy rates- .
<br />sung ttfSt Sfild Wastes are ;;ecuiRd hereby. At fsa time shall the principal amount of the irfdeetedaess seefsred iiy:thls
<br />tstortgage, not including sums advanced to protect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the origiuai-Nate:
<br />12: Mis~taaeaus Provisions.
<br />(a} -Any forebeerance in exereising any rift or remedy shall pot tie a waiver thereof.
<br />_ Cb? Ail remedies provided tferein are distinct and cumulative-ta any giber rigtft afforded i7y law or equity;
<br />and fogy be exercised tiafncurrentty; independently or sueaxssivelp,
<br />(aj 'ire covenants and agreE;nenis c4ritafned herein shall bind, and ilia rights inure to, t~fe respective.
<br />saccessafs-and assigns of the Moz'«gagor aifd-the A'tortgagee_
<br />(d} rill eovenanfis and agreemefrts of the Mortgagor art= joint a.-fd several.
<br />fie) '15}e tfeadings of.the pamgraplrs of tbi~ 141ortgage are- for convenience only and shail_aa>t be-ttaed to inter-
<br />-. preL-or-define the pmvisia~ hereo&.
<br />_ 1S. IIielegse. tlpan payment of ail sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee :,}fail discharge this Mortgage and
<br />slur)) execute and deliver a satisfactory release. theretor.
<br />Iib "461'i'NLSS ~i-IERE{3F, Aortgagor has executed this Mortgage on the 15th day. of Jarit7d~y;_-_, ~g 79 ;
<br />_ _ 1sY Cmam. ~ ap.a 8, i9~ -~r'~~ R ~-~,\ So>iow~
<br />4 ~~# ~ v _ - , __ -
<br />- __~ z ._
<br />trlesine LYrln ai'r ~n~~
<br />$ta~ ~° l~Fetuasrra, ~,~ i;ounGy as:
<br />thf tills ~~~ -day of JartttaxY I9 ±9 ,before fns, the uade}signed, a Notary Putdic
<br />duly cammissaiarned asd qualified far said county, personally carafe JeI'xy Lee Speer and Catherine Ly'nti
<br />S~ee>w. t~.iS2x~rr2 arx3 Wife to me known to be the
<br />identit~tl person(s) vrbose name(s) are subscribed to ilia foregoing instrument and acknowledged the eaecutiam thereof
<br />tar be ~~ a~ hey . voluntary act and deed.
<br />Wittfeas my 4taud and notatlal seal at~tYaiEt3, Is3.,~~ in saisteourrty; the _
<br />date aforesaid .
<br />My C;asmmission ~cpims•{{~~, / --- ~}.p
<br />. - j~ raoLplty PUOriC .
<br />taaace i~etas~. iirlir. ~esaz,'.~a For 1.rsyticr , Hec-::c~cr} - -
<br />G ~ r-. - .; . - ~ ' ' ..
<br />~ `_ C~ - ~~
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<br />,ir w ,.,,.tr r.Sh ~lcr_-rte: ,'~-" v~ ._ - ---`
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