<br />T~ Mt;c'i'~sAt',^"_i~ F*:~^•cl~._r3 f~~~r~a~~: A:+i:~ Ata~~~~,':
<br />.shat fx Mortgagor viiil pay the indebtedness ao t;areinbef..re Fas~s€' _. -
<br />T'#=_at tlse ?rL,r¢gaq<sr is kw ::;once of -said ~sopsrty in -tee siutple rrirl ltas band right .and '[awful ~ut~anty_ to sell ae,~l
<br />runvey the same and--nets[ tsar-*_atrw-ia free-anti-clear of any lien or Dent,-nbra_nce: sett[ [?cat ~iortgabo* still xarrart airide€rnd-the
<br />t=tae fv said trreiztist~ agaii~i. #lss:- c}airres of all f;•Frsans whamxrever. - - _ - -
<br />-3o psi itnrnctiliats}- when due.:arw fsayabie alfgeneral [saes, special taxes, special as;c-c,rnents. water charges,-sewer serv-.
<br />ice charges, and o#+Sa_t tea=;~ ;rn;i tha:r' 3guirtst-tired proj3frYty and ;ail taxcs.,evied on i€,{- dell=_ secured lterehy. and ice *`urnzaia the.
<br />Mortgagx,- upan'rdquest, v#b lt;e r:rieinal ar duPlieafe .receipfs _therefur~ 'f72e t«iortgagf.r agrees fhst ~trere €hali rig added to
<br />eacfr monthly payment required ltereundsr ar "under -fhe svdence of debt secure: ieerehy an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />- to Ire suficienE to enable the Mortgagee ta.pay, as they lxtcarrre due. alt taxes, a,:3essments. and ~imiiaa charges utx>n the fraem-
<br />ises sulajeci thereto;-env deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay_meni-5 shall 1rF farthwilh depmsited by -!he
<br />Mortgagor v+tix t#ie t,rfoatgagse upon[ demand by the lL3ortgages. #ny defaul#. under ibis paragraph shall kre deerrred -a'.default~~in ... -
<br />._._. _
<br />rges required lie.e„sder. ~ - _. . .... --.....
<br />paymen# -oF- taxes, assessments, -ai siritilRr ~clta - ........ - - - - "
<br />.,~l~ -~--'£he--lviorfgagar agiees'that theie shat! atso be added ta. each. monthly payment of , rineipat and- interest tequiied hen-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee"to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to fray. as it becomes due, the insurancQ- :-
<br />premium ar, any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such.additional~-pap-..
<br />'~ ments shaiZ be forthw.th deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />J paragraph shall Ire deemed a default ir. the pA,~ment of insurance premiums If the policy yr policies deposited are sych ~ h~me~
<br />owners az all risk'"polities, atrc} rho deposits are irraufficiant to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the .deposit fa
<br />pay premiums-ten risks required to ~ insured by this msrfgage. - - - ~ ~ - -
<br />~ Payments made by fns Mortgagor under the strove paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be held"by it and
<br />~` commingled with ottrer such funds ar its own funds for the payment of such items, and until so applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pledged as seaurity for' the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />eogixrcure,-griever-io, -and maintain ~;?or tlte~ benettt of-the ivfartgagee during the life of this mazcgage original Polities and -
<br />renewals thereof„ delivered at least ken days before the expiration of any such policies, insursng against fire and ether insurable
<br />hasards, ceauaItiea, aril contingencies as the Ii3artgageP rosy require, in an ataatnt equal ttr the irtdebtedreeam secured by
<br />?+fortgage, and in companies asreptahle to-the Mortgagee. with"loss-payable claw in favor of a°:.' ;;: €urm acteptahfe Ea lire MorEga-
<br />gee, to khe event-any=paHcy is"not rencwrrl-on ar-trainee-t@n days of it, expiration, the Mvrtgagee~may procure insurance on the _
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum:shsti become immediately due and peyabfe with interest at the rate set ~-
<br />forth in said note unfit paid and shalt be secured by ibis marfg,:ge. Failure on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals --
<br />a;• are herein. required yr failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default "
<br />under the lentos of this mortgage. Z'he delivery of such policies shall, in the event of default, constitute an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium. -
<br />Any sums received lty the hfortgagee by reason o[ loss yr damage insured against may tee refained by the Mvztgagee
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either whol{y or in
<br />part may be paid over to the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or tv build new buildings in their place or far any
<br />other purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee without affecting Ehe Lien on the mortgage far the full amount secured here-
<br />by before such psymeat ever teak piace-
<br />-TO promptly repair, resters ar rebuild any buildings ar improvements new ur hereafter an the premises which may-tsr-
<br />cams damaged or destroyed: to keep said premises in good rnndition and repair and free from any mechanic°€ lion ar ether #iea or
<br />claim of Tien oat expressly subordinated do the lien hereof; not to suffer ar f~rmit any unlawfs~l s~+e of ar any nuisar__ to ..xi}t en
<br />said pretprrty oar to perntit waste on said pretnise€, nrr to do any other act wlrerelty fhe nropsrty hereby coravoped snail bt=came
<br />:~ seftiable, nSr is dim;niv;: a .::pair i,~ vala2 by any a:.t ~. ,,..,.;~ior. t~ ~ - . fu camfrfy with all regUirCrnentS err taw with respect
<br />to the mozlgaged Premises and,the use thereof.
<br />-Thai shac~id t'r,e- rsrsms+es or any par thersaf tie Taken ur damaged Icy reamn of any public improvement or candemnatioa
<br />proceedeng, or-under tree right of eminent domain, or in any ether manner, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to elf comfrettsationa,
<br />awards, and -any other payment or relief therefor, and shalt be entitled, at its aptian, to crmmen~, appear in and prosecute in its
<br />gwn [[erne any action ur ptacseding, ur to make any caanpromise or settlement in cannectian with such taking ar damage. AlI such
<br />corirpansation, awards, damages, right of action and proceeds sire hereby assigned to the h4ortgagee, who -may, after deducting
<br />therefrom ail its expenses, release any moneys sa received 6y iL ar aPPly the same on env indebtedness >ecured hereby. T`lte Mart-
<br />`gagtir~agrees to execute such further assignments of any cvmpsnsatiun, awards, damages, and rights a! action and pmreetis as the
<br />Mortgagee map require.
<br />'7°hat in qr~ of failure to yrerttirm any of the covenants herein, the Mortgagee may da on the Mortgagor's trehatf everything f e
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary Eu pratt~t tEsr lisp thereof; that the, Mar*_gagcr well ~"
<br />repay upon demand arty moneys paid or disbursed by Ehe tLtortgagec for any of the atrcwe purposes. and such moneys tcigetlirr with ~+~
<br />interest thereon at tfie rate yroyided in said note shall become sa much additional mdelstedness hereby secured end may Ile in•
<br />cltidrd ar; anY decrze foseciesirig this mortgage and in paid out a# the rents ar proceeds of safe of said premises if oat otherwise ~,~~
<br />pitid: that it-shall not-be obligatory-uj,on-fhe Mortgagee to-inquire inKr the validity at any lien, encumbiancrs, ar claim in ad-
<br />vancing moneys as above authorised, but nothing herein contained shat[ be construed ea -requiring the Movigtsgee fo'advance'-any
<br />moneys far any such purpose oar to da any act hereunder; and that Mortgagw~ shall not incur any persona[ lialtility because of any-
<br />thing ,if may rlo or eitrtit to do hattsundsr-
<br />-- -Zn~-_~++ent «€-tits-.~,s1t.I,.Y Mortgagor-i-2. tke. ftayrxFnL :tf- ant- itisiallatsnt, ~ r2ga%~.: k,•• rAs• 1'l.~tr m;ut~#-3tery,m.- -..
<br />in khe ~rfarmancrs of the obligation tit this mortgage ur in the Hate secured thereby,. the Mortgagee shat) be c-ntitled to declare the,
<br />deist saeutetf hereby due anti- frayabie without rtotice, and;the Mortgagee shall 6e antiUed at its option, without notice; gttlur by-itself
<br />-- ar-icy a ret~civer to leg appointed by the court thereof, and withoui regard to the ad@quacy oI any security for the indelrtednesa se- - -
<br />-Vt_#tecl-frexelty~ta,_entg-. uPvn_and kakR.ingest:ssiaa,nL_the_mvc3ga$edpis*+i~a. anri.to.cpitect a_nd.receive-the.rrutx, icsurs~tid Profits -
<br />----
<br />- tlteteot, and:app-lythe some,-.less c.~,tx_.df_operi#tintt and GilIectian. uf'rt?u tile -indrbt~ttness. secured ley this mortgage: said rents.
<br />-iesuss a»cl firvr5ta"1rsTng hereby a=iaignrd !n [fie Martgagee,as futti3e. r'seeirrity ,`~?r fbe payment of alt indrbtednes.~ secured hereby,
<br />'fibs lvtesLgagee alsall-has<a`t#tai pciver tasppoint any agent a: agrn~ it tnaY desire-'tot Cite purpose of rapearettg. saixl great-
<br />- lace; renting. the same; callaeting _fhe rnrits, revenues -and inconte, and' 1# may-~ay'itttt ir# eaad ineat~ all exfn'nses-inturrt~ iti rent-
<br />- ittg sod manning ti:e same and of collarting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, it any, shall !re applied toward the
<br />----di§r=barge:-nF tiie mar#:gag~sirletttts3neas,;"'f'&is ussi;§jftnrnk is_:io £eipiinate and-.becoine, null and.void upon release ut this mortgage.
<br />