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7- ,G~ = -.a- - - - - - <br />„ <br />i}I, htcrra~ira3._ T~fot Redeo. ?•.:str...~-a : o: t_., .,: ~ ~~~ ..-, _- - -.-~_ i ~ ~,r; . ,..;1..~° _.ras <br />- F ~ ~~~1 t i s s gale a a=_ ~ ,t i r, ~ ~ r - ~ ', ze, <br />- ~==~ ,Ha~;,e. ~„ :ai;.l~cy a+ ~` a n ~. ,tea,. n .n: ~c r ~- i <br />.~•cz~atraa to came..ce proce€d:t-gil agntn4t szzw.t sa-cc_. u..,. .= r .., ca ._ - ,_ ~- -.~... _. _, ~-~A r,.~' ? . <br />.,.Cirt.ZSG:aZi a' the ti...,., scCEir i3y t#tlr .sue°t~~n#~ t),' -reasw-:: ~~, ~ a.-., _- _>- ~ ~~; rte' sip <br />fiarrawar's S'siCC€S:£.'re in 5nteresE. .. ` <br />II. Forheeracea lsy I.extder Erlot a Valaiseer. .soy forhYaranea z l.~dr- -- _ -__._ _ ~g=# sir remeriy <br />€unser, ar othera•i-_ afforded by ;:pplicabl¢ la , shall =zat icy ,. ,.aic~~..-: cr precl• _s• zl+.e eapercise of any right <br />or rgr;edy hercunder.~`I'lte nraeu ezr€nt of inaurar e v *.dte. aavnrer.* at .~ - ar ., c,e flte ~ ar charges b,Y Lender <br />.~ shall neat, b€ a tsuicer at" Lands. i ..ght tc aace:rrarc .x. zni,tLnty o. +! ,. tSn.~s ~e~uz~d n} _?;.,. 1Sortgag€. <br />+es>° n i re* • - --~ a ~' Ui?tinE=t <br />1~. Rnedies Cunttt.uL=ve. AIL -nedies provided in =.,,- ;,ort~ge and cumulatibe to any other <br />~ right ar remedy under tl::s Mortgvre ar ;e?iorded 1> la.. ar r<}uit~-. ant tna;- i,e exercised concurrently, independ- <br />ently yr successise,y. <br />I3: ~uscesaors aad RrRsigrs Bound; Ioint rand Severcl Lial;ility; Captioae. The covenants and agreements. <br />"'f herein cones-toed s hall bind, a:=d the rights hereunder s1tall i..rre tv. the respective «.sccessors snd assigns of mender <br />a^d 3orraw€r, subject to the pravisians ai I,rragrtplt i ~ hereof. All covenant.- and agreemc ntq of Harrower shalt <br />~ bc° joint and se3-eral. ~`hr capr;tns anti Itaadtngs of the s,ar,rgraph= ai this ~dortgage are far convent€nre vntz° and <br />['+ are not to be used icr interarei ar d€fine the prof-isions hereaf~ <br />14. Notice. Any noti~^~ to i3orrocc€r provided far in chi, \iartgage shall be gluon by mailing such noiSee 6y <br />certified mai3 address~-d io P,orra-.-er a tt:e Pranerty address stated ;elatic, except far any notice required under <br />paragraph i8 her€of is be gis•~n to $orrower in the tnannc:r prescribed 6v ;tp};Iieable law. Any nn#ice provided <br />for in this Mortgage shall F;e deemed to have been given #a $arroecar when giv€u in Lire manner designated herein. <br />I5. IIniform Mortgage; Goverrtiug Law: Sevexability. `i lsis farm of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with Limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This _llortgage shall he governed by the late of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event that. any provision or etause of this it4ortgage or the dote conflicts with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall Hai sffect other provisions of this Mortgage or tlse Note which ran be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the pracisians of the 1ortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severrable. <br />- :v. C~ .sqa o t'~p~, itgmnurr shelf hn fz~rn;shed a conformed copy of this 3larteage at the time of execu- <br />tion or after recordatior. hereof. <br />17. ?raasEer of the Property; Resumption. If alI or any part of t•he Property or an interest therein is sold <br />ar transferred by Horrewer without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a} 'the creation of a Iien br encuin- <br />branee subordinate to this Mortgage, (b} the cieaion of a purchase n-,oney security interest for household, appli- <br />antes, (c} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lei. upon the death of a faint tenant or f d) the grant of <br />-arty leasehold interest of 6hre€ years or Less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option., <br />declare alt the sums secured by this ~Ior~age to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />option to-aecatarate if, , tier to the sale ar transfer, Lender and the person to whom the Property is to be sold or <br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such Larson is satisfaatriry to Lender and that the interest <br />payable on the sums secured by this liortgage shall be at such rate as L€nder shslI request. If L€nder has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Bort-ower's saecessor in interest has executed a writ- <br />. ten assumption agreement accented in writing by Lender, Lender shalt release Harrower from atl obligations under <br />this mortgage and the I\rote. <br />If Leer axe~•ciseQ suelt option to accelerate, Lender shall snail $orrower notice of aeceleratien in accordance <br />ai+~, par graph s~ hereof- Such notice. sha14 provide a period of not Teti than 3tl days from the dale the notice is <br />mai}ed within whiriz Borrower may pay the sun~.s declared due. if Borrower fail, to Has such sums tarior ir, the <br />expiraiiaiz of such period, Lender may , n-itltvat farther notice. or demand vn Borrower, invoke any remedies p€r- <br />rttitted by paragraph i$ kera~f. <br />:vox-i=?rrtFOxvt {;ot~xn:.a•s. Borrower rod tender 1'urihcr eoveuartt and agree as f~llasvr: <br />_ 1_~4_- 3~!s>~t-~iafes. ~: eat ta-e =_+lr,tl r z~araFr_=a,tt 1: hereof, z~pr_,n Borr_awer's breach of ar>y _ <br />covenant oi• sgreemeiit of Harrower in this ~lartgage. including the ~rovensnts to pay when clue any ,outs secured <br />by this i.Iortgage, Lender 1}riot to aeceleratien >itall wail uptice to Borrower as ptrovicicti in pat:sgraph 14 hereof <br />„t , _.. <br />ifyiug: t"11 the broach: i21 the action required to cute uc'fiti3hrcarll t3) aziate. not le::s tlz:tn thirty days <br />from the date the notice is i?railed to Barron cr, h< <hicL... ~ueh Lrctt,I: tttusrv;ytK, cured;, and 141 that failure to cure <br />suck breach on ar before. tl}^ date specified in the Hotter: rosy result iti a~eeelertitrotz of the stuns seen: ed }_,y this <br />3ortgage and sate of the I~raperty. If the breaclz is nut cured on or before the date speciheci in the notice, Lender <br />at Lender s option may declare s11 of the turns secured h}• this llorigag€ to I,e. immediately clue snd payable <br />aitkeui further demand and may fomclose tl*.is \dartgage by judicial ltroreeding, Lender shsil lte entitled tv collect <br />in such proceeding all expenses of toreclasuzY, inehuling, but not limited ta, costr' of ciocusuentarti° evidence, <br />absiraa#s and title reports. <br />19. ~ar`a AisPub to Hainstaie. tiatwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums seeut,ed by this <br />:~, ;13ortrower shall-Have ttte rijkt to have any proceedings laegun by Lender to enforce ttris ~#artgage dia- <br />c~tinued at any time prior to entry of s judgment enfcrl•cirg this Mortgage if: tai Harrower paps Lender all <br />stoma which would be t,34arz due under thin ~Iertgage, the ;0.ote tinct Hates sacaring Future Advance`, if any; had no <br />ac~deaataon oaWurred; tbi f.4orrower cua-es all txreaches of any atkar covenants or agreements of Harrower con- <br />~~ .~~,~-- ~~ '~.~~. ; ,* X11 .=pett~~_. ,reurrtxt --e.-~ r~-tr^forcin~ the ec, $nun_ <br />- a °- of der ;n chi. ~Iartgr,ge zncl. in eitfot~iLtg 1!,cnctzr r€cnedies as tuavided in pare- <br />grapk 18 hereof, including, Exit not limited to, ma_¢onable attorney s Peep: anel fill Horrawee takes such action as <br />-., ~.end~_rrssy_ - -_' €a~ir~ t4 tip that- tlta lien--uf this ~.iortgage, >~ender~tntereat in-the-Property° ~ttd <br />,. $orCa~+ets - _~b ~y Asa tit Irv chi: 3lart}gts shill rvtttittue unimpaired: lJpon si~dt 1»yttieriL <br />~= -tend gata+~$~rru~vertl ~~snd~e ^hlip*,~i^ns ss~cured he•reFa~• ~hrt}I remain in fzili force anti effect as if <br />~p4 0# ~s~ T~ppo~'ment of Racaiver, Lander in poasessiora. , : As tsdditional security hare- <br />uridezs$ortoteer ixereby ensigns do L.zttder the rents c.f the ?'ropiart1•. liravic?ed that Horrciitree~akall, pritar,Go aeceiar- <br />- attott uir_~r=ph I$ hereof ar aba:zdornicnt of the. Property-, have the right io cotlact arid, retain such retlts <br />~ th+~g date dzte and pagsbte. ' <br />IfpGn .~rl=.-stiar__z€Uver ;,s ng_rsp4 It3 .h~t•~ri ar ab:indonmar:t of the }~ro,~erty. Lender, ?n person, by agent <br />or'tiw jti~ly appointed re.ai4~er Ritail ih~ enLitieel io enter uy,rn. taize l,o,ces~ic~n ~f t~ttd rz;a„agel~ie $roporty <br />and to collect the rents of ika 1'mpeity, including those past due. Ali renter calleettid by T:cnder or the receiver <br />shall-oeappi:edilia;.cepnyseu±atlyeivatboftairiraagez,,, df.(irer~~.-yandaoll~rtittnafren~~.inciudinK.lrut <br />not fimited to,'recEdver's fe~sfitreraiume,-un r,•~°eiver': biaru}s ;cud rxasgnnble attorney's te~~ snd then to the sums <br />sneered bytkis s~tartgage. Lender and the rec!•ivt;r .bald tx liable id account vrilv far tho:cs reacts actually received. <br />