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J J v <br />~;'yi <br /> <br />.,,.,~ Gyms .+fl~; s' '_ - - A 13 <br />'1'?iIs i{}T? i'~:~ r?", .r;:t?v ~,.i. v.,.._~..~.. _n~u -... - '~ ~ day of ...... ~..-:.-_~Y.~ -- - , <br />_ t ~ .. <br />i9-.1~._, betwsen tlaeVsortgagor, .- ~o,zalu..L...treaaer_.aan- klizabet?.-.S_..Laep~r,...hussliana-anc---- -- <br />.....S+t`~n€'`--d-6~"x'~~''-.ATrd..Bac,.n_ZC- ~1L°'A.>_Q~Lt-.L7.$.~-~r.,. __......__....._.... _ _ ___ ........................_ _ ____ <br />of -..41o~.d..Sivez..-.-..-.---_, County of .......Halt ......... ........... State of .:Tebrasica.......-., lrereirafter referred <br />t= w~ the Borrawer, and the ~forfgagee, FIl~B'f' I+B~sBRAL SAVIN%i8 ANL~ LvA~i .;SSt'iCIA i It3:~ CsF <br />L1'vC€~LIv, 3~5 "1"." Street, Li n:.oin, lebraska WS~G?, its succestisers and assigns, I?ereinafter referred to <br />as Lender. <br />WITItiFSSETH: 'T'hat the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum oi ....~P,)<Ii~`1.-Q1~E------------- <br />...~uQlisAllf?_>F~..Hi~~BEI!_t~..Nfil.till'~------------------.---DoL'ars t1J5?_-.-31->-SQfl.,-GQ ..................) <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Londe*, its succevsors and assigns: t1*.e <br />icllowing described property located in the County of .-..--.--.Halt.....-...---------------- State of Nebraska: <br />Lot T'nree {3), &lock Sixteen {I6) in the Town of 'sdood River, Flail County, Hebxaska <br />Ton~~rxgx with alI the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, ar.3 <br />water stoelt, and all fixtures noa~ or hereafter attached to the property, all of wrich, including replace- <br />ments and additions thereto, shall be deemed tc} b~ and remain a part of the property covered by this <br />Mortgage; and aIi of fire rr°oregaing, together with said property for th e leasehold estate in the event this. <br />Iklortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property" <br />Borrower covenants drat Borrowez i3 lavvfuliy Seised of the estate hereby canveyed and has the right <br />to raanrtgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant and defend generalh° the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any <br />n~n*.~~ and restrir=ens lief ~l it a s=hedulo of exceptions to 4ov~rage is any title insurance policy in- <br />~g F~ndr's ~^,tz.~'' a~, *'~° pn _,a-*~. ro_) at*.,.. ey's op;,.~on of t;tte frnm abstract- of title certified <br />by bonded alastrscter. <br />P ~rlvZi~n ~L?-ar•, ~d i~~e pr~.tnis are eXCCUt~B d aieif ilrfive~ ,i npon the ;{3rditicn. »{tre'S- <br />»~yrrts Frei n?eti-~r~r4 ~i rha K=r*nw~?r_ 7fi,v~~_ <br />_ ~.._s.v- ___v ~.~__s . s <br />the F.SOrrower agrees to pay to the finder, or order, tine principal sum of ..-1kF.3.K`iX-u~t..Y;~~t;~... <br />-----EkIFE.-dLTP3IticEi}.u..f<7i ~t(?~.----.-.-°-------_____~.~~_~ Dollars {L;S w . 3I.,.5.-Qty-.... _....) <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of prncipal, <br />if not scioner paid, on the ------;=frst:..,.,...,.. day of .-----February -.--.._.........., r' 4~.. ?Oe9 <br />LTxti•ort~r Cavs:v~~v~. Borrower and under covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. '~?ay$nent o£ Pnncilaal and fatarnst. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in- <br />terest on the indebtedness ecridenced by the Dote, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, <br />and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this ;mortgage. <br />Z, zunds fnr iaxes and Insurance: Subject to Lender's option under famK~~ph, ~ and 5 l;er~,f' ;R^r= <br />rower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly installments o£ principal and interest are payable under the <br />Note,. until the Dote is paid in full, a Burn {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the s-early taxes and <br />a~sments which may attain priority ever this ~fartgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any plus <br />Dais-twelfth of yearly-premium installments fnr hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premSunl rn- <br />ataffinenfs for'mort~aga insurance, if any, all as reasonahfy estimated initially and fr6m time to time fry <br />Lender on the, basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof, bender shall apply the Funds <br />+ ~_~ * _~ an_m~ * -= rs- . p~~sms. nil ward rants ?~ndR* shill n±aka no charge fnr so <br />*~lds..„ e .d ..ppryrn„ thta Funds. or ve..fying and seinpi~i_ng sand ease. smefrts and hills- '~"ha Lender slixIl <br />` give to fire iorrower, vaithnut nharge, an aanuai accauntrng of ttie Funds showing-credits and clebatcr to the <br />~: Fund. at?~l t}~«~ lrirposr= forwhich_each ilelrit t~ the Funds was -made. ~'he Funds are pledged as additional <br />-.; see~rit~• fne the ~utnc soured by this IVlortga~e, The-Borrower agrees that the Funds may be hclrl by the <br />Landrar anti commingled. with other funds and the.I,~nder's awn funds and. the Lender may pay-such itPrxrs <br />ism-i;5 nwn fu;:;?s ;i€rtt tl~o I~nder~lthl-1 ~a~_l~,lile fQr_isttst or div'r€Iert€la crn-such Funds. <br />If ib~ a7~,unt of t.'r€; Fundsl~,rl-by,I;and~r,.togother with t2se fut~o rrionthly installments of Funds <br />payable prior to he due dates df taxes assessments, inspFattce iusns ar-d ground rents, shelf exceed <br />tl~ am''~ant .R~u,.~u to ras• said tasES, ts, fnnaranee premrums and grsiund rents as they fall due. <br />su~ii ~, ',halt l~ a€ Bar$~p~ns~aitcnptlY r d:to $i3friixees trr credited to Bvrmwar on <br />isc7ti'hl-y n~,Qilr;~„t, of Funds. 3f the aaloant of the Fund:~d lay Lender shall not be sufficient to pay <br />tasej; a eswrnen[s, ia~surann~ krt+riiiurne _aiacl ground r?nts as tR?eV fall due; I3orrawer siral2 pay to Lc~der <br />-ant- aina:mi necess~r~~ is m~-up the defie~rrry-ivithirc-thirt3• days after.ai9tice-from Lender to }~OrrK)wS=2 <br />r~i~estine paE'rrient thezet;f, or B`orr4wer slznll; b_y an-increase in ixionthly installments of l=ands req:ured, <br />rep<i5• to «_it~ae•r,•v we%rt„.t :ise r'u~r:l :a.-ctiuz:iiitg genaai, <br />- - -- <br />l;?pon nayrrset~t in foil of-ail-sums secured by this 1~Rortgage, Lender shall a,,r,ly Funds hetld as a rredrt <br />against all aun7a due. <br />