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„~. ! 1-.. ~1.i1 3'~.a .ten <br />q;{~'sti y; x: i. - FSF r?FSF_~F_~ -.k- ~ic~~' ~ o-; ~t - _ £ _ _, -,~ <br />-_. ._ -.. __- _. - u,-- _. .-~;' ..,~ ~,~. ;. -fir', _a :ia ._ _.x. <br />};mss t}''s=~i i i~a't z. ~~!u ~S sN7t;Si? ra{ 2a^% ~~IiYn <br />~fo ~gagot, r~het}'rr one ax morn, in consider_t;on of ~. suxrs cf <br />Ja`teri to mid° b?' Ti:e ~qu-tab3e fiui:`~s - ~ u Loa' ..=ass-a - ? .,,. J .. {; <br />ciarinn of Gran; Is~a. ~:ebra• , : o:tf:,zgee, afar. ~vti ;hares ¢, stock rf <br />sail ~(1%-ids-I ~'~. Ctrtitifate ~tia. i~ 2>!° , de ~.---° ~.. r nye•.- ~n;, m .. ~..~. the said ~u r.T.u': <br />, G:=n-: °~ge :"mil __ the fauaviin <br />dear ib~? real e....._....,.ated in sla?l Co_nty,lebr~s4a: <br />LG~ T~iir~y-~t=_ve~i 37) ':~a_s~wca~~ Fork Sa~~ir:s~en <br />aal i Cot~n~,~, ~te~raska. <br />together with all the terse cnls; hereditaments and agguxtesrances theteun[o belonging, including attached ilaor, all window sc€rrns, - <br />window shades, blinds, sfarm windows, awnings, healing, aix conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accrssorios thereto, pumps, stows, <br />refr,~ atcr°,at:, ether rxtures and egtMpn yet no: ..r Isexe;£te. ~„ac~,~d to ar j4~ in ~-ncc':iea ~-~.~,, raid real estate. <br />Arzd whereas the mid mortgagor has agreed and dais hereby egret that the mortcagor slratl and will pay all taxes and assrsstmnts levied at <br />assrssrd upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured theaebv brfore the same shall become de}inquent: io furnish apprared <br />insurance upon the buildings an said premises situated ir. the sum of 35~, ~Q. ~~ payable to said ASSt~IATiON and to deliter ra said <br />AS$t~CIATION the policies t'or said insurance; and not to commit ar permit any wash; un or about said premises; <br />Ir, z~se of default in the pE,for-manra a; any of th~z terms sr!d snditions oC this mortgage or ilrc bond secured hereby, the mortgagre snail, <br />on datnand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged prrmis€s and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to thr - <br />mart~gee °Ef tl=e ants, rcv_nuv °€td : tk. be d :i.ed fry-r~, the w;3taag-ed premises du- : :aeh ia~re as the mortgage indei redness shall rrrnair. <br />unpai$; and the martgatx shall have the ~ ;wet =.e eppoint anq agent ar agents it may deli=e~ fo: the p•,trpose of repairing said premises and Bart;ng <br />the same and coiiecting the rents, r.°v^_naes and incom;, and it may pay out of said income all expznses aC repairing said premisrs and necessary <br />commissions and exuenses incnxred in renting and ttaanagittg tlar satur and of c-ullect~~ rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if an7, tc `~ <br />applied toward the discharge of said r.:_}rtgagr indebtednrss: tf:c;r rig}[+s of the :rcrtgagee mxy be exercised at any time during the eltistence o€ such <br />defPault. irrespective of asy temearan• waiver of the same. <br />These presents, Itawrver, axe urxr. the Canditian. That if the sai:i Stcrt_stagor shall :enav said lean on or before ere aaatnrity of saga €lti~;es by <br />gay~ent: ~y monthly tea said A5s(iC'i AZfLx? of thr sum specie+rd in the Bond srcu;ed fterrtrv as interrst and principal on raid~fean, an cr brfare _ <br />LF,e Twcntethda.~ of each and s.~=~ ra'rth, until said lean i; fu>•_1t~ laid: pav 'a?I+azes a~ as~ssmznrc tyviz~~,:,gainst said pz.m_is:.s 3nz on than Sirrtga~ _- <br />auc e+~v ~tn~ ~:~re3 ilte.'eba,, 2e<__ ~_!t4'!?nt4_ it s~rYi~_ s _s-~ ~- - .~. _ -__-_> - s h ~r3-c th~,`C.',;; L. Et;£ 5= - r-f % +' ctii f]fl(f !~/1 ~_4 <br />~.~ £p ~ - ~~ _~ . r ~~ma:F_ n_.., ...... ,.. :axra. assrsuu •:is aru zt~;aran~~ h tt? ~`€r~_ r <br />ti`a x1„Y Tf 12Y`sixF 13n Sheru,x;y ? _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ,.{ ue_u...}x 9:~rr ~ _, 4crrnt.,~ _ e. ~._p' -_ •_ <br />.;?x1Lr.. _ ._ .. __. .. .: ... .. .'<.~..~:;. ~._t.; : -. , ..., ., n.te :.:: 3xd -.=~i~z~~ .ss. <br />~.~sa ~,....€ ~~.,>~r - _- - - :su V'v~`V . Lft;. .:S CAi ~ rs '3- -- , - - . <br />°• .-> °s ~° - ~f :: ~;." pa~slr tti saY ~'3C')t. 'i ii):f, ii,'.~i G(1~~ <br />xai~=.~I!.;ia r~.s, - - -'-- °n~-- -C~~.n 3e~s'~_~: axe^r~ - <br />...... _.. ..... ~..y..._ -.._..... ... ... ... ........,.r. .. ....... ..; _...~.. ~.. .......,., .:Ora .ate y, v", ere >•.wu i~ tai e.ELL r..iu. uiits~ axt2V _-. _._ <br />- xintII romain in toil farce and may br fore.l+ssed at the apiion of the ~tid A.SSOCIATIC3N afirr ~ failure far three intontR> ru make any uC said <br />pa7tncnts ur br three months in axrrars;n making said monthly paymer.[s, ax to 4etg and comply with tlae agrermrnts ar-.d cand•ians of said wtond. <br />and ?vlortgaienr ageees w have a rer:eiver appointrd forthwith in sorb forrcloswe proceedings. <br />IC there is arty changr in ownership of the real estatr mortgaged herein, by sale or othrrwisr, risen the entire remaining indrbtrdnrss i>_ubv <br />secured shall, ax the agtian of The Equitable Building at[d Loan Assc~tiatt of %raad island, Nebrasl[a, [xron-,e ianrnediately due and aavabk u°~thas~t <br />further notisx, and tlrc amount rernainhag due under said bond, and any ether bond far any additional advan[xs made thrreuttdri, strati, Pram tfae <br />date of exorcist of said option, bear interest at the ntaximwn legal rate, ;end this mortgage may thrn be t~artclusrd to satisfy fhr a_mtaunt dos on said <br />hrtnd, and any ntt[et band far additional advances, tegetlrer witliali sums paid by said Thr Equitable Building artd Loan Assn: iati:.n of grand Isfattd, <br />Nrkaraska for insuraarce, t>xrg and assrssztte-tts, and abstracting extension. charges, with inures thrreon, Cram date of payrr~nt ; , thr maximutn <br />legal ra£e. <br />As provided in the Rand created hereby, white this tttortgage rrrnains in el7ec[ the n[urtgagee may herraties adntr.: r additional sums to ti[e <br />makers of said 13artd, their assigns or successors as interest, which sums shall be within [he securs[y oC this mortgage thr same as the funds originally <br />s~c[irrd ttrerefsy, tlir taiai amount of principal debt not to rxceed at any time the origirtal anaaunt of this maxtgage. <br />r'1 ft~ati this i i i~,c'~~` / day of etanUar_y ~:. ~., 19 ~~ <br />/~ <br />. <br />s~rA~l car ~l~fr~}cA, ~ s~_ Drs this i ?th . day tar J an eta ry I!;! 7~ . bef~ nt~: <br />rt~[II+iT~ c7~ FIAi.I. <br />art _~;- ~~~i~~~ axid LOTS ~. PT£iTeT` t??onr[detsigitrd,ablatarryPubiiefnandfstrsaid~a[mty,pzr~naiiyt~me <br />~d~tt 111 SITS dit~ her ~ F~~-.d~lti aS S;.IbUSe Df earth E3thel°, who are prrsanailyknawnio <br />rtrc kx~ be rite idrnucal petsan~ ~ ~~>earta^g~na3tA!:~S `~ t'E? a#fixtd Ca the abort iristxuxnent as mortgagarS and t~1f?,}t savzraliy <br />acknawtet~adlhe said tststrtttrt+~ Cs a.~"w7:,t`` ~'vainntary as.•t and ttGed. <br />kS'fT `B'SS r~Fhnd,7u.nk ~~=Sr#t, t;°~saafiere aid. ~, <br />1 \ .3 <br />IefyCornatu:a`r~tdScrrrs ~~~',_ ~-~_=::3r~ra Imo'/ 11f~ ~.t-~'?l`~`_f>.~ <br />` -+'j,~ rid [! -~~~.~c'~?~~' ~'~ f"~ /,r~-l~~-'...~°--_. <br />- - - =':yatarv ~ttGLe <br />