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-__ ~6 k ~ r .~ ~^, f~t 1" ~ 7C ~u ~ ~:.~ , . ~„ Ilr a lip ,~ r <br />~i t'liwfrv` ~~„_ ~"'P ~1 I~'c, :,f: irfN „i.. i'Ir"a ilirr7: +i ia't"~ .Fw rc...,..~~'G` arc.~wv. ufukd.e vSr :rl ~. .f`.IEl al's iC.M:~hICJA~?.".1u. x"virl :. u.. V.~-Hip 23ux7r1wiTi,lellM l;+'^'T ia' <br />ref v"~dl'rf< ~~"~I~'~ ~ yIY~~`wf&4',r~dlM'a~J~, fi: ~"~'1Fy~~t!I"~It I~"~ .r ~TET'"~. ~ Illi f I Iwl l lk. ~~Ihl [~.:ii,v4 + 7 r' l~l~l~ fill I Ili Tl.,:f `.,....~ <br />l~`~i~~f~}'~iJM"~r°'~tl i~a~~'tk ~ i + '~4~,1 Iw p, ~ Lka+i,+if S w'r v , <br />C ~r '"t= ~ u "' ~~ Y ~ ~ 1 ~~, "d .~ a u~ 3r; ?+.,,,, rr~~~~~~~~"#"" ~~"1""~yl; "~ ""~"~I~ q t dl',~ tx, ~tIU ~.~~ <br />- - t't~'t' S~2. i .Cc?- ~t.e. r:..7ierf s ^aer of i ~ -._ ___~__~_ a{:d __ c t ? .,: Hk. .~..,C'r~ ir2~_. _,...,r': ... ~ ~ ~~ <br />~-,+ r.~e ~unsirgd '3is+y ~i~.t ;Ib3) iu :we~a~is:a <br />d=~"oaiar.sio:x, a:; Add3#i~~ Lcr ~ uit-f of <br />Island} X33.? CLSt}ZS~y ~9 D??H~ <br />T~,; NAVE Af+G TG NGiC T.NE SA^.tE. vr,ih `a'te appur,Er+ances thereinto heF~ngino. +,-~f; Crm.;~eraa? ,ts s+xcas~,rs and ass+'~irs. farev-r. <br />?!e s"n,t;;2ycrs here; ce.`gna^f bath card Cw^n,eseral ;is s~ccesscss and ass;~~ "+a, :, ,~ „. .~ ovr u -, ;a;,u _ o= ca -_ ~ ~ s?,, .w. <br />thEy are free frnT EM,~S'Fra'+fns. and 'rlat th°j viral i~rZver v:a.iant aid def°^d tra r t c !n c.-^ .;,5« era ..s. ~~, t~uriC ~ a~~, 3 Ci as ~,aurvs` <br />'whamSve Jc"F. V <br />Provided, naverthetess, these presents are open the tai(owing canditions: <br />That wtreraas the said R~rtgagars as mEmbers of Commercial Fave th+s data executed a note evidencing such ioaa and agreeing to rep,:y said <br />s•~i~ of money, with interest, in payments as set forth in said mate and have agreed to abrde by the teams cf said note and Cnarter and ;;v-taws of <br />Commercial. <br />That whereas this ?~3r;gage shall secure any additional advances, with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, be made by Com- <br />mercial is th^. undersigned Mortgagors or their successors in title for any purpose, at any time 6efare the release and cc:ce(lation of this mortgage; <br />Gut PRGVIDED, NGWEVER. 2t no lima shalt the aggregate principal amount secure6 by this mortgage, being the amount due of any tinre an said <br />ar,'ginal note and any additional advances made, exceed an amount equal to Ito percent of the amount of the anginal Hate, Ixrt ii eo event shat! <br />said Hate exceod the maXlmum amaunt permitted by law, and FRGV}DED, NGf?EVER, that noffiing herein contained shall tae considered as limiting <br />the amount that shalt be secured hereby when advanced to protect Lho security or in accardaace with covenants contained in the mortgage. <br />Now, if the said Mortgagors steal I pay cr cause to be paid the said sums of money when due, as set forth in said note, and any other nose for <br />additiaaai advances made until said debt is fully paid with interest, then these presents shall ba void; otherwise, to be and remain in lull force and <br />effect; that if default should be made: <br />(a) to any of Me payments due en said note, and anp other note for additional advances matle, as i;:erein agreed to ce made for three months, or <br />(bl th keening the improvements nns_ad premises insured against Ines ny -rw~can of tirw, ti~tning, and ctl:er aaz2r~!~ i.^.cPa•saw ^ ~:tF dtld <br />coverage insurance in an amount not lass than the unpaid balance of said mortgage loan; in a company or companies acceptable to ~'rs• <br />merciat, H,e original nt n~rfi posiey or policies tp be field by Comm?vial, and !with a mortgage clause attaehed fa said policy pr policies, <br />in laver of Commercial: ar <br />i,ci in the payment of taxes an6 assossmenis levied upon said premises, or on this mortgage, before they are detinr{uent; or <br />(d`! ff Urere is asy change in the ownerstrsp of the real estate mortgaged herein, try sate, either outright ar by land contract, or by assignment of <br />any interest therean or otherwise; <br />flier., in arty of the a^~ove set-firth events; the whole indebtetlress hereby secured shalt, at the option of Gommercial, immedtatefy become due a€rct <br />payable wltlraut further Halloo, and the amount due under said Rota and any ether note #or additianal advances made shall, from the date of the exercise <br />of said option, frEar interest at the maximum loge( rate per annum, and this mortgage may tiren he foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said note, and <br />any-other Hate far addifieenai advances, together with alt sums paid by Commercial for insurance, faxes, assessments artd abstract extension charges, <br />-with interest therein tram the dale of ~yment at the maximum legal rate. <br />PRGVIDED that in no event, either before or after default, shall the interest due under said note and this mortgage and any other Hale for ad• <br />ditionat advances made exceed the maximum lawful interest rate. <br />FRGVfDEG, further, that in the event that default ocarrs in the making of the payments due o<r said note, and ~ any other pole F-€ additiorrat <br />advances, as therein agreed to be made, or in keeping ffie premises insured, as above provided, or if defauVf 6e made in the p=?ys?nt cif doe fixes <br />or assessments levied upon the premises aGeve descritred or upon this mortgage, before daey ate by law delinquent, Cm~tmeroia! shalt ~ er+tiited <br />to the immediate possessiar. pf g,e premises atv'~-c~scrit?r~i, !_rgEthar w<m at; r?n+.c ~-~:?eds and issues arising;~•t of ffie y~amises. and may <br />in {tc tl.'aC(eGnn uce r,~ rantg ,tar ac tt we.~ n..C@5:.3' HrIZ 9e at rnak+n° r@pairS u urE,';,iacs n. fGr rig <br />" ~% .- ° .y `v purpo ~ . j,;,i u c aL °e par=Tient r!f lost,;-ance <br />prEmyrns, taxes arid assessmgn!~ u~rs curb pre?isas, aid for necessary expenses incu:tEO' in renfirg said p~e,:.ises ar ~t€atitin~ :~:t ~erefr~, ar±f€ <br />is apply 'amTiE uii aaau' prrrE utt drv rautZa eYrcAa?C1n~ Praurre advances t{2r£lRrdCr ynt~s ma rnQBp?EdpesS ~::~: °;.' y ,;v y paid; srtd t^; 5:n~~ pLrt ~, <br />the. nnde[cimrr~r Ar}e~s hprwAu crii, acci~ cwt unr and tra;:sfer L'nta Cammer raft "f °'id ' - '- <br />.._ _ _~. ., ., a ~c .c°irti. 4-- ~ - F-- - - , <br />paymorats ire rraartgage owners or any nth8r inco!r!es of any fype whatsoever from said prpperty th tae 3p;+iPd as +he _-gs a~va ~+< • lsrr~•.~ <br />Comrearcralstattir, np case be itabi: for ffie failure F prberire tenants, to collect rents, or to prosecute aetra.,s Ea raeover passessron of said p~em;sec. <br />The Modgagors further appoint Gommeriat of Gmaha, Nebraska, their attorney in fact, paving said attorney cower irrevacabty, either an its own <br />Hama or Mortgagors' names to take alt necessary steps for proceedings in court or otherwise, to cause said r erases to ~ vadated. to coifed rentals <br />or rrther incomes due, and when vacant, to refer the samrE, to make alt reasonable repairs and pay taxes out of sand rents. profits, contract payments or <br />incomes and tv do alt such things either 6y its own officers or by other parties duly authorized and appoint^d by ,t, as ate age,~rt for said pgrrpase, and <br />to charms or pay a reasrxabie fte for such serv;ces, ati of the above to be done at such bores and in such manner and an sucfi terms as is their said <br />attorney may seem bec_t, with full power of substibttian. <br />The Mortgagors F.Ereby agree t;:at if Cansmerciat 2idrer vokiniarily or invoiuntanty becomes or is made a party to any surf or proceeding relating <br />io the herein tare des7iirerf real estate, or to this mortgage or said note ar notes, other than a fareclusure instituted by Cammerriat, Mortgagors Witt <br />mimfF:rse Commercial tar a!! reasonable costs incurred by Commercial in said suitor proceeding. The Mortgagors further agree rlaai hf the he[einbetorB <br />described real estate ar any part theroaf be condemns under the power of erni main, ar as otherwise acquired for a public use, the damages <br />awarded, the prxe~s tar the taking, turd for the trnnsidaration for such acgnisitrin tp a exien! o€ the foil amau{{oott of the remainirsg unpaid indebted- <br />ness secured fry this rr~rfgage. be, and they hereby are, assigned to Cammertiat[and shalt be paid fprf~~tfi~ C~r~-aescrat fe f;E appflEd x, accaunt of <br />the fast mabrrrng nst~ ents ©; ~rh ande~tss. ~ .: ~ <br />meted drrs J ~ day of ~ .19'79 ~~~~,s`--,....,.... <br />d ~ " 8afce~- J <br />!N ].~tE A~$isNCE GP; ~-- -~.1 ~J <br />- ~ A I 1 3~~ ~~ I,. Ikea <br />~~~~ ~~ <br />--- s , 'cede <br />SYATEDFNE$RASKA ~, '' <br />~..,3 e R T3aede <br />On this - ` - -5--_.~ nor afi ~~ )y ~~ , t~fore me; a notary pubfrc inand-far said County. perwana}iy came <br />~~ . <br />'ii;eabave-Hamad Jolt A. ex• at~Q 3harctEt L. Baker; huxabatid s&d rife, ~nd.Becturia 'd. 'Bede dad <br />- _ - <br />Yir7eaaae 13. Thsde: tdr~fsend and xiS~ <br />#~tr:e :vet( knave ro Isi' Y.? idenh;ai pzrsan or yr~rson. wta rEame is or rramesare affixes to hre af~vemaftgage as grantor or grantors and fitter, he <br />c,r-site ~everai}y acrutowiedge me said instrurent and t7e r~ze~btinn (heri3of,'to he'therr irotuntary as[and deed.- <br />- ~ 6F?rERF1 timiwrinxnncs:tt „ ~~ <br />WtTNES~ rag taarid andf9otan~eai, p~ ,awes :~ i'.;>,rt ~.~ _ ffie= i <br />i Gt,m_ v-a~ .. (,b ~ -f,~ r'_" f'`'-'"-"'-~. jam- _s <br />''~'~F- Pfotary Public <br />~ cammissien expires u; the t "? ~y of ~-~~= -<'. -~- , iq .,~~ r.;-~G <br />