L ..
<br />1~. I I Y f, h=1 P 4 ?,r,
<br />"~µtu] ~ el .ul~.~klue'~ V~ it i.~ a ,in ~~r,~ ~~ it~Ii am ~1TI~~ 9s , anrot'i i.irnr~~ , e.N~r
<br />~ s~s.ss~~i ~~E i i 7, . u },.~i r~9;8 ~i i h . ~,~r 1 M ~.=k,y~ •iT ~ f s,. _}., s ,u} hr..;~r.~lr = ~R,~,Isll .d ~r ~lat,€ra;.a: few _-.~z~~~
<br />.:"3.. ; ° ~~ e'i: v-~ -• ~.,, ~ , - • ?i.,~-~ , _ ,_r;•:-ems„°.= _ _.:~__... ,_. _..~:e. _d-}k r+~_{
<br />u tL _n~~.,nse j2r~....f...ng~.:~'v:rt- -:~~°... ~ ___ ~_ cr.- _,.. _ _~ e __, ...?i:_. ivr ~.a`a, ,.. - J_ r<-,: ~. -. .,..v ZL-~7.zS;~
<br />..y" s_sc4`:.i+~nC " j. c__.. .,~ yE~'3,'~~ f ,..:t_ e ~v--,_ _ ~sl' w~u,~ c z..~~: ._~ _ ___r 3i'1g2 st s°~-,~'€:r RG'-.`~-.
<br />°s I'~iiiaWer'^~ Ni1~C~a"£GFeaz: tnier~ .
<br />IL. Porlsesuaac~ ]~~r bersd~r Aiat a Weaver, ~n _ f<dr`rtear;sr_ae ~~c v~wLr a,; exer~, r,.g an.• rigon_ ,r remy
<br />r~} F.e ~=~`ider, or tra.erns`e affor~e= by Sp_SfiCab}~ .a ; - is ': ,;cat i~€ a wa:.:~r ,f .,r p=eelude ie ~ eYerc;se of any right
<br />~ .r rersap.~y hereunder- 'I'hf }~;'oc:urement of i=,-;fr:tn,•'evcr tt;e r=ayrtun<: ;,3 taxFt or orb€r liens or charg€=: h5 3~nder
<br />shall ;>_ot L€ a ~.:•aiver oz L€nt;cr`s r i€ ,~ c t€ a , tnais rtL ui ire - eat~r`rei~ secured isy- this ~fortgsgz.
<br />t I;<, Tiemedies Cttn;aal,s#ive. ~}.._... _ _ {.ue~ ,.. #..,.- -i jrr~~re ~. «_>_*r~t ar+~ ctirnulsti=e 4v any other
<br />~-^ij _~ ;
<br />rielat or t•emedv under thts 3lcrtgage ar aiorricz} b:- ist=.• cr e•:ua'.`:. an,i n,a}• i,r exercised ecnca:rrentiy. ie*td€pend-
<br />C~Rtly vF 5tiG'-c +1vel;•,
<br />- I3. ~uccasacaru ar:d £tiasigns mound; joisri arsd Seearai Liability:.^.agticns. The c+o~•ea-:anr~ sled aga'!~wents
<br />herein c;:ntained vhall bind; and the runts hereunder ~iaaii to=.re to: the- re~,ective suc,~~sors and assigns of Lender
<br />~ and Burrower, ~::bject to ttae pray <tan o. },xragrs}ri, 3: i;ereot ~l~ s~e.e rt anr' sgrcf=menu of Borrower shall
<br />s~ be joint and several. The cap~t ns srn Ise..dings tsf me riarspran~ o to , il3rtaa~e are *ar convenience only and
<br />are not to be used io interpre* or defrn~ the }nas:~~aons iie:-saf.
<br />~" I4. laFotice. any notice to Borrower provided tar ro t':ns Slurtgagt• s,aal} tr^ ~i.•en by mailing ;ueh notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at. the Property .~,ddret~ ~txtFd below. except fer any notice required under
<br />pecan;=aph 18 laereaf tD i;e given to Borrower in the ,nanner prescribed by }>};h~~able law. Ane ratite provided
<br />far in this 3lartgage shall be deenaec] to Itavc been gi:-en to Borrower FcIaen given in ti,e manner designated herein,
<br />I5. Unifaraa Mortgage: Gocerrr5ag Talc: Seeerability. This forari of mortgage combines unito_rin covenants
<br />far nationgi rase avid non-tmiform envznants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering rea} properUv. This liartgage shalt t,~ governed iy tie acv of ±hY. juri~di::tsan in ~rhicii
<br />the P±'f!portyss level u. Ir. t he event `that any prevision ur clause of this '.Iortgage er the Noie conflieiE with
<br />applicable law, such tron$ict shall- not affect other provisions of this 3ortgage or the \TOtC which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the lortgage and the Note are declared
<br />kat be xeverable,
<br />-.:_ yi...L....~« ~~;.~~, ~~~ .ter~l;ai} Fu, f..:_,.icltnra a ~nnfnry Ravi o z,y ref }~}a,Yq '.?nregagw of thn fima of exertt-
<br />tiCin DP $fter reeOrdatienllereof.s- V
<br />!9. Transfer of tke Propertg: Assumption. If all or any paa•t of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />artfansferrecl by Borronsr• ivithnut Lender s prior written cortsent, excluding (al fhe creation. of a lien or encum-
<br />Irrance subosdinaie to ibis Mortgage, t 61 the creation ~sf a lurehase money seeurit~ interest for household appli-
<br />ances, (e} a transfer: by devise, desaxnt or by aperatian of Inn upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of
<br />any leasehi*}d interest of three years or lesanot containing a n option to purohase, Lender may. at Lender's option,
<br />declare x21 the sums see~red by this ~rIor6gage tv k>e immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived suela
<br />aptiaa ti+ accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to ;vhom the Prager[}- ;W to be sold or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of sucta person is satisiacton• to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the sums secured Ysy this Mortgage she]} be at such ..-ate as Lender shall request- If Lender has wairci
<br />the option to aocelerate provided in this };aragraplt 1. and if Borrower's sneeessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br />ten esattmptian agreeanent aeceated in writing by bender, Iarder shall release Borrower from a[I obligations under
<br />this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />L Lender-exercises-such option to aseelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of aceeteration in aceordan~
<br />with parai~raph I~ Ltereof, Such aot~ce shall pro~7de a period of not less than 3Q days from the date the notice is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails is }nay such sums prier t4 the
<br />expiration of such period Lender rnay, without further notice or demand on B"orrower. inenke n>,~ r...,a.,,~i~ psr_
<br />ai~ti~icij°~errsgr3}3iz is tter2at. .
<br />....Non-i's~uroa.~ C?©vE*ri~rs• F3at•rower and Lender further covenant and zgree a iallo~vs:
<br />L$. ~ra_f~; $~nedl~. ~xee t a4 z,sovide_cl ir. lzaa .tt~t= 1' hereof. utton Borroacr'~ hreaclk_of- &ny
<br />(? e ,, ,
<br />eovenantvragi•eement of Borrower in this Slortgagc, including t},c covenants to }lay wlacn clue any aunts secured
<br />by this- ~Iartgage, Leader }7riar to aceelctation shall {nail. notice to Borron•et• as p,rovittccl in psragraplt I4 hereof
<br />speeitying. 11} the brescia; !21 the action required to cure sun}, hreac},; t31 a date, not .css than thirty days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed +.o L?orrou~cr, i,c ~chieh suc•}, breach ~uust be eure,l; anct 147 that.. failure to cure
<br />snch breach on or L•efore the date specified in the notice naay result in acceleration of the gums secured- by this
<br />Mortgage and sate of the Property. If the }aresch is not cured or. or before tlac date specified in the notice, bender
<br />at Lender's option may ricclsre all of the stuns secured hp this Sortgage to be im,nediateiy due and payable
<br />ivittitatit further demand anti may foreclose f!tis _lortgage by ju!iieial proceeding. Lender shall he entitlet{ to eallect
<br />in such proceeding all expenses of fareclosurc, including, but net 1tntited to. costs of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />4~. $eumwer's >M fa Aeinatate. Ivotwitha-tanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured- by this
<br />origsge; 76orracver shall have the right io have any preeeedin~s begun by Tinder to enforce this iortgag€ dia-
<br />eitatinuecl a any tSme prior ttt entry of a judgment. enf:ryrcing this ~iartgage if: -tai Borrower pays Lender- all
<br />ststns~chieh uoaId be then due under this ortgage, tlto Noie and »otes seear"rng Future Advances, if any; had n€s
<br />aceeleratiota oaaurrsd; tb) Borrower cures all lareaclaes of any other covenants or sgreetnents.-of Borrower croti-
<br />_~~ ,.~- *~~.~_.~. a_~t`.~au--- • spa ,-;ash- ..r.le ex t s _,,eta,~~! bsT I raer in €nfn tt~p M,._=rr~,t<-
<br />apd oaf wee eorttait~edd itr chi; llurt~?;~;e and in €nfar~irag I endor reaa€€',ies hs provid2t3 itt l:ura•-
<br />graph: lf>• hereof, ittehtding, but not litaited to• reasousble attorney's tee.: aucl td) Bttrro~ver to&es such aetiott ac
<br />Le~ider ,nay resr.~l~Iy a~nite-to-urn tfia~ the Iivct uf'tti1: ~lort~iagr. Lender-iutem~t in the Prap~tty -sncl
<br />B4rlv'li'::I` s obli~ati~_ttt paq the sip s~~~_ #a,y ihi ~furt~n>?: 3iafit ch*ntinue unimpaire€i. t3pcsn- sg€~t payment
<br />std cure7iTr~~imwesrfhi&?~L~geae_:tnil fhe obli~~iitions secwYd Itet~brshall re;ti~a=n iu- lull force. and effeet_as if
<br />nn accelerata'on~aad eceurrecL -- --
<br />$fL °wf 8sb6¢: }tggointmerat cf RaceivQr; bender is Potion. .is additiopstl seeafiitY here
<br />- _ under. °Actfretreky asai~zrs to I.etidee the renew, of the Arope.-r}~. f,ru~zde+f 3 hat Borrcrn°rr shall. p3tior tff'acceter-
<br />ration under-jt~sgnxph t8 hereof or absndonnaent of the Property, ligsc ti;e rigltrto_collet+t an3 retaitt-sdch nettle
<br />a~ they beiiie due and tss}able: ` _
<br />- T.}w:; a~,celerr*_ion c,nder }aa=.v;;ra;,4a -lS lit~ee=,af ae• ~hxiaddn=fi-ant of the-I'-F€!}iettyYler.-in ftet~on,-by agent
<br />or by judipa}ly spprtia{ed recei~~er shall #,e eneiiied to t^,tier atx,a, invite Tius~es:~mn bf sad tuaaag€ fi,e Pro~rty
<br />sad .o ecailent tur:r~nti; of t?te I'roperLv, incfu:iing thc~N lrai,t [itte.:til r€uts ~tzllectecl h~' Lander or the r€ec.ivei~
<br />5l'r~ii'F ue ~y}.I~frA's~ #.o.Y J.... _..~ a ., ca .a ,,i • .:;na.;4 ,., ~i,c :cop€rne,~ aced- cvilca~€ian o" a•4nts, ineuairg, E.u.
<br />nn£ limiiea to, receiver`s fees; Isremiu~ns on receiver's twnus slid reasuttabie attorney's lees. and then to the sum.
<br />secured by this Mortgage. I.imder and tLie re°eiver shall he l'zable fci accoant ant}• fer those rents actually received.
<br />