~+~ fti~'fY~~~~~?'.~~t
<br />'~I~.'f ~~'~~~ ~i~ ~:"'. '~° t71"I~.~ttl€,~.iw ~'"f~9N"t+Vil" N~~+~~'.~:l~t~"i,~.,~
<br />Apr, '. !''~ r ,g~'~tF^~?~rv :~"lira
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
<br />T'I3IS _`-~`_~#'i'1'~ A(E, *~nae~P a d cx~rut~d this -...-.. ~ - - - ... 3 a£ ...- ~/~.,~~:`r~_~..... !~.I~.,
<br />19_~~'.., betw°een the :~4artgagor, ..'i<Eega!as._~,, .4fi2k3,iisor.- ~.-oaf:r#ca.-G.-.~i2k~uson.,.-huSbar~-.arid- wife,
<br />...iq~=='=tir. an3, each. in.-the. ~:.. ~-° . ~.ght.. -~- --. .. .
<br />of _...i~ped-Ril:er_-..._....., Caunty af .---`~~11 ......................... State of ~e~ra~?cg...-.---.-, lxereinafter referred
<br />to a the p~.^.nwar, and t#;p ?S-iortEaeee, F'IRST' FEi~iERAitSAYf1vGS A?d~ LOAPv ASSt}~IAfiIfl~i f)F
<br />LIN~~LN, 12~ "l*1>' Street, Lincaln, Nebraska ~>G2, its suscessars and sa igns, herea'nafter referred to
<br />as bender.
<br />'~4'trHrx: That the said Harrower for and in eonsideratian of the sum of .TFIIBTY-.FI9E.-THL1ItSAND
<br />---•-.a1~.-1#~~14D.•------------------.---------°..----,.---.--Dollars (iJS~.....35~f?~4.4Q........._......)
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its suecessars and assigns; the
<br />following described property Ioeated in the. Cauaty a# ..--...Ha11.__--------------_- ----, State ~# Nebraska:
<br />at Seven #3? Eight (8) and Nine (4)-Block Twenty-T'~o {22~ in *facColi and LeFlang's n3ditio<
<br />to the Town of 4;ood River, Hall Caunty, Nebraska
<br />This is a corrected mortgage to include county Watery for mortgage recorded on December 6
<br />i~78 Instrument ~7F- 4!}B41B
<br />~`cac>:rt€~s c~th all-.the -improvements- now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurte_*aars4ev, rents, royalties, msneral, ail and gas rights and prah~~, water, water rights, and
<br />water stock, and all futures now ar hereafter attar_hed to the- property, all of which, including replace-
<br />ments and additions thereto, shall be-dcemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by *lafs
<br />~,ic~tgage; as-sd all of the faregaing, together with said property €or the Ieasehald es'4ate in the event this
<br />AIortgsge is on a leasehold] are herein re#erred to as the "Froperty".
<br />Borrower cotenants-that $orrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to inartgage, grant and Canvey the Property, that the Fraperty is unencumbered, and that Borrower wilt
<br />warrant-and defend- generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to cry
<br />easements and zestrictians listed iss s-schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy- iis-
<br />auring bender's interest in the Fraperty, or (2j attorney's opinion of title #ram abstract of #itle certified
<br />by bonded abstracter:
<br />Pgr,}ura~~~n Ayw~Ya; an.# tk~ r.~ xW --~ ~FG~uie;u and uziiver€d open tl:e faLax:ng conditions, agr~
<br />nieat~s and p~ligatians a# the Barraa~er, to-wit:
<br />iri€ Barrawer agues to-pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of _ fi~3:AT4`..I~I~ .S_.
<br />~,_::~.i{lt~..-.c ----- c-r-c------:---c°r.--#)otlars ((?S ~_-~5.,S1tl~,I2£1....:...:._:..:.)
<br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if not sooner paid, on 'the --.._. 1st.......--.-- day of ._....._ December.__---...__..., ~.-2007
<br />[}xc~oa:K Caviraax~ta. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, Papment of Principal mid Interest, Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />terest-oil. the indebtedness evidenced b}• the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the :Note,
<br />and the principal of and interest an any Future Advances secured by this Aortgage.
<br />~ F4mda-#ar Tuxes m~ Issaisrms~. C:ib;d..t to Lender's option u;.der paragraphs and 5 !s~re€af, Iaar-
<br />rower, ahall_pay to Lender an the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />Nutx; until the Dote is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds"j equal to anti-twelfth of the yearly tactic and
<br />assessmen#s which may attain priority aver this t"1lortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any plus
<br />one-tiuelfth of yearly premium installmentQ for hazard insurance, plus tine-twelfth of yearly premium in-
<br />stalltraerts #or risortgage insurance; i# and, all as reasonably. estimated initial}}~ and from time to time by
<br />I.eisder+in thr-basis of ass~srteuta-and bills and reasonable estimates theteo#, Leisder shall apply the Funds
<br />IA~I?~Y r~aisf-#ases, assessments, insurance-premiums and accrued rants. Lender shall-make no charge for Aso
<br />€uric~ir:g srid applyue$ the FazigdR of verifying= and compiling said assessments and bills.-The Lender shall
<br />~: *,~:.~-Bari~.~r~ ~:tt s, an $mual arm-,irti a# 1 Funds ahng firadita andrlab~~: ~'~a
<br />Futids aztd the purpose for whieli each debut to the Funds was- tirade. Tits Fund.: are pledged as additional
<br />a, : -
<br />~...t} £o; ",~ ,,,t,,„ se.."ured-'by this 'ilartgti e, Tlie ~w~r agree.4 that the Fiends mad be bald by th,a
<br />Lr~tsuer and can~anuagied wiEh
<br />. 'set3ser loads a~f~e ~s owz- funds.ttad the-lJender uses paY such items
<br />from ate ozrn funds snrl fi~p'~',~*odrr ckrull int. Ev, I:able fn::nt ,ms nr .ti.,~~ian~la ,,., ,.~.h G..nhr
<br />If tlce amount of the Famd~=?[~ by I.ea;tiea', rovit~li the fstture monthly irietallnaents of Funds
<br />payablQ prior `.a tlse due dates gf taxes, uaree preaiiutns acrd grtrand cents; shall etcceed
<br />thF a,-nount required- to pa_v said tazzen, Alta, !r,€zstr8l#r~ruttms,' and grnu*~d r~3ts tts they -fall due,
<br />such excess shall be, at Burcvwe:'s oiftaan ear rl #~ l~war or Credited-to Barracver on
<br />inoaithly installments of Funds. It the amc*tiant Q#ds her 3er sh._.ll eat be sutl?eient to pay
<br />~x~ ~~=~~snens, srea:mnce }rretniuffi ate:! grptRrt~.,tents~ they -dpe, $~rraavet'shaflipay th I.endar
<br />.. ... . - -
<br />.._ ~- ~.-y ,r_akr u1 ilte d~ia.-aea~c.R ~vxcn~n >~nttr=itava atira zmm l:enaer to Ftarmwer
<br />~°y~-~~;~>u„ ~sy~_arrzi i.neres~tf, ar csorrazser shaai, Icy an increase s~ aruttthly installments of. Funds required,
<br />Upuci_payfneiit-in" #uli=o#;ell sum8 ~•vred-lay @his Mortga, Lender shaIl apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against ill soma due; .
<br />