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m:~!'n~gaw„ rho ~ - ~a~~+. d~~ur ~z a,i9lllrl~i ~ , +~ ia. -rraw,° ~a r Ic ~ :: '~~iaha~~s ~. <br />I (~~°Smltllau_ •. ~ '~ w,~ r. •5~pv~~ ? ~'.~t9lsnidi9d~• ~tl1611ni 1:~b~iua~7^. t~'`~d~.l ~ r~tlMi ~ ~' a !fir ~ 1 i B R i iaaluwu .,C,. ~b'~~ i',IYtl `s~"d.'6 ,.+IP 't~"rts a~'GwCgG~'tl r,~ra 37~ <br />da9Hds..ai_I.aV ~e,a: ;;a~a ull.~a4ra~=~?M,tlullMll r~..~ ]ir#~~zu a:j~ati¢°,k~~aa ~ir,~r'~~u, u~ tit il~_xs, o~iawa'f IltYwr I~ 'riltron;°~al ofl' aarsd init:tw~t <br />_ :! ~_F„ ~ ~ ,, ~ r ~> ~~- ~-~~.~r b 1-t~zr, $ctrraw'cr sftall pay <br />~1 %.,c~,~ x ~w _~. s. , .3; .,::~,, araC .~r~: art a,~aole ::nor the :hate, anti: the 1'~nte is pain in tali, <br />x x: =;?~*.:z `F-~,as" ~~.~i =~ ~ :~t;~* s° £~ Orly ~~r~ ~~i arses which may attain priority aver this <br />+tr~r- , t- r.~a td ttn:x r~ <~ F`*~srsy, if azrg, Alas cu~t~,reif~s of ytarlp pr.;mit~rn iastallmestts for hazard insurance, <br />a-t:v, ~ Yy prat«:~. us<,all~as fo• nvnrtt i~iuraru^c, i€ a~~, au as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />!arcs to tanx bq Clatter the b25is as s_>neats atxl bi,is and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />'2F=zn~i si~3: ha pia in an L~tstitvtio:~ 3se dcpnsits >;r ac'Yaurtrs of which are immured or guarattdeed by a Fzderat or <br />szatc age:tc_> tag I.~-.,dcr f f,erder is sin ar, i*itutiort), lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />i:tsurart~ gr~tittnts and ground mots. Lender may not charge far sa hoidtng and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />ar ves~~~g a su°~ling±aaid asse:smKr~is and lrcills, uawss I.andzr pa}~s Borrower interest on the Futtds and appticabYe law <br />p~i~ = to eruake such a cl±arrge. Borrower and bender may agree in writing at the tithe of execution of this <br />t+tartg2ge drat interest on the Funds sha}I be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreetttent is made or applicable law <br />rz~,ures such iaterust to Ire gals, Lender 5haia not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings au the Funds. Lender <br />shop eve za Borrower, wizltouz charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds a~ the <br />purge far whi:;fr each debit to the Funds was made. "IZte Funds are pledged as additional s~ttrity for the sums secured <br />try this Mortga~, <br />Tf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Fonds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, iffinrant:e premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required ro pay said texts, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rants as they fall due, such excess shall ba, aC Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid ra Harrower or credited to $orrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the arnouDt of the Fumis <br />heM by Lender shall not be sttffecieat to pay taxes, assessments, insurance gremsums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Bonewer s-'call pay to Lender any ar,ioimt necessary to make up the denciency within 3U days from the date ttatice is mailed <br />by Ltiuler to Harrower raluesting' payment thereof. <br />L7poa payment in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held try Lender, If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than imatediaiely prior to the sate of the property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds ht:ld by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3, ~ Payaaeaffi. Llniess applicable law provides otherwise, alt payments received by I-sns~r etrtittr the <br />N;n'° °~ y«agaar.."~"..~ 1 ~ ~' °°hall w apY w lSy L°:Ld~r fi."`.,,. ,^. paYn:°nt aF n nth _ nl,lw in t~gdit hJt Btt[Pl]IYEt <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable an the Note, then to the principal of the Nate, and trier to interest sad <br />grincipaI on any Future Advances. <br />4. C~ I.Itas, itorrowar shall gay alt tacos, assesuneats aztd other charges, Ernes oat! impc~citians artributabk to <br />the Prapertg which may attain a priatity aver this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground cetera, if nay, in tt~ tntts~t• <br />ptvoYidetl under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, icy Borrower staking payment, what due, dittacdY to t#se <br />payer thereof. Borrower shall promgtiy fueish to Lender all notices of aatounts due under this paragt~-ph, apd in the areal <br />Botrovrer•'shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Leader receipts evidencing sash payst~st=t. <br />Horrowea~ shall prgraptfy di,~harge any lien which has priority over this Mortgage; provided. that $orrv;ret Hats !~ <br />required to distiharget any such lien so long as Horrower shall agree in writing to she payment a€ the ,~zligatitsn vteu~l tfy <br />such Beat lit a manner acceptable to Leader, ar shall in good faith contest such lieu by, or defend entarcetvanr of slsclt iota ire, <br />-legal gtoceedings which operate to prevent the enfartx:ment of the lien or forfeiture at the Proper{p or aaY pstrt t• <br />3..'Haz~'d I~eaact. Borrower shall keep the impmvaments now existing ar hereafter erected as the Property irmwled <br />against Itess by hte, haaards included within the zerr:e "extttlsled coverage", and ~xh t• h~=~dc !~:• ttxv tom: <br />and in such amounts and for such periods as t,etttier may requite; provided, that Lstxter shall cwt require that t1x ~ ,rt <br />~:*vcrage &. that amc~tar of Coverage r€qu#r>ad to gay tip sutt~ urn by than Ma€tg <br />'IE~e insitiaace-carrier praviding she insurance shalt he chasm 6Y 8orrawer subiect to at~tavttl by t-+en+iar <br />that such approval sbaB rat be,uttreasasabiy withltaid. All prersiutrts as ittsuratxe g~ilei~ be in rL~ <br />pcoYtda$ under paragraph 2 hereof ar, if ant paid is such masnet, by Botrvwar tug payt~att, v- -ras'tly <br />~- <br />A;l iuraace ~ am; reaew~ thareu3 shalt re to t.~t ae;tao~ ec, i.,:,,: `-t . = r ".:~„s~~„w, ~ 3 ~ ~.,,,_;~ <br />in fassir o; iu f-;-°m ~ eta L~r. Ls=r sl~li hair t~ r~ t_~ lx~d t~ per- : _ = ,,°; ~ , ~;m ;~,~'~, <br />_. '=+`r?.r s':slt+4'~ ~rri~~x~3±+cr ts] ii=stSCa~?t~ r•_ ~ tom- Ems-=- >~ _ ` ~ ~-__ ..~~. -- ,'~~` <br />b3' <br />t3alir~ Leadw sad Borrower otherwise agree in wrung, insttrartce pracatds shall be appt~ to ,,r r <br />the Property damaged, provided such testocstion or repair is ecrenantically feasibly and the set;taity :~ risis ldtut ~ <br />tart thereby impaired. If such testoratian ar repair is rat ecots~eica!!Y feasible ar it' rho sn urity of this INartgsege e-a+ttNt <br />bt ~. tilt inaurattce pracxds shall 6e applied to the stalls sec:urtd by thr~s Idartgalle, weth the ~, i4 arty, t <br />to Borrower. If the pmpertY is abandosnf by Harrower, ar it Btxrawer tails to t~prxni to Lender wittsin ~ daXs Eaton else <br />data aatice is mailed by Lander to Borrowee that the insurance carrier atlers to settle a claim tar ittattrasie t+ara.°dta, l+s' <br />is at#tsariz~ to collect and apply the it~urartce pt•acaads at Lender's atnian +dtircr ist tsst;srtati:m ar r~;r ar: t Frrey <br />ar m tI~ sums muted by this Mortga~. <br />Unku Lender amd Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such apgfi4atarn ttf' tv pris4:ipsl shad rtr1 trxt+rud <br />or poatporte the due date of the manthty Installments referrs~i to in puagraphs 1 and 2 hr?rrvf ar ;;hysgt tlt+c mratwtaa at <br />such irasttrlltnents. If tutder paragraph 18 hereof the property is acquired by Lander, alt right, tiller anti intr.~eat at Ylcxrur,pr <br />in atttl rrt any isisurans># pcdieirs and in a~ m the prose therutt r€sttlting team tlatttag'e to tl~ PrGty ; ~ tl <br />ar aegt~ition shall paw to Lender to the extent of the sterns sectu~# by this Mart immrsfiatc#v ~i..zr tz ss:~tr yr <br />acgawi~. <br />6: Wrap atad Iti1a{p~aaiac~d et Prapertyi I,eareA+aids3 Coedouie Plamsed t~ aprtts~. Btxra~.~er <br />-shall keegt the Property in_good repair and shall not eamtnit waste or pt:rtuit ite~tairtmnt or ttntsriats#inre ~ the <br />anti sleail ettthply with tl~ Irrzlrisoaas ~ any learn if this Mortgage is an a htasahtrid. If this i+gartg, le tats a let ; <br />eaa~±nireiiiitxa er a gtse~ed trail d?~logttrgstr; Bor€awer shall perform ~ of I#~awer'e ant r~ t .1=~; <br />or cc~veuants tt•eating or governutg the candatttinium ar planned unit dawelaprtttut, the bylaws acrd eattuia•tit~+,s rrt -tu+ <br />candom:nium or p:aaned-unit daveloptiient, need ce~tstitimst c~cutnetits. If a eotttlasnirtiarmt or p~ strut sic <br />rider is executed by harrower and tecorded° €ape€ltat•-with -this Mortgage, the cavensaty and apt-eats of st~h ~~r <br />shall Ix incorporattii iota. afld shad ascend and suppknteaf-the. crovcganE+ need agrtenaestts aP this kluge as if the ridrrc <br />were a parE hereof. <br />7, Frotectiote of Lee~ccs Secesrirp. I€ Borroaror falls to perform the covenants sad agreements cant,titmd in this <br />Mu-tgage, nr if any action or proceec'_ng is catatgtotwtd vflluclt ~pta2(y aHeets i:ettde~r's lai~ast iq tht PrapaYtY, <br />Including, taut rat limited to, eminent domain. inatilvtri+ry, erode tafar9emnent, or arra»g~tettts or prt'leasldlags involving a <br />laattkr'.ept 3i deaederiz, tiler Letxlcr at Leider's optla»; trpeat-»atet to B~rovvet; ir}a3` ~taka stteh a~ diaizutse such <br />sums aitd talcc sucu action as is oec~sxrY io pretact Lender's zntes~, tncluaring,_ but not litaitad ta, disbursetnapt of <br />reastwatii~ attome s fees a~ ea -_ - <br />Y' try upon the Property W make ro~trs< IE tsttder regtttted morrgags insuratxe as a <br />coadnian o€ makins the loan sacutad by this At_artcage. Bor[mt!cr ,sl~l pay the aremlums requite to 'maintain sttt^h <br />irsts•znee irtetfctf iutttl such 7iF9e as tk~ re~uuetnent-ftu.suc2t itruratta terinettates iA eccardance With Bartowet's sad <br />