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~,. , <br />„ !' ~i ,I~~~ t <br />eI" 3 i. ll III:. iii ,. `o"1 !-: _d~e A.•' s1f« ..~F.~L~.,T a.l -: --~;.~ -~^ ],~,~ _IG ern ii- <br />3., z,~~r~l:r;mali~, :.~ x~3~- .,~, tom= ~t~~ni~as~,. ~~rr:~, a ¢a ~~€la-~1 ~i.:,i u~nlh t ~„ °aFly~ai~ 1"~I~s ., .. ~~ea.~~wa~all a,f ~:~G_s3 ~~c~.W:e~st ,~n tr~s~ <br />rC .di:7.: ,.~i.a#~. 7r.;~, i,ul'.;aaa. ...: '~ .:, pzr~vl~ :.;~.a>. :I,I..,+~ ,.~.e,-, _.yar E, ~,. ar~i~~d nn try _~~~, -ss9 tRtt. frru:~c.~,p,:; ref an;t t,atere~~~ <br />_.. ,_ rx _.~.%~_. <br />. -3sr #srr'~' a 3- s. -~ apcs..a1;e ?a: cr ',^,. a vrittea salver irf Lenacr; natrow~r shah pay <br />., v,r._ u~. , .. G., .aa~.~h., . ,. IF;2 :.a c_ ~ ,_~c.,,,ai ~d in~,;r~st are pa'ya~' ~ ts;,des th¢ ;;`ate, until t3:e `:~oxe ss paid en fui3, <br />. „~__ = "Fz=:~u'i ,:;aaa~t;~ etas-t--e°f23?•c~f t:°~ purl}~ taxes and assrsmenis which may aftasn priority over this <br />~ . ~gag~. ~..~ ~ ~n=, ., r .:~ cn tta.ti 1~,e~• <` arty, ~!uQ vni:-x~•L;fsi? e~f year;y pri;miurri installtttenis foe hazard "snsurance, <br />r="~ wf ye,.ty premium inzatim~:tfs fer snarigage insurance, ii any, a#1 as reasonably estitrtated initially and from <br />~:rie to :isre fay lender an the Basis of assessrnenrs and bi3€s and reasossable estimates thereof. <br />Tl~ F:;.rttis seal.l be held ;~; an rest°t:r~~a°: the dep~:s=ts or acceuuts of which are insured or ptraranteed by a Federal or <br />-:a.e a~~~y tinc3ud=_ng Lender if Lender is such an institution}. lender sha33 apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assr~sments, <br />6nsuratxtx premium; an$graund reels. fender may not charge far so hr;3ding and app3ying fee Funds, ana3yzing said account. <br />ar verifyinP and campi3ing said assessment; and ti33s, un3e,~s Lender pays Banawer interest on the Funds and applicable Saw <br />pertni~ "Leader to matte suet a charge. narrower and Lender may agree in writing at the lime of execatian of this <br />~Sortgage that interest an the Ftrads shai3 be paid xa $onawer, and ua3ess such agreement is made ar app36ealr3:. saw <br />°.0., suwlt inters.-t to be paid, Linde: sltali not he required to gay Bor..*aw•er any interest ar earnings on the Fturds. Len3cr <br />shWi3 iglus to Banawer, without charge, an annual au^aunting of she Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />p?=rpose tear which each debit to the Fords was made. ~'ne Funds are p3edg~ as additional sac:urfty for the s,tms ~.urrl <br />by this ?tiartgage. <br />1# the amount of the Funds held by Lenrk;r, together with the future manth3y installments of Funds papabtc price xr. <br />the due dazes of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground renu, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />assessments, insurance premiums and gmund rents as they fall due. such excess sha33 be, at Honnwer's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Botmwer or credited to Borrower an monthly insta3trrtents of Fund€. if the amount of thk: f=unds <br />held by Lender shad not be sullieient to pay taxes, asseesmcntx, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fa33 due, <br />Harrower sha33 pay to Lender any amount necessan' to make up *,he di•fteienc• withi,t sy days from t3te date neri~ is mailtd <br />by Lauder to Bvr;uwtr requesting payment ih:r~.Tf. <br />Upon payment in full of a31 sums secured by this Mortgage. !_t'rtder shall promptly r~fun~3 to Bc,rn~wer any Futrds <br />Iseld 6y Lender. if under paragranh 18 hcreuf the f raptrty cs s+ald trr ittc prapeny ,s attxt^.vte acquired l+y Letxkr. lender <br />sba3t apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale of tlx: f'rapatti ar iu acquisiticar by Lender, any Futxlx head by <br />Lender nt the time of apptica#an as a credit agauist the sum; serut~tt Frl th;x Mtsrtgaple. <br />3. ApplicsNitrrr of Pay~are®b;. finless applicable Saw pros-ides artserwisc, cis psymetsts received h} tiztc~r t <br />s Fota and tFara¢raohs 2 and 2 hereof ahail ba aaalied br- Lcradzr first in pay'tr~t at arztc~snis ~_ ya#sIe to Laer~r ts~ t~~r:#~~r <br />under paragraph 2 hetxcrf, then to interest payable an she 'vut<. xrecrs tf+ .'+_~ pr:rniFa3 of t31e t+ate. and ttirrn .,.~ inicecsx .sd <br />prin+:ipat on any Future Adx•attces. <br />4. Charges; T.ier~. Banawer sha3P pay aft tars, asaGSar:tcctis and r+ther charges, fines nerd +mecaiti~s a-tt~,rtafrse t <br />the fymperty which racy attahr a psi+7rity c~xer t#us !aiartgage, nerd leasehaid pxr~rtta nr ~rxtuuttd rer-zEs, if ant, ire xfra rte: <br />provided carder paragraph 2 hertuf cur. ;f trot peed art sash 'teal!+t~r, Sy Hcrrra+var makist{t paytrsetxt, s# dre, vrsx.;'Y ,;, ; <br />payee thereof. Borrower shall prampxly furnish to Lerruer xil aoita°s al arn.?unxx dt~ s€tdrt tlr:+ ;7rarsgr cant hr t~ rx+ <br />Harrower shall matte payment directly, B`~rrc*wer shall prr_~nptly ?urniah t=, Lrrd~t r~.xip~s r~r~'=ug .tea c. <br />Banawer deal promptly discharge an} lien iwhic#r has prtr±~ rvrr :has 4iYxttgxage ;rc'W -t>^~+- ;trs.. Ff.:a*~WC.~t€ sttrlf a.~r <br />~,~ --~.__ _, ~t ,,.. <br />required W discharge arty such lien so tang as ~:rrrwcr siisil z~,rca cr ~:,trr~ t. :3`re -.s,r~ra - . ~~5}.,. ~,- <br />such ilea in a maatrcr acccptalr3n to Letrt~r, tar shall in gCVxttt faith c~mrttsi srhh iacsr 5v- ~=r ,ictan a sixvrtc~ucr ~ ° -mix = : <br />legal proceedings which op-.rate to prevont the crttvre+er~nc aE ~r,= rcrs .,r =:> ~-°F ~ L'- >~ t ~'= <br />3. i~asard Insurance. Banawer shxl3 kt5ep the ,rnptxfvertcents rc:w ex,srsrtg ar f~reattes er~t>:.! ~, _,~ ~.c~, .~~ <br />neatest lass by Bee, httaards includtd within the term "cxta:tr#tai u>varmga.'_ alai s.xh inhr:r trscarrl:. as # zr+.3r= ,a..~ :.,ti-.:.~r <br />cad in atteh am€waxs and frr stx:h periada as Len'ta=€ :nap realu:re; rrosts~d. tstst l ss~: ?.tra'~ rr-'{ szs- ~~ ~ ~-'~ r- _-:= -'r <br />such t~varage exccecl that arnvunt of caveragr requrreif tt pa> the 'uttn+ bC~yzr[d ras rty ~dt;yrr~+l'~ <br />iasurtture cartitr provn#ing tftc irtstrranca shalt ba ?sir, by 'ta3rr ,v:er ubr:x.-r =ta w=~: ~+ f r, ems- ~. <br />that such approval shall eat be unress+.~nabiy wtttsrnlei. prtnxiua~Fr- ~>f. az =R.~ ,:+:i~.,xa x.,.;; ~- a.-~ -+= ~ -;<,Ez: <br />pray ttiRr parraph R tare Wis. ~£ ,~ ~g:d :n ~~-'..- ~- ,_ r.> ~ € ~~~s~ -- ~ - ,.% ,r,..~_ - ° °.. <br />~lst~ to iav~r ~' ann in S95z`~'-ar'~'n - - ____ =-r ua~ir _are =~ .€~ere i ~rr~ ~ ~ --- - ~. --.~: -- <br />saA '~ _ a6s1! ~ .vrw. f..rsxra a i ! ~~t~s slr - - - .Erfu~~s>~ ;it - ' !4 -- - - - +A: <br />Bersr shalt ~ivc ~rins3rr rr+exr:<c r ~ .he ~urd.~r _artits° ~tal L_utlt;. s s i, ~- ~.,+~ - - ``+`se ., ..- ~ ., <br />uy pi3ttv~ar_ <br />L3nlGas Lender wind Burtrrwar .fll'tr:rw:sc agsrr, :n #rat:ettt, :seaula:a;t ;:t:?ia+<,h tsa:t ~ x-•t=kask :w . _-.- 'en+• --- <br />tht Property damagaal, prarided sttih restc~ttrta.,lr Ear rrpas? s ,~~~:~~alty te~utwr ::~i r# ~.=_d= a :`~• ~+ ''a w- ,, <br />eat ttreroby impairmd. If stash restarat;crt ar rtPazr is cant ec~assu[nx:aily t~-swhte F- c?sa ~c;~ _•r r ~=-t y; s.,p~ ~..~. <br />be itrrltglrad, thesasuraaaa prcx^t+cd» steal! ee applied t.: tfi~ ruerrs[ ie~€r¢ed r=r ths:, f.[:cEg _±= r~.~~,. <br />to Bares-twstr. if the Praporry u i1bi4lfA:lz:ru-ts~} hy' ~aFluwcr, Wiz: ;i base rtiui:x za-i+, t:.p cnEt.%e~ :: i s~=_~ ~ • : ~> :~s`r, . -`. .•, _ <br />daft ntrtlcsc is mail5tl by kr tt Hs:rrusrer slant tht tctsueur>ie -arHIter c,fr~~ t~~, a..e;tx s 4P.r ~ -~ e~w:uu..x ~a~, <~ ~. ! .-.•k~ <br />is asttlxcsri'~l tts cstt~f and apply th,r z++~rldts4~ pa~t?,:r~ Lecr~= ~ u~u~t s:rr~ ~ ,e;= _ .,, ~,~ ~ :~r tom; ~- :~rr:= <br />ctr to the attritx urexxl by tltia :srtgage, <br />tl~lt;as l.itxder 'itid l$iArr;',I.wif aktht: NYZ'se sgtYr irz -rcrsttn~, lazy sa;~E: a~{'r,.`a-a:Ss'r, __ ,.:.ri:x~rpr :. =a-~r.;~a-z~ -.~.-, « - <br />ot luwtpxwrt the slr~ clan sxl ih~ trurrtit;ty in.aisiEtnen9a s~e.trad t., t€r lraYadta:et,7lla € ,:s:i ~ ... .n,. s~ " _ . ,, <br />such iustatinix~rra. if uar~~r ~ra$ta~ Ig 1tns~3t the ~'c~~Crry s.s ~quued u~r t.rrr.te~e. ~,t1 rtgin. > ~~ ohs = -,~F, ~ m • -~- <br />in attd to ant inattcza~ policl~s .red tr= ai a t : the ., .E ttse r~,l e=r~.t a,na c:-. , •=rte :tw 2's~ . _ ~:•h <br />arcs-.f's s,3iai#1snr :.hall pass it+ L~r :u tt~ x __ ~_ r ~t,+• ~c,~ ate _ __, Rt ~ „ ~~ < _ ~ - -- <br />aes;t3iaitlaa, <br />6. Freasrvachvr ~ of Ir-~f7= l.t l' !'1wMIt t.wNi f7r•'!.~tei+:+ b.; :vrr <br />shelf kaQp the Prtrparty uE good t~tpasr sort chat! t§:N, csa[rutstt waste ar psrsitt"s ,mfaa,.nsrs:t~' .sr d~taaazaxe >>: ~4 "- , '_ <br />psi:, t~l:zrfr-ti's. ~[t~rg ~~~ :~-vv°~a, a~-~~. .s ~~:~=. -f - , <br />Caa~r;~rliifutrY- t7r a ISI~c1iIlVC1 inVs€.~~i#~,c'-ts[. i~-~><r -`sL~vs ~€r,~~r ~r _-~~ ~ -,~i~t'~ _-.- w 4 ': ~i' --- _ _ <br />-~ - - f:nft atir~. - st_ ;lam ~s-i~~5 s s - -.v.sw . <br />ar cavtrattnta creatrtrg ear ga~rrirrung the cttsrs~ttnilsitrxrr der lnan~r;.l ~~r*a ~t=a» <br />4tyrsrj`nmtsS~ei tSt ; tilEit. ile~aistn~sis :~.__ a i° ~ ---~a'rrs+ily~ _~ s:~...~. -..... _. -. <br />_ ~~~ arrit II«.1 --~t~l~ ~ --r: ~. <br />-CIIilal-rYr-;~ - t~tlYf$wd ~iri~- ~ €L ik;E~ 34ts~r - -. '~ - <br />shall lrr inottrgsrratexl talc acid shall ;;zstati acid suppktr~rlt flan eovexrr~rts cad agrettrle~s aft ,h.r ~;; :gag. ~ ~! ;,. , <br />.~.1 <br />?. ~t'..~, ~ #.~'!r +"'lty, ff Batm'sr fallti to prrforas. t~ cov°....a~s ante ~ Ica:' _,~ .s-_ <br />l~aiitg ar if snag aatitat ,~ prci is ~°otrctt~sf w#ta:h tiaattrladly aBaresn l~`ti ~*t"~a~t ds tt~ p.=~~;:~_ <br />itsctnd~ng, lust turn Simitt ta. etrurtrst d€rttteitx« or.«rl•:~scv, fiisE:O :° f-,:.~zt#, ::r arrxng•„~r..a ;°r fxsxir.gx ;a~_ *::.,~ <br />11i>'n4, ti'Sert t;~r ~t 1,81v#trt"a s~_rtptrn txirYir.'~ #a rm!ar~s. r~ik . s~l~ apptr-r~n~=~. d;r,~= =~h <br />.~. ,~ <br />susri~ -art i tn,;.t ~~h ar:,aa :~ Is r~:.ry t3 prat~t ;...armor's iz;~r>~, i•~°Isa.~tit-,a, tt E -q l,nr..t .l t€~, rl,z±,;r.,.` .; :, , <br />ressaiiabsta attvt>t~y~s f lead entry upini Fri7perty ifr tsselte rc}~+'rs~ tr' l,~c ceq;iit;td tiar_t e, xu ancr <br />cumdtiata aE'tttatcing.the ksarr treed try this 14tarigage, Harrower Mall pa~q lire prestiutxra ri~atased tr, ,=sue, t~:,, i± <br />imur In oBirct, iintlt such titter as the t~quirettt tar t;rtelt irt„xurarn~ *erinirlatea to acetatdarca with ,.rawer s atrr <br />