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*~;4 <br />I,:,_ <br />~ ~ i ~ ,~WF<< Vim, e, ~ a ~ ~_.: . „ <br /> <br />-~ ~`~~`` ~~~. ~~~~ d ~si~-' :Ills .. ...... `-? da of .. ... - ........ A.L., <br />l~~~aees zl~e hior*~agr±. .. ..-..ger i~_J.aft..anr1..I?onrea..it_.I<ssf`.t,_.Fifas -nd_.azsd.-Wi£e..aad-Earl 1 <br />, <br />~.a~dv-.4~d_.'~~;~~,. ~.I,~A~tr--~u--^'--~~k ...„._::a.~ntZ,s--and_.S-evexally..arsd..z',.theix. o~a~ r <br />h <br />rf .._. ~r~.-Is'd-...-._, L'ounty of ._-.i1~;tl-------------------------- State of -..-.~ehxask~---.., hereinafter referred <br />t the £orrrwer; and the 'S~lsrrtgag~, rIF1S'I' ~'E~Er? AI;, SAT~TI1vGS ANI3 I.OAAT ASS~CI~fiIOi+7 OF <br />1.I:-~CLN, ?2>5 "'ti" Street, Lincoln, ~ehrsslzs 5$5Cli, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />a.S Lender, - . <br />~Ti'rs:*az;:~sr<°s=zz; That the said Borrower for and in cansideratian of the sum of .--.--5#.xty-Eighfi• T-lmasand <br />_and-.rIiEI.1B.#t---~_~-,'•' --'~°-'°-°--__-----~,~..r,.R,.,.~....._~...~.I?ol;z~rs iLS a.fix?C7t~i€~F#3Q-.-... ..............) <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby rilortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assig€tR; the <br />following described property located- in the County of ..................Il<all--..-----....-..., State of Nchrssks: <br />All oz' I,ot i<`lve (5) and the Southerly Six and Six Tentlss (bbc:) _ <br />Peet o~ Lot Three (3) Block Six (6) College Addivion to must <br />Z~x~m; Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraslta. <br />zrrrz€za with-all the:imflrovemerits-now or hereafter erected on fire properly, and ail tai€a~ <br />tights, appurtenances, rents,. royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water ri8lsta, a;ad <br />w~t$r stock,-and-all fxxtttres now or hereafter. attached to the property, all of which, issa:ludirsg r-~- <br />meata and additfosss thereto,-shall hd deemed to be and remain a part of the pritperty eoveretl try tts <br />I~Ioztgage; and all zaf-the foregoing, together witFi said prcipQaty (ar tl~ tea~ht?Id ~t~te in tlz~~wt t <br />3tAfoa~Ggage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property„ <br />Borrower etivenasxts that Borrower is lawfully- seised of the estate hereby c'anvey~3 and has also r%ght <br />t4 msirtgtzga. grant sad Canvey the Property, that the Property is unencumbetrd, and that f3arrr will <br />~varzasrs~ and dt'fend generally -the title to-the Property against all claiisss and demaatds, atshtt~=i to v- <br />_ =^~~is sztd zEasGrictions lisGecl in a schacluis of exceptions to eoverags in any title irez~snc~ gvfic~ iztr <br />spring Lender's-izsierest in the ProFerty, or f?} st#orney's opinion of titre min alssiract of t~ ~1 <br />laX hc~rsded ahstsacter. <br />- -P'a~a~-~n~~-~ As_~vsvz and ~ nrn#~ o~ecic'tsd a_s±d clnliv€?rr,cf_ ?,n tl~ folla~i ~=.:~gs4~. -, _s <br />n=~ri~ .rd -,~1-~.4,t$ of ~ ewer, trs-wet: <br />., , -_ ~ - 3 _ - - <br />-- - - r• ...rt -. ~~-r~~-%~-€~~-t€s -, us s.€€~€~, ~:~ca:c:alrr=s % ~_ - -. -.. -_~~- - . .-. _._ ~. ' <br />:dr#SL.-#Y~~~..tei7"_ ._ ~ _'•~'•_.~^ _~ ,•~-'••~ --~~ ~.•^-~,•s_xs[t~ -- s c::a a- p ~- 8°'s- .. <br />payable as proaided in a note executed and delivered, cwsscurrently herewith, the flssal t*ayrnrrst of ~riiGmt= <br />if-not sot~sserpaid, on the .........,1z'tzr&t...-.,. day of ...... ~~ _., .........._,.__-..-.., . ~+ <br />ITxztxssi~z. ~t}YSxAxTB Borro~rer and Leader +:ovensat and agr~ as follows; <br />..- <br />I. Tsapnsiaaat of Pritzei#acil aixd hstet, Borrower shall Promptly pay whsa due the Izrissripal ui antf - <br />tereet an th+e izidelatt=dness evfdenteci by the Note, prepayment send late i'hsrges as prctvidsrd i'ri ttsi ;>late, <br />ssid'the grirstipstl of and interest nn any Futus~ Advsnc essre!d by this Lfortgs. <br />~, Fundg Y z Snh,.~t to I,atsclet'~? _ a~~ ussder pa-rss~er?sph3z .4 a_acl ~ hf. -. <br />rower shall bender on thv day monthly irtstalimenta o~Ps^inciPsl and interesit are t~~yaltie umnc~r ihr <br />f~Iote tusiil the Note is paid in furl. a sum fherein "f"'unds'") eirual to une-txrtfth of the yriy tam sad <br />a5s~-wmemts tvlticls sx?8~ sttaus ~,rlt~ ovs~ this €~t~ge, eat ~d rents t f,ri'ri r! u.E ~.u.: <br />grl~twei[th of t"es~ty pr€ntlusy s~te~lsiit+nfs flu-bard izssutstac~, plea c-tv:etftlt oz yr~t psasiu:.. iu. <br />stallrrtents for mortgage snassl, 2f ah~: alt &~ rea,aaldy+ est3nu-ted initly sncf fnras iusN~ to ctm++ lrY <br />Tinder on the pals erf s~emts and biita iet~ r~soaabte ~ tltsf; ~:~elet I! apply the t~hrnda <br />try pay said taxes, ssses,ments, is~uraa~ce presnis>rrtcv-tad ground senhs. t+hall ittpkr no clsasg€• far sa <br />hoiging and. sp{riping tiro rinds ar tren?Yistg axtd ~mpltusl; sand e~en~na~~ anu tr,ii:~, l lei e~rn~~r ntn~ti <br />' e, £h.. R., _t~"`!IIt t, _ eY e .,fl.,n .~F i#,o 1.~.,o~v ~Y~n~ri,. rcufri tom, nnr! ,tr~he~~ ~.~ tt~e _ ~uncks and rho purpose #or whirls de?>st ~ the Fltstd9 asi mask. The I~'unctn Are4plc~.iaecl as att"titi"rti+- <br />security far the suzns..•,ecuxEd l;y ttris D:3ortgsga. The Barn~wer agrees that i3:a F1z;sds mnp ixe h:3c1 6; LhL <br />°-j I.~eatler earl cocumiug}ed ssith other .funds aad the Candor's owzs futscls aad the Lender ,irAS' E~y Hush i#:ri,3s <br />€rons'i#~ 9i+vn funds sttd c~ ~° Lender. shall not 6e IiahIe for irstereet or dividends an suzc~s F~attcla, . <br />~i tae &>;ivmd. of tlse Funds he-? lip I~nndaz•, sugnsleer with tb~e future ,nns:shly izsslluulsta# ul <br />.- payable prier to Ilse i~ne dntea: of taxes, manta, insurance praaiiszins and p~atsnd , ~Il erics~ <br />t~ aPZSOUtst ruirecl to ~* said texas, seuta, insuz~lce pratlaivme and ~rYd z~zts=~ they fall due. <br />sucli ~t~ ,.Issul he, ~ rrower'a o taxi, eif.I~ Par~siupfilY rid ro l3arroa.~tr or c~dltad to l3wer stn <br />inonChly installments- ref Funds. If t~ axunssnt :of 4he Fundx h+~Id by Lestder shell not lm ssst~ri+snt txr Isay <br />t~=~ ssg~,~ ~* , iiss, rte; ~ ~d gr~sutd i~sta ~ t*.se+,,~ #sII tlue, Sari+~.~sll< t€t-f~sstGer <br />oxTj- asvvuie ~:u-i naaisiY.. i~tiianC u"}] '4 iGiitsiL4'[e£li:Y YY~IIIIi. idliTiyCSay6 3[iGYS' nuGtCS: > .E~iider iV ~vixv~i'e'? <br />-ri-;u~c,ii?; ,tar cu~i~i ii~~reuirur [sur;Vw*sF BiIati, oy a:i in~7••35C inuSnnrssiy iat,5itkerit5 tai' PYTads r£C~liFred, <br />[1Poss pax-merrt in tali of all stiisss secured by this I~kirtgage, Lender shall sp+~'- Funds bald ss s credit <br />agsirat ail-ss,due: <br />