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<br />
<br />.,~~~ - -3' ..~..
<br />"il~"IdIS r_'G.i?l?:&,~--`F%~'T, >,zvdc tr':is
<br />Tenth day .f Tsnuary
<br />~ tFe ~elFeriS% end I Q P1n. ._~,~.m~ EgF
<br />, .;p 7~ , vet,e~~e~
<br />!aer :.'s ;,.ase,> > Jersed to
<br />iaereinafPer referred to as #%~e buyer(s).
<br />Z~1?~t~'.~,iS~Tl-I, PT;u' the sill€r(sJ Feerelsy cc-uanartfsj and air€c(sJ that #f tke fiaayestsJ skill first xn~ke the pay-
<br />ar,ent(s) and per}or>.z flea cmeexant,r kerei-,uFftrr stta~tiasEed rs~s T:is, hsr ar t"near pea t to t>e made and ¢erforaned, the .taiet
<br />,~rllrw(sJ agree(sJ to fr~rrith u~ry~er(sj a goad grad saf~r~nt a~stract of titi: snoz:°irg a n€ercTtantalale title of rerrrrd t~
<br />t#~e premses hereinafter descrab5d ix the seltaris), anci mill convey ar~.d assxr.~ to tFe hz?ycr/c;, ix fee simple, clev`'~ of a71
<br />ersseonlsrasu~es c.rcept as stated herein, by good axd sufjtcient ld%arranty ~e=d, tke fagoting lat, piece a~sd parcel of
<br />gra€rard, to if~t,'
<br />Lot Nine {9), Black 'it.ra {2), Lakeview Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska-,
<br />And the said buyer(s) cavenant(s1 and agree(s) to pay to said seller(s), the satsn of FORTY-THREE
<br />THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100--------- {$43,000.00)-- - I}faLLAItS,
<br />iu tlta snalenar failou~+ng; FO~iRTEEN THOUSAND FIFTY FOUR DOLLARS AND 30/100----($14,05-'..BOf-------
<br />17iiil~ars, cash in nand paid, fire receipt 2rlaereaf is hereby acknowledged, and the bale=a:ce pa1rctbde: Ta sellers'
<br />present loan, a~58410 in the amount of $26,945.20 to First Federal York, Aurora,
<br />Nebraska o*_± the ba_ais of $254, 53 monthly principle arid. interest plus an eacrar~t
<br />papm~nt of $$1.87 crhich is subject to change, as taxes and insurance rates change.
<br />Buyers agree to assume all responsibility of the loan on the afire mentioned
<br />prsrpertp and it is agreed that a signed deed will be held in escrow at Da-Ly
<br />Realty and Insurance, Inc., located at 2514 South Locust, Grand Island, NB. to
<br />be delivered to zhe buyer when the lean is paid off. It is further understood
<br />that the 4ellers remain ablioated far the marigage balance and therefore Nava
<br />a vested interest in keeping the property insured as mentioned below and in
<br />keeping the taxes paid on a current basis.
<br />-~btd-€;itt'g..S~ tIt tt€±-rat8 ~; 9 ~ ,~€±' rat-~Pr t3#?i~'it, ~s~~aDf2 Pai:t::1J _ _ _ - Sat t!:a-~~JSGte ? rfS--..
<br />rag' frara liras to tuna acrepaid, and to pay aU general texts, that may be legally lecKad or imposed upon said Bernd, srtb-
<br />sequswt #a the year 1976 and aU installrstents of species assessan~*nis or spec-ia' ta;•as baeotning due or dati»queRt
<br />~eP' the 2Sth of each month and keep tna buildings in a raasonabla sfaia of repair ttnd inswrad
<br />f+a' ~ 30,000.00 - ff td~cre is a rtguge urt said property,, pray iratcrest arul taxer thereon uQ to ~?uly 1, 2001
<br />ar early pay-off It is rnutiaally agreed that flute is an essential etea+irnt in this contract. .lad it is further
<br />agreed` tit itn rasa of any patyrn$nt, eitltar of principal or iz~terast, raattaizting unpaid far a spare of 30 days
<br />after the seats shalt becatx2 des, marl in case of failur_ of the said buyar(sJ to rxad`c any of the afarasaid p,:ytats
<br />prozrided for hereiM nr the breach of an±r ether eo~raxtant contained herein, this caxtract shaft at tna nation of the seltertsl,
<br />Se ftrt~faitad and determined and the beaver(s) slsalI Parfait old pnyttacnts rnan'u nerattncier, and .rush payments sPuttl ba
<br />retaixed by the satlrr/s) as litlttid~tted datnctges an fstfl satisfacticrn of all tke darxagas satstained, and seller(s1 skill hurt
<br />#~ rigkt to reverter tt~d take passessiott of sc-itt pr~mitas afor~sa3d.
<br />7`iutt fhit agreainent stael# not ba rusi~ad by buyav~s) haul the a~~t^itta» cansant of the sslter(s).
<br />-~ _ `~ R`~
<br />It is tnnudstall~t agreed- tAat all- t&e raxt.Yetcaitts aatd agxr enis karsiu ca~ntai~ed akaU ,rxtend t~ artcl ba oti{igatr
<br />.rp~z tlzc hers, ex€crstors, axrn~isTTaters ~;nd a:.,c n; t#,€ rssp~ti p,,.t;;as. -
<br />IXv Yi'I'1'tV Zi.S'S' t~GraFIF~I~~~, ttta pvrris¢s of these prassnts ntt~aa Itereunta set their hands and seatx the day and yeti
<br />ftr'st ~ ~~it ~• j
<br />-~ ~arstt ar~a'art in ~ie.ate,~-af , . ..,~ ,t~~~ .FL. ~J
<br />~~ t
<br />:.
<br />n_ 1... ~._ .:ice.-. ~ _y
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