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___,_s~__~_..__----.~~__ ~~.-.- "~ ~- yiC)iiTGAGELOAN3i0. `L G3n3C~ ti~Ii. <br />s::~;c~aL}.~x~!~~'~rt~st~p~:..~~:icTS:That ~avtai,~. S~rlirt~ a sirgi~ pars©n ~n~ JarricRa K. 3~rst, <br />+~.. .~i5 ft~t$ ~b r3 ~R. g <br />C.4ortgagor, whit}see one ar ntora, :n consideration of the seta of <br />Tr~Qnty-Three Thc}usand Four :iundred and lNo~14G~--------------------.._-------___-- >~aLL.aI~ <br />ioaned to said mo:ig~rar by T}te equitable Bui}ding and Luau Association of Graad island, Nabra~ka, ls4artg~,gee, up.:sn ?~~ ;hares of stack of <br />sa#d ASSt?ClATIO*:, Certiftcate No. L 23,323 P9GI~a hereby grant, Canvey and mortgage unto the said A::SOCIATlt3N the fallawi~tg <br />des;:rib.°d rea? estate, situated "an Half (:eunty, Nebraska: <br />Lf~T TklREE (3j, IN BLOCK FIVE (5~ IN <br />RUSSEL ~lNEELER'S ADDITION T6 THE CITY <br />OF GRAND I5LA~ND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with al! the tenements, hereditamrnu and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached door coverings, a!1 window screens, <br />wi;zdgw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heatins, sir conditioning, acrd plumbing and water equiaraent and acce_exazres therCtca, pruaxsrs, s*~~, <br />re€riaerarars, and other }`fixtures and equipment now nr hereafter attached to ar ttsedrn canttectiart wltlt said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hetehy agree that the mortgagor shah and will pay ali lases and asszsstnettu kv}td ar <br />- as~~d ttpan premises and ttgan al+rs ntc.*ts,:,gt and the band secured therr}ry before tftc same si~~L l~~aotr~ de}i= ~t~:nt: to fs.-nish scv'td <br />insurance upon t}te buildings rn said premises vtuated in the sum of 523 QQQ, (}(J payable to said ASSO%fATlt7N and to ds$ver to <br />AS5td('IATI{}N the palie}es fnr said insurantx;and not to commit or permrt arty waste on or about Diu' premises; <br />In case of detach in the performance of any of the terms and sorditions o€ this martzage <rr the bond secured }trzebv, the trxaftgagtt stall, <br />an dtm~t~?, l>= en?;t}ed to imrtrydirts r;,,s~ssrar, a}' tfre marrgaged gre7-itisesa and uke ;:or~~.: sr~s y~ s, tra..~;f,a °- ; ~+} .=v~r t., ty,= <br />trtartgte all the rents, ravenut-s aad income to be derived frara the mortgaged premises dust o s ++ h #iat>: as the martg indcbtedneas shalt ramgia <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have :he power tea appoint any agent or agents it Wray desire far the isarpase oi' repairing said prentisas and tar.4ing <br />the same and eoitectink rhs rants, revenues and tncame, and i4 may pay out of saidutaarse sl} e~ntn~x of rtpaii~ ~ nsc_s ~~d ,~.y <br />canunissiona and expenses incurred in renting and mansgistg the~same and of aalkctrng renrats therefrani; t.*~ balattx renrain}ng, if any, to ba <br />applied tawatd the disa:harge of said martgaga indabtednt~; these rigtrts of the nortgagee relay be exerc;sed at any lima during tha aaistenvY r,,f such <br />- de{{-u}t, }erespecr}ve of any rerup<~rary waive[ Eat site xatnc. <br />_- - ~ tt~se l~restnts, huwerer, are u}r~an the and}lion. `Chat if tha said ;«Earzgagar shat rtpav eras }axa an ar betare the taattutEY of xsrid shares by <br />paymcttt; pay month}Y ro said ASSN'} ;TIO'; of rhs assert sgesitied in the fiand secured hs'ethv ss inttresS an~f pr;<rzsi~l r~rt }€r;;n, oft or a~car8 <br />the Twtntiet}s day of lest eYe t.arth, u:rtil :.std loart ss €ully ...;d, pay a!l ta;~-x, ar;~+ ~s~t~='s:ts ?z Ord ~~_ ~ ~anti=~s a~ r:.n t#v ~~t- <br />-_ a7 t ~`it-,~ _ .r,~u~a=g. i ai+U -~.* B trmcr nc'c ~aa i~x~ 9~ie4zrtgs tRcr ~^ ;c fnc ~rrt ~ ~ L ~2: ~~U. `€~i~t ~~'H37~- <br />_ xsf s~ a_~..s ar; a?tCitti; ~,nav~r.i stn ;~~ir~: ?a ijrru f'i?tt ~^.~.:,.°n'? ~g .°.tE'-n?U n_t t, ~'.tt ?;;r ~u.:?t ta_ nss, tt~..~ _.. _ ..ire? -•,s~,~ 4 to i°E~.`. ~ =t <br />- the saa ~.. le$ 1 cxt_ tu_-oR t ._...1 x_ f ..b all a£ wh vii ~ __ ~..-(lttr..tti ~ , ,:a-~ ~ {' ~~:~ <br />a ,i ~r s t4?.tS nn <br />_ - - '~ :k 4r-.n ~~. ~:.:.. ... ~ -~ - vv. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~`.~~.g`s>lur -'si. ~ ni,.r-va: ~ - .~± ~ ~i~ _ <br />with sA the requirements of the Carrstrt:ritun and Byd awl sit said ASStx1ATl4N, «l:en these preszntt s#ia}} became null and raid, athanvise they <br />slso}l remain in fuU {eves and may be €arecla~!:I at Rho agtian of t}se said ASSQCIATIt"1N aster t`ailurt fear t}acc trtanths to maka attY of said <br />paynrents ar bt '.'Ne!e rnanths !n arrears in making said tnanthiy paynxnts, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions a}'said Band; <br />and Martgagar agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such fureckisure pruceed.ings. <br />}f there is any t:hange in cawnerslrip of the rea} estate nwrtgaged harein, !sy sale ar atharwise, than tha entire teaiainieta itt3ebttdnea5 herelty <br />secured shall, at the aptlan of The E,quitabie &ullding and Lawn Asstxiatiaa of {;rand }eland, Nebraska, beGrorze immediately dos and ~yablt without <br />further notice, and the aritcunt rerrctitturg due undtr said bond, and any at}ire bond for any additional advances trade thereunder, shall,.Irotn xht <br />hate of rxersise aC ssisl eptien, bear interest at t}re nra.:bnu~m raft. and this nta;tga;. tt~y then ;~ fcx :lased to sat~fy tha atrKaant dtai on ~„i <br />Isond, and any usher bond fur addttional advances, [ abethtr with al} sung paid by The Equity#~ Buddisrb araS Loan AwssEion of Grand Island. <br />Nebraska {sae laurrance, tars and assasstrtenis, anv~ abstra;?ir~g extension charges, wtih int¢rest thereon, {ram data of payment st r}xe maximurn <br />s,.a.t _ <br />mho. ,a.G. <br />Ax provided in the Bond secured lreceby, while t}tis tnarC~aga remains in elfeet tha rrxartvapte sttav hereafter advanx additu,nat :amt to the <br />'vaiiax ue - to ,r,taii, uxcit uxceg~.lls ut Ys.r:ywt _ ~t.eSr~ +, weiit.rt ;'tUrn;c 3llatt C'+!' wlltrur Y}te secrtlii a! i}tla tnart~"age tlYO &att~ ~ t}ie ft121/'lS lrl~ n°`tfY <br />securest thereby. r}te rrsta! attsotu:t ctf prtnripa} tiebr War to ts;€etl at any tittle ttte origiit31 xinuunt of ttus stte_tr?. <br />l~md t}` 3rd ~ stay at - January ~. l~..1~7~ <br />f~ ~dn1C2 kPt"sb <br />n l' o Tlrfirc-r''l~A , ai tlrr this ~i}"d day of JdnUary 1A79 , hofam Brio, <br />!:"EICIlNTX {3p'ti,4l.Ir~ _~_ <br />iia-iilu d: S~p~,,ii'~itr;=tars is ~~ftt,~#.~ `~@l-R t~ khe;:nde;sobred„1+dtaary~,tD6:is:a::tffarsa}dCosaty,petsan:llX ~~ <br />~dF#'~~8.~. iKil~$~rt'"$_ Stl~#J~e (~ri. motto arE? anallyknawtsta <br />~ t ~ <br />me is 1#~ t}~ iti4is~ p2ts~: ~ wlt~ ~n'$~ <a ~~tc 3hs abc,~~srstrrttrettt as stye ~ a#rd ~h~Y stsretally <br />atdtnavrkrdgett th, said mt}rurr>;3t4tttt,oe .Lr .i,t' - , v!+hlnta~4_+~ <br />- _ *n,r~..:ea r.,. is a,. ~x~~~ ._1e~S~. .r'"S <br />pfy~omtrrsssxtnaatpirsa ~la~,~~+'hs.'~ -..~ ~~e~L~.~.~.^-~ ~~ a ~ /~- <br />`~'- ~_ _ •~;1;'.~'-~ ~~~G.i-'mot=~;.r <br />G ~ i` ' ~ NotaryFublie <br />~~;~~ N~~`~~r <br />