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s?~tli. =STAT'~ ~C3RTti~u~ ~~8 r !Re -7 r, <br />~~~~ _~, <br />t <br />_.,. Saruary _~?, 1379 <br />i <br />uo~la:ta ~. ;5~_ol~~nbsr~ (also ?~-~~r-i as 13srrla7d Stcrlt~n~arQ3 "nd R- ~`arie Si:e2tenbe~, <br />~usbanra aiid -wife <br />Hortgagnrs, <br />oY_ A~3.1 ~eetznty, _ Nebraska In cnnsidarati0r. at <br />rise aslYanr_e 0t LS4e principal s+um racltad in Gha note her9lriafter described, re;;eipc of which is aclutrwled>Fed, hereby <br />mortgage snd convoy t0 <br />`FFiE f£O£RAl t_ANO BANK OF 4MANA, a Coreorataon, <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br />ds Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68;flOs <br />Mortgagee (sub;ect t;? 011, qas, and mineral rights ov;Wed t;y parties other than Mertgagnrs; exist1ng easetsenta of <br />record: reser=sticns in united States sndStatepatants; andi;he rights of t2?e public ir. alI highwaysj, thef0il0win$- <br />dascribed real estate in Ha11 .~Cotu4ty, Nebraska . <br />SEC. TYrP, i':8. <br />NW's--_---------.-------- ----- 35 12N 10 WEthP.M. <br />^°r-'-=Wing ~-bQ ac,ts, ;,~,rere or less, eu~~ther with sti a: itinr rigtzc, t1elc+, and interest <br />(now pxztedorizereatter ac~ulr2d 0it;:e ;9ortgsgars it srtid nroperiy, irctuding nit buildings, imprevc~ents, Pictures, <br />or appurtenances tttarenn or huceriCer S+iared thereon :'i >M ter, 'rriga!.ich, ^z:d 'ti+~:lra;a rt~;r_~i the ~~aem~r4 <br />sared;~vaae,c :sre aPF't3z'CC=n n tha_ _ rh9 _ ~cn~ PrO;lt srisici Srutn maid 1~tiLS, an@ [it- <br />fha tsnrt~n -z ~i ere - sn ,+_ _ _ - - ~ -`v 3 [-'~~-~ ~i_ - p-~i x <br />Z cez4se.s, ornrlviloge `~1?P et ~~ t u ; 1pp t? ~,,s e ,old !r ' t?kad ,re:t;.,z.. ,.;,x~r t,~re::.tar~4_..u~a, ax*e:zde3, <br />~r "r?[i~sd r~ Ch,7 rs0r*•gsg"r> 1 C-2d t3b(:U v. ~.;., ~..3tf.- ... x:.., :. i,.^. m.~.":f z2 - <br />g~~r,}geore~ ., r, `~•W e:.__ __ rha_____ - 2 .-~c. .: l~rt^ti I.rCr~r?.--F,}' s3 ?o~'it~d ~7F <br />-'31d- ~;=I'u~€n l;_ sl xF: _ rrj-vr,,.v •.-,rn-Tr _.. ~,~ ~__ _ ___ _ _- _ <br />t:h ah~lnrir~l a nt SAi7F''d'T'1T `1'FSLSI; '4AAIQ !'sIX EIIiAL12R Il AId11 Nf1 9!1!2 _ ._ _. `-°._.__ ._ .___ _._,--.-.__. _.. <br />_ ~ <br />s,.~, ~,u,.ri -w, ~~ xi-sierra i+:+; ~:. ,,x fn irie tar9ns Or ,eSC: tl4CN, ri:W f,nxa3 t:t1y9•tint 5_ t!ii. ,.fit: v:1 e- t .~~a t§9 f t<-~-,33v <br />pr -- ~- rz~',~rs '~~ ,....,,.~.____._,.. 'nr,s ,.ot4vaysn4z :;hail be Ynld upob t.tte „«~ment n. rid fi.;ztuuissn.,~ rinr:a, <br />-1?iis~mOrtgage is sub~eet to the pr0visi:,r!s of :'F:E FAAn rRE;I??T ACS` and x11 nets ~vaandat0ry !:;:event cr s:;ppletnentxl <br />v'Sit-r@t0„ 1^ze proceeds of t:~r3 1 ^s;t secaz~d he:rebr x11';. ba used for the purposes slieciflad in the Flartgrs+ aPpli•- <br />Catlaz; for amid 2na:1 szzd au*~ic1r1' r_.y said Act. <br />21'za-~eiortig~s, ors, curd, as^ri o.f iher€, T.rereby xarr:tnt the*.. they are feu citrmcrs bt the innrt~.t,HU'd rani nr0kerty; chat thrty <br />~ilz defend that tY Se 3gs1t1 r sii cisi!nsr,CS wh0a,soeYer, zu4d that ssld proper€y Ss tree irc:,n ail <zze.u~stzrarces; that <br />Lhey wfZl. Sceep s; i .a '?~rcwemeht.e, ztnres, sn,l sppurtezranres occuplaq aria 4n repez'r and pe*^t~it na sr<ta et <br />w4a; and they w:rz reiinguavt? all „~ to ~r h,;yNStesd in °aid premis=es, °a.deOYenant s,~id ag.Ea xitt; the t4srCicaaae. <br />;i - rig. t~tai tt'so;r wi,i prgr a~z~a n'arr 9.ii taxes, liens, ,yudgmantti, 0r assess-.e:ants whi,:h rt~t; brr lawfully as:essec! aga.lztS[ <br />Ghe #+rpperty herein cpnz•t~:sgd+d. <br />- ( 1 ?:hat. hey ~i~s j ...1, r <p t - - " r ~, .:' - t g - '~ rc ~ts~r -- l[S - ~1x"'h i~ft:a~ t=a p*aced <br />c~ said ~'C`~il~ r i-s~ a a -..~' x. ~a .3. nay. r c a.z. anc, : x 0, ~rS ail b ~t~~rsea .1,.H a +nc, ;.fie :-Ieluaa <br />s -~__ rsi.i: ilia- sn3a Ghara;,,nd r :u ,r~s ~.ayad2e ca Gna rw°rtgagett A~4 soul.. raCt.luCa ;aet3 bzi used to pay tar recoztstructiezz <br />of tine isk"ayed ',t~9uv~,ents 9•, if lxttt -a applied, ma,,, at the OFvian ©. Coe Piortg~se, ba appiiev in pdyxa9zt of <br />any indebCednaas, xtured ar r,z;t~tursd, sa~.~red by this renrUgsga. <br />~~ <br />' t - 944 - S ~ Y ~ - - <br />~ llrlvlt~ ol, tad nutile E- ~ _ , ~ :~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~- <br />cib~1#• , 9='._ ~ttx~t:r t n-..err, .».<. ., et.~. Y,~ ~ _.. - cre.~.~:..W, ~x i_ i%1~ st~i~Ci <br />r - -u ~- kii~ a.,~ as xr -pct' ~zt~c:,~~_ s +°Fha~ p€`c~?'ty t.s l~s~?~tBu' ~~i <br />GD p~Iit*m 'h 1 cGSer+r~fevCr',i ~4.C ,, ~,, iii t. ,.'. ittva'iitif)iz, ai9d sti;uzi;aG.zin i;a~H ~.,R;'~t Ct5 $n8p 13ai•h of Gh~ ~lktie t~F~C14'1ti <br />St5nft4n~; ,rd .:, tr[r~r esarr, a y- r. n n, , .,r~a_-ire re3~ 4i. ~ ax*~~~e.r ~~ a. ,.~ a wd <br />..! I Ss:a i;trt, wn1vH Fleii'~ -Sii~ t~trrV [ SP to t'] ':,?: Ga3R `P~_~,n3F ~4~,= ~"~G-~- 3S£i~74 3r L'€:'A#' t <br />j ,t; pubAtc domain rxi's~9'agzzlE.y- t}' !gorr.t;~ee icr :,sciz'14Y ~u'PVSAS. - - ~~~+~`3~- <br />j ii,nL _:t ;.n7 ~,~e„c r.l:r fa,: CyrrKrre is a nsrty t0 &0._Y ~:G»~2 sff~ctir,tt the aa.ur3k_Y '?r h+' ''=_ia ~. 1r„ mart- <br />i ~a~; tn0iuutnu s,n} .t c n_s cb 'yr-tcxgee -;+ r; e_;:ri~?e, Eitjas°t`? tzF' ~tsty ~.zit_ ttt ek:i:c,'4 tlzt~ '~3't-"C ,~ b~ nNttad <br />2 St rca aef»d+ ,c in v~nich I 1 JUilgate^. eF DI'Qte~4 its rig3lts X99' Yiaa, SnrvttdlrxYt c+~a~l~satrzaaGion aztd .ankretDtry <br />4 Pltn:eer ing~ ihr: nerc.~..4gea msy n0!,r F Kpe.,se: arid -~f~nstYC>#-:gay~aslts -!1'n`, a3#stra^L-teas, atCM1'iS°tsvGy CeES (excdpt to she <br />i .. s~.:~,,.~ Gr„h:~i ~„~~ ,~,y 1&~n?, cvacs, H7CimneWS_ anc oilier ai(9x`~`es, - ~ - <br />(61 'mit; Sn tSle eVellC th~ tK rtaa ~r~rs nt ;.n 7r! whgn ~t9 ~~.r afy.t . +~; ..,. ..~, <br />,Yif2g 2Yi ~ , <br />n tent t: it Lrr,n + r'1, h - ~,-o g^r r3 t- ~ a 1 ,~ -- - ~..v. , b. ~3L-:,, 4„ '~iL t~ <br />t.. t^1,o. ,:r - e~~a €~'~t ~€ ~^ t~t~ 0f arty l~sa, <br />p rl '11e~' , F}:ir ai a ) z , trN,r 2a n:••~ ~~ _c r ,~ C -_~, ; <br />i e ~,nxa&, t 7nh,te2• rhs.rc,.. 4 ~n..act n ,.1„1r !1 - R~__c- ~. -?-•-~ta~a: ,~ ~:~~ ~.- - ,...h~a~¢ .-n~y~ <br />_ - t u :~~,1_ ~tl ',~. ~~ii,r. 3Jr 'ie ni tUUr, PtilU Ln~t 1'P.i r~r 7.~ nerrmm.8 ~?Si"` Pf--t2:a iP.28b,#-31 .~., st.,, i. t1ErEby de:N <br />.: <br />c f . h, R, v 1 -. , ~- .._ _ _ <br />5 i. fi?ir, -rite - - - . - - _~ ..._ ~,. ~.. a--~„ ;.r" _ 'si:l <br />'t <br />t 1. - - - - - <br />,; ~ <br />