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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> •l`t-fE MOFt.-t'GAXOR FURTHER C OVENA1v7.'S AND .AGREES: <br /> <br /> ,at tlK• 030 #.Nwncrr lolls pa•; the its here.iniwforr, preyaided. <br /> That the, Nlortgaxor is the c~ vner of iwid property in fee ,timple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and <br /> zvi-vey °hr sa-rrr a»d that the mane is free and clear of any lien or enf'rrnbranoe: and that Mortgagor will warrant and de!end the <br /> title to "id ,:.remiltfir boot Ohe rlai ns *.d all persons Whomsoever. <br /> ' w f.;r ftre~ it ia?~«•d;ate ly whrn due. Yiar:i pay-lible all <br /> general tt:ites, special taxes, rpPrial asnen.sments, water charge s, sear, Derv. <br /> ice i lu+.rp: -e. s+n,! vuher tat,c-a end charge,; -i;sinV "aid property, ani all taxes levi+wd on the debt ucured hereby, anti to furnish the <br /> ti4 ?rtka,;e•. :;;ern rr~:ttte t. -its the Otginal or duplicate rwcv iptc t!w•rrfnr The Mortgagor agrees that there %hall be added to <br /> rRr!t r. I:ly 9ytnent rr,urrrd iii-tr-urlder •,r ureter the f,vidence of debt twcurrrl hereby an aniovhl estimated iiy the .Mortgagee <br /> To ie saffi,:etit U, Fnab!. the Nfartgavrr trs tray, us they brcceanf due, all tttxrq, avws,%ments, and similar charp:-c upon the. prem- <br /> i i:nrrl s+itree; tt,,retre any d ficienry bt•caunY of *ho ir;rufftreencv of %uch additional payments shall he+t forthwith deposited by the. <br /> wi in ;,cos xlth it%,• t' ilre•e uj,-11 drrriynd by th. Vortgagri^ Any default unetPr thi-i paragraph shall he eleernrd a default in <br /> G) payment o¢ tyx", rs s~rnr,it=; or similar charr.•a required herrunder <br /> I h~ . <r,wtt ar ;r a, ;e t•5 that there shall a!,,o b.• aa.lded to each rn(,nthly payment of prinrif:al anti interest re•quirr.f here. <br /> '.in,fe•;r a+n 4sttlew,11 esun-mt-i lay ttrr Mortgar" to x , flici: nt to enable the. Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, they tnSUrance <br /> pre-ni;:+t: or+ any it+zura+ru.• policy dehvere•a to the !V.ortgap-o, A.ny de•Trcir•ney becruw of the insufficiency of such additional pay. <br /> r7ont6 O'aill 1u. forthwith derp-itod by the. "lort,K-.r,gor with the MortFng-e urinn demand by the Mortgagee Any default under this <br /> fiver-irrn;lli Toni: fw r!errr„•e' a rir•fault 1t-, the, vavmertt of inwumnce jrr,miiims If the pc+licy or fx,licies deposited are such a4 F*, mr•- <br /> rrw•nRr% if rl! ri»r t w l%t`iaa, rind the derx)'itr. are inst:l'icient to pay the, ,ntire premium, the Mortgagor may apply th;e depn4rt to <br /> ftay prt,mium% on riskic regliirµd to be inure-t: by 'him morigage, <br /> l's+ ttev,te road(- by the Mnrfgaror under f!te ,91wwe paragrapt;r may. at the oplinn of the Mortgagee, be held by it and <br /> e: •-~rrr7; z. *:c1•c'. t,;O: other ++itt.h funds or its oKn tiro,':; for the, payment of such items, anti until 4,•i:, such payments tire heruh.v <br /> pl*N,rr-ti e1i+, ±ee•ur+ty for thr unpaid ',glance of tile. inorttage indebte-3nexn. <br /> '1"+e ;,rcx-vre, to and maintain for the heentrfit of the mortgagee during the life of lhix mortgage original poliries and <br /> tear 4ai< 'l..^rtY,.r de!!-r-d at bast tell days hrfr>te the arf>irati:•n of any such rx.licit~ , insuring against fire and, (other insurahk- <br /> har:crri,• ; ssvfines, and contingent-i" as the %Jortgagee may rijuire, ir, an amount equal to th« indebtedness tucured by this <br /> Nlortp%ire, and in :,+rniranir. rerce;,i thin to the Vcirtgagee, -ith lo:+s payable clauP,e in favor of and in fora' acceptable to the \lortga- <br /> 4et-- L: tt r• rve••nt an;: licV not rrner•wvd on or L-?Jorv ten da%% of its expiration, the ?`Mortgagee may procure 1ll,kjF3.lre0rl tile <br /> toll, e^n, .+tr, pay the pr.-rnrun: there£cr, and slash •;um shall ht,c+x•ae irnineeiately due and payable with interest at the r&ie it-t <br /> r sr*f: i^ Mali: note untii , oo! and sl)all I-w- --urrd by till, martraRr Fai:ure on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals <br /> )ta ar, !wr ,irt rtaquircKf „r failure to tiay any sumr.:idvanced hore'under shall,' at the option of the Mortgagee. constitute a default <br /> and r 'tF,r terr-t of thew rnorta:aa[P. Th.- delrvet'; of sorb )licies shall. in t'1P event of default, constitute a.n assignment cif tile un. <br /> ~•lirnrrl prrmilarn... <br /> Any. moth rei,vi%ed by the NfS )rtkagee by of koss or dvrnage .iniUred against may be retaine•,.i by the `iortgagee, <br /> And applied toward tht, Va.. tnt of :he debt hereby secured, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such si: ns either wholly or in <br /> mart may b+ paid over to the Mortfrat;nr to tie, u14ed to rrfaair such buildings or to build'new buildings it;, their place or for any <br /> other frurpi t or Object satisfactory to the Mortgag" without aftelrting the lien on the mortgage for the full amount secured here, <br /> by bef»rr such payment ev:tr took placr- <br /> U frrexnptly repair, re•,tore- or rrbuild. any truilding% or impmvements now- or hereafter on the lrrrmises which may be. <br /> Clare damaged nr drstroved to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free from any rnechanic's lien or other lien or <br /> 6iiiim of lira nart eexpre-,Wy sulenrelinated to the, lien hereof: not its s+.jPt,•r or permit any unlawful usma of or any nuisance to exist on <br /> "id pri perty nar to pernut +•a3te on avid premises, racer to do any wher act whey-by the property hereby conveyed shall become <br /> 1".^ veluattle, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omissiion to act; to comply with all requirements cif law with respect <br /> to the mortgage-d prami.~ r.nd the use thereof. <br /> That should the iremi%frs or any part thereof be taken ar tlantagt J by reason of any public improvement or condemnation <br /> procrewling, or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the ;Mortgagee shal! be entitled to all compensatioro. <br /> ,awards, and any other ray rnent or relief therefor, and shall be- entitled, at its option, to commence. appear in and proeecute in its <br /> awry 177irne tiny action ar' proceeding, or to make any comprornisee or settlement in connection with such taking or damage- All such <br /> compensation. *-xMp, damages, right of action and proceeds are herrhy aizignecl to the Mortgagee. who 'nay, after deducting <br /> Qwrefrurn all its expense release any moneys so received by :t or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hemby. The Mort- <br /> gagor agars to execute such further a-mignmenta: of, any torn peia*atton. awards. damages: and rights, of action and proceeds as the e <br />;tre' rtmay' require, <br /> That in ewe of failure to perform any a the Covenants herein, the Mortgagee tray do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything .Y <br /> 30 c!+wrnanted; that tits :Mortgagee may any ae; it n3ay deem netrasary to protect the lien thereof: that the Mortgagor will <br /> repay span demand any moneys paid 0r disbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the aben•e purposes, and such !rnoneyri together with <br /> interest 0iereon at the rate provided in said note shall become so much additional indebted,.-sry hereby secured and may be in. <br /> cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage sM be paid out of the rents or proceeds of teal!. of said prerriis,es if not otherwise <br /> paid; that it "I riot be obligatory upon the MortM-*-* to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad. <br /> Vilineiqc moneys as above authorized, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring. the Mortgagee to advance any <br /> monryx 'ter mu y such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagees shall not incur any personal liability because of any- <br /> thing it may do or a+nit to do hereunder. <br /> Ira the event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Date secured hereby, or <br /> in tine performoncr of the obl4sition in this mortgage nr ire the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to rlaclare the <br /> debt w-cured hereby due and payable without notice, and the !Mortgagee sleali be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself <br /> or by 'a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any xecurity for the indebtedness se• <br /> cured :hereby. t,q enter~aport and tulle posbem616n4 the. mmizaged prernines. and to collect and receive the rents, issues and profits <br /> thermal. I" apfa..Y th isMprre; Mesa earttr of Operation:tnd colkNodon,t upon' the indebtedness; secured by this mort oge: said rents, <br /> issues, isiid proNts11;vi rjf+ere~Fa_ mod ice thr'Idetkij tit get further security for the Payment of all indebtedness "cured hereby, <br /> 11-.P Mortgagee ,hall have the power to appoint any agent or ageniis it niay.desire for the purpose of repairing said perm- <br /> ise:u; rtrating tine t:arne: coliecting the rants, revenues and iracome,,and it may pay out of Paid income all experts" incurred in rent. <br /> ,rig and mariaging the asant tint of C'OM-cting the rentals therirfrom. 7%e balarnx remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the <br /> drachar" of the mortgage indebtednnw This !saixtmi ni ix ,w terminate and biome null and void upon releaser of this mortgage. <br />