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.y ip ,mom t~3P ~. a 1~" a;l z,f~ ~l4 <br />3 3.,~ J ~1 <br />t_~ <br />rrs; , _ x _ ~ _ , - i£~_t~~.s'~~:ti ~'Lti_A ~ y ~'$_'_ „ , %x ;= Dec ~r.8. i.i3~.~.Z" '~`! G`fl <br />d;~+,1,a:env zy.ttet [s.:: ~x e~e_5 ...... -..._.,_ _.... -_-._.. -._ _._....... <br />. .............................. ........-..,.. .,.._.. -_.__- -~-- -. _.____- _---._..... 1'>r s~sv~dsi8~+:`iiS3ft~r r,~uF~~.-~;~~s m-zt.~;ag-- <br />,xrd `i'Z~,~' iiL~~.{'1~'~' ;`~.1:Il."9.`•7A2, ~~;~ Q~ iz~~37t ~~~L~ CTc~Yx`) ~Sla.}~f i3A,.~rzas7=;a, 3Zw~>ri.~~f+~'t <br />-ef-'cu't ~.~: _~ ~~ <br />m ~... <br />~ix~;~ertgagerf~rr~;=•iri=x,=rt.sid~ui_~se iv._~tlrflfi~nn? _'""..,.~.~ .......... _..__e_~._~m <br />~,°v=,~_, sr~3?~i?`~j s>~t~_£~?r.`~.v~--. ~°..-°°...-°---..- ~..~,~°°~Kl?.i.:,.:.aaidbs:ixebartC. <br />_.._ <br />t'f"=2 receipt xhcrt;of ss ht:r2by ac'~na+?edged, has granted, ta.gai~ted, sold artd conveyed, and by r?rE presents, does grant, <br />bargain, .,~}} anu; convey, untr sand bank, the fa}lowing de9cribetl mai properh• situaLe~t} in tits County of ._.__I131. ~..__._., _ ......................... <br />and B*at^ of :+7sbrasw~, tc,-~zz: <br />2ng ^,~ (2l iri ak.-~=c3a~ one rifth Si~divi~ion, Hall Cat:nty, Zvel~ra,ka <br />together wiih all the tt~nements, h:-reditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and ell the estate, title, claims and <br />demands witatsocver of the tnartitagor of, in or to said premises oz any part, thereof; and said mortgagor does hereby cov- <br />- errant, float the ma:-tgagcr is Ia:vfuiiy seized of said premises, LhaL said premises are free from 3ncumbrance and mortgagor - <br />will warrant and dFfend the title t^ said against the claims and demands of all persons whomavever. <br />Pi!t~V}DED AL~VA1'S, and Ylxr:se presents are upon tixese conditions: <br />W}iEHEAS, t're ~nertgaQar has executed and delivered to the Bank --`~ ~~~-~-1? --.-- -----_..._...._...-._-. ptytnissory note <br />c;-~t~3 ~~ni.~~v !, 1979, for $90, 44Q, f1Q at an interest rate of 10. ~0~ oxi cahic~i i.}'~te~'est wilt <br />r~i,,..-~~ air i' E}`~brt~'Y 20~}1979, a?'id tin ~e„ i0`h r1a1,o,acs£rtear~ t1z~~t.~,] ,.n~- ~ <br />$l, 214.43~each shall be due an the ~.Oth Qf traahimrJnth nciix~ Nocr~lt7, 1979, with a <br />~indl t ~qua~ to t~ exztire unp;aud .pal ha~arn-~ plus accrued u'iterest dcue an <br />:~: qs a~n1 mL=.-_ ethl. [~~1C~n~s >+aal~l ~a111~CT fi.YSt tx~ `~c~ 1~ :. ~S~~ax~a?~t~z~i` - <br />t;:,~r ~d~'i.T^T aII e4~n ed CD'??_ ~n._ntpl?Ce 9n $a4 pro 928 !n II <br />campanics approved by the bank and with standsrd mortgage clauses which policies shall be delivered to the bank, and has <br />x~gre2d to nay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises before the same h2cotne delinquent and to maintain acid <br />_- grenxisea. <br />Nuw, therefore, if the mortgagor shad comply with :,.: of the provisions of said Hate and the provisions hareaf, then <br />:bees pre9enta shall }SC null and void. <br />tSawever, if the shave note and ini2rest therecn ar any payments called far t$en'on are no+_ paid when due or if any <br />of the covenanL.t of this instrument are not cotnptied wit};, the bank, or the iaalder hereof, at its option may declare the re- <br />maining balanet of said indelstedtxess due and payable and may maintain an action at }avv or in equity to r2caver a}} amounts <br />due and enforce the pravtsions hereof. }n the event of the failure of mort~gar to maintain the premises, or to maintaia <br />_ insurance as ;s above provided ior, or to pac• taxes or assessments, the holder hereof may advance Lhc sum ar soma ~secessary <br />to obtain as#npi}ntaca and such amounts shall be added tci the amount due an tho above mentioned Hate and bear interest at <br />- fire highest legal ra#°_. -~ <br />IT IS ~C;R2"IER A~Hi':~;U, this mortgage shall eanstitute netic=~ hereof. that this mortgage is security ice not only <br />s.~e ~m:,._... __ auY R. t_ _ i~a t ~ ~?-s~iit.:u~ cc. ~. ., ~ -.. za_at.f~e ~,-.a. .E,- -,.=..:a zr sy ~-2 ~ad~ as i~ ~sptsc.~ .-s¢ "ate-. -.. <br />yt-arti!~s or•their aasigr,3 up t<, the~tota2 ansonnt atstedyin this mnrtgagz•, to the sr:me~ett~nc as advances origtnaliy maafo here- <br />under. Farther notlee is hereby coven that the tenor of each liartgage itiote including the interest rate, payment, maturity, <br />- - Fati,;~s. >ttl u-t?:Ea a ~,a .. i -.^_ai:-{nEl^ ;tpo., e+x~cxaE n _cc:ztt>' a pn,-. cs'" t!,lv ..;~~-aata - <br />- x2*. L ~ xY~T r; g€a ~ r~.uF r~ lh ~t :. ; 'tin..~ss rs?F 3rd .~,;;, n w;~ r~s...s :~ - r #~i2 ,.,n~~o~ aR 33n ~s?~4 - <br />Seauzed t[lereb]'', tay,T'ititr~r ___ _rcy - er iB5 -' a i233mi'i'.S :.u C,. „ ay "~ icY'ic< tii-rr ,,.c i,iiY:9 vr. i5 cv as.:r;<, attainat re _- <br />_- _-. - - _ t2 -- 1 +'aV ~ , -Y ..,>- :: a • „ ag -- i F,a.4, as st. ea~w c...r wr - a~ iRw1o ~6 - - <br />liven ss security, ar x,ny part thereof,~rr*n=sins unpai+l, the undersigned iinrtgagnrs ssli,ycanvey ar contraetHfa sellythe real <br />~atate herein dest:ribati, or any part thzr2:,f, or thv ilarti<,sgors da not have or cease to have title ttx said rest retat.e ar any <br />Part thareaF, the., and in any such events, the .M1ic>ztga};ee' may. at it.5 option, dcriare t.ha unpaid privacipal b:rlanr_e, and interest, <br />of the note secuwd horeby immediately duo and payaUle. Tn ttxe event thar, these pr<=~n;ises err?, not now, ar should hereaFtar, nut <br />tae occupied ley mortgagor then tills instrument .shell canstinate ztn assiKnment of re*ntals and service of a copy thereof upon. the <br />occupant shall be attffneien; to require ail paymnnt far reratai cr ass. of the premises aftYr date of sucix service to made to <br />raartgagee. <br />Slgned this..... -!;~t?`1 .... of .....-va<`tiJuC'Y. _.. __ .....-., -..-, ifl _?~...,..........- <br />r., ___..____ ~rlEf++l FK;I~`+ TPY"_ , a }~firaclra ~-n-,~,,,.~vv>rar~r.;? <br />... .......~,... Yi.. ...... ~, ~, .... ....... .. <br />_ s <br />:..~~n_„~ ,{4th'.-:X.t 's.-"^...._..,,'\..- '.'u;. ......... .~', ate. <br />/ . <br />Aefore too, a notaes° pnhiic ttuatified foe° said eaunty, personally came <br />_ ~_oititt to ass to d?o 'iia idcr:ierai persran or persnn3 w;~o siimeti the forcgoini; instrument and acknaavlodted the taxeeutinn thore- <br />-. - - ai sG c~--~Eae i£+2'~-A£ xfr -~ a...3 c:'3-p.{ a... :tc .. <br />t~itcsess my hand and rwtarial seal on . .. ..... .. . .. .._.......... ... ......... ....... .., }tt}..... . <br />_:ffi`} oiansauisaion-tract-::..,..,: - ....,:.:_:. ,~3..,_.. ..... .. ... .. .. _...........,. ......,... ..............,...iatarg Pub}fc~.. <br />-. <br />~~~~~ ~~ -----_. ., --. .__ -... --- Pr,r..r.e,a ~P nom -;ra'- ;xid.,x Td f,t.,=~ rer ~;~or=t <br />__, _ , <br />ss. <br />E~aunsy # in the Re-gist2r of }lceds Qfttce of satd County the <br />flay af. .......... ...... Ip..-......, at.... ... _........ _..a'clcrek, anct..._ . mir:ut_s ?ti., <br />- ,~:.» .,.,.ar~,t. in' ~?r.:.k...... of ,.... ~ ....._ . _. ........... <br />.... . .......... ...... a.. p°.g°. . <br />..-_ - - ~`-- ..................~--~---•---------_...__.___...._.._..__._. .......lice. of heeds <br /> <br />