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E c% ~'~G <br />'Fx€s ?~¢~'1`fiiAGE; made-and exeeut~d thas ~ day of ~` j , ~, D, i~ , <br />k~yaradbet~seen 13airid L. Nichcils anil Liiscia If. hchola, husband- sad wife, jointly and <br />each in their awn rzglxt; <br />of the l;aunty of Hall ,and Mate of Nebraska, hereinafter called tie Ikfurtgagmr, sad <br />F2NST F~DI;RAT. S6,GS AdTD L©Ald ASSQCIAPTO2J QF. LINC©LN , <br />a corporation arganiied and existing under the lava of The t7nited States of America <br />l~€"~?i7c'S~its:r ~11r~ tE4V R4~~ff~ <br />Wa~Nkss~rx. that Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the-sum of F4ATY SEAS THDDFtSAtklk -AND <br />NQfIi3~,3------.~._.______°--------------- Botiars (~~7,©O~:UC! ?, Paid by MortgaSee: tlxe tlpt tsf <br />~•hieh is hereby acknor~>ledged, has Granted and So3ii and by these Presents does Grit, ~srgain, mil, <br />Assign, Crsnvey and Cotrfirm unto the Biortgageo, its successors and assigns, forever, t3-a fo#ka~eftig <br />described pr4Perty, situated in the Caunty of Flail ,and State of l~Tebraska, t4 wit: <br />SeCGtld <br />T Rb -rt4~a Y...~..'t Y^}~ A.......~..L.i3.~t ~.f.sw _ t2.a,7 ] f+...... «.~..- llel.-a-L a. - -.. <br />tiP tk-e Sixth Frinel~,k ldias, eonta{aing in all Gitp Property , <br />tcgatl-~er the >a~~u~~cea thr.retu h+-leii s~11 ~xtu~`es n~c' ar tsareafter atke~k th~s~ta ar <br />used in cnnr~z~-`-_iar.:: iih the ~remiaae herein e~rit ~gu2"lt!` ~ddititnt t~tet+eta the follo~vi-descri8€~d <br />± hovuehold sppliarces, which are. and ahaL' be delete ~ fixtures Intl' a part of -the realty, and- are a <br />~~icsrtidi~ of the security tar t#ie indebtedness he~irizaxitt~ttAet3:. <br />- - =°-~. <br />~- Y ~__ <br />