<br />» _
<br />{fj) `I'o use rite lr~n eviderr~`ed by the rite soles} for purposes auiitotiaed by the Government.
<br />{7} 'jo pay when oue all taxes, liens, judgments, etrumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against the gragetty, including all =barges and assessments is connection wEYh water, water rights, and ava#er stock
<br />pertaining to or reasooably necessary to the use of the Teal property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this modgage or tfxe note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the sate ar of
<br />said Endebtedness under the laws of E+ielrraska, and promptly deliver 20 the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />such gagmen#s.
<br />(8} To keep the progeny insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at izs
<br />request, ttr~livea sir-policies to zlxe Government.
<br />{9} To t ' to xMpi`avements in good repair a»d make repairs required by the Government; operate the property in a peal
<br />and husbaatl->arenner; comply with such Earm conservation prectices and farm and home management plans as the
<br />Governtaen!`~ "trl time may prescribe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or impair-
<br />ment o{ the securrty covered hereby, or, without the written consent a€ the Government, cut remove, or lease any timber,
<br />gravel, all, gas, Baal, ar ether minerals except ss may be necessary for ordinary domestic purprrAS.
<br />{I4} To comply with all laws, :ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />{il} To pay ar rr:i:rrhurse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the IEen
<br />and ptioeity heeeoE and to the enEarces~rt of or tEre compliance with the provisions hereof and aF the note nerd any supple-
<br />mentaty agreement {whether 6etore or after dersult}, including but aot limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the ptapeaty, vests of recording this and otlret instruments, attorneys' Eves, trastees' tees, court casts, and expenses of
<br />advertising, selling, and conveying t% pepr_sty.
<br />fig} ~eeiti!er the grcperty .or say portion ii+ar~ or int°r°sY ttretein shsii ire leased, sssigned, sold: transE~r;:d. ar encum-
<br />bered, voluntarily rx ottrerwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sale and
<br />erreiusiva tights as mxrtgagee hereunder, including but not limited to the power to grant consents, partial releases, subotdina-
<br />tisuxs, sn3 satisfaction, sad r!e muted hald~; shall have any- right, 4EEle to interest in or to the lira or a°y lrere€its hereof.
<br />{13} #t all reasonable times the Government attd its agents may inspect the propery to ascertain whether the covenants
<br />anti agreements cattiained herein nt in ary suppleasentary agreement era being performed.
<br />(14) Tire C;avarnrrtent may extend and dotes the maturity of attd renew and reamartiae tiro debt evidenced b the mote
<br />or any Ertdetrtednecc to the Govemrnem secured hereby, release Pram liability to Ehe Government any party so liable thereon,
<br />release ~~riions of the property [tom and suiaordinate the lien hereof, and waive arty other rights heerurtder, without affecting
<br />rite lieu txr priority hereof or rho liability to the Govenimeni of Borrower ur any otter party fire payment of the note nr in-
<br />1~tcdne~ sesui2d hereby e mgt as specified by ~ihr: Gtxss:rntrr~nt in wetting.
<br />{la} ff at any time rt shall appear to the Government that Borrower may he able to obtain a i can from a prwfueYion credit
<br />associstian, a .Faders} land hank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasuriatrSa rates and terms
<br />far loans Enr similar purptxxes and periods of time, Borrower will, apart the Gavecnment's request, apply for and accept such
<br />loan in sufficient amount to pay the sole and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay for any stack neceswrrv to ba
<br />glrtcire is a cs;opatativs lending agartcy in cannectitxr with such lean.
<br />~tbF Rauh ~rr.~xader shall constitute di~auit antler any ether r$af estate, ar trader any gersanal gtaperty at a€her,
<br />utity instrurrrast held or itxsured ley tlaz Govetnuteat nerd et€ecated ar rsaaa by ~xrower, and du:r.t u~.der snv smolt
<br />,~~: ,_~___°~irss iaa~en: st,~it =o~zitat= ~fatfk ~~
<br />ii f 3iSLJift.3l >: PSGr T O Cl3 1{i the )iGFf;FIri3r}CC (rr Ql~i;.~1 QC ill ~r1Y C01~_-3LIiJII 1II '. Sl l~ IIS~Fr;1IPP;E{ GT 5u~iSrZiS Ls q' {~;3
<br />•;a~er:;~::#: e>; ~~ex s ~:rJ a.._ s tie r -riR .atx~€~ 5 v s~c~er ti~ ~_ b x fxi~il a „_:i:~~:_. a ~x...~:,:~i. ::; 3l?
<br />d~~t ~ .~ .. ~ -t•7 - R_ ~ _ .. z~~!- ~ s e4a' _ - - ~ ~ F _ - - ~ t =_._.._T
<br />~ue ears paya6it, (h1 t!rr the accnuat o€ f3arrawer incur anrf pry rersonairie expenses for re~+air rx rnairttenaacr cf anti tske
<br />pittt~ssion at, operate ur rent rho pta{~rry, (c3 upon application ray it and pnxlnction of this irrxrrument, wirirauz otixer
<br />evidence and without notice of heaein of said application, have a receiver apga:nted for the pragrxzy, with {he aeons pt~cvers
<br />lit receivers in like cases, td} fareclase t~ia instrument as prawided herein or 6y taw, and (e) enforce env asr+.l ail otfrer rights
<br />and rertsedies prxavided harem ar by pro~nt or future law.
<br />{ll!} The €rrocerds of iareciasuxe xaEa slctll tx applied in the fallowing order to rite paymenr uf; :, a~ iostis end a^xpcn+rn
<br />sacs vrxt to !•,n arcing ar €uru{~slytttg with cite previsions hcrraf, tbj any prior !soles required l:y taw or i cuxnpc t; rst :Dort to
<br />Ele ,o pair!, ~ci the tiebz cridenccd b} txr t1vsC aril all indaix:~daess to the C:averntntrx cxtxed l;~xcts;, x 1 t tier .seas
<br />of r~atd rci~uiseil by law ut a °r~utgctcnz trrstrt tip be si3 p~td, (t.} at the C;€lrernmertt s upziar,, .iny ~.tthrtr :rr,J~!±tredr~as
<br />of Atrrowar owial~ t~+ err insured by the t;,uvernxtrcnt, azttl (E) any hxlaux:+e to $orruwcr. At Evr~t:losurr. yr orirrz- sale
<br />of ail or any poet of the property, the t;avexnmerrt ar3d its a~,rues rung bid ani# purchase as a stranger nerd nx,rv l,aa zEre i:t,vetm
<br />nxerrt's share of the purchase l.ru.e b credirtrtg such amrrunr orx any debts of Auirsrwsr uwint; to ut ansiasad l,k. .Sec
<br />t:=lverarrrartt; irx the ~ddr`r pta~ril~d xF,=.v~.
<br />(l`?} rrrrs~r alr~.:r first ifte Girvarn{re=nt :sill nut txs txutntd fly any present err tutor; Sritrir' saw, ra_ tr=€ri.it»y, fttt
<br />valuatirrtr. apjrraisai, bunsdstead ur rxa•mpticrrr of the peogarty, {h} grofribitirtg trtatntersan4>= of ad actix3tt fi?r a r~'fsr~nr~r
<br />jutigtraadt ur timltlAg the amount thereof ox the tlrrx within whi+:ft sur:h action mtrat lee brought, [~} preseribirrt~ arty other
<br />acetate raC ifrttitatlona, ~~? allowing ady right trE re~ttnption ire poxtcssirtn fallowing ady fiueclsasute aa, ctr {e) iirnlt the
<br />c-i~;c t-- -wr;t-.a- r~-.,.rtt~-fit - - -- €r , _ T mil i{t5-_.- . ° _~ . _° __ _ _ _ = -_
<br />rtlag y roses` pc+t.,~, irxctlig ttx~ #ixtG-r+=sr rat+» tt zzay ~, as a ~sutrara r
<br />- _ r '~ _ - ~, ,t£ w~ivr'-f rat~t <xf arxxr ssxt-h .xr»ra raur,€_
<br />as~t~ a taanitat air-tom ~scer'tx let a w igrzswae_ Brrawar asrs'ra v __ t!±p t__e ~ ..^., .m__. -r___ ,_.
<br />BCxrrawat Iteteby relitt~edahey, waives, and conveys ail rights, idcht~,tte txr consumrdate, cif descent. dsiwar, nerd kurtety.
<br />