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- ' <br />R.. <br />~~~ ~i„~'f'~~.~~ ~raa; other ........ . .... 1Tt:...........dayof ......~a:'!=~.,..i ..... . <br />=~ rNc D ~cl- i ~,~, <br />:.~.. ~ 2tft~~vfo~t _.?~.~~°_v ~~ ki r~r~.... a t.c.,~ wiY., <br />t n h t S ~n;t a . ,~~ ~r+u ~s therein "t3ot•wer"}, ~d e hio borne F'atieral <br />nt"i75~'="~~" ` ;5=* o~.nH~ ............. Aga. <br />- v:n~s end ~a F,.asoccutfson, a cortsoratio, o*ganized and existirs~ ursder tr.~, leers of The ?trwt~d States of <br />A~~•terics, vshcrrao addraa~ is ~~1 Saath I,o~vp~ Stx^ae+, ra Isiand, ~TebtIca lhereia "Lender"). <br />Wx~-resas, Firirr€rv~er is indebted to Z.ender in the principal_ sum of. ~~ `~~P1?`(.~JNE. Ti-t(2USfVV~. S.IX .Hl#2'i1RED <br />AND PdU~I CtD_______________°-°--.._________-I)ollar•, whioh indeb±ednr~s is ex~id~n;.ed by I3aaraw€r's Hate <br />dates... , ~ia~,ae-y. ~,, ~ 97R.. , . _ . {herein "i~+ote' j, providing far ma*=lhiy installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payab`se an...F6bf ;tdry..! , .2CGd......... . <br />T'45E~ISRE to Lr=nder {a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Dote, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all. other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Pvfortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of $csrrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of aay future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereo£ {herein <br />"Futttre tRdvances"), Borrower does taere~ALmtOrtgage, grant and convey to Lender the #oltowing described property <br />+ Located in the t3' of ................. . ......................... £tate of :Vebr2aka: <br />LCT Elcf•iT (~), IPi 8!:~K FINE 451, #N SLADST.~IE RLACE, Atd A+::L1fTl{~I TCl Tl-iE GITY OF <br />GRAND 1 SLA.ND, HALL G~JL1hlTY, N~SRASiC,4. <br />. which has th+e addr~ o#..... , ... , ~ l ~ ,South, Curtis , street . . ... . .. :, <br />- - t&tr.,~t tfrdtlrl <br />~'z~s~~ Atli rt~n••PEo~:ty ~.:"~' <br />t~ta~ a~ Zip CndP).t <br />'~c~1~7'-t+rt4 veith_ tom- i~rnaa•aves~n~ tts~~ cte- ~~r art.= ~ the, p~racty= -and- a_li ,• right=- <br />apptirtenanc~.:~nes, rgyittt~s, rrtiaerat, aiS atmt,> ri'and pra@ta, vvatmr. ws¢ter rights, and water stock, and at! <br />fixtures reru ur here.ri~r ati#cUed w ine prrrpa;tY, ~iYof ~l~#is ittit~iu~ titms udditirrns th~r~ta, slt~ ri' I~ <br />c3ci•:i~7ca; i.3 Ffi ~;it# rerrrair. a pace of the pre5petty ca~rect by this 2~c~rtgage; ~i# ate tsf the-Yoreguing, tt}gettter urith said <br />pro,~erty {or the leasehold estate if this I<9ortgage i~ on a lt'c~d~ sre tttrein ref~rrCd to a5 fete °Irraperty". <br />Fu,rr{,wry tx?v{~tt~nt5 tkrt }3grrowef is lawfttl'y seised o~tt~ etn hey 4cay~d ri~tt to tIIOrtg, <br />grant and convEp fire l=r,~;:rrr; tiL2t th~. ~~rolx;rt}• is uncnctit~ ~r wilt warren?' and defend <br />. ~a,'; ~ ~I:e titer to ~;~, n;u~:_.y r,Wa;;rst al[ ~#ui:r,i: ~nui tierrands. ststi~~ri t€s-any r3e~~tiotts, easeuitnts yr restrictions <br />te~+rti in a set+adute s€ sxcc:ntians %a coveraee in a++v tide ir.sarattt.`c ~icv irtsurirta C.ettder's interest in the Prooertv. <br />`~.-.1 to 4 i8mity---~I75--t'N~1i iHF t'riiff08Nt llF3i~ilME#1' <br />