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~"" <br />SWORT FORM Loan NUmber___40o5i---_' 1 - 50 <br />PROPERTY TMPROVEMEf+TT -°~:•~~-----~° <br />FO1RS~ No. 271 lRev. 11~77- #,~ ( ® /® (~ a (~'~~j <br />~? ~ ~ ~ r~'~`~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~3 [~. 'ii 16.0 <br />7~-- ~g ~ ~ ~~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESii PRESENTS <br />Jack A. Afatthews and Nancy D. Matthews, husband and wife, aointly_-and_each_in <br />their oA~n right, <br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the sum of--.-7:4+.'~?i'~X-.~'k[4tiS~,*iR.-SS.X..F.IT,Sii1&ED_EIG33.TY <br />------z.1.f~iiT.-.AAi~...i'J./.1.OQ-.---.---------------.---- =_--------„-.s.~,,.,.,....,......~.._..._e,.._.. .~.._..__ <br />($ 20, 688.01 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY as absolute title, iacludiiig all the rights of homestead and inheaitaace, Ilnta FIfLST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AIv'D LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereinafter called <br />1:3ortgagee, its successors an3 assigns, the following described real estate, situated;ti.J,.-........._._... <br />Co+uaity, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />tot Five (5) in Block Sever. (7) in John Voitle`s Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />TO HAVE ANA TO HOLD the rea! Mate above leech"bed, with all appurtenaac~ thereunto <br />beloagiag unto the said Mortgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the express con- <br />dition that if the aforesaid Mortgagors, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay ar cause <br />to be paid tc> the said l4iortgagee, ib successors or assigns, the principal sum hereiaabove set. forth, all <br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors .*ing even eta with <br />this mortgage, sad shat pay taxes sad assessmDn's levied u n said real estate, and iii other tales, levies <br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage,or the hate which this mortgage is gives to secure, before the <br />same or any instalL*nent thereof becomes ueiinquant, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to reasaiII <br />in full farce. <br />Ii IS ru'RT;-x~:R AGR;;;JD (1} Teat if the said ~Sartgagar shah fall #o pay each taa~, the <br />Riortgagea may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall w paid by said Mortgagors, <br />sad this mortgage shall stand as secun'ty for the same. (2} That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee <br />that they are wfuIly seized of said real ~#ate and covanaat to warrant and defend the said z~i estate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (3} That in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be ent;tled to take ppoossession of the premises, protect the same ans~ <br />crsilect the rents, issues and profits ther~f. (4} That a failnm to pay any of said money or any install- <br />ment thereof when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shaft cause the whole sum of money herein secured. to become duo and rmilectibie at once at the optaon of <br />the Mortgagee. <br />.- <br /> of--°..-- --~.,....c.?-,:Ct~%~ =<-r.~ .- _ <br />Signal this- .." _ ..----• ................•---------- -- - •------• <br />-, ~, s_ <br />- -1 <br />., - <br />--., <br />e ~-1-r, ; _ ~ ., 3,ack A Afatthews <br />~,PA,~ OT^ NEBiiA3K~ } ' r Nancy D. Afatthews <br />.. - f~ <br />~> ±I _rs:>`r~t~2~ 19.~~ before me, the andezsigned, a Notary Public, in az~ for <br />t]n tbis _.~...-...... dsy of .t-~t r--~ <br />.~~ ~J <br />said C'.oaaty, parsonaIIy came ...._.Sack_A. _lia-t..~tt? ~il~-.1X a2- Afatthews....hushand...aAr~f...LT; FP_ <br />itersona3iy known to me tm be the identical persons wboee na»zes are atSzed to the above and foregoing instrument, an <br />morEgagore. and each ackaowiedged said inaftamen# to T,e his or Tier soTantary act and deed. <br />Grand island, Nebraska <br />~trsem my hand and zxi"__m, neat at..._ ................_.-._.--°-_...._........_._...---_.-..-_ <br />the date last above written. <br />SatEllAl'-dH! d Bnornrt <br />_ CONHtE S. BALES <br />NY}: canrrrxississn eaPires._...:.:..F -MUfemm.-F.~.-Oa..i.i. ~~a,? <br />