<br />eat extend or post}wtte rho due date oz tic- ~-a.ni,:r ~ , . ,.s~ :;, ~ ..,•.} to sr }>.>. ,fires ;~_ ] and '2 'st -of a°
<br />change the arnount of such in tallnsetas.
<br />lJ. Bczravrer 11ot Relaassd. l>taensiou of thr rma• for ;,a.':ncn*, or :no,titication u,' autartiration of the suns
<br />xcured h;• this \Iort6age granted by` 1•erricr to sn} >tu rt;s;or in inure>t u[ &srra:rcr ..=~ha11 not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, the liabilih• of rise original iSorratrc•r anti 33arru~r~•rs surrrssor, ir; interest. Lr,nder shall eat he
<br />required to eamtnert,+a proceedings again-=t sr:c•]; .uece.asor or rt•iu~,• to es<trnd rinse rir }~a_vment~ or otherwise modify.
<br />,ntort.i~ation ai the. suns securers l,c ti:i= Mm-igage l,c rcasuz~ o= ~n}~ densand made h}- thr_ original Borrower s€nd
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. ForL~azanee by Lender Not a Waiver, At.c ferhearance by Lertler hs exercising any right or rernedp
<br />isereunder, ar otiterccise aiiorded by applicable let:, shall tzut i,e :z s~ai. er of ar prrt•iude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. Tlse procurement- of insurance or the ;~aynnert of taxes ar other liens or charges by Lender
<br />~ stall eat b<; a ;vait•er of Lender's right to aceeierate *.he maturity of *.Ite is}det;t•~dr.ess =eeured by this y:la~gage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. Ali remedies provided in this Jlorteage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />~ right or remetsy under this iortgage or niiarricd h}~ ia.v m~ :°gnit}`. and ma}- h~~ excrc°iSCe; conettrr:=ally, independ-
<br />~ entry or succe.:sively-
<br />~. l3. $uccessar and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. T'ise ro-; enants an>i agreements
<br />~ herein contained shall hind, and tde rights hereunder>isall inure ta. the re~•spectire successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Eorrower. =object to the provisions of paragry,h 1 i henof. All covenants an.I agreements of Borrower shall
<br />~ he;oint and sererai. The calrtions and iseadings n; tiu• }rtra~r:l,h: of tisis \iorigaCe are for convenience onic null
<br />C39~" are not to be used to interpret or define else provisions hercrof.
<br />~' 13. Notice. An}• notice ro Borrower provided for in titi~ ~tort,aFe shall he fit ens by massing such notice by
<br />certitied mail addressed to Borrctcer at liar Prapcrrv lddress stated hr•lutt~, except fur :usy notice required undo-r
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to i*c given to Iiarrnucv in ihr manner presrriherl by ap}tlirahie lan~ ?.ny notice provided
<br />for in this 3ortgage shall 6;- deemed to ha,c,~ into . ~ en to Borrower :ci;en eire^ m tht• ,canner designated herein.
<br />l5. 17niform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. "i iris ;ore: o; nsortgagc cornhines uniform covenants
<br />for natioaaI use and non-uni?ore; covenants trios litasited •.aruttians by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rit'2 instrument covering real property. "Phis Murtgrine shaij ix~~ ~orcrne~i bti the lair of tlu jurisdiet-ion is which
<br />the Property is located. In t:c :vent -.... r=ro:r.:rors oz ,°isuc of this ~tortga9e ar the emote conflicts with
<br />applicable taw; ~uclt conflict ;hall ^ot- :eiTr•ctt ati:er },rarisiors of ±-hi= Mortgage or the _vote which ran be given
<br />effect witlsont t1:e conflicting }srot~ision, <trxi to'i;is cnri the pro~isiers of the Mortgage and the mete are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />I&. Banawez's Copy. Borrower shad ;,e iurnishe a ~~anformed can} of this \Iertgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation: hereof.
<br />17. Transfer of the Properly: Assumption. If a!s ur env }tan of lino Property or an interest therein is said
<br />ar transferred by Borrower without Lenders prior aritten consent- excluding tat the creation of a lien or encum-
<br />brance ubordinate to the Mongsge. ! hs the rreatios ui :: }*urchase n;oney security interest for household appli-
<br />ance=. #ej a transfer by dev4e, descent w be !,l.a~rntrcu o'; i:., ul,rx: the d?nth of a joint tenant or id1 the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three years or less not contsiniur at: option to ,tnrrhase, Under may. at Lender's- option,
<br />declare all ute sums secured by this Mortgage to he ussrnediaaeh- tine at:~s l,ayable- Lender shall have waived such
<br />option. to aceeierate if, prior to the sale u: transfer. Lent;er ::r:d~ t.. ton a tchon: the Yral;erty is to be sold or
<br />transferred reacts agreement in >a-riting that rise crrdi::.af ?cost ; _rcera}:~ _..,i<farterv is Lender and that the intemst
<br />„ay1hte an rite sr~ms __curert by this Mort~~~c -lots: i. ~.. ,.. .. ra=_c :.- Le n~?e. shall request. Ii Lender has wai~:ed
<br />the option to acc€ier.:te lu-otid t in t t ara?rapi: 1; .., : Iicrrotter'~ successor i*t tnterest has executed a writ-
<br />ten assumption agreement .:ceepteci in ;vntit.z by t: •n~itr. Lcrdt•r shais reieasu Bt,rra;ver from all obligations under
<br />this ~iartgage and tFie:`roce.
<br />Ii Lender exc..*cises. =uci. option, to acceierstc. Lender si:aii ::sail Borr~t:er tsoiice of acceleration in accordance
<br />ssith paragraph lY hers-ef. ~uris natsc, assail i~roticie :; }ruriad cf not ic~s_ ±isan, 3Q ,?;:ors irosn the date the notice is
<br />rnailert v.;tl:in chit±: Barro t:. s.sc }- y t.e s ;et ~~ c~ .s_ Ii Borrmccr tart< to .--.tt <nch mums prior to the
<br />t•xpiratiar: of suds perm. I ender !nsy~_ ~•.---~+;~t tunKlsrr uoti~-t~ o. tsesuanu on Borronrr. inca'ae any remedies per-
<br />rnitted isy paragraph 18lsereoi.
<br />acs-I~xsirsty's t`uvFSas;-. B„rrc,u~cr anr3 Letsdc•r nett±hc~r covottunt and a~'ree €ts follotrs
<br />18. Acceleration; Remedies. I-aoc;u :> }troi~i~lc;i m ; .. t~r:aiu: 17 su=reof, upon Borrower= bread? of any
<br />covenant or agreement o; f3orra:vur ::, ....~ Aitartaag~~. i:.t^rtiinaa the earerant> to sat trhen nee any' sums secured
<br />fix tins ~ orig~e, Ler<rc, ;,riot ' ~ e. c r t~: -tit -- c I Deco to Bo solve 9rtded in ni a~ its 1~ stereo!
<br />1
<br />,?e,ritv:n,,: c I i t to c. r'ari: - r. t c t tc t~ , ~ ut'-. ~, cat~~- -,fit date :ot lea _ .l..tn ,bitty days
<br />a .
<br />:run: ttte date the no.ite i< .sv,i!t ...: l,o...,,n : ~ ~ .,~ic~ ;-l.~k,:c`n t u Y ntj~y.tt~,~rd ;4, t; at fx.iurc to rt:re
<br />such breach on err before the ratr sr,c~t•~nect is: ,.~ natter a a1• :esutt tn-:.tecde.. *,iafl-~f the wens eeured by ruin
<br />llort.gage and gale of the Prspertc_ Ii tLe i.rracis•~:~ rot our~d or- or before the data speciftetl in the notice, Lender
<br />;•~~t~
<br />at Lender's opfien mac- dcroar<- a.i of t:e ~ ,.. - secut2•u `r,r this Mnrtga,,~ to be sect=~tiarely due and pscab3e
<br />without further demand anti ruay foreclose ti;s~ ~lott;:at;~• by ;ttdiesai proceeding. Lender shall he untitled to coiled
<br />in -lath precexiing ail exoeascr a+,' Eareciu=art°. inr':u-sing. f,ut not ti;nited ta. cost= of dorumenttary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title: reports.
<br />19. Boare>wer's Rigltt to Reinstate. \otwithstandin Lt•ntirr:< acreleratian of the runts secured br this
<br />?tortgage, Borrower shall hay°e ti;e right t,o tase-e any- }~roceee9in>rs i,egun in- Lender to enforce this Jortgage dis-
<br />continued at any time prior to entry of ; icdgtnunt enfoYcin~ >,hisllortasge if: +ai Borrower rays Lender aIi
<br />sums which wotiTd be then ,Ice under this. slot*gage. the date :tree! notes secsarin,, Future Advances; ii anc, had no
<br />aeceieration occurred: +,b) Borrower cures ail bruache~ of :n~ other rovemtms or agreements of Borrower con-
<br />tained in this Zortgage; (el Borrower pays ail reasonahic _•~:t.•nsts incurred by I ~~rder in enforcing the covenants
<br />and agreements of Borrower contained in this \lort~ap;e anc{ in enfarrin~ Lendcr'~ remedies ::s ltro~i<sed in para-
<br />graph IS hereof, including, but not limited ta, reasonahlr :ttto,•z.er's fet-s: and ed) Borrower takes such action as
<br />Lender map rea€:>nabiv rewire to :ssurr that else. tier: of tisis 3Io-rieage. Lender": interest in the Property and
<br />Borrower's obligation t.a l;ay the sums secured by thi.= \Iar7gat;c slraii contsnue unvupaimd. Upon such payment
<br />and cure by Borrower, this :~'Iortgage and the obligations secured hereby sisal! remain in full force and effect as if
<br />na acceleration had oecurr€d.
<br />Zf3. A~?ignmegxt of fienfs: Appointment of Receiver; Leader Sn Possession. A_. additional security here-
<br />under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Propertv. provitieci that Borrower shall, prior to acceler-
<br />_ scion under paragraph IS hereof or abandonment of the Frapertp. have the s-igitt to roflect and t•etain suds rents
<br />as they became due and capable.
<br />Upon aeceiesation under paragraph 18 hereof m• abandonment of the YropetYC. Lender. in person, by agent
<br />or by judicially appointed receiver shalt he entitled to inter upon, take possession of anc{ manage the Property
<br />and to collect the rents of the Property. inciudirtg those past dtie. Ait rents collected in• Lender or rise receiver
<br />shall be applied frrsL to payeneni. of the costs of managen:ez:t of the Prapert~.• and ruilectien of rents. inciaciinK, but
<br />not limited to, receiver's fees, premituns on receiver's Ixsnds and reasonable attorney's iees~_ and then to the scone
<br />secured by this i4ortgsge. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to arcoant cult for those rent,. urntnlh~ received.
<br />